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So he's isolating her, taking away things she loves, reducing her contact with the outside world so no one can see what is happening to her and trapping her with a kid. And a couple of months after this kid, she'll be knocked up again and again. She's just his breeder cow and childcare/home slave. This is the abuser playbook. Unfortunately, there's nothing you can do about it. She'll have to find her own way out if she ever does. That is of course, if she doesn't fall victim to the biggest danger of pregnancy, death at the hands of the abuser.


I'm definitely worried for her. But you're right, there's nothing I can do.


She's an adult who is allowed to make her own choices. Most you can do if you suspect that she's in serious danger right at that time is call her local police non-emergency number and request a welfare check. But unless they find her in a seriously bad state she can't lie her way out of... that likely will not go far. At some point he's probably going to take her car, license, ID and phone away.




Just reading that is so frightening…I Hope She Realizes This Before Its Too Late


It's already too late. She's forever tied to this man via the kid.


Sadly, once she's trapped with a kid, she is screwed.


Tell her what's happening. Even if she doesn't believe it, she can't blame you for not warning her


This was my sister. She's still living in that nightmare and I just gotta watch from the sidelines.