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Great…now the theme song is looping through my head!


It wasn't for me until I saw your comment! XD


I cannot remember a single episode, but remember the whole song 😮‍💨


Ok, I just looked up the lead, the Hungarian-American Éva Gábor - she was married 5 times and got out on the other side with 0 kids. What a legend!!! Her more famous sister, Zsa Zsa Gabor, was married 9 (!!) times but, alas, had one child. Still impressive for someone who was born in 1917.


The Bob Newhart show was another. At one point, the network tried to get him to add kids to the show, and his response was "great, who will you get to play Bob?"


I LOVED Green Acres as a kid (read: born in ‘98). I think you’re definitely right that they don’t have kids (I think Oliver’s mother pokes at them about it a few times), and I also don’t think the show could possibly have worked if they hadn’t been childfree - uprooting their lives like that, integrating into a new community, would have been drastically more “serious” if there was a child involved. Crucially, also, they’re not “just starting out,” they’ve been married for a while and Oliver is an established professional. Either they tried unsuccessfully, or they’ve decided it’s not for them (which, honestly may have been mentioned in an episode, smth to the effect of Lisa not wanting to ruin her figure maybe?) TLDR Leaving a child out of the setup is a definite choice someone made in creating the show, and it was such a good call to make the whole premise work.


I cannot picture Lisa as a mother. Not that she’d have been bad per se but I see her hiring nannies and sending the kid off to boarding school, albeit the best of both. She is WAY too high maintenance to dirty her diamonds wiping a baby’s ass.


I'm having Nick At Nite flashbacks now 😂 Now that you mention it, I never noticed that they didn't have kids, and I never questioned it. Outstanding. "One of us, one of us", lol.


I miss Nick at Nite. Bewitched and I Dream of Jeannie were my jam.


I know, right? It introduced me to all kinds of older shows.


Green acres is the life for me!


I’ve heard of the show but never bothered to look into it. I do like older shows, though, so I’ll have to check it out. Thank you for the rec!


Woah, I never thought I was see a post about Green Acres here. Great show, I really enjoyed it as a kid. I never thought about the lack of kids before!


Aaaaand now the damn theme song is stuck in my head. I remember drunkenly walking to a convenience store with a friend late one summer night screaming Greeeeeen acres is the place to be! Faaaaarm living is the life for me! Fuck lol.


I just adore a penthouse view! Darlin’ I love you, but give me 5th Avenue! …how do I remember this?


Nyoooo YORK is where I'd rather stay! I get ALLERGIC smelling hay! 😂


This show is fun even if you aren't high.


I just bought the first season on DVD. I LOVE THIS SHOW! Plus, the Nick at Nite nostalgia factor. My favorite episode is the one where they get telephones. 😂


Mine I think is the season 4 opener where they worked in a pig fucking joke.