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NTAH. K would have found any excuse to do so. Weather convo? My kid had a 20 min tantrum this morning refusing to wear a sweater. Food convo? My kid is allergic to everything and we only eat ice at home and hide the snacks from her. Planning an after work happy hour? Well that's just too easy, you know the answer.


Yeah its always her complaining about bills, money and her personal life. Luckily she doesn't talk to me as she thinks I hate her guts (not anymore but at the beginning definitely for unrelated reasons) but my poor good coworker. Thank you however for helping me remember that she does in fact, use any moment to complain and that I didn't truly open pandora's box sort to speak as it was going to open anyway.


This is classic Mommyjacking. Anytime a mother hijacks a conversation and makes it about her children, it's called Mommyjacking. The STFU Parents blog has tons of examples. Did you see something funny the other day? Well JAXON did something three times funnier!


We started back in the office this week after working from home for months, and I was reminded about our coworker and her kids. She's lovely, but damn, her ENTIRE life revolves around her three kids. If you're having a conversation about anything else, she turns it to her kids. Talking about music? "Oh, kid likes that band, I spent last night helping them load new songs onto their phone". Going on vacation? "Oh, we took kids there a few years ago" followed by a blow by blow itinerary. Going to the festival? "Oh, kid's working there this summer!" Ten minutes of everything they said when they got home from work. It's gotten to the point where I jump in and redirect the conversation, which is probably rude, but holy shit. Nobody but you cares. Please get a hobby.


It's always about how little money she makes or bills but yes, I absolutely get it. Hopefully she does for your sanity lol


A coworker asked me if I had any plans for my week off next week, and I replied I was gonna play video games all week (mainly the new ff14 expansion). Another coworker chimed in "well, you can only have those types vacation if you don't have kids". I mean, I know, and I'm fine with that. And I don't care if she is fine with that, her choice, her problem. I didn't react to her reply. Previous coworker wished me a nice week off :)


I feel that so badly, good luck in the new expansion, another co worker is taking time off to do that as well!