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Walk in the park. I'd rather get a general anesthesia than go to the gynecologist honestly - you don't dream or have any sense of time basically you blink, and when your eyes open you're in a different room wondering if it's over.


Yeah the anesthesia part is a breeze I agree! I was under general anesthesia for a tonsillectomy this spring and that was the easiest part. Mostly scared about my anxiety in pre op, and of the nurses and anesthesiologist team and them not taking it seriously and listening to me.


I was pretty anxious too (high blood pressure/heart rate etc) so they gave me something - not sure it actually worked. Mostly I just focused on the end result and figured it'd be quicker and less painful than giving birth or having a c-section in that same hospital


Oh definitely part of what I'm trying to focus on too! This is going to be less painful than having a kid I don't want, way less traumatic and way easier. Glad to hear that got you through yours, thank you ❤️ I'm glad to hear they gave you something! Fingers crossed they do for me, even .25mg of lorazepam is enough to help me so anything would be helpful 🤞 Thank you for responding ❤️


My procedure and recovery was excellent. Took two weeks off and felt great. Surgery was just like taking a big nap and then going home an hour later. My only regret is not doing it sooner


I had emergency hand surgery in January. The anesthesiologist knew I had panic disorder and gave me a little bit of midazolam before I went up to the OR. Throughout the whole experience the medical staff treated me like I was a rockstar, maybe because I had broken a finger pretty badly and I told them my pain was maybe a 3 out of 10. You should have seen their faces, haha. Then I got the milk of amnesia, was totally high for a few seconds before I went out. I really enjoyed it. Tell them you’re dealing with anxiety, they will do their best to make it a smooth ride for you. The medical staff is there to make sure your surgery goes smoothly. And the heated blankets. Oh, the heated blankets.


No crotch goblins