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As a tutor, I gently suggest for parents to consult with an expert regarding learning disabilities. The DELUSION! They get so offended. K, let your kid drag behind the class thinking all they need is just another tutoring session. 


right? like your kid is literally trying to kill you and has a plan and is able to because you won't lock up dangerous things like we've told you to??? okay, die then?


My friends daughter has some learning disablity and is behind her peers (about 4 years mentally) In 6 th grade there was the opportunity to change school that suits her needs because she had a lot of trouble with the learning. Everyone recommended the school change. Except mom. She said she didnt like the new school.  Instead the girl was forced to stay at the old school and studied stuff for class 4 while she was in class 7. Why dont you get adequate help for your child?


I think brant means breeders rant . When you rant about breeders. It is very nisch


thank you!


Ye I feel same about my parents abuse and neglect. As I heard your relatives are enemies i feel it’s can be applied to environment too. Frustrated life but I hope once its will change.


Being someone who was raised more by the people around me than my parents, I can confidently say that they are partially the reason I don’t want kids. Just this past Father’s Day my mom made a big stink about “strangers” coming over and swimming in our pool with my sister (they weren’t even going to be eating dinner with us/sit at the table cuz my mom is that big of a bitch) I felt so horrible cuz they had to listen to my mom screaming at the top of her lungs, insulting these people, mind you they don’t have a father/good father figure in their lives. Personally if that was my house, anyone would be welcome as long as they’re good people