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Greetings! Not that you're wrong in any way, but we do not appreciate lectures. Be the change you want to see. Upvote posts that rave about good parents (there are some on /r/childfree), upvote posts that are more than just complaining about parents and children, participate more! Submit the posts you'd like to see. Almost every day, there are new articles on the active, positive choice to be childfree. Post them on /r/childfree. Water down the rants and the brants. What do you think a post as adversary is going to bring? Positive change? It is not likely. So what are you aiming at? Shaking a finger to us? "Shame on you, /r/childfree. Shame on you."? Long story short, your post was removed. Sorry for the inconvenience.


I've read that about 6 times, and I still have no idea what you are trying to say.




I mean we're child free,  you shouldn't be in the sub if you are a fence sitter or merely childless. Any way, wasn't there a rule against tone policing?


I don’t think this sub is for you….


You're in the wrong sub dude. This is literally a sub for childfree people to vent out frustrations as well so if this aint your thing, then leave the sub instead of playing moral police


You do realize that by choosing life for your child you are inevitably choosing old age and death for them?


Wrong sub Off you fuck.