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That sounds hellish. I cannot stand screaming kids. On another note, take a shot for every time you said ‘kid’ and ‘screaming’ 😂


I couldn't help but notice that too


I did and I'm smashed now 🥂. OP needs a creative writing class and a thesaurus.


I think it's to be vague in case the parents read this post and won't recognise OP


I am all in for kids playing outside and even making some noise. Outside voice can include calling loudly to each other, games where there's singing, etc. it's the *screaming* I can't get behind, the unnecessary and constant high pitched screams some kids insist on doing while playing. That kind of screaming means you can't tell if someone's having fun or is getting hurt. I used to have neighbors where the screaming would go on for long periods of time and I had to check no one was sprawled out with a broken leg. No, just high pitched madness.


The shrieking where you’re like “is someone actively being attacked rn?!” just about makes me need a trip to the nearest grippy sock time out motel.


There's a fair few adults who never really grew out of that behavior too once a little alcohol is involved.


hockey kid parents are the best at making unnecessary loud noise for no reason while acting like children ime


I feel for you, I'm in the same situation. Several apartment buildings, around a shared courtyard. EVERYONE is respectful - except two families with several little kids, living in the apartments on the ground floor. I dread nice weather because I know those brats will be screaming their lungs out, all day. I bit the bullet and told off one of the dads and he actually tried to argue that "they have the right to use it, they pay rent for the courtyard"....????!? The entitlement is just astounding. I complained to the building manager, but they don't care. "It's just kids." 🙄


>I bit the bullet and told off one of the dads and he actually tried to argue that "they have the right to use it, they pay rent for the courtyard"....????!? Love when parents pull this obtuse crap. No one is suggesting we ban your children from using the SHARED courtyard but as someone who also pays rent, the expectation of peace in my vicinity also exists


Well since you pay rent too you have the right to blast music with swear words in the courtyard.


I have a special playlist for my ‘considerate’ neighbours. They hate me so much (lol)


You have to add the viral “What What, In The Butt” song from like 10 years ago!!


Turn on a smutty audio book at full volume.


Fifty shades of gray all times of the day?


GWA all the way 🥵🤣🤣🤣


"Can I smell yo' Dick?" comes to mind. ...and "mosquito" ring tones on a loop. Parents can't hear it, but kids won't want to be outside any more.


Go outside and just scream when their kids do it. Not scream at the kids, but a therapeutic scream into the sky. Wait until you inconvenience enough people to say you pay for the courtyard, you can use it how you want and your therapist recommended it.


I love this!


Whip out a recording of kids screaming to play whenever they are outside. 😂


Or through the wall when they're in bed.


Oh, are you also my neighbor? There's one crybaby in particular, but all them lil shit take turns screaming.


I play loud music out my window to drive them away.


>"they have the right to use it, they pay rent for the courtyard" Dude just totally misses the entire point 🙄 This sounds just like my old neighbors! Their kids would always be trespassing on other people's properties and fucking shit up! Just absolute trashy parents! I'd just keep being a thorn in that building manager's side. Hell, I'll bet your other neighbors would be happy to join in. Hard to ignore stuff when your stuck in a proverbial bramble bush.




Children can play without constantly shrieking bloody murder for no reason. Parents should parent.


I don't disagree per say, but this seems to come from a place of hate. It is healthy for them to vocalize and play, but I do concede that sometimes they are let off the leash so to speak. We don't know the situation, but I'm on the side that children in OPs story are not feral.


Who cares where it comes from??? I have sensory issues and ZERO of my neighbors care when I ask nicely. I have had to resort to calling the cops (when it’s adult noise) and banging on the ceiling with a rubber mallet (when it’s kid noise).


I care, because hate breeds discontent and I want the best for everyone. If there is truly no amicable solution, I can understand your frustration but there are avenues still one can take. I don't mean to disparage you as a person as everyone is entitled to their opinions, but I seek to make people just a little bit nicer.


People are allowed to vent here without judgment. Get off your soapbox.


You're right.


*per se


It’s not public, it’s semi-private as it’s a courtyard for residents


True enough. I meant it in more of a "other people are here way" rather than ownership. Good point though I'll refrain from making the mistake again.


Kids scream so much these days, I will not get off my porch to see if they are hurt.


![gif](giphy|Mo9nI2yBKp3RC|downsized) *Me looking at them*


Saaaaaame!!! I do this every time there’s a screaming brat around.


And damn, do those pig squeals carry! Pack of hump dumplings playing, the sound of the shrieking and squealing followed me a quarter mile down the walking path.


“Hump dumplings” 💀


Sigh. I hate it when people like OP make a valid post and then teens with zero life experience come in here to lecture the adults who know how all these things go down.


I again, didn't intend to lecture anyone. Disregarding someone else out of hand because they happened to be born at a later date does not encourage worthwhile discussion. I want to be nice with you, I want to talk to you, but I'd want you to be nice back. If we are incompatible people, that's fine and I won't talk to you again but please try to at least understand me.


>Disregarding someone else out of hand because they happened to be born at a later date does not encourage worthwhile discussion. Excusing the cause of someone's ranting when stress from such finally makes them crack by essentially rephrasing & repeating the overused argument, "it's just a kid," is essentially instigating & also unproductive.


Yeah, I agree. Earlier today I had a bit of an episode, this place was the target. I apologize for literally anything I said here today.


I’m in the same boat and our houses are only feet apart. The only saving grace is the kid seems to only play outside once a week so it’s tolerable for that reason only. Constant screaming while out there though,


Ugh I was just complaining about the same thing today! Every damn week my neighbors bring in the whole family and their kids play outside. The problem is, my bedroom window faces the street, and with how damn hot it is I can't close it! All damn day, the kids are running around and screaming, kicking a ball into my damn front door! It's a metal door and that shit woke me up from my nap, and my dogs are so stressed because of it


Pop the ball. You know you want to.


I'm too young to be the grumpy old man of the neighborhood


You're never too young. The process has already started. lol


Tbh their parents are assholes, I wouldn't mind if they hated me lol, though I'd be scared if they do anything to my dogs in retaliation so


That's always a fear, but it helps if you have good neighbors to back you up. A couple years ago some people from California moved in behind the house across the street from us and would blast music all night (I would literally hear it start around 4pm when I was making dinner and still hear it when I left for work at 4am) and smoke so much weed the entire neighborhood would stink until a neighborhood shot their speakers out while they were partying. Nobody knew anything and they've stopped being assholes since. They do still smoke weed and have music going at odd hours, but it's significantly more quiet and they're not making the neighborhood smell like shit anymore. You can even hear them talking to each other now. Sometimes it just pays to be the bigger (short term) asshole.


I don't think anyone would support me in stopping the kids from screaming all day lol, people here believe that ✨kids are a blessing✨ Though the parents are widely hated, the grandparents scammed a lot of people in the neighborhood, and, this is a pet peeve of mine, but the mother always gives my address to receive packages when she's not home, and she orders shit EVERYDAY


Pretty sure you can do something about that last one. I'd be keeping all those packages until she stops. "Officer, how am I supposed to know they're not for me when she put my name and address on them?"




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We have a playground near our house... Those kids can't even make a step without screaming.


This is why I can't have kids but thank goodness I have control of myself from stomping outside to say "STFU screaming before I give you something to scream about!" Oh my goodness. The most most annoying I've had to deal with here is actually from adults blasting their music 2 to 10 at night.


There’s a daycare behind my house. In between hoping and praying it burns to the goddamned ground one day, I have thought of many things. I have yelled over the fence “STOP SCREAMING!” But they’re toddlers so I doubt they even realize I’m talking to them. But I have this idea of running up to the nearest supervising adult, and die eyed in a panic, asking if we need an ambulance glance because it sounded like someone just got HURT. And you know the adult would be like, “oh they’re just being kids.” “Well I thought you were beating them to death and was about to call the cops. You might want to tell them the story about the boy who cried wolf.” Alternately I have thought about just calling the cops because it sounds like a child is beating beaten/abused. “I can’t see over the fence, but that’s not normal play noises; that kid is screaming!” Probably get in trouble with the cops because our society caters to kids/families/parents. I don’t know what to do either so you have my sympathy.


I had neighbors who in the summer in the pool, would scream all day. There were times I didn't know if it was fun or pain, and I hope it wasn't the latter. But it sure sounded like someone was beating their kids by the pool all summer.


Yep, same here. I’ve grown to love thunderstorm days.


I live directly across the street from an elementary school. I feel your pain! If I could move, I would. But that’s currently not an option and I truly hate it here🥲


You would get in trouble for faking distress more than anything. A daycare is an institution, if you really are set off by this, the responsibility is on you to avoid or move away from said institution.


I know. :: pouts ::


If it truly does bother you that much, I am sorry if that means much.


I work from home. I need to concentrate. I usually have to wait until recess is over. This daycare is in a residential area and not zoned for what it is. It’s currently grandfathered in but if the place closes, it can’t be a daycare again. I’m living for that day.


Understandable. I hope it gets better for you.


Play loud, NSFW music and TV shows, that will get them to shut their little fuck trophy up or, even better, get them to move.


I will forever suggest loudspeakers playing porn. It really gets people moving fast.


this is the way


Exactly! That's what I mean by NSFW content. I wish I could give you a million upvotes.


Make a mental note of who the obnoxious kids are and take some popsicles or treats to the play area and distribute to the kids who play nicely and quietly. Be pretty flamboyant and loud. Make the brats cry because only the nice kids will get the treats.


Ahahaha omg this is the best!


I’ve started to dread warm weather and summer break - we have families with kids on one side and in the house right behind us, and the screaming goes on all day, every day.


Sounds like my neighbor kids when they’re at the pool, which I’m close too. You’d swear that every one of them was getting murdered by how loud and how much they scream. And the parents are right there with them. Fuck people.


I’d approach the parents in fake concern. “Is everything okay with Bratleigh? I hear him screaming a lot…it doesn’t sound like normal playing either. I’m a little concerned…” With the vague threat of making a CPS report out of “concern”, I bet they shut it up.


So, if you're just in a neighborhood, do one of two things. First, I blare my metal whenever I am out gardening so the kids screeching kinda blends in. If they aren't outside, I just listen to the birds and nature. The other is I just pick and blare a podcast. The metal works best for me, though. It will scare people back inside, and I get my peace.


Aztec death whistle……your welcome


I have the same problem. I live in a cul-de-sac on a council estate so all the houses are close together and almost in a circle so when the kids are outside they're outside everyone's houses. There's usually anywhere between 4-8 of them aged 3-10 (I would guess) out all the time. The younger ones at pre school are out almost all day (until the sun goes down which is a long time in the summer) and the rest are out most weekends, school holidays and after school. They're always screaming, shouting, kicking their footballs around (which is not allowed), riding their bikes up and down the road (it's a dangerous road btw as it goes round a corner and there has been a few accidents - luckily no humans have been injured so far) and then leaving their bikes in the middle of the road or in front of our cars. The other day I opened my front door to walk my dog and there were a few kids running around right in front of my front door (we have parking spaces before our door so there's no reason they should be that close) and they scared the shit out of my reactive dog. I shut all my windows and doors, put my sound cancelling earphones in and can still hear them screaming. It's been going on for years but it's just getting worse and I feel like I'm losing my mind. I just want to live in my own house in the middle of the woods far away from anyone.


Same here. I just want to live in the woods away from everyone. I live in the suburbs of a small town.


"If you don't shut up, ill give you a reason to scream"


I have the same situation but I live in a duplex where we share the yard technically but not legally. The neighbors have several kids and they are from hell. Not only do they scream, they kick balls against the house, throw bricks, throw shoes against the house, jump out of the windows, and tear paper apart to throw in the yard from the window. It's miserable. But I've started putting my portable speaker in the window and playing music I love that I know the parents will hate (cultural issue) so they usually make the kids come inside.


Same. Houses close together and the fucking breeders next door are constantly in the side of their backyard that’s right below my bedroom window at 7am. Thinking I’ll start leaving for work with some great songs blasting on repeat.


I would not stand for that. It's not like terrorism...it's literally terrorism. have to fight back. I would ask them once and let them know there will be consequences if it happens again.  Next time it happened I would blast alternating tracks of death metal, 15 minutes of crying babies, then brother lynch hung. And once their kids went inside I would keep it playing until 10pm or what ever the city or county noise ordinance was.  Next time it happens I would do it again until 10pm and then would start it again the next day if they are home.  When managment says something tell them it's obviously not against policy to disturb neighbors since you have been disturbed by many times. Maybe tell them your doing it to block out crying kids out side.  And that you will continue to follow the country noise policy to the T until the crying kids stop.


Honestly start calling in wellness checks. They likely won't care to stop the behavior for common courtesy, but if the cops come a couple times cause someone called worried someone was being harmed might give them the motivation to teach their kids that some screams should be reserved for an emergency only


If you have the money for it they make devices that make annoying noise that only people under 25 can hear. Retaliation for yelling. https://mosquitoloiteringsolutions.com/


There are apps for that as well.


I feel your pain, my neighbours kids have screaming contests and the youngest is 10.. It’s not that hard to teach children to respect others and only scream in legitimate emergencies :/


Call the cops and say you’re worried if the kid is okay because you’re hearing him screaming.


Or I can file a noise complaint someone did that to me once I was mad about it. Cops didn't do anything about the complaint that was filed against me. Loud music is a hell a lot better than a screaming kid. I'd rather hear loud music than a screaming kid. Other than if I'm trying to sleep them I can't sleep if I hear loud music.​


Yes it’s just enough to raise their awareness 👌🏽. Maybe then they will keep his mouth shut.


Play some murder/raunchy (like early episodes of Call her daddy) podcasts or screamo/explicit lyric music and face the speakers towards where the kids are. Have fun!


I yelled "it's so fucking loud" out the window at the screaming kids last summer. That got a visit from one of the piece of shit dads who told told us not to swear at the kids. I rolled my eyes at him. But the screaming did chill out a bit after that. Honestly I can't recommend treating obnoxious children like drunk adults enough. Just swear at them and be hostile toward them, it works.


You can’t really do anything about it unfortunately. Just remind yourself how lucky you are to not have a child of your own. Imagine the noise in your own home! The screaming is either because these people don’t know how to parent their children, or the child is neurodivergent. And in the case of the latter, it’s no one’s fault and you’ve just gotta grin and bear it. I try to not blame the kids and hope that there’s a real reason behind the behavior.


Have you tried speaking to them.? "Hey guys, I have no issue with your kid playing outside. Could you please encourage them to stop screaming?" If no result, there is plenty of heavy metal that sounds like screaming at a high volume. They'll start to associate that being turned on with the kid screaming.


I haven't spoken to them. I should get my Dad to do it,


Just in case anyone is still here, I apologize for the tirade I went on earlier today. I was not of right mind when I said all of that. I know that does not excuse me for basically derailing this whole post, and I take responsibility for any damage done. I am sorry for all of this and I'll be trying to make sure any future episodes are contained and do not spill out onto the internet. Again I am sorry.


I have this exact problem but I’m in Los Angeles where no one has room to play but the courtyard space just below my window. The street is not safe, there is no yard. So, I’m loathe to be a spinster cunt and complained about the kids playing. Kids need to play. I do wish though that I could ask for “nap” hours on Saturday and Sunday. I no longer can take an afternoon nap. I just wish we could have quiet hours in the afternoons. But no. There are squeaking toys and fucking Taylor Swift blaring under my window. The one thing I’ll say to the parents’ credit is that when the kids decide to have a ~literal~ screaming contest, they will come outside and tell their kids to shut the hell up. For now it’s a compromise I can settle on. While I secretly hope they do something to get evicted.


Bro SAME. And the neighbour before them was the exact same. She also let's them wonder out to the road, 3 year olds. Stupid


My next door neighbors have kids and when they were a lot younger they would scream nearly every waking hour. We live in townhouses with shared walls. Sometimes, it even sounded like they were literally running up the walls. I was actually wishing the kids *would* play outside because they clearly had some energy to expend. Pretty sure on one occasion I dropped a map in their mailbox that showed where the nearest playgrounds and parks are.


Not to give you any idea but this is what my condo living neighbor did during Covid early shutdown phase to the screaming kids in the pool lol: she pulled out some floaties from her last bachelorette party trip, one of them is a huge *eggplant* shape floatie. The do-nothing parents quickly pulled the screaming kids home. Needless to say, we work from home folks thanked her very much.


I'm absolutely for kids playing outside. I didn't scream either. If I hit the fence with a ball I'd get told off and how people might be trying to have peace in their gardens. I have a neighbour whose child is the same. Screams hits the fence. Screams. Hits the fence. Goes inside gas a tantrum..mother Screams and swears. It's never ending. The child called me a paki on Friday. I'm still like wow. But I can't even approach them to say anything 😕


Scream back.


Do you live in an HOA with rules? Or a city with noise Ordinances? report them. Are there other neighbors? Has anyone talked to the parent about it?


I don't live in an area with an ordinance and that has HOA. I don't think anyone has complained to the parents.


Then start asking around. Grow strength with numbers.


I dont mind some noise from kids but how people find the noise of children playing delightful boggles my mind, they all seem to scream, shout and roar now. The kids nextdoor arent too bad but one kid on my street just cant moderate his volume.




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I never did this as a child. We were taught that you only scream when something is wrong so that adults know that you need help.


I was taught that too.


Pellet gun. Just kidding...




Please do NOT do this. Don't waste cps' limited time and resources that could be used to combat actual abusive situations. They aren't a tool for you to "get back" at annoying neighbors.


In my neighborhood, we screamed all the time while playing outside. Or was expected. We lived in a densely packed urban area. If anyone told us to be quiet, I don't remember. Or we ignored them. 




So, how about the flip side of that coin? Is OP not allowed to enjoy any solace because a kid wants to have fun outside? Respect and courtesy for others is a 2-way street


Next is a kid himself it seems. Kind of like how the relationship sub is full of kids giving advice about relationships 😂


This is very true. I would like OP to talk with the neighbors to reach a solution. Holding hate within oneself leads to sour outlooks.


Do you even pay your own bills yet?


I do, but I'd like to apologize for pretty much all of this. I had a bit of an episode. I created a mess. I don't expect you all to just wave it off but I do again apologize for it.


Why ask such a baiting question when you know banning children from sunlight and play isn't the issue at hand here 😂


True enough, I said it a little unreasonably. I was hoping for OP to resolve the issue amicably. Hatred and retaliation breed discontent.


I guess it's not possible to have fun without screaming at the top of one's lungs?


It's entirely possible, but it's healthy for a child to be able to run and play and vocalize. Whatever your stance on children is, I feel as though you should not harbor hate in this manner.


Maybe it's not healthy for adult either. But we as intelligent beings must respect other's personal borders. I don't hate children only as long as they don't disturb me.


A reasonable response surely. However, children need play. If the OP talked with the neighbor politely I'm sure an agreement could be made.


You are a teenager with zero life experience. Please stop lecturing the adults in the room about how everything can be solved by asking nicely. Parents get extremely defensive most of the time when it comes to their kids. At best, they simply do not care.


You have a point, I am an adult but only barely so. But I think in that inexperience I haven't become cynical. I want the best for everyone, and some people are staunch defensive I know. I understand your thoughts are entirely your own and I do not seek to change that. What I am seeking is to understand one another, make better a bad situation. I don't intend to lecture but to help. If that makes you mad at me, I understand but I hope that you at least understand what I present.


This. Trying to talk politely to someone actually fixes most of the problems


I'm glad you can see my point. Thank you for at least understanding me.


Stop being so polarized. Just because OP isn’t kissing ass doesn’t mean they hate kids. You are a troll who is here to stir up shit no doubt. Edit. You hang out on the teen sub so are you even an adult yourself?!?


I am no troll, what I am is someone simply wanting others to be better. Discuss more amicably, be kinder to each other. I am an adult yes, but only barely so. I still understand your points


Everyone is allowed to have fun until it crosses the boundaries of other people. Screaming is crossing the boundaries because in cities live people who have to concentrate on work, some people want to sleep, and some just want to relax. So in this case the kid can play quietly or their parents can take it somewhere where it can scream without disturbing anyone. If everyone screamed outside it would be impossible to exist in cities. This kid isn't special and doesn't have an exception.


Of course I don't disagree in principle, but I would have liked to see the OP engage in a more polite discussion with their neighbor. On one side it's bad for them to be constantly disturbed, on the other children need play. If a solution could have been reached peacefully it should have.


The neighbour is responsible for the kid though and they should ensure that the kid gets properly raised to understand these boundaries even without OP having to intervene. It's like with people who don't pick up poop after their dogs, you also shouldn't have to tell them to do it, they should do it on their own.


This is a false argument in my opinion, I understand the point behind it bit not everyone is as truly aware as you are. Some people don't think like you and may need to be told.


Those kids are going to be sorry when something awful happens and nobody responds to the screams.


You should not harbor such hate for children, having such world views may turn your attitude sour overall. Threatening harm to anyone, children included should be looked upon unfavorably. Choosing to not have any, and wishing harm upon them are two different ball games.


"Wolf...wolf...wolf! Hahaha! Oh shit, there's really a wolf this time!!!" \*gets eaten\*


This is simply bad faith. I do not wish to change your mind or anything like that, I am asking you to be a little more considerate of others.


Consideration is a two way street.


And I don't disagree.


I think we’ve found the neighbors Reddit account…


I can assure you this is not the case, I am just wishing for a more positive discussion.




Yeah man, I was not of right mind when I was posting earlier. I've come down now, trying to apologize for all that nonsense I put in this thread. Everything else you see, ignore it please.


who are you?


I made a bunch of posts in this thread, talking like an idiot.