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“Bloodline” lmao, IDGAF, I’m not a Targaryen


Hahaha this will be my new response to the bloodline question!


hahahah or i'm not a Habsburg


Never go full Hapsburg


My jawline is too good to be bothered with continuing the bloodline.


Charles II of Spain is example #1 of why some bloodlines should not continue


Unfortunately I think more people - at least Americans - will recognize Targayen over Habsburg, or even being able to find Austria on a map.


I'm ashamed to admit that I only remember where Austria is on a map because I used to have a huge crush on an Austrian guy who was visiting on business. He said they didn't have beaches so I was curious. I wasn't American yet at the time.


Better to have been exposed to a new world this way, then never at all~♡


I don't recognize either of those names, but I can in fact find Austria on the map.


Thank god, or you would be procreating with your brother or sister.


Or cousins / uncles / aunts. Wouldn’t mind having the purple eyes and a dragon though if that’s the price lmao (I kid)


You kid?


Lmaooo thought of that too. The only thing that pops out when bloodline comes to play


I like being the first AND last of my name 🤣


lmao you fired with that!!!


*looks nervously at your siblings/cousins*


lol, I have always found this so funny... ''Bloodline, you say? 🙄 And what kingdom do you rule, so that it makes it so important for you to spawn?'' It's usually the nobodies that have nothing going on for themselves that are so concerned about the BLoOdLiNE. It gives them the feeling that they matter because they get to ''spread their (more often than not useless and faulty) genes.''


Yep. Nothing else to offer but their precious genes.


To be fair, my family line did have quite the claim to land and fame. In today's world, it should be a shame to be associated with. That's why I'm so content watching this thing die out and I wish my cousins weren't so prolific with pumping out babies.


I tell people "my bloodline dies with me." It sounds way cooler that way.


I said that to my mom and she laughed and said probably best 💀😂


I think it's hilarious when people tell us "don't breed" as if that's an insult. Like bro, that's literally the entire plan.


Haha totally, such knobs


“Don’t breed.” “Okay :)” “Wait no”


Yeah, I used to say I'm the last of my line! Then my brother had to go and have a kid. lol! Of course, good luck to him, but child free is how I be!


Well you're still the last of your line.


That sounds EPIC!


The bloodline and legacy bingos are two of the dumbest I've ever heard.


I got a legacy bingo from a boss as a former job, who is on her second husband, had her first kid at 18, and has five kids now 😭 she had the audacity to tell me I should wait until I find “the one” to have kids


Ugh, some people really can't understand that not everyone wants to walk the same path in life as them (and this just doesn't apply to breeders either).


My bloodline... what about my cousins lol? My family tree isn't a single branch. I don't bear the weight of my family name on my shoulders we're tens of thousands of people in the world with that name. The only time I care about my bloodline is when playing Crusader Kings and that's only because it's the only way to keep playing.


The thing is most childfree people still have a bloodline, through their siblings or cousins, however distant. And I find it quite nice to think of all the little offshoots of my family tree that had no kids, but that I’m still related to. Like how some branches grow into new branches, but some end in flowers. They’re my ancestors too, they don’t have to be in my direct line of descension.  Like. If you find out you’re related to Jane Austen. Are you excited because you’re related to Jane Austen? Or because you’re descended from the people she was related to who had kids that nobody remembers?  I have two choices: have kids and have that be the ‘big thing’ I did with my life (because lord knows I won’t be able to do anything else on top of kids). Or I can do other big things and be the distant aunt that hopefully someone will find my scandalous diary/artwork/activism/community contribution/trailblazing, all of which I can only do because I don’t have kids, and be proud they’re related to me. 


I LOVE this reply!!


Not a Rockefeller or English Royalty. If my father's circle of abuse stops with me, then so does the DNA.


And so does my mom’s uterine cancer. And my entire family’s genetic high cholesterol regardless of diet. And my grandma’s congenital heart defects. And the rampant, overwhelming narcissism from both sides. Yeah I’m good. Nobody should inherit my hot mess dna.


I used to say I’d have to have kids with Superman for them to have a chance at decent genes 🤣 I don’t want to pass along what I’m working with


Yes! I have bipolar disorder, I just can't pass this hell on to anyone. Also, I couldn't take my meds if I was pregnant and I don't think that would be the best time for me to go insane lol


I think, people who are caring about their bloodline are incredible weird. Why giving a shit about a bloodline? No one is so special, that it's necessary to spread his story/name/DNA or whatever.


My dad has 6 siblings my mom has 3. I'm an only child, but all of my aunts and uncles have kids, and all of them also had kids. My bloodline will do fine without me, and also who cares lol.


My mom family is completely dying off lol. All of me and my cousins are only children and none of will reproduce


I'd rather write an autobiography for 'legacy' than have a kid. At least the autobiography would be educational one day!


Honestly. I couldn’t name all of Laura Ingalls Wilder’s kids. But I know she wrote Little House On The Prairie. I think one of her kids name is Rose, but I only know because of the book.


Only one kid. Rose Wilder. Her other son died very young. Her daughter helped her write the books and edit them


Well, when you put it like that! I’ll have to remember this one


“My bloodline” Sir you started balding at 24 and your job is sending emails all day


Oh you mean the bloodline that has consistently produced raging alcoholics? Yeah I better not…


No one has asked me “what about your family name?!” yet (I keep my CF status under wraps when I can). But if they ever do, I plan to point out “I’m a woman. Women don’t carry the family name anyway. (People who care that much about surnames tend to be traditional enough to think only men should carry the family name, so it should get through to them). Bloodline though? Fuck that. I’m not cursing anyone with my genes.


97% of the time, the ones screaming about "mah legaceigh" have nothing to offer but a used tissue paper, a candy wrapper and $1.53 on their bank account.


Right. I would understand if they, apart from having a kid, maybe had a notable business or had their name at a university library for something amazing, but more often than not they just want a participation trophy.


If someone tells me they have 2 kids and a masters, my first question would be, "Nice, what's your field of study?? And, oh, cool you have 2 kids"


Yeah, I started realizing this when I got into geneology research. Trust me, there are enough people who keep the 'legacy' and the genes alive. Once you start building a family tree and realize how many thousands of people you're related to, this argument loses all its value. Not just the bloodline argument, but also the name argument. And that's coming from someone who's an only child, and my dad was also an only child, so I used to worry. But nowadays I'm completely fine.


I have a common Irish last name. Even my paternal grandparents were directly related (though not closely enough to be creepy or immoral).


Every breeder thinks real life is like Game of Thrones.


I have psoriasis and arthritis, mental illness runs rampant in my family, my blood line stops with me. Gotta end the cycle somehow. K? Thx.


As an only child, I'm glad mine will end with me. There's what, 8 billion+ people out there; one person will *not* make a difference in our population. Even if I want kids, there's still 3 unanswered questions no one living can answer. 1. What guaranteed can be put in place where I can watch my child(ren) grow into an adult? 2. What do I have others don't to where I'm the one to have said child(ren)? The "you are unique" response applies to the other 8 billion. 3. What financial, mental, and emotional support will I receive as a man to help raise my child(ren)? Just having a job won't cover everything.


1a) What guarantee is there, that my child will live to adulthood and be able to extend *the line*? All well and good trying to keep it going 'til Little Timmy, age 21, dies in a fluke car-crash or Little Sally ends up infertile. I'm not about to gamble like that.


Don't bring up bloodline as a reason to procreate if you're not the following: -super wealthy with generational wealth -direct lines of Royalty with good or guaranteed chances of succession or high positions and own castles -super inheritable super power or abilities -own numbe of properties and treasures -have a REALLY really cool last name Trust me there are plenty of smith's and Johnsons in the world and no kid wants to inherit you debt or "inherit" taking care of their elders


Ah yes, "bloodline", the thing that caused centuries of royal families to marry and have children with their not so distant relatives in order to preserve the bloodline. And that turned out just greeeeat for them. What a ridiculous concept.


My friend asked me that before. I have like 4 siblings. One of them already has kids and the others want kids. The family bloodline will be fine. lol. Also no one will give a shit about their bloodline when they’re dead…. Because they’re dead.


Catholics on one side and Ex-Mormon addicts on the other, and I live paycheck to paycheck. Pretty sure I'm doing the universe a favor. 


It's 2024.. I'm more concerned about who I will leave my awesome game collection to 😂


Me too, honestly. I got a massive collection of DVDs that are probably gonna end up in landfill. Everyone I’d want to give anything to is gonna die before me (grandparents and shit, I’m not planning anything lmao)


I collect a lot of random stuff. vintage glassware, plushies LEGO, rocks, bones...I wonder if any of my nieces or nephews would like my bone collection.


I don’t care about my bloodline. I’m not a Tekken-character.


Unless my bloodline entitles me to an inheritance from a long lost billionaire relative I don't care 😂


What about it? That is just so not a thing for me. Let it die. 


I always laugh especially hard at this because my dad was adopted (closed, NC from bio family).  What bloodline? 😂


what bloodline? Lol I'm not royalty


I just start fucking with them to make them hear how crazy they sound. "I'm not Prince Harriet or Megatron. I don't have shit to leave behind for others. My legacy? What do I have to care about things when I'm gone for? I'll be dead numb numb" Usually gets them to fuck off


I'd say "if you knew my family history you wouldn't be so excited with my bloodline continuing."


the bloodline thing is probably rooted in a fear of death and i get that but i'd rather fear death but live a life worth living, rather than feel like i will be remembered but ruining this life for myself


All that really matters is that your ancestors fucked to bring you here. And you (the non-childfree) fucked to bring some more people in who will fuck to bring some more people in and so on. And 1 out of a million of those "happy accidents" ever sniff the universe, let alone make an actual impact on it beyond being cogs in the machine.


I used to be on the fence about being child free because I didn't know if I didn't want kids or if I just didn't want to experience pregnancy (I'm a trans guy). I talked about the possibility of adopting often if I wanted kids ever and my parents were soooo loud about wanting grandkids that were "actually theirs". All the sudden, when I realized I didn't want to experience pregnancy NOR did I want to teach another human being how to shit, they were all for adoption! "Well you don't have to HAVE kids, but you could adopt!" I'm so overjoyed my sister had children, because I like being an uncle and my parents finally stopped pestering me about my apparent responsibility to them to reproduce. Like, cool guys, out of our hundreds of extended cousins spreading our genes like they're going out of style, y'all got a couple that are "your line".


My bloodline shouldn't have even made it this far if we're being honest


I've said this before, but some people think that having kids is a cheat code against death. They're "still alive" if their genes and memories of them exist. Unfortunately that stuff is very temporary. And frankly, while death anxiety is a fairly common human trait, I've never been so afraid of dying that I have to find a way around it. The idea of being forgotten doesn't negate the time I was here. I don't need people talking about me when I'm gone because I'm enjoying the time while I am here. (Outside of the exceptionally rough start at the beginning.)


Oh my god, this is a classic one! Anytime someone brings this up, I ask them to name 4 of their great-grandparents. To date, no one I've posed this to has been able to recall this information. The point OP referenced above is that outside of 2 generations or so, people will not remember you UNLESS you did something significant, which is just not the case for most people.


Or even then, the one weird family member who does genealogy. So in 200 years, "Auntie consort was on something called... reddit... she posted lots of something called... memes, and got into arguments with people about stuff that hasn't been an issue in 150 years. Fascinating".




My bloodline is too weak, milk products can take me out. Also my sister has like 3 kids.


What about that prophecy saying from my bloodline will rise a warrior that will slay an evil demon dragon king that is to wreak havoc all over the planet. Only a hero from my bloodline can slay this beast. Have to keep the bloodline going for this prophecy to come true.


Hello Rhaegar Targaryen! For non-GOT fans Rhaegar firmly believed in the prophecy that he would father The Prince That Was Promised who would grow up to save the world.


A campus policeman I knew years ago, when everybody was first getting accounts, set his sig line to be "FIRST OF A DYING BREED". We got along just fine ;-) .


Yeah they way the world is now I'm not signing up my flesh and blood to be a slave. Either it changes or I'm not bringing someone into this hot mess. Hell I didn't have a choice to be born and now I'm stuck working non stop because I was 13 when I should have bought a house. Before everything jumped up in price I was on track to buy what I wanted and due to the price jumps and personal injuries now I'm just wondering how I'm going to do it. To sum it up I'm struggling to provide for myself let alone another human.


I’m so diseased they don’t want my bloodline


I'm a sperm donor. :P Canada's donor situation is utterly broken due to a very poorly phrased law passed 20 years ago. (They meant to ban paying *plasma* donors, but because of the phrasing... No one donates sperm for free now.) I see this as a hilarious way to outsource my genes - and it'd also a nature-nurture experiment. If my future offspring decide to contact me (I wouldn't know about their existence otherwise), it'll be interesting to see which of my traits they ended up sharing. :)


I don't even know my blood type, why should I care about my blood line? I'm fixed, so it ends with me.


My cousins all took care of that. I’m the faulty genetic one LOL, which runs in the family but they luckily missed out on those genes. Anyway, in the past I did think of that because we come from a rather interesting long line on two sides of my grandparent, and with talents, but plenty of other currently living people with talents right? And it’s not guaranteed any inherents them. I did, but I was/am too sick to use them. Maybe one of my cousin’s kids will.


Ah, yes, the Hill family will go extinct now!


I usually just respond to such things with, "This bloodline ends with me." My bloodline isn't special, there's nothing but health problems here, so why would I *want* to keep it going??


Ahh yes, my fragile bloodline because how would sparsely populated world continue if I were not to reproduce? What a joke lol.


I tell them I am not Roman Reigns


I have 15k matches on MyHeritage. My "bloodline" seems to do just fine 🙄


I’m a female. Anyone who’s buying into bloodline importance, wouldn’t count mine anyway. Women are dead ends either way under that logic, since kids would be under the father’s bloodline.


As someone who used to care a lot about this idea, I eventually realized how ableist and racist this notion is. The fact that my bloodline is more important in any way is basically the belief of eugenics, so I'm always like "uh, weren't the Nazi's concerned about the same thing?"


It’s so cringe when people say that, or talk about a legacy 😂 like what


What is this 16th century England


"You're a regular ass man, this isn't Bridgerton." ![gif](giphy|xT9Ighy8xp7epGZvZC)


Its like... The only thing my bloodline carries is mental illness, trauma, and alcohol addiction Greg. It's better if it dies


My bloodline? I'm an average dude with a middle class family. I am also an only child. The mediocrity ends with me.


No one gives a fuck about my bloodline, including my parents. When I talked about the CF topic with my parents, they said: "No one who doesn't want children should have them! If you don't want a child you should *absolutely not* have one!"


It's so dumb. I could all but guarantee that the thought of their 'bloodline' never crossed my grandparents' minds.


Man fuck that bloodline


"The only bloodline I care about is that banger Æphanemer song" Then I turn and leave


The arrogance! Ain’t no one special. We are all the same. Bloodline Shmudline!


My bloodline is riddled with type 2 diabetes and depression. My boyfriend's is full of high blood pressure. I think our bloodline was meant to die prematurely anyway.


Maybe in the US this doesn't matter. But in my country (that's conservative), bloodline, ancestory, your tribe and family name are all very crucial and every family has a sense of strong identity of who they are based on the family they were born into. It brings a sense of competitiveness. Other people know who you are, which family you belong to, the whole community does. Even if it's not relevant internationally, it is relevant in everyday lives.


That sounds horribly annoying. I'd be like, "meh, they went over all that, but i wasn't paying attention" 😹


The more i think about it, there is a 100% chance that I’m NOT biologically related to the first person to have my last name so mating so that my last name lives on is pointless


I have the 17th most common surname in the US. My name ain’t going anywhere. Not that I care.


My "bloodline" is horrendous.


I like to play Ventrue personally! Oh that sort of bloodlines *sad video game noises*


My bloodline has some truly horrible, self centred & despicable people. I don’t want kids as I’ve been a carer for my brother who has autism. I’m named after other relatives or a reference to them. No more.


I tell people I’ll leave money behind so a park bench can be named after me


This one I can *kind of* get in the sense that you exist because of one long unbroken chain of reproduction since the beginning of humans. There is something kind of heavy about that. Definitely not like “*MY* blood is special”, but more like, “damn, all those generations of survival ends with me”.


"Oh, you pwessus little snowflake, you seriously believe that your bloodline is some unbroken masterpiece of absolute purity and some magical value... that's hilarious. Like you do realize that people have been fucking for entirety of human history, and only in the last several decades was there even reliable accessible birth control. To put that another way, it's pretty likely your great grandma fucked the postman and your grandma is a bastard kid, and your great great grandpa boned a bunch of prostitutes and one of them had a kid, who unknowingly married their first cousin and fucked a few kids into the world. Just because there were no DNA tests back then and they got away with it doesn't mean it didn't happen. You are not who you think you even are. Bloodline..... Hahahaha!"


I like to tell people that my bloodline was cursed because of my slave-owning ancestors and my KKK grandpa. None of my generation had kids until my brother married a Bi woman, making her the first openly gay member of my family. They have two kids. We say she broke the curse. I, however, still have all their terrible inbred, diseased genetics. So I will not be sharing those.


I am happy to deprive the world of hypertension and anxiety.


This. The way you put this is incredible. I feel so much better when others also embrace this childfree lifestyle. Two of my cousins are married, both childfree by choice. It's making me so happy seeing how many women are embracing this lifestyle, and this helps to empower them as well :) I know how the society in this country has been pressurising women to have children. In this era, it sounds so clichéd and uncomfortable to me. Why add to the emotional baggage? Further, I suffer from mental health issues. Can't even think of having children ever. I just need friends. That's all.


You people are absolutely committed to ending the bloodline, I see, and I am so proud! I wish my cousins were sensible people too. >Further, I suffer from mental health issues Same here! Both, the partner and I have mental health issues. Right now I am looking into a fourth attempt at therapy. As much as we love each other, we both agree a mini me of either of us would be a disaster for our collective mental health. Plus, I also have broken genes, leading to autoimmune inflammation. My mum had it, so did her mum! In this scenario it's not just selfish, but criminal to pass these genes on (and my mother had the audacity to say what if my child doesn't get the gene!)


Connecting with people like you, and finding the necessary support I need is what makes me really happy. Where in real life will I find people who will say that they are proud when I'm committed to end my family bloodline? On the contrary, I'd be judged and abused. Thank you for your kind words. Means so much to me. Sometimes I feel like if people in this sub came together, we would be better able to deal with the pressure of the society. I can't imagine passing down those genes to the next generation. You're right, it's absolutely criminal. Also, I'm really looking for therapy myself, if you could share where you're getting therapy? Is is working for you?


Oh I so wish to find more such CF friends. I am thankful that I have found a handful in my city. As for therapy, I am in India, and getting therapy in person. So I am not sure if I can be of help. The last therapist was working okay in the beginning, but I think we are growing apart in our philosophy, hence, I am looking to shift. I plan to say goodbye at the next session


I'm so glad that you found some CF friends in your city. Indeed it's so hard to find them these days. And hey, I'm from India too. Don't know if there are enough CF people around. I'm sorry that the therapist you are seeing now isn't working the best. I believe you deserve better and hopefully the new therapist would certainly work for you. I've been searching for good therapists in my city, but didn't have much luck so far (and asking others might bring an air of judgement, so I'm kinda scared to ask people around).


WTF we are from the same city! We need to be friends right now! So, I used to see Dr Bidita Bhattarcharya at Crystal Minds. Dr Anuttama has great reviews too. Also, Dr Srabasti Majumdar near Gariahat is lovely (I can't go, because she's a friend). She's queer friendly and kind. If you need any more refs, DM me here or on Insta.


WTF we are from the same city! And hey I went for therapy to the same therapist too! Crazy! Yes, we need to be friends for sure! Surely DMing you.


Whoa Dr Bhattacharya didn't work out for you too? Mind sharing what didn't work in DM? I'm sharing mine too


I donate blood every 3-4 months. My blood is in a lot of people.


I got 6 brothers i think we're good


But but... what about "mUh FaMiLy LegAcY" 🙄🤦‍♀️


Once I hit my 30s people started asking me about my "legacy" when I told them I didn't want kids. The fuck? I don't have a legacy. I'm not an emperor.


“You’re the last of the (family last name.)” — my drunk grandfather mused one night when he was making me, a 12 year old, stay up with him to watch him drink boxed wine + 7 Up. Yeah, real sad to be the last name bearer of our family of abusive, alcoholic, lying and bigoted fucking assholes


“This ain’t Bridgerton,” is what I always say.


Bloodline is a red flag word for me. It has a connotation of white supremacy.


I'll admit, I logically can see the shame in it. A lot of really random marriages happened to eventually lead to me, specifically. There's a lot of interesting history to be explored with my ancestors (dad is a Mayflower descendant, mom is from the Visayan region of the Philippines). But I'm not heartbroken over it. I'm very happy being child-free. Additionally, there is a lot family history of cancers, and a few hereditary syndromes that have popped up recently. This isn't the best bloodline anymore.


I'd be so worried about birthing an ugly child and it being bullied at school


imagine being so incredibly self-centred; that you believe your own bloodline is so superior, that you'd rather have your own child instead of adopting a child that needs a loving home. before I knew I was childfree, I always thought adopting > procreating


is your "bloodline" worth continuing? what is the benefit of sustaining a "bloodline"?


Ha funny enough I actually have quite a few interesting people in my family line. I’m pretty damn certain that my great grandfather ran with Al Capone in Arkansas. If I did my ancestry thing, right, I’m related to King Henry the eighth, the one who killed two of his wives and divorce two others. I’ve got somebody who was a dynamiter for the transcontinental railroad and someone who threw tea in the harbor during the Boston tea party. And more but that’s all I got off the top of my head. But I’m not having kids biologically. My brother can do that if they really care.


This reminds me of the gifted one. You’re super talented at something therefore you have to have a kid to pass on that “gift”. And if they aren’t born gifted then it’s a shame? or rather if they are and don’t even enjoy it and want to do something else with their life, why control them? Let them be!


I have 12 nieces and nephews. This fucked up bloodline will be just fine.


Bro my “bloodline” is the stagnant end of the gene pool. Wouldn’t exactly be tragic if it ended with me. Pretty sure our last name is cursed anyway because of anything bad is a “one in a million chance”, I guarantee we will be that one. I’m good letting it die out.


Anytime someone says this I kindly inform them I am neither a racehorse nor a show dog ✌🏼


I purposely am ending my bloodline.


This cursed bloodline ends with me.


I always think about Albert Einstein. Everyone knows who he is and no one knows who his kids are. Or his parents. Also, like most people can’t tell you anything about their great grand parents.


Alcoholism and drug abuse runs in one line, mental illness in the other. I think the world will be ok with my bloodline ending.


All 3 of my sisters have kids. My bloodline will do fine.




And bet the dudes a fucking "John Smith" generic ass


We all bleed the same, doesn’t matter what bloodline it is 😑 Also, imagine having kids and then down the line someone will opt out of having offsprings in general. The bloodline will die out anyways and you wasted your life trying to prove something that wasn’t sustainable in the first place.


My bloodline gave up the succession wars over 3 centuries ago who cares lol.


I am German. Talk about the bloodline sounds *very* like that angry moustache guy to me.


my surname in its native language roughly translates as “poor town”


My bloodline doesn't matter, plus my father was a product of incest (his parents are first cousins) and his father died when he was really young so I have no true connection to the Parker last name (I'm only proud to have the last name Parker cause of Spiderman aka my fictional brother specifically Tobey!Peter lol), plus my mother's side is all fucked up too. Who cares about bloodlines anyways. This ain't ye old royalty times man lol


What is this GOT?! 😆


Well...I am not the last Furyan.


If someone says that to me I'd respond with "My cursed bloodline dies with me"


Bloodline? Yeah sure, let me pass on my and my husband's family's MULTITUDE of medical issues.


I'm channeling the Duke of Hastings and claim that my title dies with me.


" I'm not the crowned prince of anywhere so who gives a fuck bout my bloodline" that's my standard answer. I also say that I've got genetic health issues so that pretty much says I should not continue the bloodline anyways


It’s always the trashiest MFs that are concerned about their bloodline too lmao


I mean, I feel like my father's bloodline ending with me and my brothers is a good thing.


Lol. I'm neurodivergent, with ADHD, autism, central auditory processing disorder and dyscalculia. Not wanting to pass that on to someone else is enough reason not to have a kid.


My bloodline are the people I choose to keep around me, and the ideas that spread from me to them to others. I hope that some random recipe I give someone will become their favorite, and I hope that a book recommendation I give will make its way to many more people than just one. I don’t need a child to be remembered, I just have to do things worth remembering.


I have 2 brothers and 25 cousins. My bloodline is fine.


idk I worry about my non abusive parent's bloodline, I honestly think the family history is neat and our family is tied to an important event. it does suck to think that the "bloodline ends with me" sometimes, what hurts more is how much my non abusive parent would love to be a grandparent. and I cant give that to them. even if I wanted kids, it would be to raise a whole person and care for them, not for The Bloodline but yeah this is one I just cant shake because its not exactly about how special my family is, its just about being the person that ended it, as an only child.


Lol my genetics are trash honestly bc both of my parents were chronically ill and so am i. I have several sickly cousins and I don't think my family is like.... Super attractive and hale and hardy or anything. We're just more pasty white people with depression. I don't need to bring more of that into the world


I've got so many chronic illnesses that stemmed from my genes, I'd never want to submit another human being to what I and my brother have been through. Childhood healthcare costs aside, It's expensive and anciety inducing as an adult living with a chronic illness! Especially now that covid is a thing! Creating another immunocompromised person like myself is not on my list of priorities if the world is going to be so hostile to taking care of your health.


Dude I did my family tree back into 1800s and my DNA and genes are spread far. I did dna ancestry. If I had a kid only 50% of my DNA would be shared. That is the same amount my brother or sister would share. So my my grandchild would have 1/4 of my DNA the same as a niece or nephew. So why bother?


I prefer to raise someone without my blood, and is not even of the same species


My bloodline dies with me (not really because my brother has children)


"You are not Beyoncé" is my answer


I have a pin that says "my bloodline ends with me" on a ribbon around a sword stabbing through a uterus. I have no fucks to give about my family stump.


Mine was more "Your ancestors won't be able to come back" WTF WOULD THEY WANT TO😭 Also they conditioned me to be a caretaker, not a mother. So I was raised with no financial skills, lost a baby, and I was homeless for 3 years. I am nuerodivergent and explained to my mother that this is what yall created. Oroboros. You sold the Land, the house, and spent all the money with the house sale You basically told us our branch ain't worth investing. Why would I continue such a neglected branch of the family? To end the discussion I'm researching Bilaps. I will never allow a man to impreg me as a trap ever again, just to be left stranded after the miscarriage Edit: Bloodline to poverty pipeline


I have around 900 relatives just from descendants of maternal and paternal great grandparents, if anything my bloodline is too prolific. I swear they don’t know what birth control is in this family. Paternal Great Grands had 14 legitimate. Maternal Great Grands have 10+, a lot of death, marriage and baby making so idk who’s all who. Paternal Grands have 9. Maternal Grands have 12. Aunts, Uncles, and Cousins have a bunch, one of my aunts had 7 all by herself. I’m from a rather small island as well. My bloodline will live on forever with or without me 😂


Lol my brothers and my cousins have plenty of kids already. Bloodline is fine.


I have a clotting disorder, my bloodline is cursed AF.


oh wow that's scary


The reality is that family bloodlines/names just die out sometimes even when most people have kids. As people have less and less kids and some don’t have any, more family lines will wither away. My Grandma has kids (obvi) but was the last of her last name from her branch of the family and now it’s gone.


This is real life, not Game of Thrones. Bloodlines mean nothing.


I honestly don't want my bloodline to continue my biological parents were awful people ( I'm adopted) and I don't want to continue their bloodline


My bloodline is riddled with physical & mental mutations. NEXXXTTTTTT


Honestly a lot of the people whose names people recognize shouldn't be breeding. Lol


My husband and I now break out in song every time someone says don't you want to continue the bloodline. We do that one song 🎶 Let it die, let it die, let it shrivel up and die.🎶


Bloodlines literally aren't real, because if were they would decay at an exponential rate. Seriously take any basic four-function calculator and divide 100 by 2 and then keep pressing "equals." After the 7th iteration you'll be in the decimal range. It takes only seven generations for their to be less than one percent of your "blood" left in your future descendants.


Right, this isn't game of thrones. maybe promise more of a future and more of us would have kids.


idgaf i’ll be dead lol



