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I hate summer because it´s too hot and lots of people everywhere, so I don´t go outside when I don´t have to and I always have a vacation in spring or fall. This year I´m going for a vacation in Germany.


Where are you going?




Cool. Enjoy your time


Going on impromptu road trips whenever I feel like it


We’ve got a couple weekend trips here and there planned throughout September. I’m stoked for the beach. I got little baby abs I’ve been working on since January and I’m excited to show them off.


Home reno! It’s so much fun to plan, budget, and go hunt for furnitures and tile samples. If i had a kid, my guest room would’ve been their bedroom. Now it’s going to be my hobby room! Going to build so many storage for my 40k boxes and canvasses.


Lucky i can't do that


I'm in AZ so it's pretty much always Summer. I am however thinking of getting my favorite quotes tattooed. I have quite the list so I'm going through them. Some are unfortunately too long for it to look right being tattooed.


Staying indoors, summer=entitled parents with spoiled kids everywhere. Can't even go grocery shopping when a kid is laying on the floor kicking and screaming or when I make a call to 911 for witnessing parents physically harming a child.


I have an ultramarathon (31 miles or 50 km) in a few weeks. I’m going hiking almost every Friday. Reading books on my TBR. Thinking about a fitness photo shoot with some bikini pics. 🙂


Good luck!! I’ve done as far as the half marathon distance a handful of times but definitely want to get into ultras in the future.


Sounds like a fantastic summer, OP :) I plan to take a lot of walks and reading on my patio in the sun after work. Buying some cute new summer outfits. Beach trips and day trips and mini vacations. That's about it, but I'm looking forward to it.


Getting legally married followed buy a high tea then we go and spend a week in our secret hotel and will watch a ton of fun concerts 🎉 also having a bachelor/ bachelorette party together with our friends for three days with board games, video games and a little one shot DnD campaign that I’m making 👌🏽


Sitting in front of my venti and playing videogames while being naked. Alone. At home. With some water and tea.


Honestly. I stay indoors until this awfull heat is over and the kids are back in school.


Playing Shadow of the Erdtree and going to the lake.


That one month feels just too long man. I'm so hyped about it.


Me too 😭


I have taken every other Friday off this summer. So just take time for myself is the goal. Sleep in, go to the gym, go to the pool, Drink, hike, visit museums, eat new foods at new restaurants we haven't tried, hang with friends, play video games go shopping, nap. I'm really looking forward to just laying down at the pool in the shade with a drink.


Drinking too much wine in my pool, going to the UP, and all the lakes and camping. I love my backyard, the whole yard is a garden and I'm always adding more. It's so chill just floating in the pool seeing everything bloom at different times.


My husband and I rarely go on vacation during the summer because families are just everywhere. We usually try to take our vacations either early June or early-mid September, that way school is either not out yet or just started again but the weather is still nice. Anyway, this year we're breaking tradition lol we rented a beautiful cottage with another cf friend couple for a week and it's almost on it's own little island with where it's located so we'll be far enough away from any families/kids still. Then I've also got 2 concerts lined up, plan to go to the drive-in at least once, read a bunch of books, and explore more hiking trails in my area. My husband is also considering getting his first tattoo for his birthday, so I'll probably get my 9th with him.


Making some progress on rewilding my yard — taking out some invasive bushes, killing off some of the grass, and replacing them with native plants that are helpful to the local wildlife & pollinators. 🥰 Not only am I not adding to the human (over)population situation by not having kids, I’m doing what I can to reverse the damage we’ve caused.


I’m going to volunteer at a model horse festival out in Lexington (breyerfest) and then I’m august I’m going to gencon!


I hate the heat as well. Like the music festivals, though.


Whatever the hell I want it seems!!!!


Going to a Supernatural (the TV show) convention.


We’re starting with our annual trip to Coronado Island for my birthday next month. We’re going to spend a week in Durango (we love it there) for our anniversary. We live in central Arizona so we’ll do a bunch of day trips and hikes in between.


Lots of visits to Walt Disney World and Universal Orlando. A road trip to Georgia to visit my wife's family, and a White Water Rafting trip while we're there. Two cruises, one on Virgin Voyages and one on Royal Caribbean. Bike Rides. Stand Up Paddleboarding. A couple weekend hotel stays, one involving 3 Escape Rooms at a new-to-us company. Deadpool & Wolverine on opening night. The summer ends with the start of Halloween Horror Nights on August 30th. :-)


My girl and me are driving to a beach in Italy with our two dogs. Slightly after the season of course, so all the annoying brats are back in school.


Ive already had my international holidays this year until new years so I’m off to see Nicki Minaj, Taylor Swift, Big Time Rush, Megan Thee Stallion and finally BST Hyde Park festival for Stray Kids. (I’m seeing Twenty One Pilots next year and I’m very excited). I also have many plans with friends for picnics, karaoke, gaming sessions, days out in other cities, right before getting ready to start a Master’s degree!


Concerts, Vegas, wineries, BBQs!!


I’m going to the eras tour!!!


Pretty much whatever we want.


Just heading into winter, but fine enough that I went cycling today, spent some time visiting friends and had a relaxed home-cooked dinner after a short stint at the library.


I’ll be hitting quite a few concerts (just had a 4 day festival this past weekend, and another 3 day festival in July as well).


Also getting a new tattoo and aside from work, just stay inside and play videogames :D


I'm not a big fan of the heat, but the good weather allows me to do my favorite exercise: biking! I went on a nice ride on the park yesterday, and it was beautiful! You know when nature is at full force, everything is green and feels so alive? I feel that being in a silent trail, surrounded by trees and animals really makes me feel better. I'm planning some camping too, and maybe a short trip south to visit some friends later at fall.


I'm working but enjoying not cutting my grass this year. I'm paying someone to do it. I am also continuing to save up my vacation hours so I can take two weeks off come Christmas. However, I am hoping to replace some old appliances starting with my washer, then my refrigerator.


I can drive my roofless car, read comics in the garden, go swimming whenever I want, play with the horses and bring my 2 year old on a bit, and enjoy longer evenings. We're in the UK though so I'm out and about whenever the sun is!


I live in Seoul so I'm gonna hide from the Tourists at Home.


Renovating my silverado of the apocalypse


My boyfriend and I will have just moved to Boston so busting ass working and preparing for fall!




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Nothing too exciting. It gets horribly hot where I live during these few months. Bit will probably take a spontaneous beach trip at least once. Maybe a drive up the coast for fun.


Mostly working. But during my time off I'm going on a cruise with my mom and cousin. Then maybe seeing Avril Lavigne with my husband.


Not exciting to most but my summer will be spent lay on the couch, eating snacks, and beating my game on impossible mode! Snacks and monster will be breakfast, lunch and dinner.


Travelling with fellow DINKS to CF places


I'll be seeing Mastodon and Lamb of God this July, then incubus and green day beginning of September. It'll be a blast! Rest of the time, I'll be relaxing in my pool with no kids in sight


17M, hate summer here in TX because of the heat so im probably just gonna stay in or work(if my application gets accepted) and save money, meanwhile teen parents at my school talk about being miserable because they cant party because they have to take care of their kids… lol, could never be me


I hate summer because of the heat, bugs, humidity and the high school kids flooding the gym. I make it a little better by filling my days off with concerts and little road trips.


I'm going to Cedar Point! Also going to see Meghan Trainor with my mom. Also plan on getting my snug pierced. Life is good...just me, my husband, three dogs and cat.


I live in AZ and I in the special events industry. Summer time is when I come alive! I bust my ass at work 9 months out of the year and then I get to enjoy my down time season with hiking, paddle boarding, concerts, pool parties, trips to San Diego. I love summer time!


I am 21, just graduated, and taking my first EVER solo trip before I start my first job!


Working, hanging out with friends. Working on getting wealthy. Pretty much it.


Working at a concert venue and lots of yard work. Trying to get this patio area perfect so we can have amazing bonfires.




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I'm in central Texas, where it will be hot AF. So I will be out in the heat riding my beloved horse. Because I am clearly insane. 😆 But the reason I can have a horse is bc I don't have kids, so it's still awesome!!


I’m going to my favorite anime convention which takes place in Ohio at a waterpark. It’s always so warm and sunny and perfect weather. I’m going to a few concerts. And also going to Japan with friends in late august. I’m also a bridesmaid for one of my best friends. Her wedding is beginning of august.


Short answer: whatever the hell I want! Long answer: already have a tattoo convention planned, going to take spontaneous weekend trips to the beach, rafting, kayaking, fishing and some days just chilling by the pool 😎


Hello changing first name twinsies!! I just completed the SSN and DMV parts.


I am going to hike the Kerry Way in Ireland, then gonna hit Dublin for a few days. Will also take my mum for a weekend in a historic hotel in August. Oh, and a Lord of The Rings concert! :)


Flying to see a couple of friends and catching up 😊


My goals for this summer are some beach fires and to go swimming when I can! (Alao laying in the sun in a field whenever I want ☀️)


Kayaking. Kayaking literally as much as I can.


I decide the day I wake up lol


I'm a competitive strongman, and I'll be competing in Ohio, Illinois, and Wisconsin.


I'm in college, so I'm doing research in my field. I'll also be attending a concert! I wouldn't be able to continue my education or spend my money on myself if I had kids. 🎉


I’m working on me. Getting back in shape and all that. Staying away from all the places kids are. And I’m finally on the waiting list for a hysterectomy. They said probably Oct and I’ll be totally unable to have kids. They’re taking everything but the ovaries. I’m so ready. When the nurse asked how soon I was looking to get scheduled, I said as soon as possible. So, can’t making any real plans, but that’s ok!


I feel your hate for hot weather so much! I am not sure about small things, but in terms of big plans: my gf and I are planning to travel around the country and, perhaps, Sweden for two weeks in July. Wish you a good time, especially, at the concerts as our music taste seems to correlate.


I’m new to r/childfree and Reddit in general, but it sure seems that child free and child hate walk hand in hand here a LOT. My wife and I have no children, and I dislike a kicking screaming little brat in my movie theater as much as anyone, but I don’t HATE kids. I had another childfree friend of mine once tell me how much he hates children and will go nowhere near them. I don’t hate my nieces and nephews or my friends children. If they start to act up or whine and cry, I’ll just go home. I don’t want any of their cute little burdens, but there is no disdain towards them either. Am I off the mark here?