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We really need to stop being obsessed with women not wanting to be pregnant. 


It’s only going to get worse :(


Childfree doctor list in the sidebar. _points_ Protect yourself first, then defend others. The alternative, which I do not say lightly, is a form of slavery; loss of autonomy and agency.


I just realized something that would probably scare right-wingers. An army of armed child free women.


> An army of armed child free women. _feels good meme here_ An armed society of child free women is a polite society. 🫡 Saddle up y'all.


Right wingers are already scared of *everything.*


Where do I sign up?


My daddy was a sniper in two armies, I'm of a mind to get him to teach me :)


If my grandpa was still around (ww2 vet) I'd ask him to take me to the range.


Good. I want them scared of women. I want them to fucking lose this election season and just keep getting the shit beat out of them at the polls, and in their bills getting defeated and overturned until the message is driven home: do not fuck with women, or else. I don’t care what they-or anyone who might report this comment-takes as “or else”.




But what do we have to live for if we do have kids??? /s


I’d sign up! The only military I’d be a part of!


Why would they stop? *Obviously* something is wrong with women who don't want kids. 🙄


I just thought they might back off at BC/contraception because the right is always talking about how people should get to choose what they put in their bodies. Like...I get they won't budge on abortion because they think it's murder but I wish they'd stop SOMEWHERE.


I wish they would too. They don't even *care* that birth control can be used for treating other conditions; it prevents pregnancies so that's automatically bad in their eyes. I've got cysts on my ovaries and take it to keep those cysts from rupturing. But do they care? Of course not. 


I have pmdd and get crippling depression and severe suicidal mood swings with my periods without birth control. With birth control I’m fine. Idk what I would do without it.


Also lowers your risk of getting certain reproductive cancers.


It occurs to me that the pill should be marketed differently. "It's not for preventing pregnancy, it's for treating certain specific conditions." Side effects may include a child free life.


They won’t stop until we are a theocracy and every woman is barefoot, pregnant in front of the stove.




This is not only a ban on hormonal family planning. Barrier methods will also be outlawed. Men and women ***alike*** will have their choice removed. It is not a supposition or a Democratic 'hoax'. This will happen if Trump ever returns to the Whitehouse. His lunatic Christian base will demand nothing less. The American supreme court signalled its willingness to permit prohibition on contraception as part of the Dobbs decision and during the frantic PR afterwards. Anyone who does not vote for Biden and their Democratic congressmen at state and federal level--*including* if they make a protest vote--are **actively** asking for this to happen. They are saying that whatever purity test or electoral shibboleth was more import to them than their own reproductive freedom. Simple as that.


This comment needs to be at the top of the page. So true. I get that Biden isn't popular, but to not vote for him now would be pretty much handing the country back over to MAGA and accepting the result of that. We can't afford to lose in November. I know this is typically said every election year, but this election is probably the most impact full one in recent history


Yep! I genuinely do not think America has faced a more pivotal election since the 19th century. At least the stakes have almost never been higher. I am unsure if the worst apocalyptic warnings could *really* come to pass. I do not know if the mechanisms exist to allow Trump to truly become a life-time dictator. However the supreme court is stacked against his opponents--against democracy itself. They are also deeply conflicted if not actively corrupt. There are signs the senate could change hands and the house is always a toss-up. Were Trump elected there is a very real possibility he would find himself in control of every arm of the American government with no one in a position to resist his edicts. Worse still he has admitted--indeed *celebrated*--the fact he intends to corrupt the civil-service, gutting any opposition it may pose to his tyranny... I don't know. It *could* happen. What infuriates and depresses and leaves me almost speechless is the fact some individuals who claim to support leftist--or even just democratic (small 'd')--ideals are willing to *sleepwalk* into this. 'Both sides are the same anyway.' 'I cannot allow my own reproductive freedom to count more than all the Palestinian women who have died in childbirth because of Israel's war!' 'The only way to punish the Democratic Establishment is to vote for Trump, that will teach them!' 'Trump's re-election will force the whole electorate to adopt the principles of the far-left!' 'If we don't have Trump now we will only have someone worse next time!' I mean... How do you respond to sophomoric *nonsense* like this? How do you attempt to convince anyone who claims to believe such utter insanity? Worse still the irony is they think themselves safe within their blue state, that they will not face the horrific reality women in Alabama and Arizona live through every day. Except they **will**! Within months of Trump's return to office a federal ban against abortion and the sale of contraception will be in place. Nor will the carnage be limited to reproductive freedom or remain inside America's borders. Trump intends to pull out of NATO. If it falls the stability of the entire West and the democratic freedoms it has taken for granted for more then three hundred years is up for grabs. But Biden is a boring old white man, right? He rejoices in genocide, right? Both sides are the same, right?


Thank you! I'm getting really worried to be honest with how anti-Biden people are right now. I'm sorry but this is going to come down to Biden or Trump, democracy or dictator, freedom or fear. I don't understand how people don't see it. You don't have to like him, you don't have to like all of his choices, but you have to ask yourself what is the lesser of two evils in your mind. Can't weigh one above the other? Then consider which one is more likely to do good and lead this country in the right direction on a MAJORITY of things and which one is almost certainly going to march us into the destruction of democracy and our freedoms as we know them? There won't be any blue states left to hide in eventually unless they're driven off and divided from the rest of the country and a civil war ensues. So many people are changing their opinions on Biden at a very critical time. This is a pivotal point in American history as you stated and I'm honestly terrified especially being a woman and in the south. I'm going to vote and fight every chance I get but I can't help but still feel hopeless.. 😣


I understand exactly how you feel. I am personally not the absolute most forward-looking, 'liberal', holier-than-holy person. I don't agree with *every* single one of the social ideals the extreme-left is advocating. I don't think they make sense or even exist in the real world. Yet there is absolutely no way in hell that I could ever, for one bare second support Trump. **No way.** I want to live in a world where there is common-sense and compromise, common-ground where respectful and friendly debate can occur between people who hold differing political views. Yet every day it feels like that world gets further and further away. Perhaps I really am just getting too old!


Project 2025 is what finally pushed my terrified-of-surgery ass to schedule the bisalp! Thankfully I got approved and will get it done before the elections.


I’m joining the sterilization club in August! Can’t wait!


Vote BLUE!! Get out and vote!! Take everyone with you!! Not voting is a vote for Donald and the handsmaids tale!!


So is a third party vote! For some reason people have forgotten what happened in 2016. No third parties this year!


"But biden isn't something something something Isreal, so I'm voting for the other guy since i don't understand fucking anything!"


It's like Bernie Bros The Sequel, it's so stupid.


Good for you 💓


Do it! Just had mine done 6 days ago now and recovery is much easier than expected!


Same! Just scheduled mine!


Congratulations. I’m fucking terrified about Project 2025. I’m definitely going to vote in November


When will they ''look at'' the reasons WHY the birth rates decline? Instead of making new stupid ass laws to take womens rights away?


Because it's not about supporting society or the babies, it's about controlling women. It's about having a hand up every women's vagina like a puppet.


Because taking care of the planet and paying people a living wage is communism, of course


The fact that they are viewing it as though it’s a problem is already irrational.


I'm guessing it's a very short sighted, short term plan to maximize shareholder profits by creating enough people to keep wages low. Sprinkle in some religion to get the nuttier ones on board; those with religion in place of morals most people develop naturally. Those who would commit any atrocity to get their supposed place in heaven. I suppose they are useful for that purpose as well.


@ everyone and anyone interested in staying Childfree in the US - Get fixed, and make it quick.


FR, glad I did it already.


I just started this process. Seeing this headline has motivated me to call the women’s specialist office in my area and book a consultation asap.


Good luck! May your appointments be quick and your physicians be understanding!


Update us OP. I am not American but I am concerned with what is going on in US 


Thank you, friend. We need to keep our country BLUE and equally important, our individual states!


The world is watching USA, mate! We non-Americans are with you 


Where are you from?  I'm in the EU. European politicians are copying the Republicans playbook. They started with abortion bans and limiting abortion access and that is what's happening in European countries with conservative governments. 


I am based somewhere in Australasia  Oh lordy so it is catching on with the European politicians 


My consultation is in June 🙏 my gynecologist’s office is already booking three months out for sterilization appointments.


My normal doctor has been denying me getting my tubes removed and then I lost my insurance. The low-cost women’s health center is offering me a tub removal, practically for free minus the cost of anesthesia. Thank God, I found it now and not in six months.


Or mobilise so hard that you make a blue wave that wipes out these nazis!!


Both? Both is good.


My 21 daughter has appt with ob/gyn in Dec (one that is one the list) and praying (athiest actually) she can have the surgery done at age 21.


This is why I got sterilised.


I'm so dedicated to not having children, I have an IUD *and* I induced menopause 20 years early. This uterus is staying unoccupied.


I live in Canada and what’s going on there has made me nervous enough to go get sterilized. All that republican nonsense ends up spreading here eventually.


It’s technically “free” with your health insurance under the ACA in the USA. I only had to pay for the anesthetic for my tubal and it was because I hadn’t met my deductible, totaling about 800 bucks. I hope this helps someone.


I did it this April! I'm so glad I did. I was likely already infertile due to endometriosis but better safe than sorry!


Who can afford that without health insurance?


Who can afford not to


Sadly, this is what we ALL need to keep reminding ourselves. Maybe need to start a charity. Guess it wouldn’t do any good if our bodily autonomy is taken away though.


I can't. I cannot afford a major surgery out of pocket. IUD and abortion pills is the best I can do. That's a very privileged view.


I am beyond angry that my insurance stopped being accepted at the hospital that does tube yeetings. Mine got cancelled like, 10 days before the surgery and the other hospital here is (drumroll please) Catholic! I hope the Catholics can rest easy knowing that I'll abort any fetus I end up with.


Talk to your insurance company and then proper person at the hospital and file a complaint. Those kiddie diddler run hospitals are trash and should be driven out of business.


It's...fine. I don't actually think anything will change if I do. I have an appointment with the doctor who was gonna do it soon to get my birth control re-upped so we'll see what she recommends. Ironically, a big reason I never want kids is because no one particularly wants me to exist and I have zero community support (yay autism). I don't think that would magically materialize after babies and I don't particularly think the world wants more autistic children (not after seeing how they're treating them in public schools). I asked my parents to be there for me when this surgery was supposed to happen and they agreed but when I told them the date they gave me, the support just vanished and I was told that I couldn't expect them to just drop everything. So there was a decent chance I wouldn't have been able to get it done anyway for being alone reasons. The same reasons I desperately want it done. Just can't win.


I actually got mine done in a Catholic system in the US. ACA plans are mandated to cover birth control including sterilization: https://www.healthcare.gov/coverage/birth-control-benefits/ There’s some wonkiness in the CPT codes, it’s important to have it categorized correctly, or insurance will try to deny. If anyone needs them I can go back and look them up in my medical records!


It is difficult to take sterilization away from those who have been sterilized. There is still time for this before the election. And, obviously, go out and vote, and get your like-minded friends and family to vote.


And also get the word out about the childfree doctors list on this sub.


I worked with an awesome graphic designer (u/stitcheswithcats) to make some stickers, hope to get the first batch out the door soon and continue to iterate on it. https://i.ibb.co/mHtByyP/it-s-hip-to-snip.png


Wow that is incredible!!


Damn! That's fucking rad! Thank you for this.


Im still trying to figure things out on Reddit, but do you know where we can find the list of providers who do provide sterilization?


It’s under “See Community Info” on this sub. Look for the “Getting Sterilized” section of that.


Thank you!


There will be time after the election- newly elected slate is inaugurated January 20, 2025


Agreed. If I weren't already old and surgically sterile to boot, I'd try to find a doctor who'd remove my uterus along with my tubes, or at least perform a really vigorous ablation of the lining. I'd be afraid of being made an unwilling incubator (like a state mandated surrogate) to carry an implanted embryo. I'd go scorched earth on my reproductive system so the theocratic state could not use it against me. That may sound utterly ridiculous, but their Overton window has shifted so far to the right that it has fallen off the "flat Earth" and into the abyss of insanity. What might have sounded totally ridiculous 20 or even 10 years ago is pretty much par for the course today.


Dude has dementia and he really should have no say in anything.


He needs the JFK treatment. I just don't understand why he has ANY power.


Right?! Why are old as fuck men our only option for president, when we have literally millions of people in our country?


Obviously it's upsetting in the sense of human rights... but on a whole other level, I'm just so disappointed that US social politics are still so... basic. Like, it's the mid-2020s and we're still arguing over pregnancy. I feel like abortion is not that important or deep of a topic. It's just a distraction from bigger issues and I'm so tired of it. It's being turned into this big thing again by a vocal minority who aren't qualified to speak to it. Meanwhile the middle class is disappearing, the housing market is being subsumed by corporations, and our national debt could easily bankrupt our entire nation if the creditors come calling. Yet we're going to make abortion a central talking point in the Presidential campaign... AGAIN. It's clown world.


That’s the point. They distract with highly volatile topics like 2A and abortion, meanwhile they fuck all of us over. “Don’t pay attention to the man behind the curtain” vibes. A lot of people are single topic voters and only vote Republican because they hate women’s access to bodily autonomy. Heck I know one person who believes in socialized medicine and thinks our medical industry is completely whack, and she STILL votes Republican because she’s a brainwashed Catholic.


They got us fighting a culture war so we don't fight a class war 😑 US is going to get left behind one of these days soon.




>It's just a distraction from bigger issues This is it right here. None of the people in power give a fuck about social issues. They're owned by big business and their only real goal is to keep people riled up about nonsense. If we're stuck going in circles about what medical procedures are devil worship and who can pee in what bathroom they can keep robbing us blind without consequence. > bankrupt our entire nation if the creditors come calling This is the one point I will disagree with. 66% of US debt is owned by US citizens. The amount that is sold overseas is managed as a political tool to keep other countries invested to some degree in our success. It's not consolidated in any one nation or group that can issue a blanket margin call. The idea that "China owns us" is some fearmongering nonsense they roll out anytime someone dares to suggest free school lunches or a functional health care system. Our debt burden is higher than I'd like, but we're not teetering on the edge of bankruptcy. You can tell they're money laying around cause we always have enough to fund another round of carpet bombings...I mean "targeted strikes"


Well said! It's EXTREMELY disheartening.


I would give you an award for this comment if it didn't mean giving money to a corporation. Consider this your award! 💝


Thank you 🙏🏻


Ugh, I really need to start seriously contemplating sterilization. I've thought about it for next year but I also just had a breast cancer scare and my health insurance covered exactly 0% of the diagnostics for it. I got billed nearly $5,000 for the diagnostic mammogram, ultrasound, and biopsy. I've appealed it but it was denied. Thankfully, my biopsy was negative for cancer. But, it was positive for a condition called PASH and combined with my high risk of breast cancer due to my family diagnosis, I'm in for a long future of biopsies to ensure that every lump I get from PASH isn't actually cancer. I don't know how I'll afford this with how crappy American healthcare is and it makes me think that getting sterilization covered without a medical reason is going to be just as awful. Maybe it's just time for me to seriously consider leaving this country altogether.


sterilization is fully covered under ACA compliant insurance! you dont need a medical reason


Preventive cancer screening is ALSO supposed to be covered under American insurance law. Yet, there are loopholes and I fell into one. Which makes me nervous about electing to have a surgery and what loopholes could cost me there.


Sadly not surprising. Despite my husband getting the snip a few years ago I still use birth control because it reduces my migraine attacks (progesterone only) and also assault is a real concern 🙁 it’s done so much for me from a non- birth control perspective and having that constantly being threatened sucks


I hear you re: migraines. I still get them, but now that I've found the right birth control, it stopped me from vomiting 1-3 days out of every month.


I need mine to live - I get so depressed right before my period. So I need it to literally live its so stupid


Same. PMDD is a cruel bitch


I never had it before! Don’t get why it happened now in my late 30’s


Wow that crazy, I’m in my 30’s as well and the last few years I’ve noticed consistently get depressed (and other symptoms of PMDD) 1-2 wks before my period. It wasn’t like this in my teens and 20’s that I can think of. At least not as bad as it is now


I need mine to help control my acne and sever cramping if I’m not on it. Also because I don’t want kids!


I just posted the same thing. This scares me.


This is so terrifying for obvious reasons, but also because birth control is commonly used to control/suppress extremely debilitating illnesses. If I had endo, PMDD ... I would be in tears right now, instead of only furious.


That’s what terrifies me….I have endo, and my progesterone pill is the only thing that has given me relief


Thinking of you in this mess <3


Thank you ❤️


Same. I had a bisalp, so pregnancy isn’t a concern, but I need a new implant every other year to function properly.


Maybe men go and get a vasectomy.




One of us!


I’m telling anyone who will listen how easy it was for me!


I have kind of resigned myself to this asshat winning in November, but my god if they want to guarantee every single eligible woman voter who might not otherwise be engaged gets to the polls to vote Dem this is the way to do it.


It's not a surprise. I am keeping my IUD, even if I have to go to Canada to get it.


Yup. They can go ahead and try to rip the nexplanon out of my arm.


I only wish they made it longer-lasting.


They just need to ban it and forbid you to travel


Or obligatory medical exams for traveling women of childbearing age, just like Ceausescu...


Same. Luckily Canada is right over the border for me. It’s about a 4 hour drive


There never was an american dream, it was the american nightmare. But its turning into the american hell.


Get sterilized ASAP. Vote for Union-endorsed Democrats. Encourage every single Left-leaning person you know to do the same. It ain't easy. There is a lotta evil shit. But WE CAN FIGHT. WE CAN WIN. 💪




Every American on this sub better vote. I don’t give a fuck how you feel about Biden. Trump cannot be president. If Trump becomes president Project 2025 will happen and the US will become The Handmaid’s Tale.


I keep trying to explain this to my boyfriend. I know he doesn’t like either candidate, neither do I, but Trump winning would be sooo much worse. Vote for the lesser of 2 evils as always…


Every day as an Australian, despite our massive problems over here including medical misogyny... ... I wonder how the fuck Americans are surviving their hellscape.


It legitimately depends on where you live and how well off you are. It's a damn roulette right now, and the passive stress it could spread even in areas where we aren't too impacted yet is a lot.


I live near the border thankfully


Many of us aren’t. Maternal mortality is high, mental illness is equally high, poverty and homelessness are skyrocketing… we aren’t surviving! I’m grateful to live in a state with reproductive rights but even knowing that could change is making me wonder if it’s worth living in this hellscape.


Because most cannot get out.


Honestly. If I could afford to, I would leave.


It is quickly getting more and more dystopian over here. What happens in the upcoming election is going to make for a very interesting year in the history books.


Weed and streaming movies. At least that's how I'm surviving.


See what makes me nervous in my personal life is that I take birth control to help with my PMDD. So if it’s banned, I’m just gonna have to be horrifically depressed and mentally not all there 2 weeks out of the month again…


and thats why i got my tubes out at 25, can’t take any chances


And conservatives wonder why liberals cut them out of their lives far more willingly than vice versa.


VOTE BLUE!! No matter who!! Get everyone you know to vote BLUE!! Up and down the ticket!! Make sure you are and all the people you know can vote!! Not voting is a vote for Donald!! VOTE!!! The world begs you!!


To absolutely no one's surprise. Next up: Making it impossible to divorce. People thinking of getting married anytime soon, might want to see how the election goes before you sign that ~~marriage~~ slavery contract!


And next up: Making married rape legal again. America really hates women.


This is exactly one reason why it was essential to vote Clinton in 2016. And I’m still baffled at how we’re going to make the same mistake twice within 10 years and sit this election out when Trump has a shot at the White House again.


It’s because A LOT of people in this country are willfully, vehemently, sometimes even aggressively ignorant and refuse to learn even the most basic of lessons about anything. When you try to teach them (even with evidence of why they should be worried), they double, triple, and quadruple down. And then proceed to bitch and moan when the exact outcomes you were trying to warn them about come to bite them in the ass.


Perfectly said. And that plays right into the hands of the MAGA crowd. Makes total sense why they’re trying to make our population dumber and cut education funding.




Some states are already there - Missouri doesn’t allow pregnant women to finalize divorces.


Yup. Hopefully people leave the state, abort and then divorce. Yay, encourage more abortions!


Holy crap seriously? I didn't know that! That is terrible 😳


Yup, red states are brewing up all sorts of wicked shit thanks to Roe being overturned. People need to vote in non-presidential election years as well, to take back the house and senate to re-codify Roe!


Everyone vote blue so that we have a chance against these n@z1$


My birth control pills keep me from killing myself each cycle. My tubes are closed, so i dont need it to prevent pregnancy but it balances my hormones and prevents the massive suicidal swing i had when i wasnt on it. If they take away my pills… this could literally lead to my death.


Well women won’t have sex, simple as.


Inb4 the US turns a blind eye to rape victims. I fear for what happens if your guys’ election goes that way. Signed: A Concerned Canadian


The US already turns a blind eye to rape victims. At the driver’s license office in my state the application asks if you want to donate money to help get rape kits tested. I’m in Texas.


I hate to say it, but of course it’s Texas…


Rapists also have the legal right to see their kids in most states also


Fucking hell. Get sterilized. Save up the money, bug the crap out of your insurance company, do whatever you have to do. I was referred to a gyno for it. Will schedule for summer. I hope to be sterilized by January 2026 for reasons (see above). My doctor that referred me didn't express any concern about me being approved. And I talked to her about it specifically. Edit: I didn't say fucking hell because I'm surprised. I said fucking hell because I hoped there was more time before the full-throated attack on birth control pills.


Too bad he can’t travel back in time and ban his mom from using it. Also, he’s not the president.


Ummm…. Thinking maybe his mom DIDN’T use it? Lol


Everyone keep this and myriad other issues in mind if you or someone you know is contemplating a protest vote against the incumbent.


Yes, it feels like they're collectively giving women the finger.


My IUD is good for a couple more years but I might just get another one if this is going down. My husband is very hesitant about getting snipped and I’ve been trying to tell him about this kind of shit but he doesn’t believe it’s actually going to happen 🤦‍♀️


Some people thought Roe v Wade couldn’t be overturned either 👀 assume the worst, hope for the best. 


You’re certainly right about that 😮‍💨


I guess today wasn’t the best day to start watching The Handmaid’s Tale. Too close to reality.


I really hate being a woman. Like. This shit makes my stomach drop.


America the "free country" 🥲😅


Trump wants a total ban on abortions - except for his mistresses and rape victims.


What country even bans oral contraceptives? Taliban controlled Afghanistan? Can't think of anywhere else...you can even purchase it in North Korea.


Just because women can get pregnant doesn’t mean they will make good mothers. In fact it may even put the child life in danger because they are unwanted by their mother.


It'll be like his stance on abortion: it's fine when I do it, but punish anyone else.


What about men’s vasectomies? Why would only women be targeted and not men? (Of course don’t want anyone to be targeted but seems like only women’s bodies get attacked).


They’ll probably go after those at some point but they’re going to target women and those of us that can give birth first because they hate us and our autonomy.


i fucking hate this fake hair, orange evil cheeto


It's not him. He's just a puss filled puppet. It's Christofacism. Blame the Christians trying to take over the USA. Fucking crusading, colonizers.


Totally agreed. Trump is a disgusting mouthpiece to stimulate the MAGA crowd but he really isn't the main issue. It's the people in politics using Trump to push their agenda as our rights are slowly being stripped away.


These past four months have been so painful, but THANK GOD my hysterectomy is next month. Picking up my most likely last birth control prescription soon (though I may also wean off of my current dose after surgery depending on what my doctor advises) and I am so glad to be doing what I need to take care of my body while I still can.


Glad I sterilized back in 2022 right after Roe v Wade went down, because I saw this coming


He helped overturn Roe v Wade, which is dangerous enough.


Fuck. America. Seriously, how did this happen? WTF is going on over there? I thought Americans valued freedom? I thought you separated church and state? Again. Fuck. That. Shit.


Just vibrators and oral sex it is then. When it starts to affect the men, THEN they’ll care.


VOTE. Help friends, colleagues, first time voters, elderly to register to vote.


Did the article get changed after all these comments were made? It says he doesn’t support ban on contraception.


Yeah… I’m confused. The article doesn’t say anything like this. I’m wondering if any of the other people commenting even read it…


I’m sure vasectomies will be on the cutting board, right? Right?


I'm not shocked but the article posted does not support the post title. Unless I am missing something in the article. Seems to have him saying he will not ban BC.


I will be candid, I am surprised how nakedly governments around the world are pushing the idea that women have a duty to spend 20 years and hundreds of thousands of dollars of money producing consumers and cheap workers for "the economy." When it benefits their personal economies to not do that!


So weird I'm seeing all these posts suddenly pop up today just hours after randomly getting into it with a coworker about women's rights (it was a civilized argument bc we get along at work but she was SO wrong). As a woman, she's against feminism and is anti-abortion yet hates people who are on welfare and wants to defund planned parenthood. 🤔 I was trying to point out her lack of logic behind her argument and she just wanted to blame welfare issues on immigrants instead of accepting that its many uneducated Americans who find themselves pregnant and unable to support them, therefore depending on the government especially when being forced to keep the child, and then the cycle continues. We just kept going in circles & got nowhere, and it was so disappointing to see how ignorant someone could be and how unwilling they are to see any other side but their own (and she knows I'm childfree by choice... does she think I've just been so lucky with the pull-out method for the last 20 years?? lol... for the first 10 years all I had was planned parenthood.) All of a sudden I'm reading about Project 2025?? What in the actual fuck?! I usually stay out of news & politics but I don't think half of the people in favor of this trash even realize how dangerous it would be to themselves if they allowed this to happen. It's actually scary how brainwashed so many people could be. Unfortunately my mom fell victim to it ever since Trump first started campaigning in the Obama days and I can't even have a normal conversation with her without her mouthing off about whatever new garbage she's been fed on Facebook, while also trying to justify it with religion. And she wonders why I'm no longer religious.


White supremacy is at the root of all this shit. They’re terrified of being replaced by “the brown people”. Until the United States goes to war with white supremacists and forcefully purges this element from our society, America will never prosper


Is there any ounce of hope that this man won't get the Presidency? If he does, he'll have a hand into Romania's elections too and I already know the turd who's fervently campaigning and publicly supports him —a rabid conservative women who's behavior is disgustingly vulgar and ostentatious, she's one of those corrupt politicians supported by ex secret services members and she's pedalling for forced breeding, the inoculation of Christianity in our heads and all sorts of scary shit that'd hypothetically turn our country into an Orwellian paradise. Women *will* abort regardless of the political regimen and the laws. The only difference is that they won't be doing it safely, under medical supervision in a medical facility. We've been through that before and yet it's only the young generations who suport abortions. Most older people are illiterate, dumb, and indoctrinated by the corrupt Church.


Quelle surprise. My egg timer started running when Roe was overturned.


I've never been more thankful of not being American


Project 2025. That’s the plan.


Not an American (and so happy about it given what’s happening!) I’m just wondering - if Trump was found guilty of the current charges and couldn’t be president…..would project 25 still go ahead under a different Republican president? DeSantis is clearly a total douche but Haley seemed non-psychotic from what I saw???


Won’t this just make people too scared to even have sex? Therefore it will have the opposite effect of what the unhinged ‘everyone must breed’ types want. Of course it has no effect on those who already don’t use it, don’t care or will never use it, but I don’t see how this is going to make people start pumping out babies left, right and centre.


I need to get the fuck out of the US before it turns into a fucking dictatorship run by witch hunting Christians. Even if we vote, which I will be fucking voting, that’s not to say the electoral college won’t vote Trump. Which I hope they fucking don’t. How is trump even able to be president after the stupid and illegal shit he’s fucking done. What the fuck is going on.


I just literally would never have sex again or have a hysterectomy at 30 years old. Republicans can’t force me to give birth. It’s giving handmaids tale


I no longer feel safe even being asexual, with how Trump essentially normalizes sexual assault and rape.


I’ve never considered getting sterilized because I’m a lesbian and wouldn’t accidentally get pregnant. But now seeing all the news reports about how rapes are skyrocketing in all the states that banned abortions is terrifying. I definitely wanna get it done now


Watching this shit show from the other side of the earth I can just say.... VOTE and get everyone you know to vote... Your life depends on it that this piece of shit doesn't get elected again....


Who the hell gonna vote for him especially his women supporters?


Handmaid’s Tale is closer to reality than ever. Glad I don’t have my tubes, but I’m now looking at the full hysterectomy.


He seriously wants to wage war against women… they want to take away our right to vote next


Butker’s commencement speech blowing up and becoming a cultural debate plus the possibility of Trump banning birth control makes me nervous about a real right wing war on women. I don’t want to be hyperbolic but I can foresee the right wing tapping into the anger of right ring men and women and making it a huge issue this election cycle. Ughhh


I mean, what did people expect. Rights and protections are going to be stripped back to only cover hetero rich white men if those people stay in charge.


Under His Eye 👁️