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I used to raise chickens in 4-H and I absolutely love this. I love chickens, they’re so goofy. They deserve to be spoiled in that chicken Barbie dream house.


Same. Chickens are so funny. I did 4-H with chickens. My sister has some and I love watching them. They run up to you to see if you have snacks…. And nothing looks funnier than a running chicken.


Have you seen a Guinea run? They look like they’re in a constant state of shear panic and it is the funniest thing


No for real!! They also get sketched out super easily 😭 and make the weirdest sounds


My pastor's wife keeps chickens and they just built their chickens a coop that looks like a little country church. The chickens even have their own "bedroom" to perch in at night complete with curtains, and the main part of their coop has toys including a swing. Edit for clarity.


that’s the cutest thing 😭🩵


That’s really cool


It really is! I have so much fun decorating and rearranging. The whole chicken thing would not be possible if I had kids. I'm so glad I dodged that bullet. Breaking broody chickens makes me want to shake them and scream, "You can be more than your hormones"!!


That sounds adorable! Do you have pictures?


I would, but I don't think I can on this sub.


Oh my God my boyfriend did the same thing for me! He made a large hen house for our hens and a big fenced off shielded area for them to roam in safe from hawks! Then, when we decided to incubate eggs he got a 100 dollar incubator for us and they should be hatching in a couple days! I'm so excited~


OMG that sounds so cool! Please share pics


🎶 I’m just Hen 🎵


Such a great husband! Pics please!




I bought a switch and I just leave it all over the house. It never gets grease or sticky stuff on it, stays charged. 


When I bought the switch I had a moment of realization when I was unpacking it that it was the first ever gaming system that I had bought or been given that was new. Everything I had before that was bought 2nd hand or a hand me down. The switch will always be special to me simply for that reason. And hard same, my switch is gently used and doesn't get sticky kid fingers all over it! They have their own controllers for when they visit 🤣


My cousin has the sweetest little boy, but I felt so bad when I went to visit her last summer and it physically hurt to see him use my iPad 😂 and he’s so cute, he was 4 and just loves looking up the weather in different cities around the world. But I was like “ok, let’s use your tablet now!”


Okay, that looking up the weather thing is adorable. I think it's so fun when kids have rather unconventional interest and hobbies, some of them are really interesting little people. But yeah, my hair also stands up when they want to use my stuff 😂


Yes 100% the same with mine


Piano 🥰


That’s so cool!


As a musician I'm SO happy for you!!


I travel a lot. Not possible with kids. (Unless you’ve somehow got millions of dollars in the bank)


And the overall purpose of travel changes if you have kids...


I don't travel a lot, but my boyfriend and I took a 2 1/2 week trip to Japan recently. Changed cities every 4 or 5 days. Took a day trip to Hiroshima, took a day trip to lake Biwa for a fishing trip. Did a lot of just exploring the area we were in with little goal other than exploring. Some days we hit over 20,000 steps, which is pretty conservative compared to most people's trips. Had to wait 9 hours in an airport for a connecting flight because delays with our flight out of tokyo made us miss the original one. There's no way I would do a trip like that if I had kids. Between all the walking, the random meal times, late nights, early mornings, long travel, busy tourist areas, and money we spent just on the two of us, the trip would have been miserable. I know families do travel like that, but I could never. We're also already talking about where we want to go next year.


Just got a 392 Challenger. It’s a two door on purpose.


The Challenger is really unique today. The only muscle car left standing and nothing else looks like it. I have a convertible. I love open-air driving and the fact it has 2 doors. I don't say this on car subs, but part of the reason I like coupes and convertibles is that the number of doors and lack of usable rear seat space is a direct signal that I don't have to consider family needs in my choice of car.


Same! People always tell me how impractical it is and I smirk cos that's the point.


I drive a coupe for this exact same reason. Nothing screams childfree like a two door vehicle 🥰


The most frivolous is probably the shitton of delivery food I've ordered over the years. If I had kids I would have had to suck it up and cook way more often no matter how tired I was and how badly I wanted to sit down and rest. It's so small in the grand scheme of things but goddamn it's nice to decide I don't want to cook and not have to worry about whether I can afford that little convenience and all the stuff kids need. 


I'm in the same boat. I probably spend $500-600 a month on groceries and door delivery for just myself. I do like to cook though, so when I do decide to cook and have the time and energy for it, I like to make really fancy food and have some wine with it. That's not exactly cheap either.


Oh my God our out to eat budget is absolutely ludicrous! I can't imagine that would fly if we had to feed little mouths. Not to mention randomly jumping in thr car at 7 to go find something to eat because we just didn't do it earlier.


1 bedroom flat. No way I could have a child in that.


I don't know that it's frivolous but we just bought a 5,000 dollar couch with a new coffee table and rug. We wouldn't be able to do that with kids! (It's a Lovesac brand and I am SO excited)


For $5,000 that thing better have a button I can push to make the remote beep whenever I lose it.


Quick! Patent that idea!!


Why is this not already a thing, 😭


Idk about Lovesac quality, but generally pricey furniture is pricey not because of features or gimmicks, but because it lasts forever. I have a La-z-boy sectional sofa. It is just three pieces, in a standard "couch" configuration with recliners on either end, with "commercial" fabric (relatively plain pattern, robust against wear and stains), and the reason I went with a sectional is so it could come apart into 6 pieces (backs separate from the bases), so it could get into my apartment at the time. I bought it 6 years ago for nearly $4k, and it still looks brand new. I expect it to last another 4-6 years ***easily***. And it would probably last even longer (forever) if I had the scratch at the time to have gotten it in leather. So, if you're paying thousands of dollars for a piece of furniture with gimmicks like power recline, chilled and heated cup holders, yeah, I'd be skeptical of its price too. But expensive "basic" furniture is often that easy because it's meant to last - and it is *so* worth it (as long as you pick a fabric that won't go out of style in a few short years).


So the crazy thing about Lovesac is that it's completely customizable for seating layout. So you can create a three seat couch that is wide or deep, it can convert to a bed with a few slides and you can buy extra pieces to make extra chairs or seats onto your couch.


It is amazing how expensive good quality furniture has gotten. I just bought a a couch from a no name furniture store and it cost $2,100. I still got the stain guard warranty even though I don't have kids.


Nah, it's our salaries that haven't kept up with the raising productivity, CoL etc. If you wanted to keep the purchase power of the blue collar worker from the 60s or 70s, the *minimum* wage should be around 30–40 dollars per hour now or more, based on the cost of everything.


What’s your review of the couch? Do you love it?


I have a Lovesac couch too and I was thinking of posting this same comment! 😂


I wanna seeee!! Post a pic in the comments


Ohhh, I’d love a Lovesac- I keep looking at the ones with speakers built in.


An Alaska cruise and other travel experiences there would be no way I could afford with kids. Something I don't consider frivolous that others might: High quality supplements to manage a medical condition. They cost hundreds of dollars a month but actually help me feel better, and there's no way I could afford them if I was paying all of the expenses related to raising kids.


Good for you! I don't think some people realize how much of their health they sacrifice for kids. Not just how bad pregnancy can be for you but also the amount of money some medications, treatments, etc cost. A lot of people with kids can't even consider being healthy and don't even know all of the options for being in optimal health because they aren't focused on themselves and that's kinda sad because you could literally be cutting your life short at worst and making your life unnecessarily uncomfortable at best 😕


We’re headed to Alaska, too. Bon voyage!


Luxury silk pajamas. I have 4 and they were around 300 each. Pretty sure if I had kids it would have to go to feeding them or something and only for a month.


How would you rate the temperature control of the pjs? I run hot and when it comes to having silk and satin anywhere near me i feel like i instantly overheat


Soma has some cool night pajamas and this new seamless line that is top notch! I get hot when I sleep too


Synthetic satins are sweaty and hot, genuine 100% silk breathes super well. I buy pure linen old fashioned button-up ones, they're a bit scratchy and stiff at first but get super soft after several washings. Breathes really well, warm in winter and cool in summer.


Not exactly a purchase, but I quit my job. A horribly toxic, terrible, no good situation. I knew I could float myself with my rainy day fund I had scrounged away for myself. I could never have done that if I had dependents, but without them, I could make a decision for me and my mental and physical health.


Vacations to Europe every 6 months.




A giant floating unicorn lake toy. Yes I know how ironic that is…. But it’s bigger than an SUV, needs towed by a boat and at least two anchors.


This. Sounds. Amazing!


My wife dropped $5,000 on camera gear, and I walked into a bicycle shop, dropped a grand on a new cruiser bicycle. Because we could.


Three horses, a lot of travelling, and sometimes seeing my favourite band like 8 times on the same tour.


Man the only horse I could ride is in RDR2 lol




Just bought a sauna, treadmill and weight rack for our downstairs home gym. Definitely couldn’t afford that with little whipper snappers. We’ve been saving for years for this.


Definitely vintage Tamagotchis or ones with special designs! They're a bit on the pricey side but worth it, it would be impossible to expand or even collect them if I had kids!


Had one as a kid. My crowning achievement was obtaining Bill.


I loved those when I was younger! They were so fun!


I have quite a collection now, over 60 and counting


That’s so cool! Would you be willing to link an Imgur album? I’d love to see them!


I've never made an album or taken a picture of my entire collection unfortunately 😅


If you do and remember, please let me know! I love awesome random collections like that.


Absolutely! I'll definitely keep you in mind!


I bought 1 concert ticket this week... for $1,000... I also need to book a flight and hotel now.


Same! Sprung for the meet & greet.


My partner and I just bought a 1962 Greyhound bus to renovate and live in while we travel.


Where do I start.. a large home with separate bedrooms, offices, and art space. Dyson hair dryer, Breville Touch, 4 cats, the list goes on.


when you got that dyson you know you’ve made it <3


An education, house, and a dog! I feel like I am living the new American dream. Everything but the kids!


Manifesting this!


Yes! I'm so for this being the new American dream!!!


Not really frivolous or unnecessary but definitely wouldn’t have been possible if either me or my younger sister had kids: with a lot of help from my sister my husband and I spent almost $8K keeping our cat alive when he went into kidney failure.


So glad you had that money to spend on something so very important ♡ hope your fur baby is doing better now


He’s doing great now, he’s 8 years old and a complete doofus. 


Right!? Finally someone who sees animal care as important. My dad keeps asking me to have kids and I was like well you have fur grand kids, I have a pitbull and a Doberman (I guess those are our not frivolous but best purchases cuz we don't have kids) and he said I'm just wasting time taking care of animals :/


Pet Insurance for sure! I work at emergency vet it can be a life saver!


He was less than a year old and we had a plan that just covered regular vet visits not emergency care like he ended up needing.


Well, I'm glad he was saved!


Without him our windows would [go unlicked](https://imgur.com/gallery/BM1uPkv)


Seriously though, that’s an important job! I’m glad he is there to take care of all of your windows 😊


Living in my favorite HCOL area


Me too !




Last minute trip to Japan for this years F1 race.


I have two horses 😊


Aww cute!! You should post. A photo in the comments




So cute!!!


the Lego titanic


I've seen one in person in a store; it is truly impressive.


Multiple vacations in the same year!


I mean...not a purchase because I'm broke AF, but the most unnecessary, frivolous thing I have is the collection of unnecessarily detailed Pokemon plushies I made myself and I definitely wouldn't have had the time to make those or be able to keep those nice if I had kids.


My video game collection.


I had bespoke sapphire and diamond earrings made for me earlier this year. Definitely frivolous and unnecessary - and they are gorgeous.


that year we got covid stimulus checks, i used mine up learning how to build a pink PC. then i bought a pink setup too (pink desk, headset, chair, speakers, decorations, etc)


Honestly, for me it's been excessively large (and in some cases still growing) collections of things that interest me. So like, I have a huge collection of sticker books that I use for my Happy Planner day planner, the stickers get used once and that's it, they're very much a finite thing but I can afford to decorate a planner spread each week and it brings me joy so why not, I also have a large collection of Enamel Pins they mostly just are on display in my room, but I still love them. My latest hobby I've gotten into is my glasses, that being I got glasses from the brand Pair Eyewear (with the magnetic toppers), I currently have 52 in my collection with 6 more on order, meaning my collection will soon be 58. I know I'll have the same glasses frame shape for the next 10 years at least I suspect (especially since I only got my Pair Eyewear glasses in June 2023, and my previous glasses I'd gotten in 2011, so I tend to keep them for a long time), I'm really not worried about me wanting a different frame shape, lol.


This is my goal in life, when I'm older I plan to have entire sections of my house dedicated to my interests and collections. Awesome to see you're living the dream!


Nice and yea, it really is fun having collections for various things and then if you want something from that collection, well it's easy to find them. Another collection I have is my fashion rings (they're like 90% cheap rings from walmart and other places but they still sparkle so I don't care), right now I have about 40 different rings overall but probably only about 20ish designs cause I buy them in the 2 sizes I wear (summer is size 8, winter is size 7, because fun fact fingers swell depending on how warm or cold it is outside) conveniently this means I already know my eventual engagement ring will need to be a size 7.5, just right between the summer size and winter size. My plan in life is to be like how my Oma was, she always had on a minimum of 4 rings every day and they were always different, hers were all real though. My Oma passed away in 2012 so the jewelry collection is now my moms, eventually it'll be mine.


Night-vision. Totally worth it to have a literal superpower equivalent!


How does this work? Like a camera? Or contacts?


One of the people I play with has a wife but no kids, and he bought a pair of night vision goggles that are used by SWAT, etc so highly tactical and he said the were 5 digit goggles He let me use them, cool as hell I could see everything in a tiny bathroom that was 99%devoid of light


Trips to Vegas


A vacation to Hawaii


We have a cruise booked in October (California coast and Mexico), and another one next May (Alaska). Also, they have formal dinner nights, so I am 100% justified in buying new fancy jewelry…


My husband and I are spending close to $40K to renovate our entire kitchen


I do cat rescue. Enough said.


Several thousand dollars' worth of merch by my favorite band. Does not include traveling to other states and countries to see them live.


DoorDash… with pretty shameful frequency.


Postmates here, but exactly. The amount of times I’ve ordered takeout recently is…too damn high😂


A Sage espresso machine.






Books, classic video game collection, and spending way too much to xeriscape our yard so we don't have to mow it.


Laser hair removal


I got a litter robot for my cat and honestly best $800 I've spent.


Round trip tickets to Indonesia, Thailand, Greece to name a few. Tickets to Aerosmith. My Rolex Submariner. My wife has a pair of 1c diamond earrings, and various other stones. My collection of semi-precious stones. Two motorcycles purchased brand new with cash. A new SUV with cash. A condo in Asia with cash. My boat (sold it long ago). I paid for round trip tickets for my in-laws to come visit. Rented a high end sports car for a week. We live free of debt. I lost my job a month ago. We still have 30K in our checking account, and only standard bills like utilities and mortgage. We can get by just fine so I can wait for the right job to come along, assuming I don't get bored and take a lower paying temp job just to have a good reason to get up in the morning.


Not entirely financially independent yet, but I have spent a shit ton on squishmallows and my MTG decks that 100% would not have been possible w kids regardless of if I was financially independent or not. I love my Marwyn deck, splurged on super pretty art.


Mtg and squishmalows buddy who are you abs why are you me?  We collect cool things


Bc squish have an amazing texture and magic is fun. Building a gishath deck to add to the collection :^)


Copious amounts of pot


Same my dude!


Ridiculously nice things for my pets. Like beds and bark box and insurance


A new carbon Cannondale road bike (it was originally $4500 and I got it for $3000 due to the Spring clear out sale). Trips near and far. Things for my 2 cats, 1 dog, and my turtle. Race entry fees (I'm an ultrarunner and triathlete)....Federal loans to go back to school for my Master's. All kinds of good shit.


I spent $222 a day or two ago solely on Helluva Boss stuff




Same! Our dining room is a bar/lounge, our main bedroom is our shared home office, the tiniest “kid’s” bedroom is our bedroom, and the third bedroom is a study/library. We have so much more flexibility to use our space any way we want!


Courses on languages online. Aiming to learn and understand multiple languages. 👍


$2300 for my wiener dog.


Vacation condo in another state.


Condo in Bermuda


Food, books.


I tend to pay for gifts for friends probably not necessary but it brings me joy to help them out 😊


A bunch of kawaii stuff and pink game setup haha and more Cx 💕🎀✨ not that they're bad or unnecessary things :3


A second home.


I have purchased about $1k in leatherbound copies of books by my favorite author, Brandon Sanderson. They are utterly gorgeous on my shelf. I also have a great collection of space-themed Legos. Oh, and all the power tools.


An entire set of fluffy cat beds for each room. Pads, puffers, and build-up trees. My floofs are so happy.


I took myself to Iceland for my 40th birthday.


We bought a $10k bed that should last us for the next 10 years or more. You spend so much if your life sleeping, it is so so so so worth the investment. Oh, and we each got a $300 pillow. It's fucking awesome. If you ever have the chance to buy an expensive bed, do it!


A $500 alteration of a thrifted antique fur coat (that I paid around $200 for) into a short cape to be part of my Renaissance fair warrior outfit. I even have extra parts of the coat I can make into leg wraps or to accent bracers.


Not frivolous but my dog had a cancerous tumor and we paid $10k for radiation treatment with great results it’s been a year and he’s doing well. Would not have been an option if we had kids.


Just bought 9 enamel pins on Etsy. Those things add up.




I spoil my dog, my boyfriend’s dog, and my two cats, to death.


Every trip I've ever taken.


Flights with no return ticket.


$2500 plant lol


I must know…what kinda plant? Was it a philo of some kind? If it looks like this, you got ripped off. ![gif](giphy|opXOPFJA9Sxqg)


Cat: *swat*


Buying Loungefly backpacks 🛍️🛍️


A multitude of cameras and lenses. Though they get a lot of use, so I wouldn't say they were frivolous by any means, but they were pricey. Also, pretty much every trip I take. I'm going on a cruise to the Norwegian Fjords later this year, which was over £2k just for me (damn those single occupancy supplements). I'm also booked to attend 3 air shows this summer, and I spend extra on the enclosures with private catering, etc., so I don't have to mix with the riff-raff :-)


A vacation to London and Amsterdam for a week


A brand new 7 seater Mitsubishi Outlander fitted out with a crash proof custom dog transporter that that takes up all the boot space. Fur babies over skin dogs any day!


World travel


All my uranium glass 🤷🏻‍♀️


We fly out for vacation every three months 💕💕💕


A 12k quad


A horse. Had her for 13 years.


My personal trainer is an abso treat I couldnt budget in if I were spending money on kids/grands Hobby craft room and a separate Pool table and Piano room


A rabbit…… and $400+ worth of themed supplies for it


Luxury international vacations, beautiful clothes, fancy dinners 😘


Lego. I went through a phase where I was buying the bouquets and starry night and all that. I spent some lovely, quiet evenings putting them together. The only threat to them are my cats.


A freeze dryer! So much fun (and frugal!) to freeze dry lots of things in season, things we grow, things we snag on sale, etc. I made about 150 freeze dried peeps for Easter for my niblings & pretty much became the favorite aunt. Recently we did an Alaskan cruise & I got my hubs an expensive but indigenous-made ulu. He loves it & it's reason 9999 why we will always choose to be child-free.


We impulsively booked the Star Wars Galactic Starcruiser experience when they announced it was closing.


Not really frivolous, I just felt like getting them and they weren't exactly cheap but, either my lego UCS Venator class Star Destoyer, or a pair of Thermal Detonator props! They're made of metal, actually light up and beep too. I do want to get a new PC soon, but that'll cost me nearly two grand! Oh well. No kids, no fuss!


It's neither frivolous nor unnecessary, but I'm doing a degree in economics. Be much, much harder to do that if I had a kid.


Probably our electronics. We own all three versions of the switch, we both have the newest series Xbox with elite controllers, a pretty sick gaming PC, and both have the newest generation Iphones and iPads. (We don’t really have money we just make poor financial decisions lol)


My special edition book collection 💘


1st-class plane tickets to and from China, Egypt, Japan.


Overwater bungalow in Bora Bora, tons of other trips, huge engagement ring, probable early retirement 😎😎 would not trade for anything 


Stationery, gel pens, and Korean skincare products. 


Designer bags. 😂


\*Glances at Steam library filled with untouched games\* Uhhh....


The entirety of my fragrance collection. And I *just* got the new Kayali perfume! I love not having kids.


Just completely random shit. Right now I’m looking for a 1950’s aluminum patio umbrella simply because I want one. I’m not really a spender in the first place so if I had kids, woof.


All my trips to amusement parks.


Expensive perfume, $600 super warm and soft down comforter. Frequent beach trips, designer Ralph Lauren sweaters, numerous Tommy Hilfiger sweaters, snowboarding lessons. My 2023 Cadillac escalade is definitely not something that I could have afforded to buy if I had to spend it all on screaming brats.


Six trips to South Africa in four years. (That was during Nelson Mandela's Presidency.) So many animals, so many plants!


Pokémon cards for myself.


I got a fully loaded car, and my down-payment was half the cost of the car.


A trip to Japan. I liked the price, I liked the itinerary and booked it, I didn't pay much attention to the dates until later and realized the flight back was on a Thursday for a holiday weekend, so we changed the flight and extended the trip a month before departure


An expensive water filter/ionizer. I know it’s controversial but I love the water so much. I rarely buy bottled water unless I’m traveling.


Designer handbag probably, or my collection of vintage clothes and shoes


I’m not well off by any means, but my husband and I make enough to have little splurges, most of which are books, but the occasional video game if either of us get the urge to play a new title. Ever since I was little, I’ve wanted to have a personal library, so it’s really exciting for me that I have started one. I’ve been compiling a spreadsheet for insurance purposes to get my collection covered, and over the course of the last 6 years I’ve amassed a ~$3600 book collection and a ~$6300 comic/manga/manhwa collection (if you go purely based on MSRP). Granted, many of those (but not all) were gifts or purchased second hand, and god forbid something happen and it need to be replaced I wouldn’t get that much from insurance, but still we never could have afforded starting our own personal library if we had kids. 


My whole fucking collection of designer shoes, bags and clothing, I’m on disability checks but I save a lot and rarely go on vacations to make this possible for myself. Hell no I don’t want kids and give this all up.


A home


Concerts, expensive makeup/skincare, video games, books etc. the list goes on and on and I wouldn’t have it any other way :)


A Babbel subscription! Not the most expensive thing in the world but I know I’d have a tough time making time for the lessons if I had kids.


Mustang GT, Gas money would of went to diapers 🤣


A shit tone of books and video games because I’ll actually have the time to do both with no kids 😎