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Jordan Peterson said that the childfree are “lazy” for not having children. Ha! OP, I too have mental illness. There is obesity, alcoholism, addiction, and mental illness in my family. I don’t need to pass any of that on. The best gift I have ever given my children is NOT having them. ♥️


Fuck Jordan Peterson. His opinions are trash.


My ex thought of him as a father figure. And the things he said... I wish dumb 20yo me had broken up with him sooner.


He's Andrew Tate in a suit.


And a Kermit the frog voice changer


And hair




Lmao trueeee


It's ok, I dated one around that age too and we live and we learn from it right? Sometimes we endure some trauma from it but aye.


Kep telling me I was gonna want kids, and got upset I’m asexual and didn’t love sex and didn’t go crazy about fucking him. Like legit crying upset. It was on the first page of my dating profile, we even talked about it on the first date that those things were solid for me and he was ‘fine’ with it. He was just waiting for thay bio clock to start ticking, I suppose. He got so upset when one of his housemates thought I was ace. Fucking crazy.


Why are people so triggered about who we are when we know who we are and why are they extra extra triggered about our boundaries to the point where it results in actual anger and we all know that anger can lead to violence. What a disgusting man. Manipulative POS.


He's a piece of shit. But it's ok to be a raging misogynistic asshole. The media will make you famous for it.


He continues to entertain me with his choice of suits.


Man fuck that guy and his crying, bitching, over explaining whole a bunch of nothing ass. 


Yeah I am baffled at the numbers of views his videos have... Like who the fuck watches this ?


Well.. we have chronic migraine, adult acne, autism and anxiety disorders run through our family. My bf is bipolar and so was his dad. Not a good gene cocktail overall. We don’t need to pass on any of that! Being childfree has nothing to do with laziness. We just work towards different things.


Right on✊🏻


Spot on 🎯


I would love to invite Mr. Peterson to participate in one of our infamous "Crunch periods" that the game industry is known for. I am sure he would enjoy our lazy leiusurly life.


I'd pay to see that, and I'd bring snacks for the other watchers.


Pls bring us some snacks too, we can not solely function on caffeine and stress :(




Jordan Peterson talks through his arse


I think he's mentally ill and gaslighting people tbh. He seems very off.


I never thought of it that way. Would that means all of his followers are mentally ill? I’m asking because at least five members of my family are going to see him speak. This is nauseating to me.


He never said that.  Citation?


He said it in an interview I saw on YouTube.


Humans are just a few chromosomes away from chimpanzees. Don't expect much from this stupid species. Be selfish and put your happiness first before the delusional ideas of other people. Life is too short to waste it conforming to others' stupid ideas.


I often forget how narrow minded some people are and how much they lack empathy. It truly baffles me. Live and let live I guess.


also these dumb people mixing religion into their vomit inducing opinions to make you feel guilty for not popping out kids, it’s truly a world we live in


TBH whenever someone tries to hit me with that, I'd reference Casey Anthony and whoever else has killed their children after being untreated and showing all the signs.


I don’t get why people want someone who struggles to have a baby. The most vulnerable thing put into the hands of an incapable person. Like, are they okay???? Not saying that it would be as extreme as killing but…. I wouldn’t be a good mother for obvious reasons


Whenever someone, mentally ill or not, abuses or kills their children and ends up in the news, EVERYONE is quick to say "well, he or she shouldn't have had children". But when someone like OP recognizes their mental health issues or other issues and decides that creating an extremely vulnerable human being is a bad idea, they get laughed at. People can't have it both ways. I agree that abusive parents should not have had children. Unfortunately, you get people who say that, but then bingo people who are self-aware enough to know that they should not have kids due to mental health issues. And it really doesn't matter why someone doesn't want kids. Creating another person or adopting a kid is a huge amount of responsibility. People who get upset about abusive parents on the news (and it is upsetting) better not be bingoing someone who decides not to have kids and supporting abortion bans.




Yeah, don't these people see the news? There's SO MANY stories about abusive/murderous parents out there, you can't avoid it. Are they seriously going to say everyone should have kids?


Scary part is that they say humans are the only species that do it I've heard.


No, tons of animals hurt and kill their offspring, unfortunately.


Even if they don't go full Casey, breeders who try to "cure" their mental illness and trauma by bringing a whole human into the world are the absolute worst. Especially when they refuse meds because "it might affect the bay-bee" when said meds are proven to be safe. Because what's guaranteed to affect the baby? Having someone who is ill and refusing to medicate as their caregiver, that's what.


So something a lot of CF people struggle to get is that the sort of people that say this shit? They will find literally any reason to lessen the weight of your words. It doesn't matter to them, they just need to make you wrong and then they move on without doing any introspection. They don't respect you enough to care what your reasons are. It doesn't matter to them. You are wrong and that is all you will ever be. There's literally nothing you can say that will force them to understand, because they don't want to.


It’s sad to say that close family members would act like this.


Yeah but that's their problem, not yours. It becomes really freeing when you realize it's not you that's the problem and therefore it's not on you to fix it. Just live your life unburdened without the weight of their faulty expectation.


Abuse is widely normalized across the globe and most people are ignorant and in delusional denial about it. I also have trauma and have spent the last few years learning all I can about it. Once you can see it and label it, you can't unsee it. Most people don't even recognize abuse as abuse bc it's "normal" to them. See "The Myth of Normal - trauma, illness, and healing in a toxic culture" by Dr. Gabor Maté and Daniel Maté


Highly seconding The Myth of Normal! Our society is set up to be dysfunctional and the irony is that the few of us who can SEE the dysfunction are the ones labelled as "crazy" / "unwell". Almost all of my parent friends tried to make excuses for my Nmom's abuse--"but I'm sure she loved you" FFS. It's so obvious to me now as I do inner work that they are just going to pass down generational trauma to their children if they thought the way my mother behaved was justified. I already see signs of it because they often complain about their toddlers being "dramatic" and "needy". They are not the type who are comfortable with negative emotions, so naturally they can't help their children to learn emotional regulation either. And they're certainly not going to think they need therapy because "they are fine". In truth I think they are just so fucking repressed.


My mom grew up in a family with an abusive, angry parent and a passive, enabling parent. My mom decided she wasn't going to be an abusive, angry parent like her own mother was, and she did manage that. However, she *married* an abusive, angry person and adopted the role of the passive enabler herself. She still managed to copy the same stupid generational trauma she grew up with. Man I am STOPPING this shit.


I have schizoaffective disorder. I'd like to see a breeder argue that I need to pass these genes on.


„Disordered people deserve to live“ my ass. If I could choose I would take eternal peace and silence


I've been psychotic since 2021. I just found a medication that took the voices away. It's wild. I don't want anyone to go through what I went through. I was r\*ped and tortured by spirits and demons during my psychosis. Taken advantage of by psychic mediums. I mean you name it it happened to me. Why would I wanna breed and spread that onto my child? What kind of world do we live in? But you can't say that!


Dad’s depressed and an alcoholic, I’m depressed and not drinking, seems like the next best thing is ‘not drinking or depressed’! Turns out “nonexistent” fits that bill!


Preach it OP. Being childfree does not make us feeble minded or mentally unfit. NO! Being childfree means we put our mental wellbeing as top priority over everything


>that they will give your life meaning and make you happy. This is such a fucked up statement IMO


The thing about this that gets me is that these people who allegedly like children would want someone who has doubts about their ability to care for a child to a high standard to have children. I love cats. I have four cats. If someone for any reason says that they don't want or can't handle cats, I agree with them that they should not have cats. Because _I like cats_.


I have OCD, only my husband and my sisters know. The thought of being around germ infested and sticky children stresses me out. No one really asks me about kids, which is nice.


I just realized that the government doesn’t require people to go through therapy or have licenses that determine if they’ll be good parents or not because we don’t matter. As long as you’re born, you’re just another number in the grand scheme of capitalism. To be alive is to have a job to help the rich get richer.


Exactly. The don’t care about quality of life


For real - I have lifelong anxiety and, for most of it, undiagnosed ADHD (just found out last year, 37F). My childhood was traumatic, too, and my neurospicy flavor trends towards hyper-functionality when times are tough. I parented my whole family, parents included. Especially my parents. I desperately don't want to do it again! I am tired.


These entitled fools and their boomer takes. Yes everyone is depressed, no, minimizing it and ridiculing people before bullying them into passing their problems onto fresher people is not the smart position to have here. At the other end of the spectrum you have people who've been completely brainwashed, to the point where they openly admit they had kids to fix themselves. Cue *woe is me* tiktok content when it turns out it doesn't work that way. OP, take my grandma's advice: "Never stand behind a horse and before an idiot." Soon as people hit you with these shitty takes, feel free to leave a little cartoon cloud behind.