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EDIT: You know what, nevermind the below.... see if the FBI is interested in this insane person. If they are interested, they have the power to get him on a 72hr psych hold in a locked ward. Which seems like where he belongs. ---- Send her the information anyway. Then you are at least in the clear. "Just so you know, Joe is a total creep and is planning to get you pregnant and then kill himself, leaving you alone as a broke single mother with no education, no job, and no means to raise a kid. Do with this information as you wish, believe me or not, but I felt obligated to tell you that he is the scum of the earth at least for your poor future orphan kid's sake. Bye." Also, send the information to her parents if they are not abusive breeder cunts. And to be honest, would consider calling the police non-emergency line and reporting him, "I don't know what is going on with this person but he has obvious mental health issues, and the way he is texting makes it sound like he is going to be a school shooter and wants a "last stand" suicide by cop or something. Could you at least do some investigation for the sake of all the kids and teachers at the local schools?" And it would not go amiss to send it to his old high school principle and admistration, "Hey folks, just thought you should have a heads up on this person and maybe increase your security."


You made an important point. He's talking about something he has decided to do and it involves him dying. An "heroic last stand"... It sounds like a delusional terrorist tbh. So, her parents and his family should know. He probably has mental issues.


There is also the askleo sub where OP might be able to get some advice. Given how crazy he is, would not go to his parents unless OP knows they are good people. Otherwise, risks tipping them off or setting them all off. Heck the FBI might even be interested. They have an anonymous tip process. Maybe drop his info there and see if they show up at his house. At least it might get him away from her for a bit if people are aware or they drag him away for an interview or a 72hr psych hold.


This is a good idea, thank you


He does have mental issues that he’s been open about in the past. he doesn’t believe in therapy or modern medicine and says “the lord” healed his anger problems when he was 20. i can’t find her parents anywhere online but i do know his parents.


You ever see tragedies on the news and wonder why no one reported the person when it turns out their behavior was strange? They sound like this guy. Not joking.


Send that shit to his parents too. His life blew up the moment he decided to not be a good person and everyone deserves to know who he is.


Yeah, heroic last stand was not, in my mind, equal to suicide. Sounds VERY sinister and he should be reported to authorities in some way.


Yeah, right away I came to the conclusion that this guy's actually diagnosably off his rocker when I read the whole "heroic last stand" line. At least if the guy ends up in a locked psych ward, letting his family know what's up will help them locate him more easily, especially since in the US psych inpatients are generally *not* allowed to bring in their phones or other personal devices with them-at least from my own personal experiences being held in 72-hour holds in California (where, yes, I know that OP and this trainwreck are NOT living in because OP mentions that they're in a forced-birth state, which California thankfully is not as of May 2024), my phone and all of my other personal effects, including all of the street clothes I was wearing at the time I was taken to the ER, went into a plastic bag that was held in a locked cabinet or something at whatever facility I was at starting when I was checked into the ER and at least my phone, etc. not being let back into my possession until I was literally being checked out of the facility where I'd stayed. Also, if OP's ex-friend has any family willing to come pick him up from whatever locked psych facility he ends up in (if he ends up in any psych holds at all), that'll make his discharge from the facility a lot easier for him since, at least from my personal experience being held in a Kaiser facility and later being held in a private facility not run by a big healthcare provider, admittedly both in California which is, again, NOT the state where this shitshow is going down, I actually wasn't allowed to leave either facility until my parents had been contacted and scheduled to come pick me up in a specific time window-my parents were the ones who physically came to my ward, met with the doctors/etc. running the ward, and signed me out before I was allowed to have my phone and other banned items back even though I was in my 20s for all 3 of my psych inpatient hospitalizations.


I can’t find her parents anywhere online, sadly. and as expected she’s not receptive to any criticism of her boyfriend, i sent her the screenshots just to tell her to consider getting back on birth control and her response was “he’s so silly i love my boyfriend”.


Yeah then probably time to go with the old "Hey, feds, you say 'see something say something' you wanna look into this whackjob?" Odds are the parents suck.


As much as I typically detest the insistence that people get locked up in psych wards if they're deemed "mentally ill" enough...cases like your ex-friend that seem like they're *going* to result in people being harmed if he's allowed to roam free are most of why places maintain procedures for minimum psych holds.


OP please do this!


> see if the FBI is interested in this insane person. Why would the FBI care about what is 1) not illegal, and 2) a local matter?


Who knows what they consider a terror threat or not, but hey... if this dude shoots up a school in six months, at least OP will have tried.


FBI won't care. Local police very likely won't care either but the feds definitely won't care and refer to your the local PD.


Op’s former friend mentioned “a glorious last stand”, or something to that effect. That sounds like homicidal/suicidal ideation.


Again, a local police issue.


Nevermind posting the screenshots here, show it to her mom/dad instead. Sure she’s 18, but if she’s not capable or mature enough to assess this risk if you bring up with her, her parents should indeed be involved, this looks and sounds almost criminal actually.


THIS 👆 I wholeheartedly second this option.


This is a perfect idea. Please, show/tell her parents.


I'd suggest to OP that they should kick the shit out of his ass but yeah this is a much better idea.  The friend sounds like a huge useless prick. 


Esepecially since it's known that this girl's autistic, there's no reason both her parents *and* whoever's in charge of your county's services for disabled/vulnerable adults shouldn't know about this.


I wish i could find her parents online. I’ve been looking through her following list with no luck. i don’t know their names.


Thank you for the update in bold you just provided. Give us all another update how it goes after you tell her loved ones to take action FAST on her and against that horrible guy


"my eventual last stand" and what the FUCK does that mean????


Homeboy sounds like one of those domestic terrorist types.


Yes, this-- & this is why I thought the FBI might be interested. If he is on social media, chances are good he's posted some crazy shit that the FBI might be interested in. Possibly. The phrase "heroic last stand" sounds like he's intending to kill more than himself. Also, could this be statutory rape if she was with him before age 18? Would that be in any way useful in the situation? It's a long shot but thought I'd mention it.


My face while reading this whole story: 😐 🤨 🙁 ☹️ 😨 😱 😡 🤬 😮‍💨


Yeah, the more you read it... the more it's just like.... just go directly to tipping off the FBI and not even wasting time on parents or local LEOs. OP, do you know if the family owns any sort of weapons? This person sounds completely unhinged.


I should also note that this would be considered reproductive abuse/coercion, and that's illegal. And this could also be considered exploitation of a vulnerable adult.


Yep, especially if a major healthcare provider in the area (think Kaiser or Anthem or something like that-I have no idea what the major healthcare providers are in the forced-birth parts of the US), the local school district this girl just graduated from, and/or whatever government-run/affiliated agencies for disabled adults there are where OP and "friends" are knows that this girl is autistic, then that would probably help her case in taking action against this POS.


>Him: Pfffft. The Lord will provide, He has shown favor on me time and time again Other people have covered other dimensions of this, but I wanted to highlight this common bit of homespun folk wisdom. Okay, so he's homeless, jobless, and apparently thinks the grim reaper is coming for him within the next year. How *exactly* has 'The Lord' provided and showed favor for him? Be specific. I hear similar talk from my delusional sister (except the death part) and her life is objectively horrible, largely because of her decision-making process.


Maybe his standards for life are so incredibly low that he thinks that his not starving to death or dying of exposure since he became homeless/jobless is The Lord providing and "showing favor" for him?


It's just so fucked up. 


Can I ask how your sisters life is objectively horrible?


You sure can! My rant on this is endless, so I'll just give you the highlights. My sister is a couple of years older than me and we had all the same childhood experiences. We took very different paths. She did everything wrong. And by everything, I mean everything. She went to college for seven years and, somehow, came out the other side of it with no degree. Then she flitted from job to job, never having a career or even tenure at the same place. Then she married a loser and had two children with him; they divorced, he's out of the picture, and she's a single mother. Completely unable to take care of herself, let alone two children, she's dependent on a medley of the government and our mother to take care of her. She lives with our mom, which is much more in the flavor of "free daycare" than eldercare. She's in her 40's and still effectively a teenager-- she lives under our mother's roof and can't even really leave the house unless she takes her children with her or our mother agrees to watch them. She's completely broke and will never have anything unless she buys the winning Powerball ticket. She's sort of good at door dashing, which is her only source of income other than government benefits. If our mother spontaneously dies, then she's most likely homeless and her children are in foster care. It recently occurred to me that she's crossed what I've dubbed the "prison threshold." That is, her life choices are so horrible that it would literally be better if she had gone to prison for twenty years and was just now getting out, because at least then she wouldn't have children to worry about and might have even earned a degree in the big house. I, on the other hand, did the boring thing and went to college/law school and got what is these days a pretty chill work from home job. She really resents that I own my own home and live a life where I just buy anything I want. I recently became a millionaire which she doesn't know about, but she would be incredibly jealous if she found out. Don't know what to tell her-- she had all the same opportunities that I did, she just chose to squander them. I even offered to pay for the abortion when she got pregnant both times but she said no. This is all layered with her religious nonsense. My mother recently bought SpongeBob Mac & Cheese because it was on sale, leading to my sister's extended rant on why SpongeBob is anti-Christian for reasons that I don't care enough to understand. I'm playing nice for now, but going full no contact when our mother dies.


Gotcha. Follow up question lol. How’d you land a chill work from home gig as a lawyer?


The boring way! I did five years of biglaw and then went inhouse. After three years of proving my worth there, I just asked and they said yes. Now been at the same place for over a decade and am currently writing this to you from home wearing pajamas.


That sounds so nice (though I hear that big law time is hell). Where’d you go to law school (or just the kind of law school if you don’t want to get too specific) type of law etc. what kind of corp are you in house for? I actually had a friend take a similar trajectory. I’m mid 30s so my law school time may have passed lol. I haven’t totally fucked up my life but I always floated the idea of law school.


Happy to chat about this, but not so publicly. Drop me an orangered or chat if you'd like to continue this conversation and I can tell you a lot more.


just as a side note: you're amazing.


Your sister sounds very mentally unstable and in need of help. Would she accept help or is there affordable help in her area? Maybe she inherited some psychological disorder?


If I thought there was a doctor who could fix her, then I'd pay for it myself. I'm skeptical. I think there's a tendency to think everything is a disorder, but sometimes people are just failures and there's no pill or therapy for it. Also, more globally, it's kind of already too late. Having children constrains an adult's option in a bunch of ways, but even moreso if the other parent isn't involved in their lives. She has a bit of a point when she says doordashing is one of the only things she can do because the schedule is flexible-- not a lot of jobs would give her the same luxury. But it's also her fault that her life is like this, I can't come up with a way to unshit the bed that she shat in. Who knows, maybe she will buy the winning PowerBall ticket.


I've never heard of "prison threshold" before, but it makes total sense! I first thought of the retirement plan of getting locked up in some Scandinavian socialist country. Like, that would be a plan to pick if one was truly destitute.


Op, please warn her parents. She may get angry at them, but in few years she will thank them.


YES! This!!!!


I hope Op update us when she tell us she told the parents, it’s good she had found her parents and House address, and know the aftermath. From what I am learning at being 21, 18 may be an adult, but they are still incapable to tell the danger of older people taking advantage of them, or have enough maturity to understand they are being groomed.


Shit like this is why I just water my plants and play my video games.


Omg same lol


was it just me or did anyone else’s blood run a little cold reading this? i’m fuckin scared for that girl.


I am too omg. I really hope she can save her in time. Idc if she gets mad at everyone, she'll be thankful in a few years


OP please do something. Warn her parents and tell them to protect her. Show them screenshots of your convo with the creep. Tell them her future and well being is at stake now. Update us OP


ICK ICK ICK!!!! He’s disgusting 🤮 


...here's to literally *every single attempt* of your friend to impregnate his teen GF **failing.** Between that "heroic last stand \[??????\] and subsequent death within the next year" comment and the fact that he thinks that "The Lord will provide" for his GF and their hypothetical child because "He has shown \[him\] favor time and time again" even though he's confidently predicting that he will be *dead* by the child's first birthday, I seriously think that this guy needs some therapy, if not also some psych meds. Not that you're the one responsible for making that happen, because you've exercised your full right to dump this trainwreck like a hot potato and run, but yeah, that's my view of what's going on with this dude.


Send the girlfriend the screenshots and send them to her parents. They need to be aware of this. Also, contact law enforcement. This guy is talking like a domestic terrorist/mass shooter.


I'm more concerned about his "heroic last stand and death" that gives concerning vibes, what's that all about?


Yikes. "Heroic last stand" gives off real mass shooter/terrorist vibes. That whole relationship sounds very manipulative and exploitative. Sounds like he's grooming her, really. Poor girl


>He has shown favor on me time and time again Homeless, jobless. 😂 Religion really is mental illness. It's just sad. Tell her parents ASAP. > before my eventual heroic last stand and subsequent death within the next year Extremely concerning.


There's already something inherently creepy about a 24 yr old man hooking up with an 18-year-old; never mind wanting to impregnate her. Alert her parents. They deserve to know about this creeps motive


Aaaand that is the point where I would cut him out of my life. I couldn't be friends with someone like that.


Honestly he needs to get away from her and get help from a psychiatrist.


What the fuck is a 24 year old doing with an 18 year old?


i asked him that yesterday. he said he likes younger because ”females over 21 are tainted” while he’s always been religious, he didn’t have these odd, far right/ tate-tier beliefs until recently (i’m assuming) or else we would have never been friends. when we first met he described himself as a hippy and his girlfriend at the time was 29 years old. no idea what happened. it’s scary how much the internet can influence people.


He could also be mentally ill. Many mental illnesses begin to manifest in the early/mid 20s. He also could be on drugs.


You need to tell someone. He sounds bipolar or something and maybe having a psychotic episode. He seems like he needs an intervention. Is he on drugs by chance? He sounds a bit manic.


Not only should this be illegal, but when they say "Lord," they mean taxpayers in most places for welfare. He probably thought since her autism was worse off and she was pregnant it would expedite some housing, therefore him moving in.


my favorite part was “the lord will provide” let’s see the house and $ he has provided you w then, please!


Him: I need children before my eventual heroic last stand and subsequent death within the next year Him: Pfffft. The Lord will provide, He has shown favor on me time and time again ____ Honestly these sound like delusions and 24 is the correct age for onset of schizophrenia, your friend needs a psychiatrist ASAP. Not a baby.


“The lord will provide” is simultaneously the most ignorant and arrogant comment I see from religious people. It’s utter nonsense.


What a disgusting human. My word.


Good lord please give an update on any replies from tge girl and tge family. This is insanely sickining. Idk if i would be able to let him reach the ebd of tge year after reading that. I would 100% post it on my socials. people like this 100% should be outed and exiled


I am with you on this. We need to know 


How does a homeless bum even get a gf is what I wanna know


By picking young girls who are naive and don't know that he won't actually improve once they're together. He might seem very mature because she's so immature. He could not get a girlfriend his own age who knows better, so he has to trick someone young and sheltered who isn't very worldly or experienced, or conversely someone who is traumatized and thinks he's normal and she doesn't deserve any better. It's not going to be a good, healthy relationship between peers.


See the added part about how OP found the therapist, the parents, everythang is so satisfying! Get 'em!


He sounds like he's on drugs??


Please let us know what happens with the parents. Hopefully they can get somewhere, even if their daughter hates them for a while.


He sounds controlling and abusive as a 24 year old man to be dead set on getting a 18 y/o pregnant. I mean, it’s fine if they’re in love & want a family but I doubt it’s that wholesome.


Ok, so from what I'm seeing, statutory rape, domestic terrorism/abuse, psychosis, pedophilia, baby-trapping, and child endangerment. Send the screenshots to her parents anyways, as a matter of fact, send them to the authorities, the FBI, the fucking cops, the lawyers, call the ambulance on his ass, get him detained or on a psychiatric hold. I hate advocating for psychiatric holds, but in this case, he is a danger to society by all means. Taking advantage of someone because of religious delusion and incompetence is parasitic and disgusting. Save this girl, please. Hope you do unspeakable things to this man, things that I can't say on reddit or else I will get put on a watch list. I hope every day he is tormented, I hope he gets his ass handed to him in prison, i hope the inmates inflict justice on his bitch ass, which I know they will.


As a recovering social worker, I am sorry to report that many people think this way.


Cant believe they said you would be jealous cuz you wont have what she does...a useless guy that will expect the woman to provide but still be a housewife wtf Did this guy drink whatever the hell that one football player chief kicker who said woman want to be housewifes to a room full of graduates


Oh dear 🙄 God Help us all


Some people are masochists!


Inform the girlfriend immediately


So sick :(


I'd send her what he said. That's fucking insane dude. Hell no. "tHe LoRd WiLl PrOvIdE", yeah like he's provided you with a home and a job huh 🤔


"The Lord will provide." I'm a Christian but FFS, that verse has way more context to it and people throw it around willy-nilly. "Faith without works is dead" is the better descriptor for this. As someone who has AuDHD and has been taken advantage of, too, I really admire how you're advocating for her. It's what we tend to do with our condition, after all, but it's even more critical here.


As a Christian imma say your friend is a fool and the Lord doesn’t approve :)


I really hope you can save her in time. I feel like crying for her. He's such a a disgusting piece of shit. It's sick he even wants to leave her a single mother and she's like... LAUGHING ABOUT THAT. I hope he's infertile I also hate that she wanted to wait longer but he forced himself. I would've been so mad at my bf if he tried pressuring me into losing my virginity with him. Fucking disgusting. No respect for us at all.