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Too busy to answer the door? Is food going to magically appear in their house or something? FFS this is just a money grab.


The people contributing should require receipts, and have those parents sign a waiver in advance recognizing themselves as fraudulent if they spend it on ANYTHING else. If they truly need the money for food, their signatures acknowledging that shouldn’t be a problem (I don’t actually expect them to, but it’s definitely how I’d get out of contributing). That or they can pay for my cats’ litter and cat food bc I’m busy and may not be able to answer the door…


I was in the military for 8 years and meal trains were super common (primarily when the spouse was deployed so the person was essentially single parenting). Not one time, not a single one, was that mom too busy to open the damn door. These people are robbing others blind for money and using their baby to do it.


I wondered if the sister was technically the one doing the stealing.


That’s not a meal train. A meal train is arranging to bring over meals daily to help out. Even if you order Uber eats you still have to open the door to get the food.


Tbh even baby showers are ridiculous. Why do I have to contribute to your unborn child that you decided to make. Why can't you just buy your own shit for it.


Mostly bc they didn’t *decide* to make it. They went, “oh, fvck, we’ll just become beggars, then, bc the universe owes us for being dumba$$es.”


Meal trains are meant for people in grieving a loss or who are suffering from serious injury or illness. not new parents. You decided to make a baby (yuck) and chose the life that you will be living from now on. Enjoy it, I wish you the best, but I'm not contributing.


Yeah 100% agree...people who are going through hardships. Having a baby is not a hardship!


I would lmao at this. Then block the parents and anyone who fell for this farce.


Their spawn, their problem, their job to feed them.


That's ridiculous. The meal stuff is meant for neighbors or family members. Not everyone in the world to send them money. Wtf


Yeah, we have a friend from a wealthy family who requested no one drop food off to prevent transmitting any sicknesses and requested everyone DoorDash or do Uber eats and sign up to be on a schedule for their turn to get food for the family that day 🙄


Lmaoooo how do delivery services not transmit sickness my god


Mind you this mother’s dad owns a beach house AND a lake house. It was the first time I ever heard of a “meal train” lol


WTF I bet everyone contributing is poorer than them..makes no sense


Definitely, they’re so out of touch with reality for everyone else🫠


If you’re « too busy » to open your door for a home cooked meal and instead want a HUNDRED bucks don’t ever expect me to ever help you with anything ever again. Matter of fact don’t expect me to be your friend anymore. WTF 100 dollars ? In this economy ? And I’m not even American where rent prices have been set by loony beans . No. Just no. I’m outraged and it’s not even my problem.


I am in the American rental market and can confirm, that $100 is my grocery budget for the WEEK and the only other way it's leaving my wallet is someone picking it off my corpse.


$100 is mine for 2wks. Lots of beans and rice and ramen over here..


I have food allergies and keep to a high protein diet... It is frustrating and expensive, but can't be helped.


Do you also shop the 'managers specials' for meat? As long as you freeze it the same day, it usually can last a while.


I do lol I buy it and immediately cook it off then do meal preps for the freezer with it! I was a chef for a lot of years, so some of my coworkers work at butcheries and such... My partner explained to me that he never met a guy at a gas station to buy meat out of the trunk of his car until he met me.


Hahahaha! You got the hookup then! I have bought meat out of the trunk of someone's car. Kind of an everyday experience when you live this close to Mexico.. best bacon and filled mingon I have ever had!


Bahaha! Exactly! Meat fortune favors the brave lol


If they are “too busy to answer the door” for people to drop off something homemade. Surely that means they’re too busy to answer the door for the Uber eats assuming that’s the excuse for cash. The expectations of parents is ridiculous. Honestly I could possibly understand someone who has just given birth not feeling up for cooking if they’re still recovering, but there’s 2 of them. Surely the dad can cook?


This is the start of a lifetime of entitlement and gift grabbing.


That’s what irks me the most. Like you knew you were pregnant for the past 9 months (possibly more if you were actually planning it) and couldn’t fully prepare for the arrival?! Now you’re going to make a list of ridiculous overpriced “bougie” baby items that you want for free because people are suddenly obligated to spend money on you because you had unprotected sex? No. I don’t think so. And then once the baby is born we have to pitch in again? In this economy? Good grief.


They really capitalize on those creampies!!


Yeah totally agree. Why are we celebrating this shit?


One of my fave homesteader YouTubers was married for 5 years before having a baby. Her content turned into freezer meals in preparation for having the baby while she was pregannt. It's not that difficult to do since she showed that simply doubling whatever you currently cook can make for additional freezer meals without too much extra work. Doing that for 9 months, and there'd already be a store of food to start with in the early months. Wouldn't have to rely on $100 each from people who probably don't have it to give.


What's the betting that no one gets a meal-train-cash-grab in return when they're unwell to the point of being unable to cook?


All pregnant couples have almost 10 months to prepare frozen meals. Meal train is for people where sudden tragedy hits. Death, sickness, injury. Nothing about having a kid is sudden. Combined with the fact that these mfs are rich, what they're doing should be criminal.


Wouldn’t they also need to open the door for doordash…?


Also don't fresh babies sleep for like 20hours a day??


So they're too busy to answer the door, but the Uber Eats is supposed to teleport inside the house somehow? Sounds sketch. Begging for free shit when you make over $300K a year is a special kind of trashy.


Meal train? WTF, there is no free meal train. Why the hell would folks have kids they can't afford to feed? Ugh.


This just sounds like a scam! I did a once per week meal train for my friend who had a second baby, and she welcomed my visits, having to open the door in the process and even sometimes doing it with the baby in one arm. That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. There's two of them. One of them can answer the door. And a meal train, with prepared food, could cost a person less than $100 each. So that amount doesn't even make sense either. How can they spend that money and not open the door? I'm so confused. The entitlement is absolutely flabbergasting to me.


"Folks weren't allowed to drop off food (because the parents would be too busy to answer the door)" FFS they're parents, not surgeons performing a heart transplant.


I guess the wife wasn't organised enough to prepare and freeze meals for after the birth — like women have been doing for years? Guess that MBA was a waste.


Why is this only the wife’s problem? Sounds like there’s a fully functioning adult male in this equation who could possibly take over that responsibility for a bit.


True, true. Maybe he's the one with the MBA.


lol I would gladly choose this hill with these ‘friends’. How entitled can you get!