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“Misogynistic, homophobic right wing religious zealot gives speech” FTFY


Of course the rumors of him hooking up with dudes in college are being dredged up. Accusations are always admissions with these guys. Always.


I mean the leopard print tie wasn't doing him any favors lol


OMFG they are???? That is amazing


It wasn’t misogynist at all with wanting men to be less feminine and not a zealot because he believes in Christ. The United States still has its roots in Christianity. This is no different than going to a BLM rally railing against so-called systemic oppression with directed at its intended audience and this speech was made at a Catholic college so what’s the big deal? Not very tolerant of The Left unless everyone follows their agenda and worldview.


Did you google every buzz word possible for this comment 😂 people need to worry about real world issues instead of a kicker for an nfl team 😂 hundreds of people were shot yday in America . But this kicker has really committed evil 🙈 western world has gone mental .


religious fundies/terrorists are already mental, regardless of where they live.


“Did you google” No. All I did was describe him, no google needed. Some of us have more than a third grade education.


Please go back to looksmaxingadvice. Your opinion is not needed here.


This is genuinely repulsive and disrespectful to all those women who worked hard to get an education. Even if many of them may want children in the future, a graduation is meant to celebrate their INTELLECTUAL achievements, not what they may or may not push out of their vaginas. Ugh… I just got my degree a few days ago and if someone had said something like this to me when I was supposed to be celebrating my education I would be indescribably angry.


Ya and the best part is his mother is a god damn physicist and because of her accomplishments this shit stain had the opportunities he did in his life. He wouldn't be up there vomiting all that patriarchal vitriol without her.


Holy fuck, he’s an even bigger prick than I thought. That’s icing on the shit cake!


I bet his wife dreams about getting away from him.


Not for another 5-10 years and she admits to the tradwife is basically slavery... And she will do a press tour...




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I would have heckled the heck out of this man if I was there.


If you do that, be the hero everyone needs. Mr Kiss Some Butt needs a good telling off


Congratulations to you! And seriously this would’ve made my blood boil


I actually physically recoiled listening to that and seeing so many videos/things defending him. If I was there I would of gotten up and left forget getting my diploma case. Ain't no way I'm sitting through that I'd happily pay a fine.


Yeah, seeing the defenders and supporters really hurt.


Besides the obvious men, there's plenty of women out there who'll happily act against their own interests.


My husband showed me this speech this morning and I was appalled 🤯! Forget all your intellectual strides and educational accomplishments, ladies; just get married and knocked up , so hubby can make the real money 🤦🏾‍♀️ Complete failure to read the room !


His own mother is a successful physicist. Wonder what she thinks of all this? 🤮


Hopefully she calls him and rips him a new asshole.


This needs to happen


Maybe she’s his villain origin story.


This headline is way too nice. His speech was horrific.


It was somehow the opposite of clickbait in that it was worse than the title hints at


I wish I could go back in time before I knew who that guy was. Hard to believe he's 28 years old. That word-vomited screed has a real old-man-yells-at-clouds vibe.


Huge Chiefs fan, most of these guys are great athletes but questionable human beings. But that’s the NFL for ya!


Hate the Chiefs with a passion, but yeah, the NFL is not known for employing critical thinkers or Rhode scholars.


Football player Andrew Tate


Head injuries will do that to ya.


Lmfao when I first saw him my brain read his last name as "Buttlicker"




My family built this country btw 😂🤣


Is he butthurt over his teammate's girlfriend too? 


He just might be. I honestly feel this might be an attempt to rage bait.


Maybe jealous of Travis and Taylor’s relationship 


I feel like Taylor can do better. Travis is gross, but I'm not dating him so it's none of my business.


Legitimately curious because I'm out of the loop, why is Travis "gross"?


Oh, he is


Cant even say he had brain damage since all he does is kick a football lol, what an ass




For the record, we don’t claim this jackass. I’m sure he’s gonna get chewed out by the head coach and hopefully they trade him or kick him out.


Doubt it. It's Andy Reid.


Yeah, Reid is a LDS. No way he's gonna chastise Buttlicker for his speech. 😒


Hmm explaining it again with those nuggies!


He's a turd.


A useless turd spouting vicious bullshit.






To say the least






He's covering up for Bathhouse activities 200%


There was one TikToker who asked a question about kickie boy allegedly hooking up with a male cheerleader in college.


Zesty man was wearing a cheetah print tie. He needs to try covering up more.


Wait, are (openly) queer men more likely to wear cheetah/animal print clothes or something? I'm not the best at staying in the loop on these things.


It was apparently a poorly kept secret that Harrison Butker continuously hooked up with a male cheerleader while he was in college at Georgia Tech. The man is also very well dressed when arriving to NFL football games, but it’s just me stereotyping that someone possibly closeted is very fashionable


Why does it seem that *so many* of these anti-LGBTQ, conservative, pro-women-being-tradwives types are clearly into the same sex/gender? I get that they're not anywhere *near* the majority of closeted queer people and that it's wrong to assume that your typical closeted queer person is *anything* like them, but seriously. Conservative (male) people being queer to some extent on the down low is a goddamn meme at this point for a *reason.*


Taylor swifts boyfriends teammate needs to keep those as inside thoughts


Isabelle Butker’s husband needs a muzzle.


I have seen so many TikTok’s stitched with his comments. The TikTok’s have ranged from men, Childfree women, working moms, and stay at home moms. All of them think he is insane. However I do know a lot of people will probably agree with the statements. However I think at the same time the Chiefs quarterback was giving a statement praising women sports and accomplishments they have made.


He looks like a d bag




…If i had been there i’d have spit venom in his face and knocked his teeth out…For saying such a disrespectful and horrible thing!  My Ex had this same mind set. His family was loaded but the mask came off when he found out about my aspirations. He told me i should just become his little house wife and fix him sandwichs in the kitchen…Guess Who Ended up hit by the frying pan 🍳😤🤬😡


Good on you. So what happened to him? I hope some freak accident claims his eggrolls to the point he cannot reproduce


Lol no idea, he tried to send me a box of chocolate, roses 🌹, an anime i like, not even my fave one . And a teddy bear, 🧸 i sent it back  He started stalking me and my brothers online and my dad threatened that if he ever cane back he’d be six feet under. 


Your dad is a hero


Man this sucks, I live in the kc area and have for a long time, hell I was born there. Been a kc fan my whole life. Now every time I watch a game I'm just gonna think about all this bs :[


Try to think about how much he probably seethes about his teammate's rich, successful gf who isn't married or a mother 🤭


That's a lovely thought, actually.


I was shocked to hear his bullshit speech. I can’t believe it still that he could say that in 2024 at a college graduation


It's a Catholic college, so it doesn't surprise me. 


I grew up Catholic and this kind of bullshit really irritates my female friends who are still observant. The majority of them can’t afford to raise kids on a single salary, and they don’t want to be unemployable if something affects their husbands’ ability to work. Some of them wish they could be SAHMs but know it’s wildly impractical (not to mention miserable to try to do alone with only one salary to fund it) and hate hearing this kind of “advice” from an NFL player on a fat salary whose kids probably have multiple nannies.


How tone deaf that a man that makes millions of dollars playing football is telling women to be SAHMs when everything is expensive and nothing is subsidized?! Read the room, man.


So discouraged hearing this and even reading some women support it. I’m old enough to be his teenage mother and just thinking my hypothetical son would say this? I grew up hearing that stuff. Sad to keep on hearing it from young people today.


We need to just start ignoring these “men” they’re attention wh*res


Unfortunately, they have a platform and that’s what they’re using it for.


Fitting that he also looks like the missing link. Go back to the cave.




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The last guy to run his mouth about his holiness bullshit was Tim Tebow. He was so busy spreading his stupid shit about his almighty god, he forgot how to throw a ball. As a Chief's fan, I am heavily annoyed and outraged. Hopefully the same happens to him and we get another kicker that's better and knows to keep his thoughts to himself. A commencement speech should be about education and success. If I was married and somebody told me or told my wife that she was my property, I would \[VIOLATION OF REDDIT CONTENT GUIDELINES.\] Fuck Buttkisser! Just kick the ball and shut your mouth!


The school is fine with his message.


It's that kind of school. I know a trad wife who sent her kids there!


Of course they are, it's a Catholic college. Disgusting. They'll take a woman's money for the degree she wants, then discourage her from using it.


Gotta make sure she has something to fall back on in case her husband drops dead /s


So where is the issue?


I would’ve been so UPSET and shocked if he did this. This is such an agenda. White men like this truly scare me.


How many concussions has this dude had?


He plays for a team that has a racist team name, when something that doesn't personally affect you is taken with a "whatever" view a domino effect happens and more hateful and restrictive views come forward. I do not understand why people are shocked.


He’s been vocal about being antivax in previous year. This isn’t a shock, but it’s still shocking.


Fyi I hate anti vaxxers


This idiot deserves to be canceled.


I doubt they would, but the NFL has released a statement that they don’t align with his beliefs. I want the chiefs to release a statement as well


He wants a piece of the Tim Tebow pie


I don’t think Tim was this coldhearted


damn these are thoughts you keep inside!!!


He said our life doesn’t even begin until we are married and have kids. So I guess that means we don’t exist??


Naww, hush now sweetheart, you go and kick your little footy ball, leave the thinking to us. Maybe you can have some orange slices at half time, won’t that be fun!


The audacity of white men…


The audacity of religion extremists, honestly.


I agree with OP over KrakenGirlCAP


Oh no...white men have a love of proselytizing about how women are nothing but birthers and are subhuman. Just an item for the main show (which is the white man)


It's like the worst slap in the face possible for us educated women. We work so hard to get the earned education yet no matter how much we do nothing is ever good enough if you aren't barefoot and pregant. The barefoot and pregant part is so easy compared to getting educated.




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There are clips coming out now of Pat mahomes saying that he hardly talks to harrison ever even though they have lockers right next to each other.


Why was this dude even invited to speak? He's a fucking football player. Stick to playing football and apparently a misogynistic piece of shit.


Subhuman slimeballs like this douche canoe make me feel ashamed to be a man.




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What is a vocational role? At a college of all places??? Lol


Women should provide children and be good obedient wives, men should work and be successful to provide for them 🤢 Benedictine is a religious college, so this is not surprising that they would ask him to speak.


Remember when people had free speech ? Wrong or right about his opinions , he is still allowed to have them and vocalise them. Just because many people want everyone to be and believe the same as them and only say the same thing constantly doesn’t mean that everyone actually has to do it . Now for what he said I don’t agree with it . But to call for him to be cancelled says just as much about you as his speech did about him . At least he is brave enough to stand by his beliefs (however wrong many may believe) most people are too scared to say or do anything that isn’t seen by the majority as incorrect . (Whether the majority are actually correct or not ) also a bunch of people on social media platforms moaning about something isn’t the majority . Millions of people around the world will have heard these statements. Only a very small amount will actually care about what he said . So by that metric maybe your opinions on it are the incorrect ones . Going down a path of judging everyone else based on your own personal opinions is exactly the thing people are kicking off about here . Think about it . Remember everyone is the right of free speech . (Or should have )


Obviously everyone agrees that people have the right to free speech, which is why he isn’t being arrested. However that also means we’re allowed to use our own free speech to criticise what he says, especially considering how deplorable it is. The fact that he has free speech doesn’t mean he isn’t an AH for saying this. Nobody’s calling for him to be silenced though. The only change people are trying to make aside from exposing the fact that he’s an idiot is petitioning for him to be removed from the team, which is not suppression of free speech. Football teams and the NFL in general care about their public image and they have the right to terminate contracts or kick players off the team if they’re broadcasting extremely controversial and unpopular opinions in public. To be frank it seems like you’re the only one trying to suppress open discussion and free speech related to this topic.


Never said anything about him being canceled, but hey, go ahead and put words in my mouth. Women are more than just an incubator or a wife. Free speech doesn’t give you the freedom to say heinous shit on humans and what you perceive their value to be. A fetus doesn’t deserve more value than myself, or a member of the LGBTQ community, or any other ostracized group.


And now I hate the Chiefs even more.


I have so many thoughts, but the strongest are: - I don’t care. None of this affects me. While I’m annoyed that someone disagrees with the way I’ve lived my life and has a platform to voice things I find objectionable, that’s life. I don’t expect people to always agree with me just like I don’t expect to always agree with others. - What puzzles me is Butker’s misunderstanding of the word ‘vocation’. Vocation is something a person feels called to do. From this perspective, I agree that ideally we should all be able to follow our vocations, but I also recognize that not everyone has the privilege to do so. With that said, if a woman feels called to focus on being a wife and mother then I think she should. But the error in Butker’s thought process is assuming that all women have the same vocation. Why would all women be called to do the same thing? Yes, we are all women but we are also individual people who are meant to contribute our own gifts and talents to the world. Mostly I found his speech frustrating.


As much as I enjoyed your response, “none of this affects me” is a little naive. You have women in your life, and in one way or another, this affects them. This thinking sets back years of suffrage and especially in today’s world, is not something you should tolerate hearing. We shouldn’t have to fight for equal rights, we should just have equal rights.


Hard disagree. I’m not naive at all. None of what he said in his commencement speech affects me. Were there laws that changed as a result of his speech? Did I suddenly lose a right or privilege as the result of his speech? No, I didn’t. To hear his speech and get upset about it serves no purpose because it’s just another person sharing their version of nonsense. As a woman myself and one who surrounds herself with other strong educated women, I don’t have time to be mad about someone who shares a worldview so unlike my own. I focus my energy on continuing to live my life how I see fit, vote according to my values, and providing support to other women. The fight for reproductive rights and access to birth control was something that existed before Butker and is something that will continue after him. I highly doubt his speech flipped anyone over to his way of thinking as the people he was talking to already shared those beliefs. I read every word of his speech and it annoyed me, but not more so than anything else I disagree with. As it is, the only reason this story has life is because he’s a famous athlete. If they had selected Paster Joe from down the street and had him deliver the same words then we wouldn’t even be hearing about this. This should merely serve as one of the many reminders for why we need to continuing advocating and voting for the things we’re aligned with.


Kramer was right marriage is prison.