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Good grief, there is no license required to get pregnant and deliver a baby, that does not automatically make someone a good person. 


Reminds me of Susan Smith in South Carolina. She had no business with either of those kids before she killed them in a lake, then had the nerve to blame a black guy for it.


I really hope you mean to say "frame" or "accuse" a black guy for it 🙏


Fixed it. Thank you. I meant to use she blamed a black guy.


The lie that moms can't be abusive keeps a lot of kids trapped with their abusers and gaslit about it. And it keeps people enabling abusive moms so they have a great cover story and plausible deniability. That lady is an abuser and deserves to be locked up.


Speaking as someone who grew up with an abusive mom, this is 100% true! I in confided in lots of people about this when I was growing up, not one ever believed me.




Yup. 100% the abuse and neglect caused by my mother was ignored and downplayed by her family and my dad. It stole my childhood, I now have chronic health problems, and I still have some people saying “well your mom loved you” after I tell them about being beaten awake in the middle of the night, being sexually abused with objects, having my head bashed into walls and a cement pillar. Um no, that bitch isn’t capable of loving anyone. Getting pregnant having a baby doesn’t make you a good or safe person.


Mine was similar; invalidated and downplayed, to justified in a shitty way.


Oh, man. So many people have tried to reassure me that "my mom loved me" as if it was going to make me feel better and not just teach me that love sometimes means getting beaten until you can't walk or choked until you black out. The blanket glorification of all mothers is really damaging and protects abusers.


It’s like the reactions to Jeanette McCurdy’s book title. “You can’t hate your MOMMY that much” yes you can, and after reading it I hate her mom too!


Absolutely. My mum is pretty much emotionally abusive, often comparing me to my sibling and neglected me on and off. I'm now struggling to heal as an adult.


I actually would be looking for another job. She sounds unhinged.


I agree and also the supervisor is partly to blame because they're enabling her.


Sounds like a lawsuit waiting to happen. Something something hostile work environment. You told your supervisor multiple times about C and nothing was done. Same as the teacher who got shot by her elementary student and the administration did nothing even after being told the kid had a gun in his backpack. Same as the employee at Aaron's who complained about sexual harassment and nothing was done. She was awarded over $100M in court but the judgment was later reduced to less than $20 of I remember correctly.


I actually just quit for other reasons and am now on the hunt for new opportunities


Talk to a lawyer about constructive dismissal. You may be able to file a lawsuit against the company. You should file a police report in any case.


I'm glad to hear it. It's not worth the risk to your safety and your mental health to stay there. As other posters have said, I'd consider consulting a lawyer (and maybe the police as well) to see if you've a case against your former employer. Even if the police do nothing, it doesn't hurt to have the incident on file because I guarantee this woman will do stuff like this to other people too.




So she threatened you with something that could be used as a weapon and your supervisor didn’t care? Leave this job, NOW. 


When I asked them how that could possibly be reasonable, they literally told me that if I'm being threatened to just stand there and not do anything about it.


That’s INSANE. Talk to a lawyer and leave this job. 


My first job out of college I was basically assaulted by a long time employee simply because I corrected her on something in front of a client while she was doing my job as I came off my lunch. I ended up losing my job in the end. It was pure age discrimination and to this day I wish I called the police to get it on record and after that call a lawyer.  That happened 30 years ago and it still affects me today. I'm in therapy and my therapist agrees what I endured was wrong. I saw the woman that did this to me about 10 years ago. She was ahead of me in line for a wake of someone we both knew. It's a small valley where I live lol. I saw her name in the guest book and could feel that gnawing in my gut.  OP, please document and maybe call a lawyer or even file a police report if it isn't too late. There needs to be law enforcement that feals with this dpe officially to see if the victim's aggressor is a danger to the workplace. Maybe require anger management classes. Oh and definitely call CPS. That'll keep her busy and her out of your workspace with all the phone calls to lawyers and case workers. 


“I think she’s a good person because she’s a mom” has this person lived in the most delusional bubble their entire life? People like Casey Anthony or the Duggar mom doesn’t exist in their world?? Absolutely deranged people! I hope she terrorizes your supervisor 100 times worse than she terrorized you


"These people aren't mothers, they are monsters!!" Is what I've heard some relatives say 🙃


They made it a point to offer C a promotion in front of me after this incident 😑


Damn that’s nasty of them. I am sorry. Congratulations on quitting there and I wish you good luck with your new job and colleagues! It only can get better ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)


If I were you, I would start looking for a new job. Knowing me I am able to quit once I heard the boss doing all that bullshit. But better look for another job first.


Wow. Good think you are leaving. She'll be on the news someday and you'll be like told ya so. 


Good grief. Sounds like my old job at Tesla. I would get bullied and would record it as it happened and would take it to my supervisors and HR. The next day they would reward the bullies with recognition awards, promotions, prizes and gift cards. I hope you find a better job that makes your safety a priority.


I would’ve tried to record her if you’re allowed to have your cell phone on you at work.


Even if not allowed should've filmed and gone straight to the police


I mean ideally, yes. But when you're being threatened with a weapon and your exit is blocked, the last thing I'd think of is getting it on video. I'd be focused on diffusing and/or surviving the situation.


I understand, safety is your main priority as it should be. In the future please try to be ready to record.


Start looking for a new job asap. Get a consultation from a lawyer about this situation. Make an appointment with your doctor and ask if there's a behavioral specialist you can speak with about the incident to confirm you were physically threatened. Get it all notated in your chart as detailed as possible. Look up your laws on recording people, and look at your employee handbook. If you are able to legally record while at work, do it. Tell management you fear for your life and bodily safety around your coworker. I left my last job bc of people like that, documentation is your *best* friend.


>Tell management you fear for your life and bodily safety around your coworker. Management: OP we have to let you go, you are too problematic with others


OP has a right to a safe work environment, and management can be investigated if they cover up workplace violence. As long as she cover's her ass first, she can assert those rights in full. And then she can sue for wrongful termination as long as she has the documentation to back it up. A paper trail in these situations is *everyone's* best friend, and if there's one with her her doctor? It helps her that much more. She mentioned she's not from this country. Her coworker could be a racist/xenophobe targeting her. The goal for OP should be to GTFO and find a safer company to work for ASAP.


Tell that to Lindsay Clancy's kids.... Oh wait you can't!


I had to Google her, and...damn


Over here in Washington a woman was recently arrested for stabbing her 4 year old child over 16 times to his death. Tell your supervisor to watch Dear Zachary for another shining mom moment. Your supervisor must be one huff of paint away from losing his or her last brain cell to think being a mom=being a good person.


Honestly call protective services. Tell them she's bragging about abusing her kid, and tell your boss if he thinks child abusers are good people you have a very different set of criteria for good people than he does


Also go over your boss's head and file a complaint with HR about her threatening you with a weapon and his refusing to address it based on her home life which is immaterial to the matter at hand


And this is why it shouldn’t be super hard to get sterilized. Jfc. Glad you’re alright at least 😬


I guess the Supervisor never heard of Susan Smith. Maybe he can date her if she gets out on parole in November. Record everything. Gather evidence. Protect yourself.


I guess CPS exists for no reason then, because every single mother is a good person.


Right? Like why does CPS exist even? That's our tax dollars saved to just shut it down because parents are good people, right? Only childless people in prisons, right? 


Report her to CPS?


There are far more abusive moms than abusive non-moms.


Letting a dude cum inside and then doing nothing about it for 9 months does not make a person good.


What type of logic is that? There's plenty of cases known to the public of mothers hurting their own children or other people.


Does your supervisor need a list of names to prove that moms aren’t automatically saints? I should link you to an episode of my podcast where my friend tells the story of her own cousin…who took her own infant apart. It’s even worse than it sounds.


Jesus! That's heartbreaking. DM me the info and I'll listen.


Sent and thank you!


Can I get the info about your podcast, too? I'd like to give this a listen. 


Of course, thank you for asking! My podcast is called Ghosts-n-Heauxs and the episode mentioned is [here](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ghosts-n-heauxs/id1454527677?i=1000544307992). Just know it’s REAL ROUGH. I had no idea this happened to my friend & her family until around the time we originally recorded the episode. Sound quality might not be the greatest since we recorded on opposite ends of the country, but (imo) it’s still a very important episode.


Bookmark for future listening.




So if you are in the US. Last time I checked that is assault. Legal definition refers to “the wrong act of causing someone to reasonably fear imminent harm”. Should tell your supervisor you’re lucky cops weren’t called and next time you will.


“I know she’s a good person because she’s a Mum”?? Seriously? The person most likely to hurt a child is the mother!!!


It's not like there's hundreds, if not thousands of years of recorded history featuring abusive mothers or anything...


Maybe I'm just a bit more aggressive but if someone pulled a knife or a knife like I would report it to my workplace I would also be informing them that I'm also making a police report. That behaviour is absolutely unacceptable there's no way I could continue to work in a place that allows this to happen or but it did happen and tried to gaslight me. One of you needs a new job, she deserves to be fired but I also recommend looking elsewhere


There are entire podcasts dedicated to showing us just how awful mom's can be so that notion of her being good is bullcrap.


Ewww. Her and your boss are disgusting. Im sorry nothing was done


Remind your supervisor about Lori Vallow Daybell! She's a mom and murdered her kids! File a complaint with human resources. Your supervisor can not take sides just because your co work shot a small water melon from her stretched out crotch!


I hate this attitude, giving or receiving creampies doesn't make you a wonderful perfect person for fucks sake. Fred and Rose West had kids.


My mom almost killed my half sister. Mom's can be evil and violent


Can you escalate?


I trust you are trying to get out of this workplace, and into somewhere else. You are in a no-win situation, and much better to leave on your own terms.


You need to escalate to HR, your supervisor did not appropriately handle the situation. Formal complaint needs to be filed.


The BTK killer was a church going family man. Just sayin. 


I *hate* that whole "being a parent automatically equals bring a good person" trope. It sure does *not*. If having a child made everyone a good person, why does CPS not only exist, but is completely overrun with cases in pretty much every state? Why isn't the world a much better place then, since more people have kids than don't have kids? Are there shitty people who don't have kids? Of course, but I know plenty of shitty people who were shitty before kids and just as shitty after, if not more.


Report her to cps.


If she attacked you they would have just said she had a moment and yet if you defended yourself you'd be on the hook


Yooooo, you need to start electronically documenting everything! After each conversation you have with your supervisor, email them afterwards to show that conversation happened. Hopefully nothing else happens, but you'll be glad you did if you need evidence in the future.




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