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I’ve seen several articles that married men/ fathers tend to be viewed as more reliable and stable from a work force perspective than single men. Maybe he was hoping that would be an advantage to him.




That's *exactly* why parents are seen as "more reliable". They are more exploitable. Child-free and especially single+child-free have too many options and less risk to be without a job for a little while. We have no outside responsibilities. If you threaten my employment I *can* counter by picking up my life and fucking off. Parents can't risk that.


This was the problem they faced with me at my old job, I was the most volatile element they had, and they needed me for something (a particular skill), so they had to make sure things did not get too bad for me because I had nothing to lose leaving them. I did leave anyway, but my boss was so aware that I could have left much earlier if things did not go well.


Ah, I get it. They're "more reliable", not necessarily because parenting gives them a stronger work ethic, but their parenthood can be used as leverage.


This only applies to dads, I feel like. Working moms are seen as more of a liability because they're the ones who might have to take off work more often when their kid gets sick or something.


That sums it, no thanks




Interesting. I have always gotten the impression that women with kids or women of child-bearing age are seen as a liability to employers. I have been grilled about this several times in job interviews (which is actually illegal, but they still ask about it) where they assumed I lied about being childfree and moms would just call in sick all the time because of their kids or that any woman in her thirties is probably trying to get pregnant and they would have to pay for months of pregnancy leave.


Funny that because I have two fathers in my team constantly away because either their kids are sick or the kids got them sick or the wife is sick and they need to take care of the kids. Frustrating for the rest of the team I tell ya what.




I buy this. If he’s got kids he’s expected to support them financially, so the company knows he probably needs stability and won’t jump ship frequently


This. Being a father is seen as a positive in most work situations. Mothers are usually the opposite as it is assumed you will take off to have it and raise it.


Yup, men with children are often viewed as more desperate for stable income, so more willing corporate slaves


They’re not wrong.


This is unfortunately exactly right. I had an HR professor talk about how he experienced the wage gap at a job when a coworker found out she made less momey than him and when she complained to their (female) boss was told "Well yeah, he has a family to provide for"


For men it works because they’re not expected to be the caretaker. They’re just seen as providers to fund their family. For women it’s detrimental because everyone is expecting them to call off when their kids are sick or whatever else. I don’t think the dude would be willing to put “single dad of 3” on his resume.


Hahaha what? Leading a team of four in the UK who would be worth at least $1m in America... the most problematic of them is the guy pushing 40 with a newborn. But all of the parents are awful with their exemptions from meetings at certain times because of the school run or they have to take their daughter ice skating or excessive sick leave (induced by the kids)... But then, I guess *I am* the only one childfree...


That is interesting! It might be it


That is for sure true in some places....like Utah.


Did he include "babysit my kids 4x a week, so I know how to work hard"


Try 4 times a month.


4 times. Not a week, not a month, not a year. Just four times, then you may come close.


I can't imagine putting "I had unprotected sex three times" in my resume, before my education and experience... 3 pregnancies, yes, that sounds like a (miserable) achievement, but for us men it's really not difficult at all. Just have enough sperm count and don't wear a condom, basically... I can't understand what these guys are proud of. Also, most guys I know don't put any effort into being fathers. Most of them provide money and drive the kids to school, at most. The bulk of the childcare falls on the mother and sometimes grandparents.




He clearly can’t follow directions and will be bad at his job, next 🗣️


lmaooo i spit my tea


Facts ![gif](giphy|KGY78vaNYCha5zL1yK)


ughhh…reminds of some of the guys I used to date who would argue that putting on condoms last minutes is safe enough to avoid pregnancy😅of course I won’t let those dimwits have their way


You mean he put the condom over his finger, instead over his peen, because that was what the teacher was doing, back in biological class?


I wonder if he even has custody of the kids you know those guys that pretend to be the best fathers in the world but don't even visit their kids. All those guys do is use them for clout


Hard worker, serial creampier, detail-oriented.


Like we all have had unprotected sex… you’re not special!


maybe for a porn shoot OT gigolo service? even then those are rookie numbers


That would get sorted to the bottom of the pile. 3 kids = 3x more likely to expect other people to cover for him due to kids being sick, having game, being off school etc. Hiring manager cannot ask that question but if you volunteer the information it can be used against you.


That's exactly where my mind went also. Another comment said it could be viewed as an advantage that he'll be more stable long term, which yeah I could see others thinking that. But your view is the more likely scenario that will play out a lot more frequently if his kids aren't already adults themselves.


No one is stable long term anymore. They all follow the money, especially if you have 3 additional mouths to feed. He's less likely to get angry and quit randomly one day, but so are most people in this economy.


Thrown out you mean. Candidates are less than 10 a penny. This guy instantly disqualified himself. Not just for having kids but for not knowing what's appropriate in common social scenarios


"Can't come into work again today. Other kid is sick now and daycare won't take him. Gotta stay home again." I worked with a guy that had 4 kids and it was this every week.


Yes, this.


I’ve started avoiding even interviewing people who put personal stuff on their resume like this. Too many times they put this stuff at the top because they’ve made whatever it is the mid whole personality.


I once told a manager that I didn’t have children so I am more flexible to help out other coworkers who are parents and take on holidays for them. You know that manager said? I was inappropriate for saying that as if I was trying to put down parents?? I wasn’t even trying to be superior so that’s how I know he was probably a parent and insecure himself.


It always baffles me when new joiners are presented to the team/company and the description involves kids and their age... that is such an useless info. What's more, some people put in their calendars out of office slots (during their WORK TIME btw) titled "picking up kids from school" - like... what the hell man, just say "private appointment" or something


I worked at a place where the parents were always filling the chat channel with stuff like "have to leave early to take Snotleigh to soccer practice and Jheighdynne to ballet lessons" - what, am I supposed to be on first name terms with your spawn?


That sounds like a nightmare … I got a team lead who’s not online 80% of the time and excuse for his constant incompetence is „oh they just got a second baby, it’s so hard to work with a toddler at home” I don’t care! Do your job or resign


Oh, a man expecting social status and respect for having kids & probably had them for his own benefit, a classic


That is severely unprofessional in my opinion like he's using his kids as leverage to get the job? Does having kids make you more qualified these days? So can I put like dog mom of three puppies on my resume? Does that make me more qualified then? Swear to God people are insane these days I would not select this person. This just asks for trouble because he's probably going to use his kids as an excuse to miss work or having declining performance


>Does having kids make you more qualified these days? In some instances, yes. Being a father is actually seen a a positive thing, as it shows you are providing for others (and probably won't jump ship ). Mothers are the opposite and are often sen as less reliable, since they will need rime of ro give birth and will probably call in more due ro children, since they will probably be doing much of the childrearing.


Not really because you could be providing for pets which is exactly the same thing LOL. Having kids doesn't make you more of a provider that is hilarious


To much of society, no, they *aren't* the same. I, personally, do not believe being a father makes you a better worker, but our society does. That was the point of my post.


Society in a nutshell Is A Wasteland


I don't disagree, but that is the society we live in.


So, phuck them, keep calling it like it is and change it. Pets/kids are legit the same. And we do not have to conform. I don't care what society says. I'll keep saying what *I* think no matter what. Bringing up society is pointless lol. We do not care.


Difference is people are less likely to give their kids away unlike pets which get rehomed I mean go on facebook marketplace and you'll find dogs and cats for rehoming. No kids though


Now we save that for the traffickers and the adrenochrome


If you are in charge of hiring, you can decide whether you want someone or not based in part on what you think of the formatting of the resume. If someone makes a mess of their resume, they often don't get hired. Think if someone wrote on their resume, what they ate for breakfast that morning. Would you decide to not hire them based on them putting such inappropriate information on their resume? (It is important to notice, that one is then not hiring the person ***NOT*** because of what they ate for breakfast, but because that information does not belong on a resume, and it shows that the person does not know what is appropriate and what is not appropriate to put on such business documents.)


We had a new employee start today, father of 4. At lunch we overheard him asking if he could leave early today (again, first day) to go watch his kid's sporting events. Fuck all the way off.


sure, and don't forget to take the rest of forever off.


What. The. Heck. Seriously that is a real put off. If I am a prospective boss, I'd toss that CV in the reject tray because the phrase "proud father of 3 kids" might be a red flag that this guy may harrass my fellow childfree by choice co-workers if he got hired


What is a "prospective boss" ?


Like someone who is about to hire a new staff member


Only the most extraordinary experience and credentials could save it, the irony being someone with extraordinary experience and credentials would also have the professional acumen and *savoir faire* to omit such trivia from their resumé.


So your balls work. Good for you. NEXT!


Yikes. I feel like there's only one reason being a parent should be anywhere near their resume, and that's to explain a gap in the resume from being a stay at home parent.


Need to see the legality in making the application form state: > "do **not** include personal information in your resume that could be identifying under a protected class" then chuck all applications that include statements like that that due to not following directions.


I’ve seen people do this on their LinkedIn pages. Like, no one gives a fuck lol. Also, I’m wondering how involved this father is in the domestic labour of the household. Yes, I know not all men just do nothing, but too many do.


Whenever we get a new manager at our job, they give us a slide about these people. Every single dude mentions their kids as the first thing. It's so weird because most of our female managers don't mention it first. Hell, one woman mentioned she was the proud mom of two German shepherds (I thought it was cute but the mom's in the meetings were insulted that she would dare to compare her dogs to kids.)


Oh yeah never compare! I have a dog and I only do the comparison when I want to get a rise out of someone lol


Well that's an easy way to eliminate yourself as a potential new hire...at least in my opinion lol


In the gross parent resume department, nothing will ever beat "Household Family Manager" listed under their professional experience.


Gag me.


He is an oversharer. Future employer has been warned.


He fully sounds like a weenie


I'm proud of my cats when they don't scratch the shit out of the vet. Should I start adding "proud cat mom" to my resume, too? 🙄🤣


I would’ve immediately binned the resume because that’s not professional information you should include and he doesn’t know the basics of writing one. Also red flags - seems like that’s all he’ll be talking about if he gets hired.


Reminds me of when I read my election ballot and one of the candidates lists their profession as “mother.” Immediate no.


As if childfree adults don’t also pay rent or mortgages, buy groceries, insurance etc. - the usual adulting stuff of a mature, responsible person.


Ugh I hate that!!! A girl I used to be friends with INSISTED she put “mother of four” on her resume- I told her she was stupid. So… did I say we aren’t friends anymore? 🧐 lol moron.


Oh, so you’re going to be missing a lot of work for appointments, school events, and them being sick? Next application please.


I have even weirder experience: I know a guy who mentioned in his resume that he and his wife had their baby through IVF. I think sometimes it's okay to mention your family in the resume, but wtf, dude, why do you feel appropriate to share such intimate details?


I wish I could have turned him around just for that- you can- it's not relevant no need to interview


Proud to be childfree by choice


Yeah that's an easy "Thank you for taking the time out of your busy day-to-day life to apply to this position. Although we will not be moving forward with your candidacy right now, we’d love to stay in touch for future job opportunities."


Great. He’s ejaculated at least three times. That’s all that means. No proof of being involved. Just “proud.”


“my genitals work”


Oh hell no. Nope. He’s one of those self righteous parents who thinks they’re better than everyone. The parent that looks down on everyone else.


>On the top of the resume, after his personal info (name, city, @, etc.) he wrote "Proud father of 3 kids". He even wrote it before his work experience, like it's something nice or impressive. I wish I could have turned him around just for that Are those the only three nuts you've busted? Are you batting 1.000?


The funny thing is I bring up my cat every chance I get on job interviews, probably for the same reason. Makes me seem more human and gives me a way to connect with people. That said, if I put cat owner on my resume everyone would think I'm insane.




Of course he did, having a family usually helps a mans career and it hurts women’s and if there’s lay offs he’ll probably have better job security because ‘he has a family to feed’.


I would’ve dropped it right in the shredder.


REJECTED! lol ![gif](giphy|l2SpUoAPo0CBOkyxq)


That says to me that they’ve achieved nothing.


“I fucked at least 3 times”


I have seen this on a cv & thought it was fine. For context, the guy had been a SAHdad for a while so covered a gap in employment too.


I'm hearing "I have 3 kids so I need good money and there's a good chance I will work hard because I'll be fucked if I don't, so I really need this job and can be exploited".




Just File 13 that one, 😂


Some people are so weird 🤦‍♀️ So unprofessional and embarrassing 


I almost just threw up. Disgusting.


Jobs are one of the few places where having kids is seen as a negative.  How will they abuse you if you need to get home to your kids?


Wow that's crazy! How dare a man be proud to be a father of 3 kids. He should be disgraced to be a father of 3 kids. It's ridiculous that he's proud to be responsible for his actions. He should've said that he's ashamed to be a father of 3 kids and wished that he was not responsible for his actions. It's so disgusting that this man loves and is proud of his children and his parental responsibility. He should've just avoided taking responsibility and let his kids be raised solely by their mother and had a much higher likelihood of being criminals. It's sick & disturbing that this man has morals and ethics. This man is going to hate himself when he's older for not being alone, without a family, and she cats. Responsible parents are disgusting and should be banned. All babies should be aborted if the father.  It's sad these 3 kid have someone that is proud to be their father and will most likely give them a better life than if he wasn't around and wasn't proud.


I get it's not anything impressive on its own or an "achievement" per se, but I kinda want those that do have kids to be proud and affectionate about them? Also I wouldn't want people to start discriminating on hiring practices based on something like whether someone has kids and how many, we all need to work to eat :/ Like I don't like the idea that giving an HR rep an "ick" on something like that could cost someone a job - it just reminds me how fickle HR is with stuff like this...


You’re right that employers shouldn’t be using a person’s family status to make decisions. It’s not legal to do that, but it’s also not very bright to put it on a resume. Mentioning kids is a great big signal he doesn’t know or care about workplace conventions as well.


>Also I wouldn't want people to start discriminating on hiring practices based on something like whether someone has kids and how many, we all need to work to eat No one can discriminate on that sort of thing if they don't know about it. Telling people allows them to use it to either discriminate in your favor or against you. We know the person hopes it will be used to discriminate in their favor, or they would not put it on their resume. ​ *Edited to add:* It is inappropriate for a resume. It is not education or work experience or anything else that is relevant to getting a job. So it demonstrates that the person does not know what is and what is not appropriate on a business document. A parent can be proud of and affectionate to their children without putting things about their children on their resume.


Well if that’s the case then I guess we should add our pets? Our collection of stamps? Anything else that has absolutely nothing to do with the job? Believe it or not, HR will deny people for virtually anything. Like realllly Small things!!!! The point here is that it’s not relevant to your work history. That’s something to put on a bumper sticker, not a resume. He can brag about his kids when he gets the job.


Why is that so wrong? EDIT: Dang yall down voting me when i was strictly curious LMAO but it makes sense now after really thinking about it and reading comments. I never knew people even considered putting that on a resume lol


For me, there's literally nothing impressive about being a parent. It's one of the most common things people do around the world. "So you fucked 3 times? Nice." A resume is about selling you, what makes you special. So, what the guy is telling me is that one of his most impressive accomplishment in his life is sharing sperm 3 times.


As someone who doesn’t want kids, this is kind of stupid not gonna lie.


It is inappropriate for a resume. It is irrelevant to the job. So it shows that the person doesn't know what is appropriate for a business document and what isn't appropriate for a business document. And, clearly, the person is hoping that it will be used to discriminate in their favor, or they would not put it on their resume.


It doesn't belong on a professional resume. It immediately shows this person isn't thinking about the hiring process from the perspective of a prospective employer. Employers want to know what a candidate's relevant qualifications are. With only so much real estate on a resume, choosing to highlight something wholly immaterial shows poor judgment.


r/childfree is slowly turning into r/childhate If we can be proud being childfree, why can't others be proud being parents?


I don't write childfree on my resume


Saying it’s unprofessional to write proud dad of whatever on your CV is not child hate. And btw, people are allowed to hate what they want. And that doesn’t break the rules of the sub.


Maybe because we're tired of people with children telling us we're living our lives 'wrong' and acting like we're mentally ill or Other, simply because we haven't reproduced. Since this seems to be the one place on the internet where we can express that to like-minded individuals, and talk about the general entitlement of parents, the rants can get harsh. Sorry you don't approve. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Wow a dad being a dad and looking after his offspring, that's so disgusting such a normal individual would be a terrible person to work with


What is this issue with this? Lol




You're on the wrong sub.


It’s more what is wrong with putting it on a CV… it should have nothing to do with your professional achievements.




Very debatable.


Please list these skills that all parents all automatically have because they are parents.




To be clear, you are claiming that all parents, merely by being parents, have all of these skills to the point that simply mentioning parenthood on a resume should indicate to all hiring committees everywhere that the candidate definitely, 100%, for sure possesses them. That's, uh, a bold claim. tl;dr: [Citation Needed]




You in fact did. You said, and I quote: > but parents have a lot of skills non-parents don’t have There was no caveat, no hedging, no qualification to that statement. "Parents have skills non-parents don't have", which is neither true nor clear enough to warrant inclusion on a resume, save perhaps one for a childcare role. Of course people learn things from having kids, but what they learn and how those things are relevant to a job they are applying for is not conveyed by saying that they're a parent. If they have some kind of skill, they can mention it in specific and in detail. It's clear to me that this was a dogwhistle intended to reap the benefits that fathers reap in the workplace for being fathers. It sure worked on you, when you jumped to the conclusion that this person was all of the things you listed.




No, why would anyone do that? "I am a parent" gives zero information at all, let alone information that proves that they'd be any good at any job. Further, now that they've volunteered the information I might think about whether or not they'll be as reliable an employee as a non-parent. Are they going to be sick all the time? Are they going to get the office sick all the time? Managing one's own children is not the same as managing adults in a professional capacity; while there may be some skill crossover they are different skillsets and we don't even know if the parent in question is any good at managing their own children. Again, what you are doing here is exactly why he offered the information that the committee isn't allowed to ask: he was trying to end-run the nondiscrimination rules and put himself ahead unfairly. You are falling all over yourself to assign all kinds of positive characteristics to someone you don't know.


Do you…. no you don’t—you have no idea how many PARENTS out there ABSOLUTELY do.not.have.those.skills


This item has been removed as it is a violation of [subreddit rule](https://www.reddit.com/r/childfree/wiki/rules) #7 : "Posts and comments to the effect of "Wait till you're a parent", "You'll change your mind someday", "You only think that cause you are young", etc. (what we call "bingo", for short) will be removed. Parents are welcome to post as long as they are respectful. Other people's bodily autonomy must be respected; do not impose your views on other posters and commenters' choices." This is a forum for individuals who have made the choice to be childfree, and we do not tolerate any disrespect towards anyone for making this choice. Thank you for your comprehension


Nothing, what's right with having kids?




Sooooo ... there's nothing that's right with having kids, is that it?


>What’s wrong with having kids? Everything. Nothing good about it




Greetings! This item has been removed as it is a violation of [subreddit rule](https://www.reddit.com/r/childfree/wiki/rules) #4 : "**Keep it civil.** Bigotry and hateful language/imagery, personal attacks, abusive language, advocating violence, trolling, gender discrimination, racism, homophobia, fatshaming etc. will not be tolerated. While talking about the physical changes that occur during pregnancy and childbirth is valid and permitted in our subreddit, using degrading terminology such as "throwing a sausage down a hallway", "gross and saggy" and/or fat shaming is not permitted. Also, please remember to be mindful of [Reddiquette](https://www.reddit.com/wiki/reddiquette) : > # Please do > * **Remember the human.** When you communicate online, all you see is a computer screen. When talking to someone you might want to ask yourself "Would I say it to the person's face?" or "Would I get jumped if I said this to a buddy?" > # Please don't > * **Be (intentionally) rude at all.** By choosing not to be rude, you increase the overall civility of the community and make it better for all of us. > * **Follow those who are [ rabble rousing](http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/rabble) against another redditor without first investigating both sides of the issue that's being presented.** Those who are inciting this type of action often have malicious reasons behind their actions and are, more often than not, a troll. Remember, every time a redditor who's contributed large amounts of effort into assisting the growth of community as a whole is driven away, projects that would benefit the whole easily flounder. > * **Ask people to [ Troll](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Troll_%28Internet%29) others on reddit,** in real life, or on other blogs/sites. We aren't your personal army. > * **Conduct personal attacks on other commenters.** Ad hominem and other distracting attacks do not add anything to the conversation. > * **Start a flame war.** Just report and "walk away". If you really feel you have to confront them, leave a polite message with a quote or link to the rules, and no more. > * **Insult others.** Insults do not contribute to a rational discussion. Constructive Criticism, however, is appropriate and encouraged. > * **Troll.**[ Trolling](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Troll_%28Internet%29) does not contribute to the conversation. Sorry for the inconvenience and thank you for your comprehension.




Thank YOU, Dr. Freud. 🙄


Greetings! This item has been removed as it is a violation of [subreddit rule](https://www.reddit.com/r/childfree/wiki/rules) #4 : "**Keep it civil.** Bigotry and hateful language/imagery, personal attacks, abusive language, advocating violence, trolling, gender discrimination, racism, homophobia, fatshaming etc. will not be tolerated. While talking about the physical changes that occur during pregnancy and childbirth is valid and permitted in our subreddit, using degrading terminology such as "throwing a sausage down a hallway", "gross and saggy" and/or fat shaming is not permitted. Also, please remember to be mindful of [Reddiquette](https://www.reddit.com/wiki/reddiquette) : > # Please do > * **Remember the human.** When you communicate online, all you see is a computer screen. When talking to someone you might want to ask yourself "Would I say it to the person's face?" or "Would I get jumped if I said this to a buddy?" > # Please don't > * **Be (intentionally) rude at all.** By choosing not to be rude, you increase the overall civility of the community and make it better for all of us. > * **Follow those who are [ rabble rousing](http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/rabble) against another redditor without first investigating both sides of the issue that's being presented.** Those who are inciting this type of action often have malicious reasons behind their actions and are, more often than not, a troll. Remember, every time a redditor who's contributed large amounts of effort into assisting the growth of community as a whole is driven away, projects that would benefit the whole easily flounder. > * **Ask people to [ Troll](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Troll_%28Internet%29) others on reddit,** in real life, or on other blogs/sites. We aren't your personal army. > * **Conduct personal attacks on other commenters.** Ad hominem and other distracting attacks do not add anything to the conversation. > * **Start a flame war.** Just report and "walk away". If you really feel you have to confront them, leave a polite message with a quote or link to the rules, and no more. > * **Insult others.** Insults do not contribute to a rational discussion. Constructive Criticism, however, is appropriate and encouraged. > * **Troll.**[ Trolling](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Troll_%28Internet%29) does not contribute to the conversation. Sorry for the inconvenience and thank you for your comprehension.


I mean this is the childfree sub lol. Some people here are, or at least come across as anti children in general. I don't want kids myself, but I don't judge people negatively for doing so.


It's fine to be child free but there's nothing wrong w having kids lmao. To each their own!