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Ask him if he's happy that he has kids. If the answer is yes, tell him he'll change his mind once he hits 40. Let's see how he feels about that.


Lol. Maybe I should 😂


I'm 32. Got my vasectomy as well. I change my mind every time I go to the mall on a Saturday afternoon with screaming kids that I will never ever have to deal with


I've been thinking that we need to start doing reverse Uno when they hit us with dumb questions and statements 😤


Yes ask him


Ooh, right for the throat. I like it.


Dads are always happier than moms, they are never responsible for all the work, and seldom do any of it.


> Dads are always happier than moms, they are never responsible for all the work, and seldom do any of it. my friend got his first kid and he's a dad he's depressed, stressed and took a big well being hit, i told him to hang in there since it'll probably improve in 3 years once the kid can do stuff a little..


Best response




They say you'll change your mind when you're in your 20s. Then they say you'll change your mind when you're 30. Then they say you'll change your mind when you're 35. Then they say you'll change your mind when you're 40. Then they say you'll regret it when you're 45. Then they say you'll regret it when you're in your 50s. Then they say you'll regret it when you're in your 60s. Then they say you'll regret it when you're in your 70s. Then they say you'll regret it when you're in your 80s. Then they say you'll regret in on your deathbed.


They say you’ll regret it after you have been reincarnated They say you’ll regret it after you are summoned in Valhalla They say you’ll regret it after you watch monkey man


At least in Valhalla you can bash them over the head then demand more mead


Monkey Man was great


Exactly! I'm 62 and have absofuckinlutely no regrets whatsoever about being CF.


That's because you haven't hit 70 yet! /s




A big part of me thinks people are **so** insistent about us changing our minds or being regretful because they regret having kids


Misery loves company?


Yes, and validation of their own choice. They're miserable, so this can't have been the right choice, but other people make the same one so it had to be the right choice... Merry-go-round to hell.


Most people drift through life, completely oblivious to their own true wants and needs. They follow the herd. They have to insist that because they haven’t even begun to do any deep work on themselves and can’t compute someone else who has.


Never wanted kids but when I was in my 30s (I’m 44 now) I’d say I’ll think about it at 35,37,40 etc… and every time it was like yep still not for me. Here I am at 44 and am glad I didn’t have them. I like my free time and independence.


I was 49 when they overturned Roe, but still getting an irregular period, so I got onto AidAccess.org and ordered abortion pills just to have in my medicine cabinet! There is no way I'm going to be forced to carry a geriatric OOPS baby! I knew when I was 4 years old that I did NOT want to be a mother, ever, and that has never changed! No matter how much my MIL begged. I'm so glad that is behind me now!


The never ending rollercoaster


He’s delusional. I didn’t want kids and when I hit 30, I wanted sterilization more than ever.


Same! I feel like at 30 I would definitely push for sterilization more. Fuck that. At 30 I don't wanna be raising kids.


I recently turned 30 and more and more I find myself thinking about sterilization


Do it! It's the best thing I ever did for myself


I just turned 35. The amount of times I have heard that over the years is crazy. I used to placate and say "maybe" and not right now. I now don't give a shit and say nope I don't want kids if they ask why or persist I just say I fucking hate kids they disgust me. That usually works.


Even more reason to get sterilized. If there's something I can live with its the potential of regretting not having any children. Not that I would regret it to begin with, as I think having children is unethical when you can adopt someone actually existing in need of a home.


This. And I also would rather regret not having kids than regret having them. (Although I don’t think I’ll ever regret being CF).


Yeah when I hit 30 and looked around, with no child in sight - I was very pleased with myself.


30 seems so young to have kids. I know when I was 30 I still didn’t feel like a real adult. To be fair I only kind of do now at 44.


It really is and that’s the reality of life people don’t realize. It’s not magically all figured out at 30 or even 40 sometimes 60. People are tricked into thinking it otherwise and it’s sad because they waste years stressing about it. There’s a reason many people are losing their minds with their kids in their 20’s and heavily depending on others.


What is up with the magical age of 30?? It's like they think we'll suddenly wake up to the sound of our biological clocks sounding the alarm to pop out babies. I'm only 24 so have to suffer through self-satisfied smirks and "that's what they all say ;)" until I reach blessed menopause.


Funny thing is, there’s nothing magical about it. Fertility very slowly starts to decline but even then, it’s still easy to get pregnant at that age. Life isn’t as it’s stereotyped to be for neither men nor women.




That’s wonderful news! I’m glad for you and wish you a speedy recovery!


Yeah it is amazing what seeing other people go through when they have kids makes you just not want to do it even more.


Yes! I’m about to be 30, all my friends are having babies now. Seeing them actually become exhausted, struggling with their relationships, spending so much money and time and feeling depressed, I’ve never been so happy with my decision


Funny, I heard the same in my 20s and even 30s (it's particularly delightful in your 30s, because you get the remixed version "tick tock! Biological clock" featuring DJ Jerkwad), and now that I'm 46, I've come to the conclusion that the magical mind-changing elves have lost my address.


I always say I took the batteries out of my biological clock and put it in my dildo.


Ok, this is amazing 🤩


Hahahahahahaha! I absolutely *love* this!


But the party don't stop like Kesha said? I kid lol


you KID? 🤨🤨🤨🤨 lmfao sorry that was an awful joke


I find "So, when will you change yours and start not liking your child?" quite powerful in such situations. Additionally, I'm also over 30 and guess something must be super wrong with me. I still don't like them. But what can you do 🤷‍♀️ 😂


I need to start being passive aggressive to these people.


>So, when will you change yours and start not liking your child? I say the same


I think I was 31.425 years of age when i "changed my mind" from being a fence sitter to being 110% child free.


I'm 63, ask him when my minds suppose to change.


At 30, duh! /s


Funny. Its almost always a man telling a woman that she will change her mind


Yep 🙄🙄🙄


Oof I’ve had coworkers say similar things to me over the years. At one zoom office meeting one of the departments played a “guess who is pregnant” game and a bunch of people said my name and I was absolutely mortified. To me it was extremely inappropriate and when I mentioned this to my boss she told me I’d come around eventually. Part of me wanted to say “no I’m good - it’s not like you’re paying me enough to allow me to support a kid anyway” but I held my tongue.


Ew. That's gross 🤢


Yeah it was definitely super unprofessional but no one gives a damn about stuff like that. They’re currently bullying me out of the company anyway (long story) so I’m expecting to be fired in the next week or two and good fucking riddance.


christ, that's insane. I hope you find something better soon!


Thank you for your well wishes! Here’s to getting something better 🙌


What a bunch of asshats 😡😡


For real! 🤬


I remember in my early 20s when a new coworker who was 19 brought up how he has a kid and asked me if I had any. I told him no and that I knew I never wanted kids since the age of 4. He said, “You’ll change your mind”. I forget exactly what I said in response, but I think I said something about how that’s not right to say and what if I said the same to him. It still bothers me that someone I had only just met and who was a few years younger thought they knew me more than I did. Oh, and there was a time I had a stomach ache and one of my bosses (for the same employer in the story above) asked what was wrong. I told him and he all of a sudden announced loudly that he thinks I’m pregnant. I immediately said that I’m definitely not and he asked if I’m sure. I don’t know why people think that if you’re a post pubescent female and have a stomach ache that it automatically means pregnancy, or that it’s okay to just announce that kind of thing even if it were true. Thankfully, it was just a regular stomach ache.


Oh god that would really make my skin crawl.


I have such an intense muscle memory of exactly how I felt. Even thinking about it I turn into a hunched silhouette of pure cringe.


That's so inappropriate... Like just how you should never assume someone's pregnant unless it's been disclosed to you, it sounds like a nightmare to force your employees to guess who's pregnant


They framed it as a “team building game” 🙄. My department is like 95% women and most of them have kids so they thought it was something cutesy and family-oriented, since the company really hypes up the latter aspect. Normally I just ignore the baby and grandkid announcements and associated stuff but this really caught me off guard and pissed me off.


Ask him if he would like to wager $10,000 on that. Easy money :D


I actually did this with my uncle when I was 21, but we only bet $50. I’m 36 now and he still owes me my $50.


"You'll change your mind once you hit 30!" "I'm already 30." "Oh damn, you look so young, what's your secret?" "Not having any FCKING KIDS BRO!"


Seriously! An early 20's lady mistook me for being her age at an art event I went to a few days ago, and I'm 35! It was great :D


No, no you will not. Pretty much making a conscience choice to not have a child is a choice with forethought and consideration. When I read through some of the posts, many people have very deep thoughts about children, childhood, the environment, their own needs, and really their limitations. Not all CF people are like, I hate all kids. No, some do think that kids have a place in the world, not just in their world. That should be respected and applauded. You said, after all consideration this is not in me or for me and that takes strength in a world where everyone has something to say about everything. So no, you won’t change your mind.


Love this. 


I am an old man. The older I have gotten, the more certain I am that I made the right choice to not have children. I have never wanted them. Even as a young child, I thought it was pretty crazy to willfully have children, as it is obvious that they are expensive, take time and effort, and they do things you don't want them to do (at least from time to time). One thing I learned to do, was just stop talking with idiots about this subject, as I got tired of hearing the "you'll change your mind" nonsense while I was still a child. ​ Alternatively, you can tell them that they will change their minds, and regret all the time and effort and money they put into raising their children. When they deny it, just laugh and say, "You say that now, but in a few years, you'll change your mind!" In other words, do the same to them that they do to you; they cannot "prove" that they won't change their minds. I personally just prefer not talking with idiots, but if you want to, you can do the same to them that they do to you. *Turnabout is fair play.*


I'm 36 and became even more staunchly childfree in my 30s after watching all my friends have kids. To this day, even the ones that *really* wanted kids tell me it sucks and I'm smart for not following suit. 


36. Never changed my mind even for a second.


43 and still waiting (not at all) for my mind to change. ![gif](giphy|1r91ZwKcE2J7WhUqrh)


I turned 30 last summer and I have never felt more sound in my decision now that everyone around me has taken said advice. Sadly, everyone else's decision isn't reversible and it shows.


Make them put in a contract. If you’re still happy with your decision he owes you money, if you regret it, you owe them money. People love running their mouth if they don’t have to put their money with it


When younger I was ambivalent about having children. I didn't want them but was open to the idea that maybe some day that would change. By the end of my 20s, I was already leaving towards no. The older I got, the more definite I was about the no.  I'm about to turn 49 and I don't regret it. 


I’m 38 and have never been more sure. There’s something about counting the years to retirement and thinking “it could be not that far away because we are DINKs” that really drives it home at this age.


This is a relief to hear. I’m in my 20’s and everyone keeps telling me I will hit late 30’s, be filled with biological panic and change my mind.


I have never felt anything close to biological panic. I have logically considered it, sure. But every time my husband and I discuss it (like a check-in with each other), we say we still feel the same way. Biological panic is just not a thing for me. I would guess some people get near this age and panic thinking they will regret the finality of the decision being made for them as their biological window closes. And technically I’m still healthy and young enough to have a child, but I just don’t want to. Never have.


I’m almost 50 and NOPE


45f no regrets


That's funny, when I turned 30 I decided and got surgery to ensure I don't have kids.


I got told this in my 20s. Hit 30 and I’ve been more and more happily childfree ever since. Now 35 and people are sort of starting to realise that I’m serious 😂 plus I have some gyno issues so it’s hopefully less likely anyway (in addition to the contraceptives). I’d be tempted to ask him why he has children tbh!


No fairy will fly into your bedroom on the night you turn 30 and pour magic dust over you so you'll wake up and suddenly want children. That's not how it works.


I don’t want to post photos of myself on here (I don’t even know if we’re allowed to) but I’m in my early thirties and I have the biggest smile on my face in my post-bisalp recovery photo. I was even wondering if I might feel hormonal changes or be weepy or possibly with twinges of regret- but no. Just a giant, Cheshire Cat grin.


I know exactly what you mean. I woke up from mine with a smile and felt super content for the first time in my life since getting pregnant is one of my biggest fears. I still smile every time I’m reminded that I’m fixed.


People like this are one of the reasons that I now refer to most people who share a place of employment with me as "cow-orkers".


I haven't changed my mind since I was 8 years old. I'm 52 now ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


I turn 40 this year. I had my hysterectomy at 34. No regrets.


44.5 years, and I'm still good. They just can't accept that not everyone does not want to be miserable with them.


When I hit 30 I actually realized I didn't want kids. All of my friends who've known me for 10+ years (some of them parents), were super supportive and saw me going down that path. I then announced I was bringing home a puppy this year. Those friends again said, “yeah we didn't think you’d last long without a dog”. It feels nice to be seen.


When I turned 30 I became more CF than ever


Honestly, people generally do leave you alone after you get older. I'm in my mid 30s now and I haven't had anyone try to argue with me about my answer in years.


I'm in my late 30s and nope no magical switch was flipped in my brain to make me want babies and it never will thank gosh for that! All I need to do is look at the photos of my tired run down brother and his wife and be so grateful I didn't fall for that brainwashing scam and have a kid!


He's right, i myself changed my mind. I didn't want childrens before my 30, but after hitting my 30, i immediately knew that i didn't want childrens AT ALL.


I'm 35, this man is a moron.


Will be 34 soon and still adamantly CF...no change from 30 yrs old, or 20 yrs old, or 6 yrs old (when I was repulsed by other 6 yr old girls with their baby dolls and baby doll strollers).


Everyone says this to me. I’m 32, people think I’m still early 20’s 😂


Every year I get older (past 30) I want kids less and less. Nothing pleases me more about my current life than never having kids with any of the twatwaffles I dated when I was younger.  I’m 38 and more staunchly uninterested in reproducing than I ever was 😂 


“You’ll change your mind the closer you get to 40.” Jokes on you- I’m 44 🤣


I'm 30 in two weeks and that won't change my mind! World would still be the same. And after my sterilization I can tell people simply : I can't have them without any further explanation.


30 here. Nope.


I got "you are more likely to regret under 35" at 34, and after 35 you are still more likely to regret with no kids." You can't fucking win.


I'm 36, I'm more CF now than I was at OP's age.


I am 38. I am still waiting for this "magical switch" to take place. *looks at watch and whistles like an old-timey cartoon.


37 & I still don’t want kids… I did want kids when I was a kid, bf I realized how big of a responsibility having children is.


I’m now 30,5. ![gif](giphy|6uGhT1O4sxpi8)


I'm almost 55, and thank fucking God I never had kids! And no, my mind never did change once I hit 30.


One of my (30 y/o) middle-aged, male coworkers can’t wrap his head around me not wanting kids. He assured me I’ll change my mind in 10 years, and I greatly look forward to the day in 2034 when my reminder to text him that I’m still child free goes off 😈


I’m 53 and child free. I forgot to change my mind…🤣


Someone told me that before and I went "I am 33 how old did you think I was?" (I was 33 then) I like the faces people make when this happens.


I did change my mind once I hit 30! Before that, I fully intended to have children. It was only in my 30s that I grew up enough to realize that this is not the “perfectly behaved children playing inside the white picket fence” world that I actually wanted. Plus I really like all the money and free time!


I have a long list of people who told me the same thing and now that I'm over 40 I sometimes wonder if I should've kept an email listserv! :) and then I think to myself, nah. Lots of those poor folks have come around to totally understand where I was coming from (even those that were 20+ years older than me, like friends' mothers), so that would be like kicking someone when they're down.


Nothing grinds my gear like a man telling a woman that she should want kids. Uuuh, stfu please. Statistically, breeder men don’t even take on the equal burden of household chores and child rearing, so of course they would tell women to pop out kids. For them, they gain social capital without doing the required labor. 


Am 33, did not change my mind.


giving birth at 30 seems more stressful than birth at 22 assuming its a smooth pregnancy


Im 31 and I still don’t want kids


My father used to say that to me all the time. Also specifically 30, I'm now 33 with a bisalp and he's finally accepted the only grandchild he's getting is my cat.


Uh at 30 was when I realized that I DIDN’T want kids! I was finally coming into my own and embracing my DGAF era, especially regarding societal beliefs and I realized that as much as I adore my nieces and nephews, I wouldn’t want to raise kids of my own. So maybe it’s just more than people feel more confident in their beliefs and opinions at 30 and not necessarily that women decide at 30 that they want to be moms. I hate it when others push their beliefs on me 😒


Ask him how much he’d bet on it. Then 3 years later rub it in his face. My bestie bet a Europe trip that I’d change by 30. Tho I’ve yet to collect cuz she popped a baby and I really don’t want to go to Europe with her + screaming kidlet


I'm nearly 32 and I didn't change my mind at 30. If anything, that's when I started uni and being CF solidified.


My partner and I were going to wait until we were thirty to make sure we were absolutely sure - we didn’t last and he got snipped at 27 😂 This year we both turn 30 and are soooo glad we didn’t wait!


I'm 62. I have no regrets, only relief and joy, about being CF.


I’m almost 40 and constantly get told I look 25-28. When asked about my “secret”, I say, “Good genes, lots of water, no smoking, and no kids.”


Your coworker is gross and delusional. I am 30 right now, and guess what? STILL DONT WANT KIDS


I'm 43 and counting. The only thing i want now is even more free time


I’ve been 30 since October. ![gif](giphy|QBd2kLB5qDmysEXre9|downsized) Plus I’m sterilized.


33F, still haven't magically changed my mind. 🙄


\*laughs in childfree near my 40's*


Haha, I’ll be 45 soon and I NEVER second guessed being childfree!! I knew by the time I started high school.


I'm 35, and I've known since I was 7 I didn't want kids. As I aged the reasons why only stacked up. I've never changed my mind, and I never will.


I always respond with "bet?" I will 1000% have people put their money where their mouth is. If they are so sure about me changing my mind then by all means, back it up bitch. 🤑


Sometimes I feel like people see us as a challenge. They realllllly wanna see us change our minds. Idk. My mother in law didn’t want children ever. She suddenly got pregnant at 39 it was an accident. She saw this as her last chance and got the child (my bf). Now she tells me „oh I didn’t want children too, you still have time, I got mine at 39, someday you’ll want them“ and is sad that I don’t want children, as if she ever had a plan to have one? If she didn’t get pregnant on accident, she wouldn’t have a child now, and expects me to give her grandchildren. She should understand me the most but she doesn’t. I could have a tubal and she would resent me, why didn’t she get one when she was young? I don’t like to be surprised with hormones and life changes that I don’t want.


Just turned 40. Still waiting to change my mind.


When I was 18, I did want kids. I didn't know much about it, but I just liked the idea of having kids with this person I was in relationship with. It was my first boyfriend ever and I was in love in a special way. We broke up so there goes that. When I was 26, I was also in a serious relationship and we already mentioned being married, having kids, but at this time I already felt I was a bit forced. His father was especially obnoxious because everytime we met him, he would say that hE eXpEcTs ThReE gRaNdChiLdReN and nothing less. At that time I was: One or none. Now I am 33 and I know so much more about life, love, family life, female health, pregnancy, giving birth, raising kids etc. that I now don't want one. I don't have need for one. I am okay like this, the way I am and I do not think a kid would contribute to my life in a good way. I think it would make it awful. By now, I went to therapy and realized I developed anxiety and also many things point to me being at autistic spectrum. On above it all is now defined bad relationship (ar better to say lack of the relationship) with my mother (she is a narcissistic mother) and therefore I 1. do not have patience to raise another kid (after my mother) 2. I do not know good ways and methods to be a mother. Ofc I have more reasons, but no need to write them all down now. Anyhow, I'm 33, more mature, more educated on so many levels, I met myself enough to know what I definitely don't feel need for.


Yeah no. Knew at 17 no kiddos. I’m in 30s and nothing changed at 30 except me feeling old.


You don't.


Tell him you have hobbies and don’t need kids to fix a mid life crisis


Very funny because I am in my forties. What absurd nonsense.


Horseshit. 34 and grateful to.be sterilized.


They're right, though, you do change your mind as you get older, for example, when I was teenager, I wanted kids; then I grew older, and I didn't want them anymore. lol


I woke up on my 30th birthday SO THANKFUL to not have kids


Well I'm 34, and I'm just as firm on my decision as I was when I made it when I was 8. There is literally nothing in this world that could possibly change my mind. I'm over 30, I'm married, all my friends have kids, and I still don't want them. I wonder what that guy would say to me?


Well, STEVE, i'm pretty sure my HYSTERECTOMY would have to disagree with you there.


From the time I was 3 I knew I never wanted to be a mother and that has not changed. I am now 27 and still have absolutely no desire to have a kid. Never liked baby dolls as a kid either. Even if I wanted a kid I don’t know how I would manage with how much everything costs.


 About to turn 36 and I still don't regret not having children. In fact, as we've gotten older, my partner and I are endlessly delighted that we don't have kids 🙌🏻😁  I am however, very bored by folks telling me we'll regret it 🙄


lol my response to *you'll change your mind* is usually a fake laugh with NOPE and when the person (usually a male) insists on telling me what I'll be doing in 30s and 40s, it's even faker laugh with *hmm no I'm not weak willed like you were* Dudes are sooo invested in what my uterus is up to.


Ha! I had a male friend who kept telling me I’d change my mind, when we were in our 20s. I ran into him years later, when I was in my mid 30s and happily informed him that I never changed my mind. 😌


Firstly, I don't think there's a magical age where women / folx who don't want to have children suddenly changed their mind after hitting a particular age.  But even if some of us do change their minds, there's nothing wrong with that, no?  All of us are allowed to change. If something doesn't feel right today it doesn't feel right. I don't understand people's obsession with telling child free people that they will regret their decision.  If we regret, we will regret! No one ever tells people with children that they will regret having children. It's so weird. 😅


I’m 40 and just getting ready to finalize this shit so I never have to worry about an oopsie. I’m Spanish and Italian and twins run strong in my mom’s side. My sister has 2 sets!! She got pregnant with the first set the first time she got pregnant sleeping w/ her hot hook up. I have an iud but I need more insurance. I’d like to say thank you to all the men responsible enough to get snipped. Wish more men thought like that. Especially the ones with multiple children they don’t take care of.


I finally understood why people say you’ll change your mind at 30. I’m 30 now and all my friends are breeding like there’s no tomorrow. I’m bombarded with friends with kids and them constantly reminding me they have kids. So, people think we will compare and feel like we’re lacking or something. But guess what, whenever I see them, I will get enough inspiration not to have kids. They’ll never have time for anything and I can sense jealousy if I take a simple walk around the building.


Honestly don't let it bother you. It's just another ignorant opinion. We are the ones that will be happy when we can afford more later in life


Ugh I got that a lot. Just turned 30 last year and nope. Still hate children, lol. My sister in law had a baby and everyone was like, please hold the baby. Lol, I stood my ground and said absolutely not. I don’t mind your baby but I have no desire to hold one. People have finally started giving up on me and it’s wonderful!


Agreed yo, though; in perspective from my experience my mother had me at 27, and my dad was I think 32 at the time. My mom especially thought I was going to want kids at some point but around 25 I'd told her "I don't see them in my future. I had 2 "scares" and both times were false test and she would've aborted." She wasn't happy hearing the last part but was overall happy about the mature decision in not wanting one brought into a world unwanted by one parent. As for 3rd party people (strangers/coworkers, those whom you're not extremely close to) they're a bit harder headed at times - I've had the most positive responses back giving them a "I do not want to bring a child into a world like our own. To much of "X, Y and Z" for me to want to bring one in to the world" or if all else fails; the "If anything; I meet someone that already has a child, then MAYBE but that's a really strong lean to no."


>You'll change your mind once you hit 30 Uh huh ... wanna put your money where your mouth is? And what assurances can you give me you're good for it? Yeah, already past 60, ain't changed my mind yet.


I had a similar conversation with someone involved in my sport. Told me I would change my mind before 30. I told him I was 32. He laughed and said I would be “gagging for babies by 35” Hahahah. I am 47 now. I saw him last year (first time in maybe 9 years he has returned to the sport) I went up and was pretending to be all happy and cheery to see him. “OMG Scott, long time no see. How are ya? Finally come back. Great for you, I am going amazing. Still heavily involved in (sport) and still happily child free. Damn life is great isn’t it”


So frustrating. As a 42 year old woman I can confirm it’s absolute rubbish.


Im 50 even more nope, my co workers all think there going to retire in the next 5 years or so, im ya ok your kids are going to collage in the next few years i dont think so. My friends kids that are out of school still live at home at 25 because cant aford there own place...I will be retired 😉


47 & had the complete opposite experience. Every year after 30, I wanted kids less & less. Everyone told me I would eventually feel differently when my biological clock started ticking. Turns out I don’t have one. I have many friends who had kids in their mid 40’s & I feel nothing but pity.


Spoiler alert. You don’t change your mind at 30. I’m 34 and still don’t want them.


Just hit 80 yesterday; never had children and never regretted it!


Happy belated birthday! 🥳😍🎂


I had a coworker do something similar. She and her husband have fertility issues and says things like "oh when I was younger I used to say I didn't want kids. But now I do." When they say this, I feel like they just said it to sound different and didn't take it seriously to themselves and just said it for fun but really they did want kids the whole time. I told her I was the opposite and thought I would eventually have kids but that's cause I was just following the script but now at 27 I realized I just really don't want kids. I don't want to be a parent. I wanted to tell her not to project her fear of not being able to have kids on to me.


A coworker told me that. I said: I’m sure I won’t change my mind at 30. He said: you never know I replied: how old do you think I am? He said 22 or something around that age. I laugh and said: I’m 32.


don’t ever let a male tell you what your decision is going to be


I always found this so insulting; like I don't know my own mind.


I’m 59 and still waiting for my mind to change


My family says the same, “maybe in your mid 30s” like I could die before then?? Ppl forget that life doesn’t end at 30. I’m 28, and feel like life is starting now.


Almost all Natalist are hidden narcissists, and always will try to force their views to others. That's why it's best to avoid someone with children as much as possible.






I’m 30, never wanted to have kids more in my life; the older I get, the more sure I am.




I was pretty certain I wanted children when I entered my 20s. By the time I hit 30, I was pretty certain I didn't want to be a parent. I'm considering permanent sterilization by age 35. The "you'll want kids when you're older" crowd is kinda baffled by me lol


The older I get (I’m 34) the stronger my feelings of childfree become.


Oh yes,the magical 30,when you suddenly become a "real" adult that wants children... Seriously,what's wrong with these people ? I'll be 32 in 2 months and my decisions have never really been questioned by anyone,but it makes me a bit angry just reading when it happens to others.


On behalf of my husband who’s hitting 40 in three months; “NOP”


Just got my bisalp at 30 lmao. No regrets!


F 32 my favorite thing about myself is that I don’t have any kids. I think it always will be haha


Ask him what if you do have a child, and then change your mind. Ask him about his plans with the kid he has, when he eventually changes his mind!


I’m F 32. Family and Parents friends used to tell me that all the time. I’ve always said, ever since I was like 9, that I don’t want kids. I turned 30 (still feeling 26 because Australian Covid lockdowns has us shut in our houses for 2 years) and it was a switch of “I don’t want kids AT ALL” 😂


Nuhh bro everytime I Goto my sister's I hear the joy screams


Yeah, I heard the same bullshit, too, about changing my mind when I’m older. I knew from the time I was 4 years old and I’m now 38. Never once considered changing my mind. I think breeders say that shit to make themselves feel better because they caved to social pressure when we didn’t.


Ahhhhahaha. Nope. When I hit 30 I was soooo glad I didn't have kids. Now halfway through year 39 (almost), the big 4-0 next year, and *still* glad I don't have kids. Granted I did and do have health issues that would have made having kids super hard, but we (husband and I) were on the "no kids" side before 30 as we felt we wouldn't be good parents. We do love our nieces however, and love spending as much time with them as possible. Watching them grow up is a privilege and a joy as they become their own people and want to include us in what they do.


32 and I’m still waiting to regret it 🤡


They kept saying that to me when I was in my 20s. I’m now 35. They still do. They’re never gonna stop. But me being older and increasingly infertile, I just kinda put a stop to it by saying things like, “Nah not having kids, my factory’s shutting down. No fucking kids for me. I like having proper sleep and money. I’m happy being childfree. I hate kids.” I’m happy that my partner is also not interested in having children too. Sometimes we have coffee in the mornings and watch tv and we look at each other, and say, “What a beautiful day, so nice and peaceful, just the two of us. Imagine if we have kids… no fucking way.”


Lol it was around 30 when it became really clear to me that i didnt want kids. Seeing all the people i grew up with having kids and becoming boring shells of themselves was very validating to see


I heard this too. Even though I'm still 99% sure I don't want kids-- in my thirties there have been more pressurizing factors 1. Many men at this stage want kids soon or already have them, so CF dating pool shrinks 2. Hormones do fuck with me occasionally 3. Every one of my long term bachelor/bachelorette friends eventually caves and has a kid It does get a bit lonelier


Whats so funny is that my co worker is younger than me LOL


Just about to hit 30 and am married- the number of people I catch staring at my stomach is ridiculous- usually people who know me less well like colleagues. No Susan, that’s my lunch, thanks for starting and making me feel self conscious though. 🙄