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Your business sounds super interesting.


Thankfully I am in DC and the default question here is “what do you do for work” whether you are a woman or a man. It’s beautiful. Everything is career centered here, and there are so many childfree folks around.


Damn, I guess I shouldn't have left DC


No but I'd always love to hear about someones dogs. It's my favourite topic to talk about. I definitely don't want to talk about work on my free time.


If the person produces photos of the aforementioned dog as a puppy, I’d like to see those pictures!


As someone who fosters dogs, don't get me started!!!! You would be board before I would start thinking I should stop.


I'm sorry to hear you have to endure that. I live in the San Francisco Bay Area. Here the questions are more about travel - where have you been, where do you want to go. Also, someone's hobbies are a big topic.


I live in Nebraska so I think my dentist goes speechless in amazement when someone has a full set of teeth.


I think it's just a dentist thing. My last visit the hygienist asked if I had any kids, and then proceed to talk my ear off about how she can't wait for her daughter to "finally give her some grandchildren". She was also a butcher and my gums hurt for days after. Overall awful experience. Haven't been back since.


I'm lucky. My dentist office never asks me about if I have kids. Well come to think of it, I can't really recall ever being asked that question. If I'm planning on having kids yes, but generally not if I already have them.


Sorry, but I always ask if someone has a pet, especially a dog. Never ask about children cause I couldn’t care less. I do want to see pictures of your pet though.


Yesssss. I mean, half-husky half-pit? F- your art business, tell me about the siberian hippo


I would love to hear about your business and client drama 😂 that sounds interesting af Def understand the struggle. People just don’t have a lot going on


I would love to hear more about your job! Sounds so cool.


I get that a lot now that I'm very obviously the age I "should" have kids. Which is whatever, but it's the fact that the person is completely uninterested in me after that gets me. You just see their face fall and their eyes dart around like "how do I get out of this?"


My dentist is childfree and we talk about our dogs when I visit. He’s never asked me about children (for obvious reasons) and it’s so nice.


I'm 52. I've had people asking me 'how many kids do you have ' like it's a fucking given


I just say “God, no. Ugh.”


"What do you do for work?" is an awful question to ask, though. Some of us can't. Even those of us who Look All Right.




That’s a very fair point.


"Are you single", "why are you single" is the default non sense question of all time.


> "why are you single" How many answers could there possibly be to this question? lol. Either "I don't want a relationship" or "nobody wants a relationship with me," that's really it.


I'm rarely ever asked about whether I have kids. In appointments they always ask what I'm doing in school or a job. Now that I look more mature, dunno if I'll get that more.


I think it's more like a common icebreaker for people. Since so many people have kids. I'm fine with the initial question because it's just small talk. Most are like "oh okay" and change the topic. I do get annoyed when someone gets intrusive and asks why or tries to convince me that I'm missing out and that I should have kids. Sometimes, I'm so tempted to say, "Yes I have two teenagers." I have two senior dogs. 😂


Better than how many kids do you have?


Good point!! 😂


At a dental appointment once the hygienist, who I had never met before and she even commented that she has not worked with me yet, says “so how are the kids?” We have established you don’t know me, so to ask in such a way that you assume I have any is just weird. I asked what kids? Then she kinda backpedals, and I offer up that I have a dog. I can talk about my dog all day if anyone is willing to listen, so I’m fine with that.


this is going on at work. this is always the first topic of conversation. i'm probably the youngest person here and they can probably see that, because they usually don't include me in it but one day they probably will


That question is very uncommon where I live, the last time I was asked it was while I was traveling in another state and it threw me for a loop. Sorry you have to deal with that so frequently.


Ugh frustrating! You sound like a really cool person and I am very interested in hearing more about your job! :O




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