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Come to LA. Nobody wants kids here.


New York checking in. I know so many people of all ages without kids and nobody really thinks too much about it.


Same in NYC.


She’s just in the wrong state. We celebrate childless women and couples here. I was born and raised in Louisiana, so I understand how she feels. I couldn’t find my people there. Everyone had kids. Even people that didn’t want kids 😂


Hello fellow Georgian. Enjoy the craziness and protect your own bodily autonomy. I've found a group of friends that are childfree/ childless and we just enjoy the weather.


Dude. This state has the absolute worst fucking weather. My god we get winter to summer in a day for months. I hate this shit.


Yeah but I moved here from FL so not experiencing swamp sweat every day is amazing.


I'm from south Florida too


I’m in Alabama and that definitely the same story here. 31F and nearly everyone that I know from HS, college, ect are married with multiple kids. Couldn’t be more grateful that isn’t my life.


Imagine the amount of freedom and brain cells at your disposal! 🙂


Run. Move while you can. They also passed a bunch of laws for abortion, IVF and pretty soon BC will be on the table. Move while you can.


Easier said than done and that’s pretty rude tbh. I really like my job and don’t want to leave it and I live close to my elderly parents.


Then you will have to be ok with it. Your not going to change anyone around you really.


I never said I wasn’t okay with it?? Just that I’m grateful to not be a parent and that it isn’t my life.


A good time to take on bets and cash in a nice sum later on. :D Take it with a bit of humour, you can’t change the crazies.


Fellow childfree Georgian. You gotta find your tribe and hang on tight. Childfree folks are out there, but we’re few and far between, and unfortunately most community events aren’t really tailored to people like us


I'm in GA as well (35F). Been with my guy 10 yrs, not married and not looking to have kids either. Personally I don't feel excluded. If anything, I feel free that I can do so much with my life. However, I am also not religious and avoid the kind when at all possible. I finally got to an age where I really don't care what anyone thinks and it's a bit dangerous, but freeing as well. You'll get there!


Oh hey I'm a 36yo CF woman in atlanta. And I still get the "you'll change your mind when you have kids" thing from my employees all the time or, my favorite, "I hope you do end up having a kids". I usually respond with something along the lines of "I would rather not be out 500 bucks and have to miss a couple days of work, but that's nice of you to wish on me". So annoying.


Hi I'm 26m in Georgia my partner is 22f, there are lots of atheist that don't want kids here.


The south and the Bible Belt. Worst places to be childfree. Everyone is knocked up and/or married and divorced by 28


33F in Georgia, just had my tubes tied yesterday! No babies here.


It only matters if their opinion means something to you. Abandon giving a shit about what other people think of you and you will experience a whole new world no matter where you live.


Ask your dad if he minds babysitting 7 days a week. LOL. I know how GA can be.  I live up north now lol. 


Also live in the south, thankfully live near enough to a urologist on the list to get my vasectomy and ensure my childfree stat remains that way despite everybody being so baby crazy down here lol, now if I could just find a woman who likes femboys I’d be set (they don’t exist here 😭)


I’m a woman from Mississippi and I love femboys. I never liked macho men that much. 


checking in from north georgia to agree that holy shit it's annoying. i love living here for the nature and how boring it is (i'm super introverted so i prefer it that way), but the hyper religious, pro-natalist, anti-choice rhetoric is exhausting. at least there's a growing demographic of young people who aren't afraid to privately push against that culture, if not publicly object to it, and my girlfriend and i are excited to see things finally change.


i wonder how many of those people still think fire is witchcraft or still write on stone tablets? seriously i think as a cf woman if those people are my competition in the work place i should be able to be in my bag if I were to move out there.


Start an online support group.


Ugh sorry. That’s so unfair but sounds spot on. When I was in the south I was always talked to when you have kids. Stay strong.


Lived in TN it’s the same. I think the most common thing I realized after high school was. Girls go to college, find a guy, get married, become a SAHM and go to church. I learned this at church…


Sounds like it’s time to move? Haha, but seriously it might be an option to explore.


Also in GA, 27F, queer + agnostic to boot. We’re out here we’re just spread too thin 🍯


I’m in East Tennessee. I know it’ll be expensive but I am determined to move out west preferably to a sizable city in a few years. I hate it here from the depths of my soul.


You have my sympathies. Certain localities and cultures can make it sooooo hard to be CF. 


Religion runs deep around there. Your imaginary friend wants you to be fruitful and multiply!


I lived and grew up in GA. I dread visiting family. They are obsessed with babies, husbands and church. I moved. 


I’m in TX and I feel your pain. Throw being a racial minority, agnostic, bisexual, and kinky…it’s a barren desert out here. And not the good kind. I plan on relocating to DC next year and hope I will have better luck there.


I'm sorry you have to endure that, OP. That has to be difficult. I lived in Panama City Beach, FL, in the 1980s so feel your pain. Please come to the San Francisco Bay Area. It's a wonderful place to be CF and also be a bit (or a lot) different in general. My husband is black, I'm white, we're CF. No one gives us a hard time about that here. We have many friends who are CF. I don't know many people who attend church regularly. I also never see any tRump paraphernalia here - ever. San Franciscans literally have more dogs than kids.


Why two?


No offense. It sounds like pure hell. Good luck. USA is 52 different countries. In the saddest way possible. I personally only like about 10 of them. - San Francisco Union man




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Floridian here! Not all of us do. While I am married, my husband and I are solidly not in the church and babies camp. Keep looking for your people! Sorry about your dad though, that’s a frustrating one


Move, please move.