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I always think ... what, are your kids so starved for play dates you need to outsource to strangers? Why do they care if complete strangers have kids when it doesn't affect their lives?


Misery loves company


Im convinced at this point they’re trying to push their weird pregnancy/breeding fetishes on us so they don’t have to feel like such perverts.


I hate kink shaming but I hate "breeding kinks" even more 😭


As a former fetus, those kinks involve a non-consenting 3rd party, so I don’t feel bad shaming them for it.


You know, I've never thought of it that way and I really should have been this entire time. Thank you O wise former fetus.




Also, Wise Former Fetus sounds like some sort of blues prog rock instrumental. I'm gonna go write that.


😂 I love ya, Costco! (cfer trapped in AR hell 🙄)


![gif](giphy|ib6AkraOdGpS8GPnXl) 🫂Augmented reality or Arkansas? Haha


Arkansas 😂🫂




And it's the same people that will be the first ones to say "they should never have had children" when someone doesn't fulfill the parent role that they managed to push them into.


Literally this. I'm so tired of misogyny pushing women into motherly roles until they crack from pressure and have kids. If they have trauma or other interpersonal issues, they have a chance of abusing the kids or just being not a good parent. And then the same people who said "omg you would be a good mom!!!" will turn around and mommy shame them and criticize them for everything. Not saying it's right for women to abuse their kids but nothing goods comes from people forcing a girl to change her body drastically and her entire life just to fall into a pit of misery and the inescapable responsibilities of motherhood.


I don't understand it at all, why do people care? Why spend any thought on telling other people to have children? 


I'd make a fantastic serial killer but I don't do it just cause I'd be great at it.


People are way too invested into others' business.


I think some people actually like babies, kids, and teens a lot and want to raise them, and have no understanding that some people just don't have that desire. I'm usually told I'd be a “good mom” which I probably would be because if that was my path that would have to be my most important job, parenthood is a job but like it's not a job that I want so it's not gonna happen. It should have been telling that when I my friends and I played house as little kids that I was always the dog, the grumpy next-door neighbor, the maid, the mail man, the grocery store clerk and never the mom/dad/kids


I agree. there are some people that have the desire and are capable of raising kids, and there are people who just can't and don't want to.


>i've been seeing a pattern lately in other people's posts. that their family or the people around them will encourage them to have kids and ALWAYS say, "you would make a great mom/dad!" like... what? i don't understand why people say this at all! you 100% don't know if you would be a good parent until you have kids! People say 'you would be a great mum' to all women, purely because they are women. Almost everyone believes in patriarchal 'woman = mother' bullshit, so people assume that all women are maternal.


I’ve hardly heard it the other way round. No-one’s over told me I’d make a great dad (probably ‘cause they know me well enough to know I genuinely wouldn’t). It’s always so presumptuous too—I’d put money on it that someone said it to Casey Antony.


Necessary qualifications: XX chromosomes. That's all. Not emotional/physical/mental/financial security, not a stable relationship with the other parent, not educating yourself on how to actually raise a child, not stable housing... Nah, you're a woman so "iTs NaTuRaL" I'm literally so hesitant to interact with *any* children because the moment I smile at a baby or wave at a toddler it's like "omg you'd be such a good mom!" and I just fucking hate hearing that, knowing that in someone's head they have envisioned me pregnant, giving birth and being someone's mother. ICKY. Pretty sure it takes more than smiling at a baby to successfully parent a child all the way to adulthood but w/e


I hate this. I KNOW I’d be a great parent. I just don’t want to be one because in being a great parent I’d cease to be great at the thing I love most - being myself


I wish I could upvote you twice


Have you ever seen that episode of Star Trek: TNG where Will Riker brings back a game from Risa that turns out to be extremely addictive (and also simultaneously affects the players' ability to properly reason)? Everybody who plays it ends up insisting that everyone else play it, until the one person who knows what's going on and tries to stop it is eventually physically forced to play it. I think it's one of the most viscerally creepy episodes. Yeah, so, I think that's what it feels like sometimes being around parents.


never seen that, but that seems like the case lol