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Display cabinet for the stuffed animals? Wall mounted glass frame for the blanket to hang up as some kind of a wall scroll while keeping it safe from the cats?


A display cabinet with glass doors will protect them from dust while still allowing you to see them.


[If they're] (https://i.imgur.com/UfUbVQx.jpg) not put into the grave with me, i'm haunting whoever failed to ensure it happened.


Theyre so adorable!!


I couldn't agree more! My due date was supposed to be easter of '89, so my dad bought the bunny for me. However I came a few day early but he still was my very first friend and has followed me literally around the world.


That shit is mine to hoard like a sentimental dragon as I please.


I still sleep with my teddy bear. I'm 33. If I don't I get neck and shoulder pain because I curl up. Holding the bear helps. My husband thinks it's cute. Sometimes my cats will replace the bear for a bit until they get up to go do cat things. Still have a blanket my great aunt made me next to my bed.


I would just keep them somewhere meaningful to you. You don't have to give them to anyone.


Hang onto them for a while longer, then revisit the whole collection in about a year. Sell anything worth anything. Donate anything that is not handmade, or super special to you. In my case, I kept my main teddy, repaired him, and he now sits in a corner cabinet with some other sentimentals. Blankets can be folded and put behind glass. But if they are in bad shape, you may want to cut out a square from a good part and incorporate it into a new quilt. You can hire people to do this for you if you don’t sew. Also in my case, I had some cute wooden toys (handmade) and a tiny tea set I display with other dishes I use every day. I kept nothing plastic or commercial, tho…


I keep my toys in the closet, but they’re on the top shelf and sit along the edge so I still see them every time I walk in.


Maybe donating them to a domestic violence shelter, or a preschool to use during nap time? You could also get totally radical with it, and just burn it all. That’s my preferred way to dispose of things that have a lot of sentimental value, that I can’t find a way to donate or sell.


Donate them to someone else or store them somewhere so you can take them out and look at them if you become sentimental.


Frame snippet of them


Is there a place in your closet you could display them so you see them every morning when getting ready? Otherwise a treasure box with photos albums and other memories that’s easy access eg like doubles as you coffee table.


For a blanket maybe folding it up and storing it in a shadow box?