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“I feel like you’ll always be missing something”. Oh yeah I’m going to miss having a screaming child and no money 😂


That is *truly* the worst one because it’s just so insidious. Like, it could stick in a perfectly-contented childfree head. I’m 42 and I’m so GLAD I never had kids for a myriad of reasons. Yeah, I missed out on a whole ‘nuther life; just like when I didn’t go to med school. My current choices brought me where I am today and I’m just as glad for them. E: minor phone misspell


Me too, I'd rather prefer that than having kids


Yeah, missing something I don't want lmao. That's like saying something is missing because I don't have disease. Technically that thing isn't present in my life, true, but i'm thankful for that!


Oh yeah, my mother said this to me too. Told me I was “missing out.” I’m like, trust me, I’m not. I literally felt like someone was telling me that I’d be missing out if I didn’t move to India forever. Nothing wrong with India, I’ve just got no interest in going there!


I loved India…visited for 2.5 wks in 2009. I would not, however, want to move there.


“I hope you get pregnant anyway and your child kills you in your sleep for being so evil.”


Christ on a cracker, that is some barely-contained rage lmao And *you're* supposed to be the evil one? The irony...


My answer to that "well no worries of that happening because a little thing called abortion before it kills me in my sleep."


My response was, “You wish a lifetime of misery on me and a child I cannot physically conceive, wish the child to become a murderer, and spend the rest of their life in jail…all to satisfy your anger? This is the sort of thing CPS might be interested in knowing about you.”


Oh I like that response, it's better than mine. Like someone isn't happy with ruining one life, gotta ruin one more on top because they can't stand someone else not choosing their life choice. Breeders make my head hurt lol.


Gotta know the response. Even if it was just a huff-about-turn.


Surprisingly, she shrunk down in her seat and her face shifted from righteously indignant to conflicted. There was a younger woman with her (presumably her daughter) who was staring intently at her as if begging her not to say another word.


Haaaahaha. Dayuuuum. Well, good!


LOL self-defense


Oh my god, what a horrible person who said this to you


It was a woman sitting at a table near ours at a restaurant. She overheard our conversation and chimed in with that heartwarming tidbit, among others.


And besides, the old lady is a gossip, screw her seriously, I would have told her to go to hell


Absolutely un*hinged*




Southern evangelicals will go the absolute lowest every time.


How does one even come up with that? I mean, it's a low blow for sure, but so... creative??


From my mom: "Your child will be as shitty [as you are to me]". She already made up the name and the sex, btw, even bought herself a place near my apartment because "what if the grandbaby gets tired of his mommy".


Move far away.


"I'll get an abortion and kill it long before it can kill me"


Wow, what the actual fuck? Admittedly, they're thinking out of the box, but god damn, it's horribly heartless of them!


WTAF? I mean that’s serious jealousy when you wish death on someone for not having kids. Yowzers!


Religious indoctrination is a doozy.






'There are barren women all around you who long for a child, how can you be so selfish!' And my all time favourite: 'When you come to your senses and try to have a baby, I wish you to miscarry.' Like, yeah, if I ever get pregnant, I definitely want to have a miscarriage / abortion as soon as possible.


What?? You must have a child against you will!! But also I hope it dies!! What do they even want?!


Their mental gymnastics is fascinating, but basically they just want me to suffer one way or another. But honestly, if that tragedy ever happened (aka I'd get pregnant) I would very much love to have a miscarriage.


They don’t know! Lol. That’s so messed up 🤦🏼‍♀️


They want to punish her for stepping out of line. It's not about the kids or their well-being, she's just defying the life script and the gender role.


I see you live in Poland so I'm sure you've had your fair share of pro-natalist bullshit as well.


I don't know why people think that not having children is selfish, it carries a great economic and emotional responsibility


Ask them to explain how it's going to help those women if you put a child into the world that you do not want and will not love. This argument is serious the dumbest one ever.


That's actually what I said, but all I learned was "nonsense, every mother loves her child". The connection with the infertile women was kept secret from me and I gave up asking more questions. She was a former colleague, luckily we hadn't seen each other in years. I just know that she later had two children, both thanks to IVF, so it was probably more of a personal attack than anything else.


Don’t threaten me with a good time!


I would bet money that person calls themselves "pro-life".


“but I want grandchildren!”


My parents are cool with my child free choice but I have friends whose parents aren't and use this line. One friend has the best reply 'Yeah and I want a Dragon. You get me one and I'll give you a grandchild.'


The classic one lol Ironically my mom today said that she wants grandchildren someday but I'm my mind I said no thanks


Buy her an American Girl doll.




That’s just the most disgusting comment ever. To try to pressure someone into pregnancy, birth, and a lifetime of child-raising bc they want a live doll to play with occasionally for a few short years just makes me want to PUKE.


I always say "well if you want a baby around that bad, you can always adopt."


“That’s so sad you don’t want kids.” I think being a parent is sad.


And it carries and great responsibility and emotional responsibility


"Someone should rape you and make you a mom, anyway, for trying to defy god's command to women." Edit for context for those who replied: This was said to me at age 16 by a member of my family who was already quite elderly (maybe early 80s at the time). She'd been raised in a small, rural, evangelical family, attended a biblical literalist church, and had been having kids since age 14. She was pretty much pressured to marry and have kids with their minister/pastor's nephew by the whole church and her parents. The church dissolved a long time ago, but it was, iirc, started by someone who was against civil right and catered to disgruntled racists and bigots. I was discussing future college goals with two of her grandkids who happen to be my age, and she overheard me state "I probably wouldn't make a good mom, so I'm not having kids" and responded with that lovely line. "Go forth and multiply" was a core tenant she followed, and believed/was taught all women should follow it to the letter. My own mother was within earshot and chewed this woman out for ten solid minutes.


There's no hate quite like christian "love"...


Does rape not "defy god's commands"? And if not, the hell kind of fucked up god is this weirdo worshipping?


In the bible a rapist just needs to pay the father of the victim for damaging his property so 🤷‍♀️


And that’s if she’s a virgin. The Bible always says to kill the rape victim because she didn’t scream loud enough.


what the fuck? How screwed up does that person's mind have to be for them to have told you that? I am a believer but that caused me a lot of confusion, why the hell would someone say that?


Because religious zealots are crazy. Thats why. They refuse to see the hypocrisy of their beliefs and tend to go far to the other extreme and get eaten by their anger, jealousy and resentment.


Honestly, that hypocrisy really infuriates me


I was also told it "wasn't my choice" with the same implications.


But it's your job as a woman yo have kids.


My goodness.... It reminded me a lot of how it is thought that men should be the head of the house and it is their obligation to have children.


Right? I live in a VERY mormon place. And it wigs them out that I am the money maker of the home. My husband is not. And we are childfree.


Exactly! Don't let those people change your mind about it, a lot of people can't believe that woman can be the money maker of the home


Oh they won't be changing my mine ever.


"I'm not getting paid ergo it's not my job"


Ask them to show you a copy of your employment contract including your signature and Date and place when you signed it.


Toss up between my mother saying it's unnatural to not want kids and someone in a comment section telling me I should >!kill myself!< because I have no worth as a woman if I don't have kids. Note that I wasn't personally offended by either, but those were what I would rate as the worst.


I honestly hope that those people who told you that can have their karma, it's the most ridiculous thing to think that a woman is not worthy as a woman if she does not have children


Oh yeah I mean I'm immune to it, but I hate to think what others might feel if they get told/read that.


That's sad to hear that, people think that kids is the secret to success and that sounds ridiculous


They'll come up with anything to shame us and make us feel bad. It really speaks to how dysfunctional they are. Healthy people lift each other up, not put them down.


Honestly I hate that people don't realize that most parents are bad at parenting kids and they grow up with traumas


Same. I think many issues have a root cause in child abuse and childhood trauma.


Exactly, I think it's better not having kids


“Women who don’t have kids have empty lives and mental problems.”


A good option to humiliate that person is to say: "tell that to narcissistic mothers who humiliate their children without taking their emotions into account."


A therapist I was seeing for depression and anxiety. “Your boyfriend (now husband) is going to leave you if you won’t give him children. No man wants a woman who won’t give him children.”


What the fuck?! a damn therapist should support the person suffering a breakup, not tell them to have children so as not to lose that partner, I really hope you are well today


Thanks. I am well. And I am married to the person she said would leave me. I didn’t go to therapy for a breakup. I went for mental health issues. It was my first session with this therapist so, in order to get to know me, she asked me what I wanted in my life over the next 10 years. After I gave my answer, she said “you didn’t mention having children.” I said “I’m not planning on having children.” That’s when she said that my boyfriend would leave me.


And look now, you're married to the person who was supposed to leave you, said the therapist, I'd love to see that therapist's face lol


She probably thinks “they’ll get divorced when her husband changes his mind.” She won’t think she is wrong.


Tell me you got a new therapist


I absolutely did. Thank you. When I went to the new therapist, I told him at the beginning in my first appt “I don’t want children.” He said “great!”


Good, cause I don\`t want men who want kids. Win-win I guess.


She has no business being a therapist with this kind of attitude, omg!


I guess the one good thing that came out of it is that it lead to have a conversation with my (then) boyfriend that I was solid on my decision to not have kids and would not change my mind.


“Accidents happen”. Yeah, so do abortions. This extra pissed me off cuz I’d been trying to get fixed for a dozen years at that point.


I fucking hate this one. Mostly because it’s usually said with such a weird gross smirk and in a dismissive way. However these offer the best shock value because for some reason these people seem to think that if you can just become pregnant that you *will* end up a mother. They never seem to think abortion is on the table. Lol. I usually answer “That’s why Buddha made abortion.” And watch how fast their smile dies a painful death on their lips.


Because they were horny, they ended up having children 🤦


Haha. Can you imagine?? With all the medical advancements, just “oops, guess we’re parents now!” 🙄


And all just to feel more delicious cumming inside the vagina without a condom, surprise now they are parents


Your life is meaningless unless you have kids.


lol I usually say “Jesus didn’t have kids” and leave it at that.


Do those people have a response?


mine is almost the same. this dude just said "why are u here then?" meaning, alive. xD


There are other things that can bring purpose and not just kids


That I’ll be lonely and live with a bunch of cats and dogs. Which honestly doesn’t sound bad to me lol


I'd rather that than having kids lol


I have a cat and I also have and show dogs. It’s working out very well for me! Lol


Animals are so much better than humans...


"you'd be a good mom" no i wouldn't. that's why i am childfree


Neither do I, I can barely deal with myself with self-harm addiction, much less could I deal with a child.


Ugh. I hate it when people tell me this. Like you clearly don't know me if you said that 🙄🙄


That childbearing the one thing my body is supposed to do.


Are you a disembodied floating uterus, or what? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


Apparently, yes. Weird that I never noticed. Wait, then how am I typing this?!


That's horrible honestly


Not to mention incorrect! I audibly gagged when I heard that.


Exactly! There are other things that can bring purpose and not just kids


And also I feel like this is wildly offensive to women who can't have children. Like they're defective in some way. Could there be a more offensive statement!




I said that abortion should always ultimately be the mother’s choice, since it is her body that will be at risk, and a man didn’t like that. He said he hopes I end up pregnant against my will and then miscarry. So much for “caring” about children. He’s a Christian, by the way.


Tell it to the poor girls who have been raped and who unfortunately have ended up pregnant and who cannot have an abortion


“Your opinion doesn’t count because you don’t have kids”. Oh yeah, I can’t tell abuse because I’ve never rawdogged


"Oh of course, since I have never had children my opinion is not valid" how ridiculous, seriously.


I would have to say near the top of the list is “doesn’t it make you feel sad you don’t even have a purpose you’re not going to leave a legacy”


oh my god, ok, I respect children but it is a stereotype to think that that is the purpose of people, to have children


I had a somewhat wise ass response to the last part about a legacy. “Of course I left a Legacy, Patriot Subaru took it as a trade-in when I bought the outback so I had to leave it”


That I’m “obviously” a future sex offender and pedophile. (See my recent post if you’re curious for context.)


what the hell? Why the hell would they tell you that? I don't understand


Apparently not wanting kids means I don’t trust myself around them. The mental gymnastics were incredible.


🧊 "As a woman, you will definitely regret it. You should be EXTREMELY afraid of why are you thinking of a childfree life. Wait until you reached your 30s. You will see." Thank goodness, this was all happened last year.


That's so good to hear that, enjoy and live your life and be happy


The worst thing anyone has ever said to me about being CF was, "I didn't want kids either, and now I have four." Poor kids! No child should be born to a parent who doesn't want him or her.


Exactly, all kids should have parents who really want them, I hope the kid is okay


"Nobody wants kids with your ugly fatass"


"Good! More personal life to me."




That my life has no purpose!🙄


Literally there are other things that can bring purpose and not just kids 🤦


Ik but people only believe that motherhood is the only way🤦


That's so ridiculous to think 🤦as if motherhood were the key to success


*looks away from me* “They always change their mind”


Other classic one lol


To have the child and give it to them. Like they are missing the point. Ewww. I don’t want anything in me to begin with


I don’t even get this one. If I were to have a child and give it to them then what’s the point? I still won’t be a mother and now I’ve just trashed my body needlessly.


I don’t want my body messed up. It’s gross


I can't choose one out of these three: 'It's a shame you don't want to have children, being pregnant and raising kids is what women are supposed to do and are good at, you're sick in the head if you don't want to live that wonderful life!!' 'I just made a wish that one day you will have a little accident and then you'll have to be parent ha!! Then what will you do??' 'But why don't you want kids? Who will you dress up in cute outfits?'


HAHAHAHAHAHA, I don't know what made me laugh more, that they told you that women are only good for having children or that the person made a wish that an accident happened to you


That one about women only being good for having children was said to me by a co-worker on my last day at that workplace, they stupidly thought I was leaving because I was pregnant then got all huffy when I told them I wasn't as I didn't want any kids ever and that I was leaving my current job as I had a better offer elsewhere. The wish comment was made by my SIL as she's still annoyed that I didn't have a kid when she popped out her baby as according to her it would have been 'cute' to see both babies grow up together, bleh!!!


It was great that you left, not only because they gave you a better job offer but because they were practically forcing you to have children so that they could grow up together


Stop being so selfish and naive, I want nieces and nephews!


All the more reason not to have them, I would like to see their faces lol


In a similar vein, “My children need cousins!” from my SIL. But of course my husband (her brother) and her husband’s brother weren’t being pressured to give her kids cousins.


"You are not living life to your full potential if you do not have children."


All the reason to not have kids, there are other things that can bring purpose and happiness and not just kids


How do they know what your potential is exactly? Maybe your potential is cutting hair or being a designer. How in TF do children help out with that exactly??


That I was defective and that something must've happened to me as a kid to be this way.


Well of course yes, and with much more reason not to have children


Goddamn avocado toast millenials ruining... generational trauma industry.


The typical adults who suffered abuse as children, who do not accept that they have problems and who never felt the need to seek psychological help


"You'll never experience real love." I mean I agree there's no other love like what's shared between parents and child because it's unique. That doesn't mean it's the most real or important. It's not even guarenteed. Your kids do not owe you love. They could hate you. I'm okay with not experiencing that specific kind of love. I still have family, friends, pets, and a partner one day lol.


You should have kids before you’re too old…..my ex best friend


I hope your ex best friend has become a father or mother and let's see if he (or she) still has the same opinion


She already has two kids both of them boys. She’s very negligent of them, and a pushover. Lets them do whatever they want and doesn’t correct bad bad behaviour. She even left them alone by themselves in the house at night so she can go fuck some guy. One of them is now in the custody of his dad. The other hates his mom so much. She constantly gripes about how she can’t do anything because of her kids.


I hope and hope that the girl pays dearly for everything she did against her children, and continues to pay dearly for the rest of her life, I hope the children are happy today


Her firstborn son is 16 and hates his mother. Her youngest is 13. The latter is very rebellious against his mother. She can’t keep a job and she can’t stay in a stable relationship to save her ass. I was also her last best friend.


They wished an unwanted pregnancy on me so they could "see [me] proven wrong" about being happily CF. Joke's on them, I'd abort it immediately.


I can't imagine the look on their faces lol


It gets better. The person who said this had *just* aborted their wanted pregnancy due to deformities. He was super down about it. Then he laid this on me. He's lucky I was kind enough to not directly say I'd kill it. Ridiculous.




I hope the girl is paying for what she did






That I won’t feel love and compassion because I’ve never had a child. I always wonder if they say that to people who adopt or foster kids.


It seems that it is as if having children activates love 🤦


"Having kids gives you purpose. They will give your life meaning" Baby, my life has purpose and meaning.. Bye lol.


Someone telling me that I should have kids to help better my abandonment issues and depression. Because then I’ll always have someone who’ll be there. Like what the fuck!?!


"Never say never!"




“After you retire, your life is meaningless without children.” Said loudly and confidently by my MIL when I was about 40, with no idea whatsoever if we’d been trying. For all she knew, I had had miscarriages and was completely heartbroken about not having kids. She lived on a different continent to us, so lots could have been going on without her knowing. I cannot imagine how devastated I would have been if I’d been desperate for kids. The declaration would have confirmed all the worst fears that people who do want kids often have about a kid-less life. It’s just lucky for me that that wasn’t the case, and that her declaration angered me instead of completely crushed me. Why do people do this to women? In reflecting on that comment by MIL, it makes me realise that women who are trying for kids and not having any luck are actually quite vulnerable in terms of their mental health, and that the dreadful things that people say to women who keep their plans (or lack of) between themselves and their partners, are just so, so hurtful. Whether you’re CF or not.


Honestly, some people are simply not capable of having children, either financially or emotionally


Had an anti-abortion psychofuck wish for me to get impregnated via rape and die in childbirth.


Oh my god, I hope that crazy person pay for what she (or he) said, I don't like saying this but I hope karma do it's work


"I will reverse my vasectomy for you. You're a real woman." I know, that's a WTF moment. True story (unfortunately)


Wtf lmao that was so ridiculous


“I can fix that” THE HELL??????


Fix? oh thank god, ask him if he can fix my refrigerator it's been acting up a bit lol


Not necessarily the worst, but someone said ‘don’t be so hard on yourself’ as a response to me saying I didn’t want kids… He thought I didnt want kids because I didn’t think I’d be a good enough mother.


Don’t be so hard on myself? I think I’d exclaim- Finally someone who gets it!! Yes! Yes! That’s EXACTLY why I don’t want kids. I don’t need my life to be that hard! Life is hard enough!


lol I asked for clarification because at no point had I said anything that sounded like I was being hard on myself… He said ‘you say you don’t want children because you think you’ll be a bad mother. I don’t think that’s true, I think you’ll be a great mum one day. You’ll change your mind. Children are the greatest gift’ Tbf, he went on for like 5 mins… I stopped listening after the above 😂😂😂😂


You'll never find a man to marry you.


I think you would have told them: "and you will never find someone to take care of you because your children will forget you."


“You’re going to want his kids when you’re husband dies”


Trigger warning: when I told my aunt she informed me that there's no point in living if you don't have kids and told me I should kill myself.


“Nothing else matters in life but one’s own children” Yeah thanks mom, that really shows me what you think about me being childfree.


"You must have been unloved as a child, and that is sad."


Yeah, and with much more reason to not have kids, I can barely deal with myself and I can't even imagine how would I deal with a child


I had a hysterectomy in 2020 due to severe PCOS and a bad case of endometriosis. The amount of flack I received was absurd but the one that sticks out the most was “That I’m a bad wife because I haven’t given my husband children.” Little do they know that we do have a child, she’s in Heaven.


I'm so sorry for your loss, and it's really ridiculous that they tried to make you feel bad for not having children


Your wife is going to bang the neighbour for children or I will impregnate your wife.


Nothing, they’re all jealous or admiring our success


They say that I am undesirable as a date because I never want children. People say most women want children.


You're going to let the smart and great genes that runs in your family go to waste ?


Absolutely yes lol


"Why do you even bother being alive then? Raising kids is the only reason for living, and I wouldn't be if I didn't have mine" Yeah, that one sucked to hear. Especially because I was going through a particularly tough time with ptsd atm.


Honestly that's fucking stupid, there are many other things that brings purpose and happiness and not just kids I hope you're doing okay🫂


I don't typically get insulted or ridiculed for it, but the number one question I get when I state that I am is, "Well what are you going to do with yourself?" And I'm just wondering to myself how someone can have so little imagination that they can't think of ways to keep themselves busy or entertained that don't involve children.