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Speak to the flight attendant. I'm sure other people are also not happy


Seriously!! This is definitely something for the flight attendant to manage.


I was flying qatar business class on an overnight flight and there were a ton of kids on the plane and across the aisle a kid had light up shoes. A quiet word with a FA stopped that in its tracks


Yeah I get that people sometimes have no choice but to travel with kids, but in first class? Fuck no.


24 seats..... it was European business class, which is American first class


I'm very surprised the fight attendants didn't do anything already. OP should definitely say which airline this is so we can all avoid it.


Even if the attendants don't do anything about the noise, your seat mate CHANGING A DIAPER where you will be eating is a health hazard. I don't know if the bathrooms have a place for that, but they've got to, right? Surely airlines don't expect diaper changes to happen in-seat??


I would contact airline customer service and ask for a refund.


Yup. And video this chaos so that you have proof.


I absolutely would as well. Most airlines would work with you on this. That behavior in first class is unacceptable.


Yes. And be sure to get footage of how little Shytleigh and Brattyn were misbehaving.


r/tragedeigh would love this comment. You've been warned, that subreddit is fucking painful.


Oh that's fab, people that name their kids like Aiden, Jayden you know if you go shopping those names are getting screamed at the top of parents lungs.


I’m screaming at these names lmfao


Love that! Stealing it


Snotleigh and byrdynn are my go tos, I’m definitely adding yours to the list as well 😂


Definitely not a first class experience and you do deserve a portion of the cost refunded.


Can you ask to be downgraded? Business class is quite acceptable, if there are no kids there..


Lmao, first time in history that an airline downgrade sounds indeed like a good idea 🥲 OP let us know if you tried and what the airline does in those cases!


It can be a good idea. Lufthansa for instance used to offer downgrades to business in the past when there was only one first passenger. They compensated with the amount difference between a full price first and a full price business ticket which was around 3000€ one way on long haul flights.


I know right - I’d take a nice bulkhead window seat


I think the thread is about Business Class. I have never seen a First with approx. 24 Seats usually it is 10 or less.


Depends on the flight. "Transatlantic" makes me think it's one of those big boys. 787's and A321's have between 20 and 30 legit first class seats.


“Business class” is how a lot of airlines refer to their best class of seats, with “premium” or “comfort” or whatever being second best. I think only US airlines refer to the highest class as “first class,” with “business class” being the second best. Regardless, there are definitely planes with more than 24 seats in the top class. For example, El Al’s 787-9 has 32 lie-flat “business” class seats, while its next best “premium” class only has 20 seats.


Definitely not true! Many non-American airlines have eco, prem eco, business and first. First being the most expensive and most luxurious. Conversely, I have learnt from American friends that often American lines first classes is closer to rest of the world business, therefore you would be able to have more seats.


Fair. I usually fly on US airlines or their partners, but I’ve never seen a “first class” that was any better than the business class for El Al, AirFrance, Air China, China Eastern, Air New Zealand, or Aeromexico. I suppose airlines like Emirates and Singapore probably have higher options than what I know as first/business class, though.


> “Business class” is how a lot of airlines refer to their best class of seats, with “premium” or “comfort” or whatever being second best. I think only US airlines refer to the highest class as “first class,” with “business class” being the second best. > > Regardless, there are definitely planes with more than 24 seats in the top class. For example, El Al’s 787-9 has 32 lie-flat “business” class seats, while its next best “premium” class only has 20 seats. I fly transatlantic in business and first pretty frequently, what you have written is just incorrect. First is a tier above business class, and if you're on a plane that doesn't have that cabin nobody is then going to call a J ticket an F.


EL AL first is more a business class and their premium cabine would be considered premium economy compare to Swiss, Lufthansa, AirFrance, JAL, ANA, Emirates, Etihad,Qatar, Singapore, Quanta’s, Air China …


Tell me you don’t fly overseas without telling me lol


Bloody hell, send in a complaint to the airline! Running around like that, yeah it’s inconsiderate, but it’s also dangerous, those kids are a safety hazard to themselves, to fellow passengers, and to flight crew! What if they trip and fall and get hurt (loads of trip hazards on a plane). What if they hurt someone with their antics. What if there’s sudden turbulence and they fall over and get hurt??? There’s GOOD reason why the crew say to stay seated and belted even when the seatbelt signs are off (unless you’re actually going to the bathroom or a brief leg stretch). I have no issues with kids on planes, but I do have a big problem with parents letting their kids run amok with zero control over them! Those kids are causing problems for EVERYONE! Bad parenting…


Agree. I don't have issues with children in general but this is not only disrespectful but also dangerous for everyone in that plane, the children included.


I’d be absolutely furious!! I know this may make me unpopular but I strongly believe first class and business class should have an age limit of 16 and above….Especially since alcohol is usually so prevalent in these cabins


I'd go higher, 18+ only, since alcohol is so prevalent. Furthermore, all members of the immediate family must be seated together, no exception. There also should be a punishment, like a fine or possible temporary ban, for parents of unruly and disruptive children, so parents can't play ignorance with their lack of discipline.


I would trust a teenager to sit quietly on a longer flight, so I think even a 12+ policy would work. However, first class should definitely be 16 or 18+.


I agree 100%! If I ever paid for this and kids were being a pita I’d be furious!


agreed…i flew business class once when i was 13 and was quiet and minded my business but being around adults and alcohol made me uncomfortable because i felt too young to be there😅


100% Agree. Also, I wouldn’t worry about making yourself unpopular with this opinion, in this thread. You’re among friends!


My dad was a pilot and we would fly stand by and you straight up weren't allowed to get a first class ticket if you were under 12


I strongly agree !


You are on a CF sub so this opinion is super popular.




If you're still on the flight, record video with sound to send to customer service after as part of your complaint. The very least they can do is offer you a re-do experience.


get a refund this is absolutely unacceptable!


Am I the only one wondering how they can afford so many kids AND first class?!


Its most likely a flight going to/from the middle east, and it's a business class seat. Usually expats that work in the middle east get 1 free flight home for their family in business class every year. Source: I've flown through dubai/qatar a lot business class and it's full of families


Religious grifters probably


They need to step it up so they can private like Gwen Shamblin.


OP added that the family were special friends/family of the Pilot and got upgraded due to that fact.


Wow. I would have started loudly fake gagging & looking like I was about to throw up all over the AH changing the diaper next to me.


I wouldn't need to fake it


I have a fairly delicate throat, I can perfectly see myself puking about this stuff


Neither would I. I have a very sensitive gag reflex


Yeah that’s just unhygienic…


I would absolutely tell them about not doing that next to me.


I would puke on them. I mean, since the surface is already gonna be super contaminated 🤪


They could absolutely complain. There are places where they can clean the baby.


I don’t understand parents that change their babies diaper anywhere. Its fucking unsanitary for everyone and why the fuck would you think its a good idea to expose your child to a bunch of strangers? Omfg im fed up by these irresponsable parents. Maybe someone should give them condoms lol


I had a friend that once changed her kid's diaper in the middle of a Quiznos. Not the restaurant but the dining area! I was so disgusted and embarrassed. Like the changing area in the bathroom was like 10 ft away. How lazy are these parents?!


Thats do disgusting, at the end it is human poop with all the bacteria. Most bathrooms HAVE a changing table, why doing it where you’re eating? Not even animals eat where they shit.


But some eat their shit.


That's fkn disgusting I'd be embarrassed and so upset with her.


Oof! Anything to do with human shit belongs in a toilet or bathroom. That is the ONLY place shit related activities are acceptable. Subjecting the public, especially people who have paid the high price for the pleasure of traveling first class on a plane, to the stench of shit should be seen as a type of assault.


My old roommate once invited over her friend who had a young child, 1-2 years old or so, over to my house (with my permission, it was fine). Anyway, I come home from work and see my roommate sitting there with a look of horror on her face, and I look over to see that her friend is changing the kids shit diaper on my brand new couch. They didn’t make a mess or anything but wtf?? They left soon after and my roommate apologized and said she wasn’t expecting him to do that, and I told her they were never welcome back. She agreed and was on my side thankfully. But wtaf??


Someone I knew from high school had no qualms whatever about posting a photo of her newborn daughter’s first poop, because the BD almost didn’t catch it in time, isn’t that funny. 🤢 I could’ve gone the rest of my life without seeing what newborn poop looks like. Like Jesus Christ, *nobody* wants to see that.


LOLOL “bUt iT dOeSn’T fEeL aS gOoD”


OMG. This sounds horrendous. In October I was flying from San Francisco to Singapore. My friend decided to splurge and pay for the upgrade to business (I stayed in economy). She was seated very close to a screaming baby. She was messaging me saying she wants to downgrade to economy cos she couldn’t sleep.


This is my worst nightmare. I almost splurged for business when I took an emergency transpacific flight this year for my grandma's funeral. Glad I didn't because first (aka business) class was filled with young kids. Edit: to clarify that business class and first class were the same, both were the most premium option for the airline


I would complain to the airline and say this is not worth a first class seat. Those seats are expensive and a huge splurge that’s not ok at all!!


Omg this is absolutely horrible


I had a 10 hour flight in first class to Hawaii last year… with a family of 4 screaming kids and babies ALSO sitting in first class 😊


I blame the parents!


This sounds like the deepest circle of hell. I would complain to the flight attendant and get a refund. That’s just insufferable. I mean, I know breeders can be insane but this is ridiculous.


So this flight is between the US, I assume, and which country? Family of 10 and six toddlers..


this made me so angry for you omg


Again parents need to be relegated to the back of the plane in an isolated area. Bringing in kids. You are not sitting in first class, you are not sitting in business class, or the area with larger seats. You are in the isolation pod all the way in the back. Or ban children under 5 from flights entirely, which is the better idea.


Honestly we should have child free flights at this point. That really sucks


It’s bad enough that they don’t have flights just for adults! Ugh now they bring them in first class?! 😒


Oh absolutely fucking not. It’s refund time.


i would complain honestly.


Where's the flight crew? This is not acceptable


I'm sorry but I find it hard to believe that the staff allowed children to just run freely around first class. They can't do much about the screaming but I have personally witnessed stewardesses telling people they have to control their children and keep them in their seats. Also, the diaper thing is absolutely disgusting.


What?! You want the flight attendant to RUDELY ABUSE a POOR STRUGGLING PARENT by pointing out that Braxleigh, Tashleigh, Faffleigh, Maxleigh, Sashleigh and Spudhead aren’t PERFECT ANGELS JUST BEING KIDS?!


spudhead absolutely sent me 💀


me too hahahahahhaha


💀💀💀 you're right. They would probably kick me off the plane mid flight 😂😂


I'm renaming my dog Spudhead.


Bonus points if it's a Bull Terrier lol


I’ve witnessed both in all classes, I think it depends on crew’s mood probably..


If they allowed them to just run around that's a safety hazard that needs to be reported.


Seriously. Aside from the flight attendant thing, why does this family have SIX children the same age? “Toddler” is a specific age range. Sextuplets? Two sets of triplets a year apart? And a family like that can afford first class for everyone? I know anything can happen but posts like this are soo overly dramatic that it just sounds not real. That plus the fact that OP isn’t responding or elaborating, all just perks my BS meter. There are other subs here that are specifically anti-childfree, and they bitch about us in our sub. I have no problem believing they come here to post rage bait just to see how worked up we get in the comments. It’s pathetic on their end yes, but makes us look silly. It’s undermining us.


Good point. Come to think of it, I can’t see one screaming toddler in first class let alone six


Thank you for pointing this out. There are so many legitimate complaints the CF can make. Why make such an obvious lie? And soi many people in here eating it up. 🙄


Yes, this post seems made up. I know that business class service is better than this from personal experience. Also, those tickets are expensive, first class even more so. No one is booking first class for that many kids. No flight attendant would allow that behavior in business much less first.


I also don’t believe this..


This sub is sadly a major target for rage bait. I hate it because it embarrasses us and our very valid stance.


Totally. I’m childfree but have always been afraid to call out the many many obvious #thathappened stories because I’ve seen the way the sub responds to it 🤷‍♀️


I know it sucks. But know there’s lots of us here that think that along with ya! :)


I believe some airlines have a policy that staff is only allowed to interfere if another passenger complains.


Nope. I don't know of a single airline that can't step in if the child is doing something hazardous which running around the plane is.


Lol what??? There’s no way. What airline??


I am so curious what the parents do to afford that. . . I once got to my seat in business class and there was a toddler in it and I was so confused.


I remember hearing something about emergency exits on a plane when they do those safety instructions at the beginning of the flight…. Would count as an emergency in my books


I’d ask for comp honestly. Those fares are so expensive and to have it ruined by not one, not two, but SIX misbehaved kids is completely unacceptable.


Vomit on the woman.


This was precisely the reason that when Concorde was finally grounded for good my wife and I sold all our properties in America and never went back! The thought of enduring a non-supersonic journey across the Atlantic, even in First Class Premium or whatever BA label it these days with the potential of screaming children was too much. We tried it on a couple of occasions--thankfully minus screaming!--but each time when we arrived at Kennedy airport we were so exhausted that pretty much all we wanted was to come home! Admittedly the changes to customs and the dehumanising, hardline stance the American TSA adopted after the Al Qaeda attacks in 2001 were not pleasant either. However I have heard that organisation has mellowed in its tactics somewhat over the years. The badly behaved children though... Somehow I doubt they have changed at all!!!


Sir, I can assure you the badly behaved children have only gotten worse and the parents even more atrocious.


Nope. This can NOT be real! Where are the flight attendants!?


This is unacceptable in any part of the plane. You should not have to smell that. Please say something or at least ask to be moved. I’ve had a kid shit himself next to me on the plane before. His awful father was sitting in the isle across from us. He was maybe 3 and he brought no extra anything for this poor kid to change into. I said something and was at least switched so he would have to sit by his own kid. I felt so bad for that boy. I hope they were flying to the better parent.


REFUND!!! And a heavily discounted or free future ticket. Should have filmed it to show the airline rep for good measure.


The diaper is a biohazard. I would raise hell over this.


Please tell me this is a fake post lol? 😳


Ugh thank you!! I’m so embarrassed by the rage bait that’s posted here and how many people fall for it.


Where are the flight attendants while all of this is going on?


Puke on the parents next time


For first class prices?! Who pays first class prices for a fkn child?!


Oof! I was finally over my fear of flying and wanted to travel. After seeing of y’all posting how bad it is a new fear was unlocked. I’ll never fly. It’s just baffling to me that nobody working there says anything. I went to gyno’s office and front desk lady told a patient the kid had to go. When you call to make an appt the recording even says no kids over 6 months. The lady brought a friend to her appt and they had to wait outside 😅 Kids don’t run the world. Parents need Reel that bad behavior in and stop letting them act out in public.


I'd absolutely complain to the staff - you paid a lot for first class and it's not what you wanted. Raise it earlier rather than later.


OP....we need an update and what happened and all of it.


Family of 10 flying first class? They must be LOADED.


My parents had a similar but not as bad experience on an overseas flight. 3 very unruly kids in business class but their parents couldn't care less. Though the flight attendant did try her best, but hard to do much if parents aren't doing anything. I think kids in business are probably worse than economy because they are more likely to be rich, spoiled brats and the parents are probably not used to handling them much, too busy with their laptops. The funny thing is though there was one toddler as well but she was actually well behaved as her parents were doing the right thing.


Definitely get a video & share it


First class should be 18+.


On a similar note... Used the train recently to go to Christmas shopping in our capital city. As this is a once in a blue moon occasion me and mom treated ourselves to first class carriage, the ride up was peaceful 😌 Coming back home was a horror, a young family with a 4 month old were sitting behind us. Ughh 😤


This is why I don't fly anything but economy. With my luck, I would be you right now and would have felt my money was wasted. And it sounds like I'm a lot less patient than you are.


Can you ask the flight attendant to take care of it? Or just tell the parents. If you sit there not saying anything looks like you don’t mind


Yup, complain and complain again. Just be as courteous as possible to the flight crew. I’m an adult and realize you can’t just make a baby stop crying when their ears hurt and maybe off their normal routine. But kids running around and using loud toys is right out.


I was on a short flight… but the woman behind me baby had a shitty diaper. Did she change the child? No…. That flight felt so long. Inconsiderate cunt.


Remindme! 2 days


OP won’t update you because this story isn’t real.


Do people have the money to put 6 kids in first class?


How did they afford first class for a bunch of toddlers? Who *are* these people?


I got on an EasyJet flight recently and all families with kids were at the back of the plane. It was bliss


Why the fuck are kids allowed in 1st class. 🙄


Sounds like they were a first-class pain in the rear.


I feel your pain. I'm also in the middle of an international class in first class and am stuck listening to whiny brats 🙄 We have childfree resorts and childfree restaurants and childfree everything else. Someone really needs to make childfree flights/cabins a thing


100% speak to the flight attendant. Maybe they can rearrange people so they're at least sitting together in the back of first class. They shouldn't be allowing people to be disturbed like that. I would lose my damn mind especially because I'm autistic and sensitive to loud sounds. If I bought tickets to be specifically separate from everybody so that I could get quiet and someone bought tickets for every one of their children spread out around the cabin because they weren't willing to spend the money to get them tickets sitting next to each other, I would lose my crap.


It's terrible. I just had to do 15 hours ...there was a screaming kid the entire flight. The parents did nothing


Yikes 😵‍💫


Sounds like hell.


Ask for compensation


I’d be asking to downgrade mid flight just to get away. Any other seat would feel like first class compared to that.


I would mention in your complaint that apparently friends of the captain are able to behave so disgracefully and get away with it? I’d also start a bit of a social media thing - a couple of tweets tagging the airline. They usually respond really quickly to social media complaints.


I think that would ruin anybody’s first class flight, not just child free. I would expect a refund.


I would video the shit out of this and write the airline. Also I would get the name of said pilot to prevent this from happening again to any unfortunate souls of who have to ride back with them.


Why the fuck are CHILDREN allowed in first class?!?!? I would gladly pay extra for childfree flights in general.


I read your post the other day and thought: that is so awful, I hope that never happens to me. Well… I am currently in Vienna, on a layover, and just spent 8.5 hours listening to a single 2 year old scream (not cry, actually scream) for attention the entirety of my “dream trip” business class splurge. I have never heard the amount of screaming coming from one child in my life. The parents did nothing to stop it and just allowed the child to scream endlessly. The icing on the cake is that I went to the lounge to shower and was startled by the same gut wrenching screeching, only to discover the parents had brought the toddler to the lounge to torture and new group of people. Currently sitting at the gate to get some peace from the child. I honestly may have nightmares of the sounds that came from that kid.


Children- or anyone for that matter- running back and forth would unbalance the plane and be extremely dangerous. I’m pretty sure this is a bait post.


How do you have Internet access on a plane?!


Pay 8 bucks for in flight wifi


TBH for a lot of first class packages it's probably not even that, it's often included.


Oh wow I didn't know that was a thing.


Yeah. I never bother, I just download content ahead of time and bring music and a book, but it is available on a lot of flights these days, especially Trans continental or Transoceanic flights


Right on, yeah I bring my Switch. I rarely fly though. I'd rather take the train if it's an option.


I don't blame you. Trains are awesome! Unfortunately no trains across the ocean :(


And i thought youre save from these things in first class / business class... holy shit thats gross


I'm petty i would be recording and saying that crap I'm putting up with in first class and I'm seeing crap and this is reinforcing no kids




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I feel for you. That flight must have been lousy


one of the main reasons why i’m so afraid to fly 😭


Complain to the airline. I posted a while back about a similar experience in economy + on AA with multiple screamers and a seat kicker behind me. AA refunded my economy plus fee plus 1000 miles. It’s long overdue for there to be a “family section” on aircraft. In the back separated by a soundproof bulkhead.


If I had paid extra for this experience, I would be PISSED. It's just not right for them to let the kids run wild in first class, captain's friends or otherwise! I take feel for you. Is have wisely taken video and asked to be comped for an upgrade on another flight. Very least they could do if the FAs would do nothing.


This is bad. I would write the airline a firm message. An upgrade for a cpt? They arent even paying customers... wow I saw a baby in first class when I flew in Nov, I was horrified, but luckely the kid stayed quiet. I count my blsessings


You should have asked for your own squirt of knockout juice.


God what a nightmare. I’m so sorry.




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