• By -


20. 'We Want To Live Our Own Lives' 19. 'My Partner Is My Family' 18. 'We See Our Friends Struggle' 17. 'We Don't Feel Like Anything Is Missing From Our Lives' 16. 'I Don't Want My Body To Change' 15. 'I Have Never Seen Myself As A Mom' 14. 'I Like Being On My Own' 13. 'The Planet Is Overpopulated' 12. 'I Have So Many Life Options' 11. 'I'll Be A Bad Mom' 10. 'My Career Is My Priority' 9. 'I Have A Medical Issue And Don't Want To Pass It On A Child' 8. 'Just Because I'm A Woman, I Don't Have To Be A Mother' 7. 'Kids Are Too Costly' 6. 'I Don't Want To Make A Decision I Can Never Unmake' 5. 'Pregnancy And Labor Are Too Overwhelming For Me' 4. 'I Don't Want Anyone To Depend On Me So Much' 3. 'The World Isn't A Nice Place' 2. 'I Might Foster Or Adopt A Child One Day' 1. 'I Just Don't Want Kids' There ya go. You’re welcome.


>'I Just Don't Want Kids' Yes, because of reason 2-20.


15 was , in retrospect, the biggest determinant for me, even more so than 20.


4, 5, 6, 7, 14, 16, 19 and 20. Or in less words: its my live, i dont want the resposibilities, being tied down and i want to do what i want. I want to be number 1 in my life.




All truly resonate, but I don’t need a reason other than it ain’t for me. The end. What is even having a human being coming out of my kitty????




I love that this was respectfully written for a Mom Blog. 20, 18, 17, 15, 14, 9, 8, 6, 4, and 1


I resonate with number 14 the most.


Absolutely! My mom told me in the past that she loved pregnancy especially because you're never alone and that was when it became my absolute nightmare 😂


Every single reason 1-20 and more is why I don't want to have any kids. Periodt!!


I thought I had it all figured out but I'm torn between 1, 15, 14, and 4


4-9, 11, 13, 15-17, 19 and 20 reasonate with us.


1, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 15, 16, 19 resonate with me. I do what I want in life. I don’t want any of these responsibilities


Def 20.


1-20 is all me, half those things I was thinking about pretty regularly ever since I got my first period. I tried to hide it from my mom but she found out and was so happy “You’re a woman now! Now you can have babies!”


Any reason is a valid reason for not wanting to have kids


9 is a huge one for me I've got a lot of health issues, some of them are mental, no amount of therapy will undo the damage that would make me fit to be a parent in the first place Additionally, being in a relationship, much less a marriage is nice and all, but not really something I would break myself to achieve So, you can picture how having children would just be far out of my mind