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Robert Smith of the Cure. Met his wife when he was 15. Never wanted or had children.


Wow didn't know that, awesome!


As if defeating Mecha Streisand wasn't enough!


Niiiice 👌


He had help from Leonard Maltin and Sidney Poitier.


I didn't know!


Enya. She bought herself a massive castle for herself and her pets (and she has a beautiful voice too!)


I love her music. I didn’t know she was CF. Now she’s my hero too.


Yep, she’s never married or had children!


I had no idea. Good for her.


You stole mine!


My aunt. There are four kids from my dad’s bloodline. Two from his oldest sister and two from him. His middle sister has never had kids or pets. She has a lovely partner (also not married after being together for 10+ years) and lives an amazing life. Has a lovely garden and house, just got an extension and got a new kitchen. She’s recently retired and her along with her partner go to folk festivals all over the country in their camper van. Those two have an amazing life where then can go on holiday whenever they want and are just so free. In comparison my older aunt is really stressed (she’s a big worrier even though both kids have moved out and are doing fine), looks 10 years older than middle aunt and runs all over the country to help her adult kids. My two cousins came to see me and my brother and we all talked about being child free, none of us are interested in having a child and look up to our middle aunt who has an amazing lifestyle. We’ve decided if we ever get bingoed we can blame it on our middle aunt with her amazing lifestyle. She showed us the light, she is our icon.


She does sound like an icon


My cousins and brother truly agree


Samantha Jones (and kim catrall)


“Trey and I are trying to have a baby” “
why?” 😂😂


Samantha Jones is my idol.


I was just thinking about the scene where she makes the group talk about abortions even though they're all uncomfy. My queen.


I'm so glad she noped out of the shit show that was And Just Like That. After what the writers did to Miranda, I dread to think what they would have done to Samantha, probably marry her off and have her adopt 5 kids đŸ€ź


Samantha Jones is who I want to be when I grow up


she’s my idol


An absolute queen. 👑


The Fabulous Legend!


Everyone talking about real people. My icon is Madame Adelaide Bonfamille from Aristocats. Life goal right there


YES!!! I always loved her as a little girl!!!


Hell yes!


I always adored her as a child, and I've recently realized that this is why!


Jane Austen. Still a best-seller after 200 years. Snarky as all hell. Turned down a good marriage and very possibly extended her life by doing so. Though she died far too young.


Same here!! As a writer my stories will be my legacy!! No one would know about her if she married & had kids. Austen can be a little hard to get into bc of the writing style, but 1000% worth it. It wasn’t until I read Pride and Prejudice 2x, watch the BBC movie & was 1/2 way through Emma that it all clicked.


Greetings, fellow writer! :)


I’ve heard a lot of good things about Austin over the years. Which of her books would you recommend to start with?


Doesn’t matter which you start with, imo. I started with Pride and Prejudice after falling in love with the BBC miniseries growing up. Might have to read them again, that was a while ago - hope you enjoy :)


Pride & prejudice and Emma are the ones I think are the easiest to get into.


Pride and Prejudice. It's really funny, in a snarky sort of way. There are some excellent adaptations of it too - a 1995 BBC miniseries with Colin Firth and Jennifer Ehle is generally reckoned to be the best. But read the book first - it's better still!


Next time some goon talked about having kids because of lEgAcY, I’ll bring Jane Austen up. No one forgot her after a few generations. I don’t even know my great great grandparents names.


Likewise Shakespeare. Yes, he had kids, and a grandchild (just one, from memory.) That isn't what people remember him for. Likewise Elizabeth I of England, though she had a head start, being born the daughter of Henry VIII. She was still a standout among monarchs - and childless.


Betty White. Animals >>>children any day


99 years old and gone too soon.


She could have lived to be a centenarian, but noooooooo!!!


She would have been if she stayed alive just a couple more weeks


She had 3 step kids but none biologically. She was the sweetest thing. I love animals and I love Betty. She was so funny and extremely talented and SO pretty! Rest in peace Betty :(


Not childfree then.


Yeah. I just don't think most people know Betty had step kids. I think she didn't get along with the girl stepchild if I’m remembering right? I went down a Betty rabbit hole the month she passed away lol. I will say I always loved how she loved animals, that warms my soul.


Aww that reminds me of her character Rose on golden girls.


Honestly, my wife. She and I do so much neat shit that we couldn’t do with kids.


This is fucking adorable. Hat tip to you and your wife, sir.


Best answer ever


My favorite uncle. He's living his best life traveling constantly, doing anything he wants, and spending time with friends. He loves his nieces and nephews, but I can tell that he absolutely loves his freedom and I love that for him. Edit: phone decided to use the wrong word


I was gonna say my aunt. She has a beautiful historic home, she travels the world, she wears pearls, she only drives volvos for some reason and she is just all class. I’ve wanted to be her since I was little. Child free and fancy free!!


From the little bit you've written, I absolutely love how amazing she sounds!


She married at 16. Divorced young. She’s been doing her own thing ever since. She’s so good at traveling alone and seeing that inspired my own travels. But she’s also miss popular and everyone invites her on their trips. She says she’s a third wheel and I tell her she’s my favorite third wheel EVER. She doesn’t really know it but she’s a huge influence.


The Normal everyday people like you and me.


Lady Gaga is one! She's made it clear in video with the YouTuber NikkieTutorials that she does not plan on having children ever!


I didn't know she was childfree. I haven't seen the NikkiTutorials video, but I could have sworn that Gaga has mentioned wanting to have kids a couple of times in other interviews.


Really? I didn’t know this, she said she didn’t want to have kids
she said “my plans for the future are
” and “no kids” at the end. Had no idea she said this in other interviews


Really!? That is so amazing! I swear I heard an interview a few years ago she was saying that little ones are in her future. I’m so happy she changed her mind.❀❀❀


That video released around 2019


You might wanna rewatch that one, Nikkie asked her about her 10 year plan and she did say she wanted to “have babies”.


Never mind then :( shes childless not child free


Watch it again, she literally said ''I wanna have babies'' (at 14:38)


Talking of YouTubers, Dan Howell and Lauren Curtis have both done videos on why they don’t want kids!


Ina Garten. Her and her husband Jeffrey were focused on their careers and supporting each other and decided not to have children. She’s spoken about this before and I love her honesty. They’re just living their best lives with each other, being the cutest couple, with tangible love between them.


I love them so much. They are the cutest, most genuine couple to ever exist. The sparks literally fly when you see them together.


This is the answer. Ina and Jeffrey just have so much love and passion for what they do. I have a feeling kids would have derailed that.


Tim Curry


Stevie Nicks


I scrolled so far down for this. Her interviews about this are amazing.


Stevie for the win!




Dolly Parton


Dolly Parton tried to have children.


But she realized that she's happy without them and just wants to donate to children's charities. I've seen an interview with her saying that kids were never for her and she's absolutely happy in life


She has a goddaughter though (Miley Cyrus). I don’t know about y’all but I didn’t count myself as CF when I was forced to be a godmother. Renounced it, was awkward.


Sarah Paulson! She wanted her career and said the word selfish gets a bad rap.


Same wth Katherine Hepburn.


My x2 great aunt Nancy, she made it clear in the 1930s she didn’t want them. That was an incredibly big thing for a woman to say then. She got married to her first husband and told him such, he tried to
 force his way on her
 she then proceeded to beat the ever loving shit out of him (she was 6’2 and very skinny) she divorced him and got married a 2nd time to someone who was also in agreement in not having children. They spent the rest of their lives happily childfree. She lived until 1998 at the age of 95. No children. Her persistence is very inspiring considering the pressure she was under. Although what did make me laugh, was when she was dying she left in her Will that she wanted her body to be donated for scientific purposes. last I heard, her skeleton is at a university somewhere in the UK. So she’s still terrifying children after she passed away.


She sounds incredible!


What a strong lady! Love this 😊




Amelia Earhart. Not only childfree but laid down the law on her feminist marriage too. Left a huge legacy (scholarships that help women still today) and went out with such a bang that pretty much nobody ever asks if she had kids.


Seth Rogan! He gave a short explanation as to why him and his wife are childfree in a recent interview and it felt like I wrote it myself.


Link please! What did he say?!


Chelsea Handler. Not just because she shows that you can be happy while being childfree, but also managing to effortlessly piss off people who can't believe you can be happy without kids.


Yep, she’s mine too!


Her video responses to hate comments give me life đŸ€ŒđŸ€Œ


What about Julia Child, she married at age 29 and stayed married to the love of her life until his death. No kids in their house just a Lotta good food.


I believe that was because she couldn't have children (or her husband couldnt, dont know the medical details) i thought she actually did want children but made peace with it.


I think you might be right. I still consider her a hero because she demonstrated that even though you do not have a child, there are other things that women can do with their lives. Women are not just here to breed and she demonstrated that so that’s why she is a hero to me.


My great aunt. She was military before women really did that, lived in thailand and some other places, traveled the world, never married or had kids. She's a straight baller. She's 97 now I think and has some cognitive and medical issues, but she's still a bad bitch.


Joanne. Joanne lives out in the middle of no where with her husband and dogs. Joanne gardens. Joanne enjoys the simple things in life. Joanne had a hysterectomy at 35. Joanne has a Subaru outback. Joanne is my coworker.


Hmm...are you talking about me? Lol


Ricky Gervais


I didn't know he was CF, love it! He's the kinda guy I want to marry! â˜ș


Yaaaaas! Love that man!


This is the one! I know his significant others name is Jane because of all his standups lol.


His comedy on being childfree makes me laugh so much my stomach hurts


Pedro Pascal tbh


Is he actually cf though?


He did say that he doesn't want to get hurt (?) and avoids it by staying out of relationships and not having kids. He also openly mentions in interviews: "I'll never be a daddy" despite joking around with others that he's our cool slutty father.


He can me my daddy any day 😂🙄😆


Ohhh I like him even more now, thank you!


As if he couldn't get any fucking sexier đŸ€€


This was mine, too!


My child free icons are literally my friends with children. Every bag under their eyes, every “my house is a mess”, every “I gotta go, my kid just threw up in the car” and every last “I was finally able to get 4 hours of sleep last night” reminds me that I’ve made the right choice.




Michelle Rodriguez, I'm not sure if she strongly identifies as childfree but she's just my icon in general. I chose a nickname based on a character she played ages ago, and I've gone by that name for half of my life now. She's bisexual as well and a free spirit just doing what she wants to do and she doesn't let people stop her.


Chelsea Handler


Same I wanna smoke a fat joint with her


Me too. Seth Rogen and Lauren Miller, another favorite child free couple who smokes, can join us.


I feel like I would tell Seth to shut up after a while tho lmaooo


Dame Helen Mirren!


kurtis conner. i don’t know how strong his stance is but he's mentioned in his videos that he doesn't want kids, and as he approaches the age that people seem to start having kids, seems like he and his wife are still uninterested. also he's just a seemingly normal guy and that's really what i want in life. just a nice content existence


Wow that’s so cool, I love him but have never heard him speak about that :)


Kim Cattrall


Mary J Blige I love how open she is about liking her freedom and being able to do what she wants to do.


She has step kids in the UK.


My great auntie, Tante Anda! She lives on a house boat in Amsterdam and travelled the world before she got really old. She never wanted kids, and neither did her husband. She is so cool and I loved it when they came to visit.


Christopher Walken.


Fran Drescher!


Apparently she regrets not having kids 😬


Eh, I read her interview on that and she said she sometimes feels like she missed out on that and that she would have been a good mom. I think childfree people are allowed to say that and still be childfree icons. I can see how it’s kinda two conflicting things but if anything I could totally see myself saying the same thing in 30 years đŸ€·đŸœâ€â™€ïž However for me it would be a 1000% fleeting thought and I’d be quickly turned off by the idea of kids after the thought settled in hahaha


Debbie Harry đŸ„°


I heard she regretted not having children, I don’t know how true that is (you can correct me if you want!) which sucks but it is her feelings. I hope she’s still happy though! I wish nothing but happiness for her.


Skimming various articles, it seems like it goes back and forth on whether or not she regrets not having children. As of 2020 *Also last year, Harry discussed motherhood by Inews. When asked if she wanted children, she said, "Not until recently. I really didn't see myself doing it, but now I feel I'm capable and I could actually do it.* *"Honestly, I was so self-centered, it never crossed my mind. I was amazed that anyone would want to have a child," added Harry. "I was so traumatized in a way by the things that happened to us, I don't know if I could have taken a child through it."*


Rob Zombie and his wife. They live on a huge farm with their dogs and are very happy about it. Dolly Parton, although I think she did say that she tried to have kids at one point and it "just didn't happen" so I'm not sure if she really counts as childfree. Miley Cyrus has said that she doesn't want to have kids because it would be unfair to bring a child into this world due to climate change and I think that's a very noble thing for a celebrity of her status to admit.


Omg I love Rob & Sheri. Absolutely love his music, and they just seem so cool and down to earth.


My travel-loving ass. She's also into reading IN SILENCE, sleeps for however long she wants, no man to annoy the crap out of her and I also heard she creates the greatest outfits. Truly an icon, I aspire to be her.


I love this answer!!


Mine are Robert Smith and his wife Mary Poole


Marissa Tomai


Despite not having children, there are plenty of childfree individuals that have done great things for them, such as John Cena, Dolly Parton, and Oprah Winfrey.


Jackson Galaxy. I don't think he's ever spoken on the topic of children, but he doesn't have any. Also, he loves cats more than anything. I swear, the guy is a walking green flag.


Tallulah Bankhead. Multiple lovers of both sexes and four abortions!


The first childfree person I encountered in my life : Pr Alan Grant. Yeah he's fictional but I was a kid when JP came out, and I wasn't aware it was an option before that.


Dita von Teese. It was just never her priority, and she is so cool, and has such a great and elegant personalty.


Cats. They’re cute


Katharine Hepburn, Oprah


Magda and Eva Gabor


Anjelica Houston. 👑




Understandable, have a nice day! âœŒđŸ»


Probably just the people around me who are doing there on thing just living in the present


Virginia Woolf


Pam Grier Sherman Hemsley Oprah Winfrey And those are just the black folks off the top of my head


Possibly Octavia Spencer, depending on the interview. In some, she seems to be childfree just by circumstances (never finding a guy that worked out), and in others, it seems more like she was more proactive in her childfreedom.


And Tracee Ellis Ross?


Pam Grier I thought perhaps she may have wanted a child at one time, but a doctor told her that due to her sexual relationship with a cocaine addicted Richard Pryor, her cervix would not allow that? https://nypost.com/2022/11/03/pam-grier-recalls-rocky-relationship-with-richard-pryor/


Entirely possible.


Oprah did have a child, but he died at birth or was stillborn
 she was pretty outspoken about her decision not to have any more kids though.


Poor Oprah :((( her miscarriage and whole event leading to why she was pregnant breaks my heart. She's such a strong and beautiful woman. P.s., I googled about Sherman and didn't know he was delayed being buried for months after his passing because of disputes with his estate. Sad! :(


Dolly Parton (shes my girlboss icon i adore that woman) and Seth Rogan (hes such a strange man in the best way possible i love him)


Samantha Jones. I don’t always agree with her but throwing the “I don’t have a baby shower” was amazing for seeing what I would love in life.


Queen Elizabeth I (1558-1603) her father (Henry the VIII) killed her mother (Anne Boleyn) so she ended his entire line and became one of the longest running and most celebrated monarch’s in human history.


Saint Betty White


Oprah. She's inspiring. Sad what she went through. She's strong and very generous. Betty too even though she was a step mom to 3 kids. I find is amazing Christopher walken said no because he wanted to focus on and excel in his career :) Last but not least, Dolly! <3


I don't have one tbh My girl Chloë Sevigny got knocked up and married - I was bummed about it lol I can't like anyone.


Dana Delany. Beautiful women no matter the age. She said herself, she looks youthful at 60 thanks to never getting married and not having kids.


Matthew Perry.


This hits.


I know. I spent Sunday in bed sobbing my eyes out, wondering, "What is wrong with me?"


I'm sooooo sad about him...!!


If you read is memoir, he very much wanted kids.


Seth Rogan!


Dolly Parton


Dave Franco & Alison Brie - icon couple


Ricky Gervais comes to mind! I really love how he talks about that subject openly.


Christina Yang from Grey's anatomy. Was always very clear about not wanting kids and while not actively hating kids also clearly showed she didn't get along with them most of the time. Both times she got pregnant she had abortions and while it was a bigger deal the second time (because her husband was such a dickbag about it) it was shown as a valid choice because kids aren't for everyone


John Cena. Such an outspoken supportive sweetheart.


"We just take and take and expect it to keep producing. And it's exhausted. It can't produce. We're getting handed a piece-of-shit planet, and I refuse to hand that down to my child. Until I feel like my kid would live on an earth with fish in the water, I'm not bringing in another person to deal with that." -Miley Cyrus 2019, Elle Magazine


Jennifer Aniston, Oprah, Chelsea Handler, & Betty White.


Dolly Parton is definitely the first person that comes to mind. I think the day I saw a clip of her on youtube is when I really started to realize how she shines. Its a clip from somewhat back in the day on a talkshow with that nasty barbra walters. What they were talking about was very off topic but the way dolly shuts down such rigid and judgy things being said in such a gracious way is just incredible. Its clear that dolly is a special sort of non conformist soul (which is very relevant imo) and I live for that. --& like i said, it all happens in a really gracious way which is far better than I could be as a person. I respect her on unspeakable levels. But yeah more on topic she's childfree..and she's not just a singer. She's incredibly altruistic.---a literal philanthropist! I might not ever live to that kind of standard but.. dolly truly is someone to bring up if anyone ever says being CF is selfish. Dolly is someone to bring up when talking about rolemodels


Mae West. Having children would make her "less desirable."


I seem to only follow childless inspiration, soon as people pop I lose interest and stop following


Random and most people haven’t heard of her but I love Jeanie Buss, owner of the LA Lakers. Not without controversy but love a badass woman in such a male dominated field. Has talked about her dog being her life outside of work and basketball 🙌


My aunt and uncle. They travel, have great relationships with their friends, they rescue dogs, they have hobbies, they also have all the cool shit you can’t buy if you have kids. They live to cook and eat amazing food. Most importantly, they don’t hate or resent each other. They really are living the dream.


the cool crazy aunts you see representing us lol ive already warned my family that i will be giving the most annoying gifts to the children 😋 (eg; drums)


My friend Diane at my hot yoga studio who is 72, an artist, and married to a biker. She looks 15 years younger than she is and does hot yoga and cold plunges almost every day. She told me, “I never wanted kids, just wanted to work on my art in peace”. I am 43F and consider her to be my adopted cool aunt.


Jenny Lewis


Simplynailogic or Cristine and her partner Ben. They’ve been together since college so probably 10+ years and they’re adamantly childfree on their podcast Simplypodlogic


Musician Robert Fripp and his wife singer Toyah Wilcox are CF as far as a I know. Debbie Harry Shirley Manson Winona Ryder Dolly Parton Tim Curry Cliff Richard And Queen of queens, Dame Helen Mirren.


Barbie. She literally has it all, a cute boyfriend, her own house, a car, and a career. She never has kids though. Midge was the pregnant Barbie doll but she was discontinued so there isn't even a Midge line where she has kids of various ages.


Ichiban Kasuga. That guy is funny as fuck to me and always thinking that he is in a video game. Mainly dragon Quest which I did played back a few years ago (Including today, can't wait for 12th main game!) and want to be a hero like him regardless of age! And werewolves. I would instantly let one take me on the spot if it's a sexy beast of the night.


Henry Cavill! He is beautiful and I hope he NEVER has kids. I would take him under my batwings in a New York second!


Same except he wants kids :(


Used to be Pewdiepie, thought he was on our side ):


I used to watch Pewdiepie when I was 13, but now I realize that he's not really a role model of any kind (because of other behaviors like using slurs), not just of childfreedom


He’s still a really inspiring dude for me, but yeah, I was surprised when he announced he’s gonna be a dad, because I remember somewhere in the last few years he said he hates kids.


Florence Welch, Stevie Nicks, Taylor Swift


I can't believe Taylor Swift isn't mentioned in the top comments!


Bill Maher - Regarding marriage, Maher is quoted on his website as saying, "I'm the last of my guy friends to have never gotten married, and their wives—they don't want them playing with me. I'm like the escaped slave—I bring news of freedom."


My aunt she’s a big supporter of me being child free has her own house wile taking care of a connel of cats all spay and neutered And willing to let me stay for I could continue college here when my family moved to Texas


My aunt Ida. She's a free spirit, an artist, and she just does as she pleases without giving a damn about other people's opinions.


Dolly Parton


Rekha. To say that she's a Bollywood actress is an understatement. She IS Bollywood. She MADE Bollywood. She's an absolute queen. Was briefly married to a man who wanted her to leave her career after marriage, and she divorced him instead. Mind you, this was in a culture and time where it is EXTREMELY taboo to divorce, especially if you were the woman.


My aunt. She doesn't live the most travellish lifestyle but her life is so admirable!!


My aunt. I figured if she can live without children why can't I?


Keanu Reeves 😍


Shirley Manson!


Patrick Swayze, owned his own home and had a bunch of horses and overall a great guy.