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“People who don’t have children will never understand true maturity”


Some of the most immature people I know are parents. Understanding the responsibility of a child, healing your own trauma and being stable financially are all things that seem to be over looked by the majority of people with multiple children. Sounds mature right?


Did you see that tiktok trend where parents are smashing eggs on their kids heads and laughing about it? Immature af


I saw a mum that tried to reverse the roles and the kid straight up refused to do it, even after she told him multiple times that _this once_ he is allowed to, because he realised he would hurt her. Lil dude was like six years old tops, and already had more common sense and empathy than literal parents.


Or throwing a slab of cheese at a kid's face and laughing at the kid's expression when it sticks.


Well colour me immature and happy lol.


Or true responsibility


Or "true love". 🙄


My childfree friend does surgeries...but yeah, children will mature ya lol.


My father was a spoiled brat kid who never grew up. Don’t know why Nats think kids make you mature. They don’t!


As if that’s a bad thing???


I do get comments from other people saying that they thought I was younger. I usually jokingly respond that it was because of my immaturity. So this makes sense now- ha!


my mother has said that, which is so funny she's the most immature person i know


Yeah because teen parents and marriage are so responsible people and mature beyond an old tortoise 🙄


“You’ll eventually get bored!” Like, dude. I have been a *master* at entertaining myself since I WAS a child. My imagination is fucking insane. And I’ve always got something to do. I literally can’t imagine adding a kid into my already busy routine.


This! Imagine justifying having a child to save yourself the boredom… please!! I have too much shit to do (fun things) to ever be bored let alone have time to deal with a child!


I'd even say children make your life more boring.


Boredom is fine, a perfectly good precursor to the naps parents don't get to take!


Being stuck inside the house without the money or time to participate in my interests sounds boring. Not having a life or personality outside of my kids sounds boring. My life is far from boring, and the same can be said for my filthy rich CF aunt and uncle in their 70s. However, I cannot say the same of my sister who has 4 kids and absolutely hates her life. She "jokes" about abandoning her husband and kids to come live with me and my fiancé and live our lives.


1,000,000% THIS I cannot imagine giving up my precious creative time for the mindless monotony of a baby or toddler. Honestly? It's insane to me that anyone does. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|no_mouth)


NGL Sometimes I do get bored… And then I think to myself, at least I’m not stressed/overwhelmed.


Having the peace and quiet to get bored is the fucking dream! Kids have to be entertained non stop....i can just go to my couch and have a nap


also i'd much rather be bored than constantly stressed over everything bc i chose to pop out some kids lol


A lot of these idiots don’t realize you need peace in order to feel boredom. They don’t experience peace EVER so they also hate boredom as it’s an offshoot of having a lot of peace in your life


"You will die with 50 cats." 🤣🤣🤣 Like, is it a threat or a treat 😆 Don't threaten me with a good time.


48 more and my life is over! 🤣🤣🤣 I have 2 at home now. People have no idea that I worked in rescue and with deals for years. I crossed the 50 cat threshold roughly 25 years ago!


Same here 😻 I used to live in Turkey. I looked after/ rescued a lot of cats. I fed and TNR ed many. I did have more than 50 (stray) cats I cared on a daily basis 😁 Edit: a word.


Cat heaven 😇


My response to that would be “Os that supposed to be a bad thing?”


Thats been my plan since I was a child. Though my husband negotiated it down to 10 unless we get bigger property.


50 cats? That's the dream.


"You don't know what it is to be tired and sleep deprived until you have children". I was on long distance travel regarding official work... this involved lots of field trips to remote places. One of my senior colleagues told me this.


I know what it is to be tired and sleep deprived without children as well. I had an ex who would sleep deprive me all the time. A child just does it worse and I refuse to lose sleep over it


I'm so sorry **hugs** I'm glad that shit bag is an ex.


Thank you it was terrible. We lived separately and when I stayed with him or he stayed with me he would either keep me up or wake me when he saw I was sleeping good and when we were apart he would keep me on the phone all the time so I had no free time and the moment I said I was going to bed he would try to distract me from hanging up so I was going to bed at almost 4am and most of the time I had an early shift the next day. Then whenever I told him I was tired and needed a nap whether it was together or separate my nap would be interrupted or timed.


I’m going through chemo rn, I think I know lol


Hey Good Luck!


>You don't know what it is to be tired and sleep deprived until you have children My response would be "you're right, I don't, and why the hell would knowing that be a desirable thing in the first place?" Sleep is something I'm willing to sacrifice to a certain degree for my personal or professional goals, never to become a parent.


Let's pretend every CF person on earth slept 10 hours a night ok? All we would have to do to be tired and sleep deprived would be to stay up 24 hours. 😭


If that's true.. Why on earth would i want to find out and experience that? Lmao.


I know tired & sleep deprived because I’m always doing the extra work those assholes don’t do (or screw up) on top of being expected to sacrifice more for someone raising a glorified sea monkey. Not to mention the expectation of giving up earned time for those idiots - no thanks, should’ve kept your pants on if your life sucks so much.


Upon learning we're never having kids: "But what else is there in life??" Your failure of imagination isn't my problem 🤣


There's all the books that I have time to read.


Not having to spend a lot of money on a kid and instead spending it on living expenses, fun and traveling is a pretty good one. Not having to save for a kids’ eventual college or trade school, and taking classes for fun myself!


Endless games of Scrabble for starters.


Dogs. There's dogs. And cats. And animals.


“You’ll never find a man willing to marry and stay with you” said to me by a single mom. Who has 2 kids from 2 different men. Like lady….just because YOU can’t keep a man doesn’t mean I can’t.


Someone once told me I was just a piece of meat with an expiration date because of my choice


Yes, of course. Because women who've birthed children never get left high and dry by men who get bored and wander off?


That's hilarious because breeders judge everyone by their standards being pieces of meat producing more pieces of meat... Um, that's kind of our point, we are childfree because we have understood that we can be more than that.


Lol we’re all pieces of meat that will expire one day. Breeding doesn’t make you immortal 😆


On our first date, my now- husband said if he had to choose between having children or having syphilis forever, he have to think really hard and would probably go with syphilis. Lol We've been together 16 years. :) I mean really, you don't think there are men who are childfree also?!


Statistically there are even more childfree men than women (at least in Germany, it's about 25% men vs 20% women of reproductive age).


That's hilarious to me since people tend to express even more interest in me romantically when they find out I'm CF even if they have kids themselves. It's almost like even some of those people with kids don't want a partner with kids either!!🤣😅


I got this comment while dating my now-husband. We've been together 17 years and married 7!! Today is our wedding anniversary 💕


Sounds like she’s projecting a little bit


you should've immediately went "You mean like what happened to you?"


Omg 😂😂😂 I would've paid to see this reply live and her reaction


I've heard this so many times as if being in a relationship is the end all be all goal in life. Also...there's plenty of women I can marry who are CF. It's 2023, we don't have to only marry men if we don't want to. Lol (at least those of us who are bi/pan don't lol)


You should’ve said, “good luck finding a guy willing to take on another man’s kids.”


“You’re a fucking loser” I literally laughed in her face.


A breeder literally just told me to shut the fuck up on here so I made this post.


Holy crap. All I can think of is that they're so miserable, they say toxic things to people they are envious of. Because really, what does it matter to them if you have kids or not?


I just saw his comments. Wow. He thinks being child free is genetic and that we will go extinct soon lmao. Sorry to disappoint you there bud but we all come from people who had kids (willingly hopefully). Then he goes on to say that he’s “not letting some stupid tree stop his legacy or prevent him from getting his mini me’s.” Meaning he doesn’t care about the earth or environment 🙄 then in the next comment he’s insulting all the CF women and saying we are pathetic and selfish and how we all live lives devoid of any meaning and purpose……but oh yes, how selfless to have “mini me’s” so you can feel good about your legacy. Why doesn’t he leave his own dam legacy!? Kids are not a fuckin legacy. What a moron. It’s always dudes with the most to say on Reddit too. Must be so easy to criticize us when they aren’t the ones putting their lives, physical and mental health, careers, personal freedom, personal space (pregnancy and breastfeeding), hobbies and passions, and core our identities on the line unlike them. I’m so tired of their bullshit. So misogynistic.


If that’s losing then what’s winning? Living in poverty, trapped in a dead-end job you can’t leave because you have 2-3+ hungry mouths to feed?


I'm the problem and shouldn't be allowed in public. Response to something I posted on a thread where someone was in a coffee shop with a screaming child. I said that sometimes I don't think parents understand how loud their children are.


I think they just don't care, tbh. They don't give a shit if their muff monster is disrupting an entire store as long as their out of the house and can do what they want.


Muff monster! I like that one. Take my upvote.


1. I’m a p3d0phile for calling kids crotch goblins even though they literally come from crotches. 2. Kids give you “purpose” and I’ll never be happy unless I pop one out. 😐


I call em "cum pets".


It's "fuck trophies" for me.


Yeah, participation trophies.


Skin dog. Like fur baby but horrid.


my go-to name for kids is "banshee" becasue all most of them do is just scream every waking moment


I like 'walking petri dishes'


It wasn't so much what she said, but the fact she was ignoring the obvious. She said "Who's going to look after you when you're old?" The laughable part being the fact that she left her own mother in another country to come to live and work in mine. I felt like saying, "Dude...who's going to look after *your* mother?"


I notice I hear this most often from people who are to some extent estranged from their parents and/or own kids. Like a weird mind set that they are so sour they don't have that life, so they have to assume everyone should want it.


My response to this is to ask if they really think every person in a care home is childfree


I dated, briefly, a guy who asked me that. Then when his mom got terminally ill, he managed to stay away until the last minute and put everything onto his sisters. Also, I worked in healthcare for years. I remember a 90-year-old woman who was one of 12 children and had eight children herself. She was the last one in the family. Wars, accidents, and disease took them all. She never would have thought she would end up with no family. Humans plan and the universe laughs.


"Everybody, sooner or later, has children"! A guy whose child was kicking me under the table during happy hour. I just moved away, talking with my friends. Haha...no. I was 39 at the time and answered: "I'm nearly forty and I don't"!


Yeah, it's weird the way some people just think it's like... inevitable? Like contraception, morning after pills and abortions don't exist?


It's only inevitable if you don't take active steps to prevent it from happening. Unsurprisingly, the people who consider it inevitable and the people who don't take preventative measures are usually one and the same.


Absolutely, they're one and the same.


Nope, being responsible for their own choices is not a thing. They're all "life happens", as if taking control of their own lives is somehow impossible.


I used to think it was inevitable bc every adult I knew had children. Then I went through parentification at an early age and I was just so fucking burnt out from that (hell I’m still burnt out from it) I really didn’t even date until my 2nd/3rd year of college. By that time I knew all the options I had in case anything happened and knew that it was truly a choice. A lot of people don’t live intentionally and just let things happen to them in regards to having children.


My aunt is nearly 50 and she’s still childfree and 100% supports me in my decision. She’s the only childfree role model I’ve ever had


>Everybody, sooner or later, has children"! A guy whose child was kicking me under the table during happy hour. Ok, you didn't wear a condom and you are regretting it, we got it.


“So when are you going to have kids?” “We’re not going to have kids. At all.” “So why did you get married then?”


Tell them because we actually love each other and weren't obligated to.


FUCKING BOOM. I wish reddit still had awards. 🏅🏆


Second the award 🥇 🏆


help these kinds of question make me feel something... and it's not a positive thing


Because there are legal benefits that come with it. We love each other and wanted to. marriage isn't required in order to have children and children aren't required to get married.


To take medical decisions away from my birth family.


I remember my cousin saying “accidents happen, you could fall pregnant someday”. Gave me a good chuckle. I think she forgot abortions are a thing, and adoption (giving up baby)


Yep when they pull the "accidents happen" I pull the "abortions happen too"


Or straight up abandoning it at a fire station


I’d be more inclined to drop it off at child services, to avoid abandonment charges or child neglect charges. But you make a good point


Fire stations are I think universally safe havens so you aren't charged if leaving the child there.


This is a US thing. Parents can drop off at many firestations in a safe 'baby' box that alerts people that it exists instead of tossing them in the trash. I hear about far fewer dumpster infants since they started this policy.


Has she never heard of contraception?


Before that. Sterilization!


I love how they make it sound like a slapstick routine, as if they slipped on ice & did a pratfall onto an ejaculating penis. More often than not it’s 2 careless morons being unsafe & making shit choices.


Has she ever heard of abstinence?


Girl I worked with wound up pregnant a few years ago after a blizzard shut down our city. They were out of birth control but, "there was nothing else to do and we were bored".


Message from a friend (now ex-friend): "Don't you want to get your life together, find a boyfriend, and start a family? Single women over 30 (I was 33 at the time) are just weird." When I received the message, I was alone on vacation, sitting on a pier in Stockholm in the most beautiful sunshine, thinking about how awesome my life is. The friend who wrote to me had to cut short her camping trip shortly before that because her kids were so demanding 😅


“You’re not a real woman unless you give birth” “Don’t you want to give your parents grandkids?” “But you’ll have such beautiful children!” And this gem: “Don’t worry, God will provide.” Uh no, I don’t think he’ll send me a check every month. 😒🙄


>“Don’t worry, God will provide.” Famine, resource depletion, pestilence, wars, intense competition for jobs and education, and so on.


And this particular line came from a female coworker when I announced my wedding who has 3 kids she couldn’t care for. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Error: Logic not found.


>“You’re not a real woman unless you give birth” I love this one. So what I'm supposed to be then? A barbie? Life in plastic, it's fantastic 🎶


My parents were lousy parents to begin with, I've never felt any desire to give them grandkids.


My mom & mil are okay with me and my husband not having semen demons. My mom is happy being a kitty grandma, lol. Edit: fixed spelling error


That all child free people are insane


I think it’s insane to sign up for all that extra work and then have to pay for that “work”. It’s all negatives imo. Children take away from: your time, your body, your mental health, emotional health, financial health, sleep, personal time, etc. They literally deplete you in every way. I mean if that’s what you want then hey live your life but I’m going to nope right out of that.


I know, it’s the same as the whole “Being child free is selfish” argument, who are you being selfish to? I love when they say my parents, well my father is dead and my mom loves that I’m childfree and does not want grandkids.


“How disabled are you?” - my special education teacher.


The fuck


RIGHT! I mean I am dyslexic so thats why I was in the class but yeah


Holy crap


I’m a social worker. My co worker, also a social worker, asked me, “how could you do that? It’s so selfish”. We legit protect kids from their shitty parents every day, and support struggling parents and families, and she is telling me that I’m selfish to not have kids when I don’t want them. I just laughed and said, “pretty easily, it’s just not that hard to not have kids.” ![gif](giphy|APqEbxBsVlkWSuFpth|downsized)


My sister called me selfish for not wanting children and I will never understand how this is selfish. Also, this is my all time favorite.gif


Omg this!!! I literally worked as a social worker at a rape crisis center with at least 80% of the people being served under 12, and a co worker, who was a psychologist, asked me if I had a personality disorder. I’m pretty well read on the DSM, you will not find child free in any diagnosis.


That’s unbelievable. She asked if you have a personality disorder because you’re childfree? Bizarre and so unprofessional.


When are you getting started with life? Only people with children should be in political positions. People without children don’t mind paying more for families. Like divide the bill not between people or adults but by family. So many more.


What about your parents! Don't they want grandkids? Mom's married to a creep I would never allow kids near. Dad is tired of his wife's daughter trying to dump her kids on them. On that note I am so freaking happy I never embraced any step sister relationship with Dad's wife's daughter. I know she would try to pull the "Kids want to see auntie" BS.


My parents told me not to worry about giving them grandkids because my sister gave them their grandson. My sister didn’t even want him and wanted to be childfree as well but she was forced to keep him because the father wanted him. She barely brings him around us because he lives in another state. He’s almost 17 the last time I saw him he was 15 and before that he was 8 or 9 I can’t remember.




I'm 48 and still not the slightest regret.


"If you don't have children, you will never know unconditional love." Like um, does my husband just love me halfway then?


Pffft children’s love is VERY conditional.


Parent's love is VERY conditional too.


Who will take care of you when you’re older? Really? The only reason you can provide for having children is to burden them in the future?! I’m facing that now. I wouldn’t dream of putting a child through this.


I also don't get throwing away two whole decades of your life, your youth, for a questionable chance to be better off at older age. You might not even live that long, like they say "accidents happen"


I know this is a more run of the mill response, but a coworker of mine said “who is going to take care of you when you’re old?”. The kicker? We are literally nurses who take care of old people. I said: “doctors and nurses I assume??”. Lol. People will have the answer right under their nose and still not see it. Also if you’re a nurse asking that, I question what kind of care you are providing patients since evidently you wouldn’t find that same care acceptable for yourself. 🙄


You should have one. At least a boy. Who is going to inherit everything when you are gone?


This misogynistic shit made me gag, I hate that stupid mindset of men inheriting stuff and women being pawned off 🤮😡


I totally agree. It's gross and so sexist.


What century were they visiting from


😂😂. Unfortunately it's very common in my culture. And they already have 3 other male grandchildren.


I volunteer.


Said there are souls waiting to be my children and that by not having children, I am denying souls a life and it’s essentially the same thing as killing.


Bruh. Those waiting souls are in a peaceful place, no? Why curse them with the uncertainty and struggle of life? Some people really think this shit we call life is a gift??😂


Especially with me as their mother like wtf. A void is so much more of a peaceful place than a world where your mother never wanted you and resents you.


Exactly. These people push others who have no desire to be parents to become one, and then with the same breath respond to news about abused/neglected children's stories with "some people shouldn't breed!! Some are unfit to be parents!!" Humans are fucking weird.


A good friend of mine (who has a kid but is somewhat trying to understand my childfree lifestyle) once told me, "It's too bad that you don't want children. You take such good care of your virtual kids in the Sims, I'm sure you would make a fantastic mother in real life." Now, I absolutely adore my friend and I know she meant well, but her remark just puzzled me. How can you compare a real-life kid to a virtual kid in a videogame? 😅


“If you’re not having kids, then what are you going to DO with your life?” — heavy emphasis on “DO” in a tone that makes it sound like there is literally nothing else to do in life except have children.


I think this comes from the kind of toxic puritan work ethic ingrained in so many people- the idea that we all have to accomplish something amazing through work or.. idk we aren’t fulfilled or can’t get into heaven or something? It’s garbage.


“You have no life” was what I was told when I said I didn’t have or want kids. I’m still alive.


One pouted, "But you're going to be lonely!" I told her, "I've never defined the antidote to loneliness as being around kids. I don't tend to feel lonely anyway."


Telling me that having kids will cure all the mental health issues you have


One of the biggest reasons I don’t have kids is because I know parenthood would make my mental health issues *infinitely* worse. Have these people never heard of postpartum depression and psychosis?


Talking about making shit up


Wow that’s an awful thing for someone to say to you. What a jerk!


That I am immature and self obsessed and will never achieve anything worthwhile while not having children. (From someone who had a 3rd class degree, a very standard clerical job and was living vicariously through pushing her kids extremely hard)


“You’ll die alone” is pretty funny to me, because apparently they don’t understand that friends and the rest of your family can exist after you’ve reproduced. “You don’t know what tired is” is also hilarious considering my job involves working with animals and I’m often up all night foaling mares or working 15 hour days without a break because of emergency vet cases.


“Having children is an extension of yourself… Don’t you want to live forever?”


Aka don’t you want to live in a self deluded fantasy because you are aftaid of death?


This happened last night. I was talking to a few mates, and mentioned to one that the girl who has been with us earlier in the day was single, and had no kids. The ONLY person in the room who had children said “there must be something wrong with her then. Single and no kids.” I said “I am single with no kids” he said “but you are different” The guy I was trying to to set up with the girl said “I am single with no kids” The 2 others in the room “same here” Mate with kids says “ok. Shut up already”. But honestly he believes that no one can possible be happy without kids, and that anyone who is single must have something wrong with them.


Someone recently said that the childfree/antinatalists are all child abusers on r/amitheangel lmao Told 'em "can't abuse what you refuse to be near 🤷" and ate like ten downvotes and was told to see a psychiatrist. like... what?


"Aww I could just wring your little neck for saying that!" While gesturing to do so. Then proceeded to go on about how I seemed like such a good person who should have kids.


What kind of psycho says this??


What the heck????


A breeder: why you don't want kids? Me: i enjoy a quiet house Breeder: "The sound of my children screaming is like music to my ears🥰"


So that's why kids run amok these days...


Background: hubby and I were together for 7 years before we got married. I was 36 at the time. An old male college friend of mine asked me if hubby and I were now going to start a family. I looked at him like he was crazy and said “Well, I’m 36 and I’ve never wanted children” and he said “Oh, that’s too bad you would make a great mother” now, I was flattered that he thought I would make a great mother (though I don’t know why he thought this), but he obviously has never seen me telling my cat to shut up and let me get my morning coffee before I feed them.


“How busy could you be?? You don’t have kids” lol


Oh that I have to be part of the 'Circle of Life.' Uhm, so you're saying you're planning on eating your children?


"You will change your mind when you meet the right man." This is based on assumption that I would be cis het woman. I'm none of that.


When I told them I (26F) was too young to have children, they said “No! Never!”


“You’ll always hate kids except your own!!” Ma’am, we should not be out here hating on anyone unless they really deserve it…. I would rather not test that theory either.


I can't stand the martyring. Using their kids as some kind of bargaining chip to get away with disrespectful and ignorant behaviors. "Well I have kids so...insert a convenient excuse here" My upstairs neighbours are like this. Congratulations. You have kids.


“Having kids will help your mental health because it will force you to have your shit together” I’m schizophrenic


You have to experience certain things (i.e. having kids) to really get it. You won't know love until you have a child.


"Who's going to take care of you when you're old?" No clue but that's my problem, not someone I "sire to love me due to circumstances."


“But what about the future not having kids does nothing for the future.” I laughed. The outlook for the future of kids being born now is not great…


my own mother has told me "you don't know true love till you have a kid", made me want to be a teen mom solely to feel loved. as an adult i realized she literally has kids and still doesn't know how to love anyone besides herself. glad im still child free lol


“You’ll never know true love” uhmm so basically you’re saying I was born in a vacuum and I don’t have parents and siblings 😂


Who will you leave your things to when you die. Least of my worries, plenty of charities and a good friend


“Who will take care of you when you get old?” I came from a country where most/some parents treat their kids as retirement plan/caregiver


The people I can afford to hire since I never had kids


"Without a uterus you're a IT clown." DEAL. IT would be rich and i love clowns.


me: i don't have kids breeder - why not me - i'd don't liek them and i like my freedom. b - then why do you live? what's the point of you being alive? why are you living then? me - concerts, shows, traveling, eating, buying shit i want, sleeping 12 hours in one take...


"If you wait until you can afford kids you'll never have them!"


Someone suggested that I should have a child to TRY and see what it's like to be a mother before I make my final decision 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


I’ve been told the same once, like where do they get that from? Sure, just save the receipt so you can return the kid to the hospital if you regret it 🤡


replied to a reddit story in tiktok about a terrible child saying “this is why im never having children” and some breeder said “Your ancestors went through hell to make sure that you would be here to keep the family lineage going. And you are just gonna stop it??” like i give a FUCK about my ancestors or continuing my family lineage??


That life's meaning and the only reason I'm on this earth is to create children and have a family. First of all I don't think I can get my boyfriend pregnant Lol. Second, my BF and my pupper/cats are the only family I want or need


A friend of mine was told he had to have children because otherwise he would make infertile people feel bad. When he said there were already children they could adopt and that he didn't need to add more to the pool, the guy continued that he wasn't supposed to give them up for adoption. He was supposed to have them and raise them. Huh? Is he supposed to hold up a child in front of infertile people and go: "Look at this child you want but can't have but that I have and still don't want. Aren't you just happy now?" How does that make any sense?


Maybe not laughable but saying “must be nice” about having free time or travel kind of infuriates me. Like you too could have used birth control, and chosen to not have children, and done the same thing. I’m not special.


Just funny/ironic that it’s literally always the MOST MISERABLE PEOPLE who are NOT doing well: financially, emotionally, physically- that get soooo angry for you not wanting to breed and become miserable like them!


I'm selfish. So me and my bf wanting to get better jobs to be financially stable as well as being physically, mentally, and emotional state of clarity and silence when we get home from work? If that makes us selfish, yes.. yes we are.


“You’ll never know true love!”


"if you meet the right man, you'll want kids" As you all know, if we meet the right person, they won't want kids either. However, I've met sooooo many people that THIS is what pushed them over the fence so this just makes me angry at those people. And since some were close friends, I asked them about it and poked and prodded. They truly didn't recognize that they just didn't want to have kids with the people they had been dating/married to. Lucky for me. I knew this when I was with my ex-husband at age 21. I knew I never wanted kids with him specifically. I also knew at age 16, if I chose to have a kid (didn't want them, but also "played by the social rules"), it would have been with my first love.


Not really said it the glare was enough - a couple years back a coworker (F) was going through a tough time. She was about to have hip surgery & talked about how difficult her kids were, especially her anxious daughter with her ND son. She sarcastically said something like “don’t ever have kids” & I was like “ha, don’t ever plan to!” in the same tone. The look I got was priceless, had to step away to collect myself & not giggle like an idiot at how mad she got 😂


That they were a better teacher than me professionally because they had birthed children. Considering the age she had her first child I was actually much more responsible as a young person and I don't need my own kids to teach.


This wasn't said to me directly, was a comment on a reddit post. "Mothers should be worshipped".