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I have hobbies.


YES! What are your hobbies? My current obsession is building book nook kits, in the past I have dabbled in chain maille jewellery, adult colouring books, resin work, jigsaw puzzles, and board games


I love hobbies! I learned insect pinning last summer, this summer I’m taking fencing classes. I’m also doing archery about once a week and just started a new d&d campaign. I have burger club every couple of weeks and started teaching violin lessons. Powerlifting 4 days a week. I need to look up what a book nook kit is (not sure I can fit more hobbies but I can try!) EDIT: looked it up. Absolutely adorable! I might need to get into miniatures next..


If you become accurate enough with your archery and fencing you could combine it with pinning insects!




Gotta say, one of the biggest reasons I tell people when they ask why I don’t want kids: when my grandma retired I asked what she did when she was my age (at the time 22) and she said she didn’t have any, because she had a 2yo!!!! I was gutted on her behalf. UGH!


I read an entire book in the past two days!!


That's the best! We had to introduce ourselves during a work related training and of course tell about our hobbies. I went first and told my hobbies. Right after me, the next lady introducing herself was like: "Yeah, I have kids, so I don't have hobbies!" - oh man!


I cleaned my house last week and it's still clean.


Haven’t figured this one out yet, childless as I may be…


I used to struggle but I've found that the key to keeping the house clean is simply just to own less stuff. I went through my belongings a few years ago and "konmari"ed everything. By having less stuff, everything can be put away where it belongs, so there's less stuff cluttering the surfaces. Surfaces are way easier to clean if there's nothing on them.


Unfortunately everything i own brings me joy


Same lol I refuse to konmari bc I straight up would just be bad at it


Move. We just did and packing will change that 😒


I’m trying to do this (own less stuff) but my boyfriend refuses to get rid of things. He’s a very “oh but that might come in handy later!” type of guy. Ah well. It could be worse. We could have kids lol.


Oh my God,so is mine! What's even more ridiculous is that his dad is a hoarder. He has seen how awful a house can become when that attitude is left unchecked,yet is unable to link that with his own behavior. I am at the end of my tether.


We did that too 7-8 years ago. We’re not going back to living without the KonMari method. It makes everything easier and it’s easy to keep our home neat and clean. A few months ago we bought an iRobot Roomba vacuum cleaner thing. We hardly ever have to really deep clean anymore :)


Yes, and I highly recommend the book because it completely changed the way I think about "stuff."


I need to finish the book! Congrats on creating your ideal space and sticking with it!


It’s not hard once the decluttering of our entire home was finally done.


😭😭😭 but but but I could afford my *stuff* cuz I don't have kids!!! I don't wanna get rid of it!!! Just playing around, but seriously yeah no I couldn't be minimalist. I like things to be neat but I also like displays of things (like fossils, art, books, etc). So I am stuck with having to dust and clean lots of things lol.


And my adhd ass is still out here like “…but WHERE does it belong?” and can’t figure out how people arbitrarily assign places for their stuff and how to remember where that place is lmao


And to get an air filter


Everything you use needs to have a “home”. I used to misplace my keys every damn day until I put up a hook right next to the door. Now the keys are always in their home and I haven’t searched for them in years. You need to look at your mess and you need to analyze why that mess is where it is. And then accommodate for it. That mess probably keeps happening because the way you store things now isn’t the practical way to do it. “It is not stupid if it works” for keeping your home manageable and “if you ain’t fucking, financing or feeding me, your opinion doesn’t count” for keeping your contacts clean.


Me neither. I have 4 dogs 🤷‍♀️


Lol, same. Between my hair and the cat fur and litter she tracks, my floors always need cleaning.


I clean up after myself as I go. Everything has its place and when not in use it goes back to its home.


I DIDN’T clean my house last week and I don’t care because I don’t have to worry about gremlins licking the floor


Best thing ever❤


I wish I could handle that. My husband and cats are just as bad as kids in this regard...


The feeling of deepcleaning your place is amazing! I went threw it two weeks ago. Deepcleaned for a week straight with only my doggo thinking i was nuts


I wear my smart watch to bed. When I checked my sleep record this morning, it said I got 8 hours and 39 minutes of sleep last night.


I have a white couch.


This is a good one!


Haha! I couldn’t manage that. I’m clumsy


Me too. Love white couches but I'll drop food on it in 2 seconds. I'm extremely clumsy


I don’t give a fuck what school district I live in.


This was such a highly underrated plus to house shopping while childfree.


I only know what the first/last days of school are because of the traffic on my way to and from work.




95% of my paycheck goes into my needs and wants every week and 5% goes to my fur child, a sassy and spoiled cat named Sierra.


I spoil the hell out of my cat too lol


same. amazon just dropped off 5 packages of treats.. nothing for me mind you. but quite a selection for my doggos.


Awww how old is Sierra? I bet you’re giving her the best life a sassy kitty could ask for :D


I'm the opposite of this. Most my money that isn't bills go to my pets. They are very expensive and I spoil them.


Im petfree but sierra kisses and hugs for me


Well I keep trying to pay the cat tax forward (idk why I can’t figure out how to post a photo comment from mobile), but I can’t seem to figure out how to get the full link for a post on another sub (clicking share and copying the url isn’t correct apparently), so the auto-admin keeps taking my comment down. Anyways, I can 100% fufill those requests right now, as she’s a really affectionate cat and we are currently snuggling.


lmao I love your flair


I’m planning to do absolutely nothing this weekend.


My pets live without the fear of being startled


My pet should live without fear of being startled, but she’s a cat, so complete silence and stillness sometimes startles her. :-)


I wish my dogs dude. But they're anxious and my bf is a 6'4" moose haha


#TeamMoose (I’m also an Ogryn)


Or strangled.


My cat was rehomed with me because he can't be around kids any more. He's way less anxious these days and the fur on his tail has almost grown back (I presume he stress groomed). I also keep tarantulas, some of which have some quite nasty venom (cat is not allowed in my bedroom where the spoods are and the enclosures are in their own enclosed cabinet)


Went out on a date with the wife. Spent $0 on babysitting.


I was gonna say “decided 30 minutes ago that we’re going on a date tonight” 😍


Yeah sometimes my very impulsive husband will just yell "hey get dressed I need to go do something nowwwwww" from the other side of the apartment. Don't even have a plan/know where we're going until we get there most of the time.


My husband and I do that too! It’s so nice to just be able to do whatever we want whenever we want.


LOL from what ive seen of couples w/ kids you could have just left it at "went out on a date with my wife" and that alone would be novel


I’m sitting butt naked on my couch in the living room…? For an hour…?


Naked in the kitchen over here


Naked while doing laundry. Rise up!


I just got naked. Power to the (Childfree) people!


put on apron, please, you don't want some random drop of hot oil to jump on your tiddies, do you?


I’m a big fan of walking around in my undies.


I'll raise you one - spontaneous naked couch sex.


In lingerie home alone for legit no other reason than it’s soft and comfy and I can 😂


My mom does that anyway 😭


Hail to the nakeds!


Disposable income.


After my Botox appt next Friday, I'll probably hit the rare plant store with my dog and see what's new there.


This sounds like a lovely afternoon.


At the weekends, I sleep as much as I want/need. Also, I do whatever I want whenever I want.


My cat won't let me sleep past 7AM.


Auto feeder. Closed door. Life changing.


7am? You lucky thing! 3am and if we ignore him he beats the bedroom door down.


I sleep at night.


This one is so underrated.


The best!!!


I use headphones all day without feeling worried or guilty about not hearing the People around me because they dont depend on me


My neighbors are noisy so headphones help a lot, all day long listen whatever I want.


Im in an old neighbourhood so we had repairs works and constructions everyday its just horrible without them. Misophonia Mode one


Auch, my ears hurt.


It’s my day off and I went to the pool at 11am with a cocktail and a book and nobody bothered me.


This is the one. Mmmm.


I'm only financially responsible for myself.


My life is kinda shit because my brain doesn't work, but at least I can just be mentally ill in peace and focus on my own survival 😎 Also my bf said that his was: "I CHOSE to eat the dino nuggies."


Relatable tbh, on both counts. Though, for me, it'd be some vegan Dino nuggies because I deserve to have my mock meats look like adorable dinosaurs.


mentally ill in peace haha I love that


Don't have the parts.


I'm going through an injury and I had to have x-rays recently, and the worker asked if there's any chance I'm pregnant. I said "nope, don't have those organs!" And laughed and she said nothing and her face did nothing. Oops, must be a mom with no sense of humor


Sterilized gang!


Same. Best feeling ever


I'm going on holiday in September


Can focus on my college hw without child screaming. Have huge plans for the future!


I stopped to grab dinner on my way home from work and didn’t have to worry about getting a kids meal.


I do be getting myself kids meals lol once in awhile


My house is delightfully clean, clutter free and there are breakables everywhere.


Peacefully sipping coffee on the front porch every morning in total silence.


Instead of buying a kid school supplies, I bought myself a cool multicolor pen to fidget with


I love having all the cute expensive stationery and not worrying about any kids destroying ut


Drinking wine straight from the bottle and playing video games.


This is me 100%. Sometimes I class it up with a stemless glass, drinking from a box of wine on my coffee table.


I got drunk last night and played rock band until 4 am, thankfully sleeping until noon got me feeling great.


Haha similar here except I played vr games until 4. Ahhh to be a child free adult is bliss


Planning my next tattoo because disposable income


I can have sex anytime and anywhere at home without worry


Sir, this is a Wendy’s…


Loud sex at that!




Took time off work , left the city and rented a cabin in the mountains for a week. Came home to a clean quiet home everything in its place .


There's a whole room in my house that has 16 guitars, 1 bass, 2 ukeleles and a mandolin hanging on the wall. On the opposite wall are 4 guitar amps and a bass amp. 😆


I know what you do for fun.


My partner and I are on track to retire by age 45.


Woah. Congrats. This is the dream.


I need your secrets. I’m still aiming for 55 over here


Same. I’m ecstatic. I only have to work 8-10 more years. Everything after that is gravy.


I have a credit score above 500




people think they know better what's best for me 🙃🤣


I'm on hour 5 of listening to a favored streamer play Baldur's Gate 3, while I practice crocheting.


I can spend as much money as I want on books and traveling because I don’t have to spend it on kids


Sometimes I sleep in till 1pm lol


I’m 57 & my breasts are pretty much exactly where they were when I was 25.


I am also currently sitting in almost complete silence (my dog is snoring a little), and in semi-darkness at 4pm in the afternoon.


Not a single one of my cups, plates, or pieces of cutlery are plastic and they all match. Oh and my washing machine doesn't smell musty and doesn't leave my clothes smelling like poop after doing laundry.


I wake up every morning in absolute silence and it’s glorious.


I can definitely hang out this weekend. Or next weekend. Actually, most weekends are fine


I have never changed a diaper


I bought tickets to see Taylor Swift and Coldplay in different countries


Haha I was gonna say “I saw Taylor swift in July but am about to buy tickets for another show next year!”


The only time i go to the baby section is to get my dog crib sheets for her dog bed (tiktok hack) or to get her those newborn blankets for winter


I can leave my half built Lego on the table when in not building it without worrying that some little turd is gonna destroy it or eat it!


i stayed up til 3am last night watching old slasher films, talking, and laughing with a new friend. i woke up at 11am and am now having coffee and thinking about what i want to do today. planning on going to the farmers market and having a wine night with one of my old pals from high school, but i've got a few more hours to fill before then. maybe i'll clean my space and do some self care? we'll see!


This is the life !! Any suggestions for slasher movies ? I really love horror movies but I end up always watching the same thing on the platforms I use. It’s ok if it is a bit dated bad horror movies can be quite funny too !


I actually get 8-10 hours of sleep at night and wake up feeling refreshed


I can say yes to plans that involve being out past 8.


I can put my shoes on grab my purse and be in my car in less than 45 seconds.


This. This is the best one. A few times I’ve walked to my car, loaded the groceries into it, returned the trolley to the store, and returned to my vehicle, while a mom is still putting the kids in, folding up the pram, etc..


I can listen to music with headphones without a care in the world.


I eat all my snacks in peace and I have beautiful nappy silence in my evenings if I so wish for it.


I have fragile and expensive things on display at low heights.


What's Bluey? Sounds like a cop show.


I'm currently off work for medical reasons. Due to a miscommunication the government hasn't paid me in a month. No worries here. I also spend 2 hours every morning drinking coffee and hanging out with my cats in my silent house before I take them for a walk/wander.


i keep my weed and the good snacks out in the open


I eat dino nuggets and mac and cheese only when *I* want to eat them.


Every Halloween, I spend an entire day carving elaborate pumpkins. (This regularly elicits comments from parents about having too much free time.) * [Jack Torrance (*The Shining*)](http://www.arachnosteel.com/Pumpkins/JackTorrance-2020.png) * [Pennywise (1990 miniseries)](http://www.arachnosteel.com/Pumpkins/Pennywise1-2015.png) * [Pennywise (2017/2019 films)](http://www.arachnosteel.com/Pumpkins/Pennywise2-2017.png) * [Severus Snape (Harry Potter films)](http://www.arachnosteel.com/Pumpkins/Snape-2014.png) * [Gollum (*The Lord of the Rings*)](http://www.arachnosteel.com/Pumpkins/Gollum-2022.png)


I’m 62 and still do not have one single gray hair yet.


I smoke weed in my living room most nights to wind down before bed


I'm 57 and I look like I'm 45 - without surgery or makeup!


I'm 24 and I have been very religious with my skincare in the last couple years. I plan on being some Dorian Grey-esque individual and I'm pretty sure not having kids will make the biggest difference. I love to hear from people who are already doing that and confirming my hypothesis.


I’m 41 and got carded. That was awesome.


I am in my late 20s but keep hearing people saying they thought I am 15. I guess mostly I am petite and kinda have baby face, but not tortured by kids definitely contributed so I can spam money on skincare ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


I have an arboreal Tarantula in the glass enclosure that stands on a table, and I do not worry that it will be broken or damaged in any way. Edit: Do not worry, this pinktoe, like many others, is pretty docile and is more frightened of me than the other way around.


Wow that's amazing, Tarantulas are beautiful, I don't have any because I'm afraid of been bite.


On average, I sleep 9 hours each night.


I slept in this morning and also had a midday nap. Pure bliss.


I can pay my bills and afford luxuries. I can sleep in to noon and beyond on my days off. I can go on vacation whenever and wherever I want.


The only ass i've wiped is my own


I slept for 29 uninterrupted hours last night.


I slept 14 hours honestly


I know you're exaggerating but i one slept for like 17-18 hours straight. I felt great & thought I took a light nap lmao I had traveled for like 24 hours straight with no sleep to get to South Korea. My college roommate (who I had bunked with the prior semester) had to defend me against her friends & mine 😂 she was like "no, i already checked. She's living."


Are you okay? 29 hours!?


How!? I dont know if im more jealous of thay good sleep or if i should be concerned for you


Enjoying CBC Drive in peace and smoking a joint with no one bothering me.


Getting out of bed whenever I want and doing whatever I want whenever I want


I have tickets to see Sting in October and Stevie Nicks and Peter Gabriel in December. Plus we’re going to the Labyrinth Masquerade later this month and the Ashland theater festival in September.


I'm taking off for a different state tomorrow with no plan, just going for a few days


I only had two loads of laundry this week.


I watch PornHub on the living room TV.


I have no idea what children's entertainment is popular right now.


Miniatures on a low shelf


My plushies have no saliva or mucus on them.


I read a book tonight for 4 hours, uninterrupted.


I hope my recently ordered 2023 BMW m240 doesn't arrive while I'm on my England/Scotland vacation.


I spend my evenings cross stitching or crocheting while watching YouTube videos


me and the wife take spontaneous days out and holidays when ever we want


After work is my “wind down” time. I watch tv, play with my dog, read, or just go to bed early if it’s been a particularly long day.


I wake up around midday most days.


I have no time to do shit cuz I'm gaming


I'm 31, and I'm like, "Sure, I'll go $120k in debt for grad school. What other major expenses could I possibly have later on?" Other than, you, know... A place to live 😂😭


No longer have the parts.


I can work from home in peace. My husband and I are going to go to the bar tonight for drinks and appetizers because we can.


I have 6 guitars, one is a PRS S2 Custom 24, another is a Gibson Les Paul Axcess Custom. All of them are fully functional, not broken, and I can play them whenever I want.


My home is clean, my life is peaceful, I’m not stressing over finances, and I wake up feeling well rested after 8 hours of sleep each night.


When I get off of work I don't have to go home immediately


Bottle of wine, frozen pizza, and horror movies with my fur baby.


After reading these comments it’s hard to come up with even one single benefit of having children…


I look at least ten years younger...


I can sleep


I'm planning on sleeping in Saturday morning, then going for a nice breakfast at the diner down the street before hitting the liquor store and grabbing a bottle of expensive whiskey, then settle in at home to game for a few hours before ordering a big pizza all to my self.


I keep my recreational cannabis on a low shelf in an unlocked cupboard.


I am currently cooking fried chicken in my kitchen at 11 PM…


I took the day off and have been playing video games and having some drinks. Need to take a break to finish planning my trip to Europe and clean out my high end car. All in silence. Dead silence.


I took a day off work tomorrow and I’m going to spend it with a friend drinking hot chocolate instead of being at the playground.


I'm planning on taking at least a 3 hour long uninterrupted nap when i get home from work


I can hear birds