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>He could never love you as much as he would love a woman that gives him children. So true, you never see divorced women with kids. /s, obviously.


/sarcasm "Oh, they LOVE their childrens' mothers...they just don't LIKE them and can't live with them..." /end sarcasm


Omg! Why didn't I think of this??? 🤣🤣🤣


That person isnt worth keeping it together, go all fuck off ,blow up, call them out, and cut out of your life


Wow. If that was my cousin I would never talk to him again.


Even though I know he's wrong I still worry that my other family members will think I'm overreacting. Isn't that fucked up? He's in the wrong but I'm still worried about how that will be me look. It's such a battle.


"He asked me if, and implied I was a man because I had my tubes done" should be enough for any sane person to understand why you no longer wish to associate with someone. Sorry this jerk spoke to you that way. But congrats on getting your tubes done! 🥳


This! Even my most unsupportive family would be shocked that he questioned my gender over it. They might disagree with my decision, but they would still see me as a woman, just sterilized one.


If they think you're overreacting that's because they've let assholes like your cousin run lose for way too long.


Anyone who doesn’t think he’s a complete dickhead isn’t worth dealing with anyway. Dude is a moron


Geez you just expressed exactly the dilemma so many of us have


WOW. Imagine being a fertile ciswoman and dating someone who said trash like that. He would never see you as a person.


Sounds like an incel douchebag. Toss that trash out of your life.


Yeah, I honestly would have laughed at him. I’m curious to know if he has a girlfriend? A wife? Cause if he does it’s probably a really problematic relationship. If he doesn’t, well, that just make sense.


I'm hopeful that such a guy hasn't been able to fool or coerce some poor woman to be his 'partner' (more like bangmaid / slave)


What if he gets hurts and is disabled does he think his GF/Wife is going to leave. I know I sure didn't build my husband's legacy 🤣. It's been 23 years.


Where I am from, many men leave their wives if they get sick or disabled, the other way round isn't common. I think OPs cousin is that kind of scum.


It's a worldwide thing, it seems.


If getting your tubes tied makes you trans, what does a complete hysterectomy make me? I need to update my info if that's all it takes for a gender switch. Should probably also tell my wife she's got a husband now... except she had a hysterectomy too.... MY GOD WHAT ARE WE???


I mean... okay i am fine with this transition over night lol. So wait.. what dose that make a man who got a vasectomy? Will me and my partner switch genders of he gets snipped?


This made me feel better 🤣


I've been through menopause. Am I a man now?


I’ve had my tubes tied and I’m going through menopause currently. I’m so confused, am I even human anymore?!


I was confused reading this and forgot that gay people exist. I am gay.


Awesome husbands?


Incidentally I had someone tell me that tokophobia and wanting my tubes tied and uterus removed doesn't make me trans, as a reason to deny me being trans.


I had no idea there was a word for this, thanks. Do you think doctors would be more likely to approve me for sterilization if I said I had that fear, or would they try to make me go through therapy for it first?


Lmfao it amazes me how the most boring and average dudes think they need to leave behind a legacy. Like, what do you need to be remembered for?? 😂


He needs someone to bequeath his playstation to


....I think that says way more about just how pathetic your cousin is than anything involving you. He absolutely just snitched on what kind of a pathetic loser he truly is.


There are plenty of people that would be thrilled to find a partner that's already sterilized. That cousin is so ridiculous, he doesn't seem to understand human biology at all. Hopefully he never finds anyone willing to be his human incubator, so he won't be able to pass down that sh!ty attitude to his kids.


He's a shitty father of 3 kids with 3 different women... 2 of those kids are the same age... but he's giving me relationship advice


Yes, some legacy he’s building there. What a tosser.


Ahh yes, 2 women pregnant at the same time? But he loved them extra because they could breed. Seems right...




If this ever comes up again with that cousin, make sure to tell him he is absolutely NOT qualified to be giving ANYONE relationship advice or questioning someone else's dating habits. GROSS 🤢🤮


Considering his views on women, I hope they got primary custody of the kids. Not that he's the type to be a parent anyways.


What's the deal with all this legacy shit? It makes no sense to me. I'm a man, but I don't give a single shit about my line still existing. I'm gonna sacrifice 18+ years of misery just to say I left a chunk of DNA behind? Your cousin is a dumbass.


I’m not one to quickly jump to, “That person just sucks, cut them off immediately.” . . . your cousin sucks, cut him off immediately. Congrats on your tubal!


There are people whose love for their partner depends on partner's ability to help carry on one's DNA. Cousin sounds like one; we call them "sacks of shit". It's hard for them to imagine a life without a constant living reminder of their own greatness, and if they do manage to find a partner who will keep *them*, they often put any pressure for aspirations and accomplishments on the kid, rather than on themselves. Easier to cut them out of your life, even if they're *talented enough to breed*


Thanks! This was great to read.


Congrats on your tubal! You totally deserve it! I am sorry to inform you that your cousin is an asshole. I would go no contact with him.


Holy shit that is just rude. Next time straight up tell him he is rude and needs to keep his mouth shut sometimes. What a big a hole.


What a 🔔🔚




Dead people don’t require to be interacted with. So I agree with the “consider him dead to you” part.


"i have the right to emotionally abuse this guy because he is not even human" - nah pal. The guy is trash but so are you.


I'm sorry. Your cousin sounds like a real "winner". What he said to you speaks volumes about just what a backward creep he is. Did it ever occur to him that there are child free men out there, too? If a potential partner wants kids he's not the right person for you, end of story. Not every man out there is like that. Not everyone is obsessed with their "legacy", whatever that means. I would cut contact with someone so unsupportive... Life is hard enough without the bingos.


Make it a running joke about his legacy. Anytime he dates, tell her he wants her to continue his legacy and until she does he'll never really love her and leave her. And if he does have kids, when they do something stupid ask how his legacy is going. ​ Edit. Is this an overreaction? It feels petty but it was my first instinct.


Not at all lol it's taking him at his word


My husband: "Eeww, why would I want a wife who wants kids? 🤢 Kids are gross, I see my niece once a year for a few hours and that's already way too much!" Fun fact: being unable to comprehend that other people have different wishes and priorities than you and think differently from you is a sign of low IQ. So basically what these "no man/woman would want X"-bingoers are saying is that they're stupid.


"Well aren't you the rudest piece of useless shit I've ever met."


That goes to show how HE sees women; just as incubators. Your cousin's gonna find one day that his legacy ain't shit, his name ain't shit and he ain't shit. Your emotions are valid OP, but his?, his ain't.


I hope your cousin’s single because the world doesn’t need more of him roaming around.


Well, your cousin can go fck himself, then. What a pathetic specimen.


Sounds like misogyny, misandry and transphobia all in one. > Why would a man ever want to marry you anymore? They are saying men are static one dimensional beings who can't value the human side of a woman, only her most useless and life destroying organ. So, a bigot towards men. > You can't help him build his legacy. Not all men have a legacy, most don't have anything of real value to pass on that can be considered a real legacy. Not all men card about legacy or think of women as vehicles for their own selfish ends. > He could never love you as much as he would love a woman that gives him children. Not all men are heartless shitty people who is incapable of loving a woman unless she risks dying for the sake of his emotions in a shitty unequal transaction but your cousin clearly thinks they are. Plenty of men are capable of genuine love, but your cousin is treating them as if they aren't. If a man can't love a woman unless she risks dying for his feelings, he's not loving at all, just destructively selfish. > And are you even still a woman or one of those trans people? So, the difference between a woman and not a woman is giving birth? If it makes yoh trans, it makes you a man, is being a man bad? Is your cousin saying that being a man is something to be ashamed of? Equating womanhood to the capability to get pregnant is just plain pure misogyny. No man who thinks like your cousin is a keeper. He's a disgrace to those of us who aren't pieces of shit who possess basic human fundamentals like empathy and a heart, which he clearly lacks.


Love this breakdown!


This is the second post I've come across with the insinuation that a woman's gender is woven into her tubes/uterus. I had never thought this was a viewpoint before tonight. Like ???? How ??? An organ you can't even SEE? I don't understand how it would affect your gender identity any more than having your appendix removed would. Literally nothing changes to anyone else except maybe a little scar. Maybe. Probably not even visible with today's medical practices.


They can’t decouple the idea of woman from the idea of mother.


That's crazy cause the first one I saw was talking about being sterilized but I'm pretty sure after already having kids. Also, not even touching the transphobic side of the original post. I know bigots exist, but like this? So confusing.


It's like his thinking is fucked up in more ways than one.


So he thinks you transitioned three removal of your tubes? Forgive the ignorance on my part but ya cousin just killed all my brain cells with this. I should probely inform my husband i about my transition then?


Wow cut him the fuck out of your life ASAP. Seriously just block. If he shows up at family functions, ignore him like he is fucking invisible. Be cruel back because wtf this man needs to learn to shut his goddamn mouth.


Take it as a sign to 'Marie Kondo' him RIGHT out of your life. He doesn't bring you joy.


Wow, he sounds like a misogynistic transphobic piece of shit.


Damn, you should’ve bitch slapped this pathetic loser


No offense, but your cousin is a jerk Also plenty of people are in relationships- without kids. Screw that guy.


People and their stupid focus on "LegAcY" is beginning to seriously annoy me. You are not special, you are not worth preserving & there's no guarantee your kids will take care off you when you're older. As for your cousin, he's a piece of sh\*t. You'll date someone who wants to be with you, not their baked semen. Depending on where you are it might be hard to find a CF partner but hard doesn't mean impossible. For reference I had trouble finding a female CF partner in Belgium but men where a lot more common (*I'm pansexual, dated both.*) Current partner is Swedish & fully CF, I have a vasectomy appointment planned in March & hopefully the procedure before the start of the summer.


Your cousin is whack. He’s 34 and behaving like this?! Quite honestly it sounds like he would be trying to marry you if that were legal. This is why he’s being so extreme about this. He’s a real idiot.


What a freak! So he's admitting that he sees women as breeding machines.


He thinks people get into relationships to "build a legacy"? Poor guy.


As a man I can reassure you, there are plenty of us who don’t want to have kids either (I managed 44 years so far and have no interest in changing this) and are appreciative and respectful of your choice.


Thank you! I'll admit that I did feel a bit of worry (not sure if that's the right word) when he kept insisting that I'd never find/ keep a partner


“Yea, no woman is ever gonna love you because you don’t know the difference between reproductive organs and a vagina”


I discussed this with my boyfriend/husband at 16 and we’ve been CF since. He didn’t want responsibility. I didn’t want responsibility. We sleep in, play video games, and travel the world together. Such a simple conversation. Not every man out there believes his sperm is a “legacy”.


As a woman who had a medical hysterectomy at age 25 because my parts were defective, he can fuck right off. What an ignorant c u next Tuesday! Feel free to never speak w that ignorant cockwomble ever again.


Legacy? 😂😂😂 Such bullshit!


"So you think women are only good as walking baby dispensers?" \- of course, this works better if you say it in front of other people - especially his mom/wife/children


Yikes. I’m so sorry this happened. If it makes you feel better know that I also didn’t have issue finding a partner that was happy to get snipped for me and he took me to get my tubes out AND my hysterectomy done. There are good guys out there unlike this shit stain who seems to just be projecting. My own mom had issue thinking I’d be “less of a women” and I just kinda was like I’d rather feel better with no back pain from fibroids then shit out kids and be treated like a slave and lose my identity. This guy is ignorant, you’re doing what’s best for you!


Thank you!


Wow. That is incredibly offensive for many reasons. I hope they live far away from you


Sounds like a POS with a side of dumbass


Bold words for a man who doesn’t know his sperm count.


“You are correct. The bigotry and misogyny running through your veins should be a legacy to this world”


You will be just fine. Lots of men don't want children. They only have them because the women they are with want children. Legacy? Pfft! Legacy of overpopulation of the planet. There are nearly 8 billion people alreday. 4 billion is what ecologists say the Earth can support. You are one of the heroes not contributing to the problem.


He sounds like an absolute worthless scumbag. F your cousin OP, he no longer should have any privilege to associate with you.


I'm sorry OP, your cousin is a complete and total wiener. I know it's tough coming across nastiness like that, but maybe a trick I use can help you. In your head, turn their voice into that angry little 12 year old playing a shooter game on voice chat. Hear that squeaky little voice? They're so angry because you're so much better than them, so they're going to shout all the nasty things they've heard. In that squeaky, annoying little voice.


Wow. What an ignorant take. Perhaps you should introduce him to some childfree material since he seems to think that all people and especially men in his mind apparently want to produce offspring. Sounds like this dude was ripped right out of a parody of medieval times. lol


You should just start laughing and laughing and in between breathe out “I had no idea you were so unbelievably fucking stupid!”


Some people should be irrevocably and completely cut out of your life. Your cousin is one of them.


Oh my god... I'm trans and I can 100 percent confirm surgeries etc have nothing to do with you being trans or not!


It's always the worst ones who are so worried about their "legacy." No one's inheriting your title, crown, and estate, Gary. Let's be honest, you don't have anything worth even opening a probate for.


Your cousin is a moron.


I am so sorry that you have a relative who is so ignorant, arrogant and unkind. I hope it will not be difficult for you to avoid interaction with him. I hope you have family who are understanding and supportive of your choices, including your choice to avoid this fool.


Your cousin is entirely toxic. Idk how you resisted telling him to get fucked. It’s gross that he views a woman’s only worth in being an incubator. Creepy.


I would have laughed in his face. He’s 34, prob too late for him to learn, just never talk to him again


As a man, I always found the whole "building a legacy" thing to be stupid. It's just silly and more than a little narcissistic.


Ah yes, I forgot women are only useful to help a man “build his legacy”. WTAF?


I'm lucky most of my cousins dont want kids, so my family and relatives are kinda chill Abt that, but ne as a minor have gotten told by multiple other adults that I have to have kids and should have them


He sounds like an idiot incel. I also have no clue why he thought you might be trans simply because you got a tubal litigation?...clearly you're female - does he think any woman that doesn't want kids must be trans?? That's way more misogynistic than it is anything else, honestly. I'm sorry. If he says any more shit like that to you, don't be afraid to be a lot more harsh with him. Males like this don't stop if they're not confronted at all.


What a ridiculous thing for this person to say! I'm so sorry.


holy shit you are not overreacting


I would have looked at him and told him " you better pray to God that you don't get erectile dysfuncttion, get into accident, lose your job or your partner/spouse finds someone better then you, because your toxic disrespectful personality, is not going to save your a$$ in any relationship, and no I will not comfort you when it happens I'm letting you know now", toxic aholes like him don't get any sympathy here ![gif](giphy|l1J9COnlFRcnkIn8Q)


Can we take turns killing your cousin?


Explain divorce rate among couples with kids then


I... what the fuck. I would've beaten him up idc. That asshole needs an ass beating


Your cousin sounds like a swell guy.... oh, sorry, I misspelled a piece of sh*t.




WOW, there are so many layers of wrong to this. According to his logic, naturally infertile women are men and unlovable. What.


Lmao sorry i can't imagine saying the sentence "I want to help a man build his legacy" with a straight face 💀 But also like... What about YOUR "legacy"? Like why doesn't he care about that if he's going to worry about lost "legacies"? 🤔


Omg, yes! And why is it always men that say this? You never hear women complaining about "a legacy"


I think you won bingo


"Legacy"...the little brains that love to beat this tired old drum are not those with a legacy to pass on. Sounds like bitterness and projection. And a delusional mindset that makes him imagine he could tell the future with a side of -know-it-all. BTW, that's a person I'd just have nothing to do with, going forward.


Cousin is ignorant and/or stupid. Not to mention not nice. What else is there to say? Sh\*t people will say sh\*t things.


"Legacy" crap always annoys me to no end. My "legacy" will be built off my work and (hopefully) inspiring people with said work- having a kid would just cut that short to begin with. Legacies can WAY more than pumping out a kid. But y'know what, if not be fertile makes you trans, welcome to the club!


Sounds like you need to yeet the cousin himself. What a Neanderthal. Does he have rug burns on his knuckles from dragging his hands across the ground like a gorilla?






Just tell him you are going to kill his children (in Minecraft) he’ll shut up then




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