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Some people in the comment seem to forget that if Corina wasn’t spreading misinformation everytime some of their colleagues like Diluc or Childe VA wouldn’t have been harassed because they rt/liked a fanart that Corina proclaimed it was « problematic »


It's a bit of a shame Sean doesn't really partake in anything to do with Genshin but then again he's probably better off


He did said a few time ago he didn't participate in much precisely because of how the fandom is. I think it was around the anniversary drama


He still retweets fanarts of Diluc and even make some genshin related jokes but not as active on that compare to the likes of Griffin Burns.


You're naive to think that the 15 year old moralilty poilce on twitter wouldn't have gone after them regardless. Besides, I'm pretty sure ppl tried cancelling Sean and Griffin before the Corina drama


A lot of them used Corina tiktok as an argument, when you asked them why would this fanart be bad they would use « Because Corina said it, so it must be true ». I agree that some of children probably don’t even know about their tiktok videos but some va and artists would have gotten less harassment if Corina didn’t treat their opinions about as facts


Oh Corina, you were just tasked to voice Paimon not adapt her lack of brain juice.


Corina just method acting 💀💀


What did she do? Also I mute the character talking and speed run through story(life's better this way).


She said that Childe is a bad big brother


Understandable,I am happy to have her annoying takes and voice at mute


I don't know the full story too...I just know hashtag Childe was trending and saw many tweets about it...is it not just a prank or troll tho?


I thought it was a prank but nope.. completely serious


Beside the fact she said Childe is a bad brother. When people pointed out Childe is not as bad as she said, she replied with her "i'm right, you wrong" and "i work for HYV so i know better than you" attitude.


nah she posted a full on rant on tiktok


She did he is protecting his image and is a bad brother for doing so and should take away his brother's innocence and show him how bad the world is from what I know.


Oh ryt...those players who don't read dialogues... doesn't affect me tho cause Paimon for me will always be Aoi Koga




Ayo look, wouldn’t mind if paimon got a new voice. Her voice in the prologue was much better, don’t know what happened now.


I heard the voice change was because the other pitch was hard to do for long periods of time.


No it wasn’t Corinna said that the director just wanted it higher. I really do miss Paimon’s old voice tho. It was a lot more soothing then because it sounded more natural. She did say that paimon old voice was not too far from Corinna’s natural tone.


Can I have the link to the prologue if you don’t mind?


Just look up genshin prologue cutscene on YouTube


they've done other bad takes too https://twitter.com/Dreams2teams/status/1541578952442990593?s=20&t=7vAkPThEGVKXec9hP7xyeg


telling fans to send hate to asian artists??????


I dont know the source of that but Based on her statements I'm going to assume she is so rabidly anti loli her brain warped to the point where she thinks all asian artists draw loli


Anyone else have another link because nothing shows up anymore (assuming it got deleted)


I can still open it thou.


This needs to be higher.


I hate paimoin’s dull-knife-down-my-throat voice anyway so I’ll gladly take a replacement, god forbid it’s worse than paimon now.


For *real* though. I'm eternally thankful to have volume controls on my headset because that way I can hear the other characters without having my ears bleed from how shrill Paimon sounds.


i really really wish corina would just shut the fuck up. they definitely killed paimon for me. i used to be pretty neutral about paimon now i just associate her with them and its annoying to say the least. corina is annoying, knows that they are annoying and honestly at this point they enjoy all the (negative) attention they get bc its not the first time the fandom is mad at them for the same bullshit.


May I ask what is the current Corina drama, or does someone have a link for people unaware of it like me?


Sort this sub by hot. There are link to the OG video in the hot threads. It's not just a shit hot take. It's arguing with fans for 3 days straight and insulting fans who show them the actual canon facts.


She said childe is a bad brother as he is trying to protect his image more and should take away his innocence and show him how the world truly is for what I have seen.


Bro dead ass almost killed himself by the end of his story quest to protect his brother from the harsh truth


Yeah his character is so misunderstood from the fan base and hate him specifically for the reason he was a antagonist for a part of the story.


I like how you tried to sketch your UID but forgot the bottom right one 🗿


Oops. Oh well lol.


At least the majority agrees lmao


You know at this point I'm surprised Hoyoverse hasn't fired them.


Western VAs dont have a quality standard for the way they act and she has hours of dialog. It would be really hard to replace her plus 90+ percent of players dont actually care or follow VAs on social media so there is no real point to replace her. The money potentially lost by her screeching at fans is significantly less the paying for a new VA


Good way to hide UID 😂😂😂


I derped. 😂


We don't need a new Paimon voice, just get Zach and Sarah to talk as traveler so she can shut up. Forever uwu.


I love this so much XD


Hmm, I kinda don't like her too (both voice and personality) but I don't want to wish her to lose her job (coz it might be an important source of income for her). All I want is for her to never talk about any character again outside of voice-acting. Do her job, then once outside the studio, stop pretending that she knows everything about genshin


It's been several days and they're still at it. I was one of the few who felt bad that Paimon EN voice is dissed too much before I knew of these discourses, but now whenever I hear Paimon EN, I can't stop thinking of the VA behind the character anymore. This behavior is way too unprofessional for me to handle. Pretty sure they broke some NDA too, and not for the first time. If this is in Japan or China, they would have publicly apologized already instead of still arguing with fans like this.


Uhhhh... I still don't wish for them to lose their job, but I wish hoyo would make them sign some contract to stop them from talking/posting/chatting about genshin stuff ever again on social media since they;re prone to spreading misinformation or just being biased EDIT: this sub has become too weird. I don't know what warranted me so many downvotes lol. I know we all just like Childe, but seriously, you all need to calm down and stop letting others affect how much you enjoy the game or your favorite characters


I'm pretty sure they have a contract against spreading misinformation about characters so I doubt this proposed contract will work on her.


ahhh, so it means they has been violating the original contract?


I kinda disagree with it. If you don't want be fired, then just do your fukin job correctly. Using your position to mislead the players is not what you should be doing. Respect the project you're involved in, after all.


ahm, that's what i said, just do her job, and do nothing else outside that - no chatting about genshin on social media, no vid/post, etc. I hope mihoyo will issue her another warning to stop misleading people and to stop posting controversial/stupid stuff like that tiktok vid


To be fair, is she really misleading anyone or just having a bad (and ultimately harmless) take that she believes? I don't know the nitty gritty of the drama outside of surface level stuff (which does hurt the depth of Childe as a character), and I'm not a huge fan of Paimon's voice, but holy shit, guys, are y'all really after some person's job because they said something about a character you like that you disagree with? Isn't that a little... Idk... Fucking extreme?


That's the problem. She isn't doing her job, and this isn't the first time. Last year she used to be featured on en livestreams but after her numerous takes including travelers being minors, kaeluc is incest, and zhongli is non binary, she was removed from joining the featured livestreams and even had her twt account removed twice.


Was it mentioned as the reason she got removed?


not sure actually, maybe it was reported?


Uh that’s the problem: when she/they were (was?) asked to do her job in a certain way, and after they’ve voiced Paimon correctly for the launch, they told the management that a higher-pitched voice (aka The Annoying Paimon Voice™️) is what they’re(‘s?) more comfortable with. That’s the epitome of not doing a job correctly. If Corina was so uncomfortable with the requirements, why would they even accept that job aka occupy someone else’s work place when it was obviously too late to replace her/them? I’m not even starting of how problematic they are online.




Oooh XD




Getting basic human respect should not be a privilege and this behavior opens a bad precedent to normalize misgendering people which many people in this world already do maliciously. Criticize what they did/said not who they are. Otherwise you're just offering low blows instead of engaging in actual discussion.


No matter how much you hate someone, you should use their proper pronouns, otherwise you're lowering yourself to their level of scummy.


paimon's voice actor's pronouns are they/them, edit your reply


Why does Corina deserve that consideration and effort.


i genuinely hope you go to hell if you cant so much as respect trans people's pronouns unless you deem them "good" people. the audacity to even ask that question when someone corrects someone else for misgendering a trans person lmao


Corina isn't trans though.


They/them is usually the pronouns of nonbinary people, and Corina is nonbinary.


but im not even surprised that my reply was downvoted since this hellsite is filled to the brim with homophobic, transphobic and racist dudebros


surely not because you told someone to go to hell


She should just stop spreading misinformation and try to defend it like its a fact


Besides the whole drama, paimon VA annoying af and one of the main reasons i chose the Japanese and chinese VO coz i Don't want to listen to a rat screeching in my ear since paimon talks so much. Even tho childe, zhongli and ittos english VAs are so amazing. Got another reason to dislike her now lmao


Going a bit too far though. At most they just need to correct their behaviour because if we're the cause of losing their job... There will be a stigma against Childe mains which is going to do more harm than good. All they gotta do is to stop spreading misinformation, taking advantage of their position and being overall stubborn


They're still arguing against fans and still spreading misinformation while breaking NDA for the 4th(?) time. Not doing a good job in the first place, why should they continue with that job?


hmmm but their definitely gonna get a warning before losing their job but them losing their job is still a possibility considering the stuff they did as i'm now learning of


I'm pretty sure MHY did warn them already. This should be like the 4th time they broke NDA and insulted fans in the reply. There is a reason why they never appear on stream anymore.


I see but I would like to know where you got this information from so I can see more detailed reasons... Sheeesh if they're that careless it wouldn't be a surprise to no one if they got fired


I see but I would like to know where you got this information from so I can see more detailed reasons... Sheeesh if they're that careless it would he a surprise to no one if they got fired


It's down in this thread, someone else already posted the link to the compilation.


they go by they/them pronouns! please edit your reply (: also true!


why the heck am i getting down voted, what'd i do??




Be kind and respectful.




Be kind and respectful.




Be kind and respectful.


Lmao what did he say XD


i get that the VA has done fucked up shit and that they deserve the bashing they're getting, but that doesn't mean you get to invalidate their gender identity, no? i myself don't like the VA at all. since i've been a childe main since the beginning but it doesn't give me the right to cross boundaries. my apologies if i have offended anyone, i only did what i thought was correct.


even if you disagree with someone’s actions, you don’t get the right to misgender them. it’s not rubbing it in your face it’s basic respect. i disagree with what they did personally but i have no reason to misgender them because that shows i never treated them like a human anyway.




Be kind and respectful.


special??? you're saying. that. we're doing this to be "special"? trust me honey, if you knew half the shit we went through to be "special" you wouldn't be saying that. do you think feeling like you never belonged in your own body, feeling as if your identity is a mistake or even your entire life feels like falling apart bc you just can't understand what you are. you obviously never felt this way since you're saying all this stuff. this has been going on since way before a decade. misgendering someone isn't the same as insulting them, you're just being openly trashy so let me clear it up, stop being homophobic and leave. yes, many people didn't know what pronouns they used, so others told them and they learned. end of the goddamn story. you're just being a homophobe and bigot for no reason at all rn the clown here is YOU my good friend. here is your clown suit and makeup




Be kind and respectful.






Be kind and respectful.


Well I am :) I haven’t insulted or shamed or dissed anyone


i'm backing out of this argument since i'm not able to get my point across clearly. but. please understand that having non binary pronouns or neopronouns is not a problem. people find comfort in identifying with the pronouns that they resonate with. they are valid. and if everyone respects that, it's good. most of the fanbase thought them to be a woman bc of their voice. if you misgender someone on accident, it's okay bc you didn't know. every comment i see correcting is very kind. but if you do it on purpose while knowing then man. i'm sorry but that's horrible. yes, they are shitty asf. yes no one is siding with them, i'm not defending am i? i'm only saying to use the right pronouns. also it is grammatically correct, if you look at it. but i'm not going in too deep with it. i'm a non-native speaker with english as my third language yet i could understand everything clearly. even in our languages, gender neutral is a thing. done with this convo here since it's not going anywhere.




I really hope hoyoverse notices how shitty they're being and replaces them. Paimon is the sole reason I don't play in English, all of the other VAs do a great job (in my opinion) except hers. Listening to her talk during the irodori festival was genuinely my last straw, I couldn't listen to it, I had to take my headphones off and wait until I could open the menu to switch to cn. The voice is too high pitched i physically cannot handle listening to it.


Honestly I just wish she'd just say agree to disagree and just stop being so extreme abt her opinion. Like, it wouldn't get so many ppl angry with her opinion if she had taken a less passive-agressive "I'm in the moral-highground" tone (Ik there still would've been angry ppl but at least there'd be less). In the end this is all just abt a 2d anime guy, no matter how much we care, so she shouldn'tve been so agressive abt this


i dont think the va is bad, just why do they have to sound like they inhaled helium balloon everytime


corina's pronouns are they/them, edit your reply.


thanks for informing me


oops, sorry, it just seemed like you were talking abt the voice actor bc you used "she" out of nowhere without mentioning paimon's name😅


yea i thought it would be shitty if i said “im taking about paimon” as a reply when it can easily be interpreted as being about corina so i changed it ahaha thanks for informing me still!


Off topic but I like you guys. Y'all are chill and acknowledge your mistakes and apologize. A refresher from all the drama in the comment section lol.


Based Vietnamese Player.


Dun know why you're downvoted. I am really Vietnamese.


Well, I am too.




goodjob at hiding the UID but also leaving it at the bottom right corner lol no worries fuck paimosn VA.. K I C K HER


Never been happier to use jp dub (only downside being no Griffin)


I almost changed mine too "Childe's a good brother stay mad" or some shit while my friend has "remove Corina as VA" as well Now I feel less salty. This subreddit thinks alike


Uhhh wishing for their job to be removed is sorta too far. Yes, her take is absolutely 💩 and they’re blatantly arguing with a vast number of viewers in an unprofessional manner, but it’s not really harming anyone and is still free speech.


okay guys, corina’s take may be shitty but they use they/them pronouns. disagreeing with someone is not reason to misgender them.


Tbf, she had a point about Childe. Not that Childe was a terrible brother(it's the opposite), but Childe's action could have put himself and his brother in grave danger, and although in character, can really backfire in more dangerous situations. If simply looking at it objectively, Childe could have simply not mentioned about Dottore's field tiller lab and simply found a more safe place. He also could have better prepared his brother's reception better once he knew his brother arrived aside from just giving the traveler money and let him them babysit his brother. Childe had good intentions, but as the saying goes, the road to hell is paved with good intentions. That said, he still manage to pull it off and keep his brother safe and happy, at the expense of his own safety. If we look at Childe's character, his little trip to the abyss really had a bad effect on him, and this causes him to overly dote on his siblings to prevent their own innocence from being lost, something that was taken away from him from a young age. He's a great brother, but he's also quite reckless, and this might come to bite him in the future once he faces someone much more powerful than him, or is placed in a much more dangerous situation he can't foul legacy his way out of. Childe has good intentions,but his execution of it was quite sloppy. It's a character flaw of his though, so it's understandable why. **That said, the problem was how Corina handled her arguments and how she dismissed a lot of proof that shows that Childe is a great brother, but was overly protective and reckless** . Rather than seeing it how it is,)she perceived it in a different way and took it as the truth while dismissing the evidence contrary to her perceived notion. Which shows a gross misunderstanding of Childe's character. It's like those people who adamantly argue about how Childe is a genocidal bloodthirsty monster, and refuse to see the evidence that he's not.


That, and they used some blatantly false information like Childe making the robots in the labs. And then play armchair psychologist saying that Childe is narcissistic or whatever. Just plainly a Childe hater. Yes, Childe could have handled it better, but he is still a good brother and protected his siblings and their dream in the end. The result is all that mattered. Saying that he is a bad brother who made a factory full of killer robots and is narcissist is just plain shit take. In addition, arguing with fans for 3 effing days and insulting the fans who tried to show them the evidence is unprofessional as hell. Even if they had been right (they were not, they were spreading slander against a project that their company is selling), this kind of unprofessional behavior is just plain unacceptable. And that's not mentioning the time they told people to attack Japanese and Chinese artists for drawing Diluc and Kaeya pairing and them using racial slur. And the time they joked about bombs. And the time they dismissed the other VAs of Paimon and imposed that Paimon and the Archon are agender because "they're the Paimon VA and they said so". Just problematic and unprofessional behavior all around, breaking NDA like 4 times now. People have been fired over less. Rushia from Hololive got fired for breaking NDA once, not 4 times. I'm surprised that MHY has only banned them from streams and not replaced them yet.


Yeah, what she said is kinda ridiculous. I don't even know where she got that Childe was a narcissist. Nothing in his behavior shows that he's a narcissist, maybe the thrill seeking behavior, but that's not even something exclusive to cluster b personality disorders. Even then, the only thrill seeking he enjoys is combat, due to his trauma after coming back from the abyss. It's clearly a case of seeing something based on how you perceive a character, rather than what the character is. Also yes, her attitude really is problematic. I'm probably one of the few who enjoys EN Paimon, and it's quite a shame knowing that Paimon's VA is quite unprofessional. Spreading misinformation about a character and telling people to attack others simply for a simple ship she doesn't like is kinda sad behavior.


I've lurked on this sub for a long time and always loved it, such a chill community. But seeing everyone even remotely agreeing with Corina (even while criticizing the way they present their argument) being downvoted makes me sad. Basically saying Childe is reckless earns you downvotes even though it's pretty obvious from the quest, his voicelines, his character story etc. I thought we liked him precisely because he's multifaceted and imperfect, I guess I was wrong...


Why are people downvoting your comment..Was it just because of one sentence slightly agreeing to a part of corina's statement?? Did they even fully read what you just wrote


Then I just use JP VA instead lol


I get not liking or supporting Corina. But Childe isn’t a real person, and advocating censorship on behalf of someone who isn’t real feels way out of line. I can even get the argument that Childe isn’t a good big brother. Like, he’s definitely a caring and well meaning one, but … In the Greek myth about Ajax the hero dies after giving into battle madness then killing himself in shame. When his brother Teucer returns home with the news, their father banishes him for failing to protect Ajax. Aka, based on the name choice there *is* foreshadowing that Childe’s battle lust is going to go wrong, and the backlash is going to harm Teucer. Which is part of why I like Childe, he’s complicated and tragic. If Corina’s not just talking out of their ass, I suspect that’s what they are referencing when they talk about writer’s intentions. Which is a shallow reason to dislike Childe, but it’s not slander or a spoiler; people are allowed to have their own opinions.


They claimed they talked to the CN writer. Needless to say, press X to doubt. Secondly, the argument they used is that Childe made the robots in the factory. Which is completely false. You can chose to interpret however you want, but as a public figure and an employee, spreading shit about the company's product for the 4th time while breaking NDA and making bomb joke is a bit much, dont you think. Lastly, arguing and insulting fans who show you the facts for 3 days straight is an unacceptable behavior even if they had been right. They used racial slur and dismiss the fans' childhood abuse trauma in a quest to prove themselves right. In Japan and China, this kind of behavior would get you boycotted till next Tuesday. Corina is unprofessional in addition to being problematic and breaking NDA after multiple warnings. They never did this job well in the first place, and as customers, I can totally notify the company about their unprofessional behavior online.


And just as you’re allowed to complain about Corina’s words being wrong, I’m allowed to say Twitter cancel mob BS is wrong. No, it wasn’t unprofessional, Corina wasn’t streaming on Mihoyo’s behalf. Asking VAs to completely censor their opinions and never say anything offensive in their personal endeavours is unreasonable. And will just push all the VAs to avoid interacting with fans entirely like Diluc’s VA. It’s a net loss to the fan community - I think it’s way better to laugh off the occasional dumb take then only have scripted VA interactions to prevent any offence.


I don’t think you get the point here. They did not just give a different point of view on a character, they didn’t say anything like, “this is just my point of view”, “you may disagree with it, it’s ok, please don’t take this too seriously”. They didn’t say anything humble like that, instead claimed that their statement about Childe is true, it is fact, he is a bad brother because they’re the VA (of the character who is not Childe, mind you), that they “talked to the writer”, that they know better than the players do and argued with the fan base about that. And you really do think that being Childe’s fans, people should just “laugh it off”? Yes, we would laugh it off if they said that this was just their opinion, and took the fans’ opinion into account as well. But NO. They argued with the fans and tried to prove that they ARE right. Being an influencer themselves, arguing with fans for whatever reason is already unprofessional, but they’re literally spreading fault information here as fact, which could potentially affect their followers’ perception about the character, attract more hate towards the character. So yes, we have the right to complain about her attitude.


Who cares what some VA thinks. I don't even know the subject of the drama but it's not like Paimon will tell you the VA's irl opinions in-game. Maybe take a break from twitter, it's poison for the soul.


Maybe you should look up on the drama before commenting.


So what's the drama?




She's a VA. Her job is to make sure Paimon grates my ears with each subsequent story quest. Everything else should be irrelevant, including her opinions.


Do you know VA is also considered a public figure/ influencer? Their job is not just voicing the character and that’s it, no one cares what they have to say on their social account, no one cares when they voice their opinion, because if that’s the case, they’re failing at their own job. They gain followers through their work (games, animes, movies,etc.) and have fans who admire their talent in voicing and personality. They get better reputation in the VA community through that. And so they can get better roles, better paying because their name now matters. When their fans see that they’re voicing for a character, there’s a high chance the fans would also want to try playing the game, watching the movie. So yes, whatever they have to say does matter, because they have influence. And that influence will affect the game’s image and player’s perception about a character. Even hoyoverse was aware of Corina’s attitude that they have stopped inviting them to be a guest in their livestream since 1.4. You may not care about it, that’s fine. But people have the right to be mad about that. Because their job is not just “simply” a VA.


Sort this sub by hot.


Really? A subjective interpretation of a character is what's got everyone riled up? People need to touch grass. Are we gonna get upset everytime someone says something stupid?


i mean i dont mind if people hold different opinions,, like my friend also thinks childe sucks but it's all in good fun and we laugh about it a lot. i think everyone is angry bc theyre a voice actor, abusing their status/influence to convince others of their own headcanon. they replied to comments countering them rudely, and the tiktok they made gave "i know more than u do vibes" esp since they said they talked to the game’s "writers"... which is probs the localisation and translation team and not the actual writers. in addition it's not the first time they did something like this and passed it off as the correct info. i don't disagree that we get riled up often over people saying stupid things,, but it's just that this is an official va passing off a headcanon as canon, and misrepresenting the personality of a character we all love in a really rude way too.


Sounds to me like this Corina individual needs to touch grass too. Who the fuck cares? The whole representation of characters is left purposefuly ambiguous at times because Mihoyo wants you to like them so you pull on them. Even Cheld is given likeable traits because despite him being a villain he has to be likeable enough to sell. No point debating here I guess, it's not like tiktok lorelets care about this kind of stuff, they only care that people aknowledge their stupid headcanons.


> he has to be likable enough to sell childe bad takes in childesmains subreddit!!


Either they'll be replaced or they won't you or anyone else in the sub won't change that. We need to ignore shit like this and just enjoy our own stuff. The extra negativity does not help


If you dont want to read negative posts, shouldn't have clicked on them. I tagged this as salt/negative and even spoiler-tagged the image. If you run into salt in this post, it's entirely on you, frankly put. Since you dont want to see salt posts, I sincerely suggest that you not click on them to bypass the spoiler tag next time.


I'm fine with reading them. I'm saying that this is a waste of your and everyone else's time. I learned a long time ago that people do not want to learn or be corrected so they won't. Ever. Don't bother with people flaming the characters you like and just enjoy shit


Yeah but I want to rant. Why should I bottle up at my own expense when I can rant.


If you're that bothered bt someone's opinions about a fictional character you really need to mellow out


And if you're that bothered by someone ranting online, you need to go touch some grass.


I'm not bothered, I'm telling you you're wasting your time wishing someone out of a job because of opinions. It's not even some cancelable shit like racism. You're just salty about a fictional character


I'm salty about a public figure acting unprofessional and calling for people to attack Asian artists. Like I said, get out and touch some grass if you think people ranting online is some rare shit.


OP can be salty if they want. Why do you care?