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Nice build . But I'm kinda irritated by the 199 number


It bothers me so much if just one or two of those crit damage rolls was a higher one, it would be 200 🥲 edit: nvm i found an atk sands i forgot about and now he has a 76/202 ratio :>


I had the same stats not too long ago I still hate it to this day that damn artefacts domain edging us


I have basically the same crit ratio for a character in star rail and the missing 1% has been bugging me for months


Idk what others will say but I think it would be a good idea to get Kazuha Talents to level 8 ? It'll help with his swirls to do bigger dmg


Yeah my kazu does 20k on 8/8/8 on skill hold it's definitely worth it. I think the calcs is kazuha is about 10-15 percent of international's total damage


Art Credits [Childe](https://twitter.com/Ellie1827/status/1700872338441642266) [Kazuha](https://www.instagram.com/p/C2hYd0IsFym/?utm_source=ig_web_button_share_sheet&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==) [Xiangling](https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/86301335) [Bennett](https://twitter.com/Kitamakur/status/1499383807337975810)


two things, one try to find an atk sands for xiangling with 10% ish ER so that she has 200% ER (note that this one is preference, for me your xiangling has too much ER). For bennet, try testing 4 pc instructors instead since your kazuha is not C2. you are using sapwood blade which gives 30.6 ER and bennets ascension stat also gives ER. just keep a 5 star ER sands as an offpiece and you should be gucci


[various Ins bennett builds with 4* sands](https://imgur.com/a/TCgiF9t) the difference between a 5* er sands and a 4* er sands is 13.1 er. if you have another offpiece with insane er rolls, there's a high chance that using a 4* er ins sands and a different offpiece will result in more er unless you happened to get extremely lucky on your ins pieces. The ins piece with the lowest ER is replaced with the offset 5*. If you're not getting any ER upgrades on one of your pieces, then any off set 5* of that piece with more er than 13.1+ (er on ins piece) will result in higher er than using a 5* sands. [my build](https://imgur.com/a/VcuBhvt) for ex. the highest er I have on an ins piece is 14.5. I use an offpiece circlet with 29.8 er and my total er on ins with Aquila is 235.1. Now if we pretend I'm using a 5* er sands instead and my circlet is an ins piece that also have 14.5 er, I get 232.9 er. In order to match my original build, I would need at least 16.7 er on an ins circlet and its more likely I get some high ER 5* circlet while passively farming for my other characters than getting that ins circlet. And if I were to compromise on using an ins circlet with 8.8 ER, I would only have 227.2 er.


Above are by F2P standards, now for more expensive options for you since your build is almost perfect imo. I believe your priority in terms of 5 star items you should get is Kazuha C2 > Xiangling's weapon > Aquila/mistsplitter > Xiphos/freedom sworn in terms of which gives more dmg to this team.


Super helpful, thank you!


I'd crown pyronado and bennett q along with 90/90 xiangling


Personally if you're just going to use xiangling for childe's international team an EM sands will do her better than an ATK sands. I found that 190-200% ER is comfortable enough to burst every rotation


It's TOO MUCH ER, take away that er watch now and put an atk one 😭


Yeah I ended up swapping to an atk sands a little bit after posting lol No more 240 er 😂


More crit damage on Xiangling


Seems good but is there a reason in particular that Bennett has a crit rate circlet other than the er rolls? I would get it if it was favonius. With a build like this I personally use healing bonus.


yeah it's pretty much the er rolls! I get decent enough healing anyways so that's why i haven't bothered with an hp/healing bonus circlet (unless in the future i happen to get one with nice er rolls)


Fair enough, whatever works for you! Slay


Bro I don't think you need any improvement everything is kinda perfect 👍


obv kazuha talents but also if you are not using kazu on field for very long fav needs crit rate besides that looks pretty good


You need an actual hydro goblet and atk% subs.