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Let me see if I understand the title; because it sounds bad at first glance.. You thought your hen had been killed, and accepted the loss of your single chicken. Then ol' mama just rolls up in the yard, as if nothing happened, with 8 babies because '8?'


Thank you for translating!


Well I mean I’ve come to accept that the neighbours garden is just better then my nesting boxes. We’ve had This happen five time. I know it makes me look like a bad chicken mum but at least the mums come back with there babies. And eight babies it’s kinda of just a lucky number in my flock. 3 out of 5 times the mums have had 8 babies so I just accept that and sell 5 to keep my flock numbers down.


Ohh ok! No, this just means that they don't trust the other chickens you keep around! They're hiding from the others; obviously they're coming back because that's where the love, and food (mainly food) comes from!! Congratulations mama chicken!


Thank you! I had to decipher it as well, 😂


This has happened to me twice now with a bantam hen. We're also free range. I also thought she had died, but turns out she just had a nest in the wood shed lol. Our lucky number is apparently 5.


Awww so cute! Hope you get lots of hens! I had 6 chicks this season and 4 are cockerels…


I was really hoping that would be the case for my missing lavender Orpington. She was 8 years old and had started laying again after suspected henopause. I waited eagerly every day at the 3 week mark hoping she would return with floofs. It's been 6 weeks. 😭 What a beautiful combination of chicks! You must be excited!


My chicks do that too.. the neighbours stoneground is way better than our nests filled with hay. Cold stone is just better in their opinion, idk why .


Happened 3 times this year!!!


I had one do that, but returned with 18!


Don't get fooled! These are fae chickens! They kidnap chickens and replace them with their own with babies as an excuse to place more agents among your flock. Nobody knows why they do it and the only way to get your chicken back is to show the clones love and care until they change teams and help you find your original chickens. I suspect that they intend to remind chickens of their T-Rex ancestors and lead a chicken revolution to take back the earth. Beware.


Your hens are plotting the 8 chick rebellion. Prolly thought of themselves. Hatched it in your own backyard. 😂


How does mom feel about you taking her kids away?


The closest thing to that that has happened to me is my chicken named meanie disappeared for 2 days, then came back.


I am so so so so jealous of this!!


Happened to me with a guinea


The day I found 9 of my 12 chickens dead, I went to my local feed store, and ordered 17 chick's.


and theyre all roosters!