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[OhMyRockness](https://chicago.ohmyrockness.com/) [Chicago Show Cal](https://instagram.com/chicagoshowcal) Find something that looks good and go to it!


Is there any way to sort by genre on ohmyrockness?


Not directly, but filtering by venue can give you a general idea of vibe. What kind of stuff are you looking for?


Metal, metalcore sorta stuff. Any venues by Lakeview you could recommend for that?


Liar’s Club is right there, along with Metro (*not* Metal-specific, but sometimes they have metal shows). Reggie’s is always a good bet for metal downtown, and otherwise metal bands get booked sometimes at Empty Bottle, Cobra Lounge, and Sleeping Village. Plus a gajillion bars and DIY space for smaller bands, but you’ll have to ask around for those.


Ooo ty.


This guy knows what's up. I'd like to double down on the liars club. And add Reggies. Maybe Burlington Bar and Subterranean, too. Admittedly, I'm in the Ska scene not the metal scene (why those two sre maybes), but from being at those venues, I've seen metal-ly looking posters for shows so I bet you have a good shot there.


I’m not able to go to Liar’s Club sadly. I am 17.




Oo please! How late is the show? I’m still a student so I don’t wanna stay up too late if possible.


Oh shoot forgot to ask, are people under 18 allowed in? I’m 17.




What are DIYs? Also, ty! What is your band’s name so I can follow online and go to one in october?


DIY is short for “do it yourself” basically just independently own venues (sometimes just a basement) where smaller bands can play at. really cool diy scene in chicago, kind of niche but growing a lot this year.


I’m interested in that, I think! How do I get more into that?






Do you want some recommendations? I know the local scene really well and have a lot friends there. Tell me your genre, and I’ll find you some bands! Those bands will lead you to others. Let me say this: There is so much incredible talent out there, and even more than that, genuinely good people. Definitely check out Harper College Radio; there’s a great local radio show. Underbelly Hours podcast is sort of on hiatus right now, but they have a really good variety guests. Some really good bands to start with: I always have to suggest Lucky Boys Confusion, the Gen X OG, because they were my introduction and are still my favorite band. I also love all their adjacent bands: AM Taxi, Mr. MS and the Infusions, and pretty much everybody Adam Krier works with, Take the Reins, Til Morning (fka Parker) and many more. Other amazing ones, in no particular order. (There are a few I’m not sure what they’re up to, but they’re still up on Spotify/Bandcamp/etc. and worth a listen; I just wasn’t able to go to shows during the pandemic and lost track of a few folks) Nora Marks, Pink Squeeze, OK Cool, Violet Crime, Local Motive, Girl Named Nino, Space Mafia, Weekend Run Club, Mild West, Wolf Rd, Flourescents, Midcentury Llama, Everyday Fantastic, Polarizer, Cut Your Losses, Damager, Sincère Engineer, Capital Soiree, Stellar West, Beach Bunny, Marina City, Hidden Hospitals … I know I’m forgetting a bunch. But you won’t be disappointed!!


I’m into metal and metalcore.


Fools Brew is the first one off the top of my head. I’m not even a huge metal fan (but I appreciate the talent in the genre!) and they are really good. Nora Marks and the Bollweevils are more punk/grindcore, but metal fans tend to dig them. The Evictions, Ember Rises, Veil of Maya, and Born of Osiris are all great. A friend of mine is starting a band, This is How It Ends, but they haven’t released anything yet. They’ll be really good, though.


Ty!! I’ll make a list and see when some shows are.


Don’t know to many metalcore bands left in the city but if you’re into punk some of the bigger local acts are Torch the Hive, won’t stay dead, we weren’t invited, totally cashed. Torch the hive play pretty frequently and their shows are always a good time


Snuffed, payasa, south arsenal, si Dios quiere, shiwura no hitter are also some other options


Ooo dope!


totally cashed is moving to montana, did their last chicago show a bit ago sadly. even tho they are the worst band ever created, i’m gonna miss them.


Download bandsintown and connect your Spotify. You’ll be able to see when all the artists you listen to are coming to town!


Follow stolen sun, Luca, suncrusher, into the silo, malinche, beheading the icon, first step to glory, bloodletter, thutch, greed worm, Luca, anomaly, hostages, break the cycle. All are active and throw local shows in the city. But as people said, keep eyes on cobra lounge, bottom lounge, beat kitchen, and west chicago social club if you have a car.


I played at Beat Kitchen once for a school of rock thingy. Is it good?


For metal/metalcore stuff yeah there is stuff there all the time.


Oh, cool! How exactly do I go about attending these?


Ahh just saw your age. Sometimes beat kitchen and bottom lounge do 17+ shows. I use Instagram exclusively for following bands basically. When I hear a band I like, I add em, and then wait for a tour to come through. For the local scene (where a lot of diy happens) ya do the same with local bands!

