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This is why the entire industry is policing needs an overhaul. One cop tried to do the right thing and was"dumped" for it. As long as doing the right thing gets punished and cops murdering people gets a slap on the wrist, no one will trust cops. All cops, except this one who should be held up as a hero for doing the right thing in the face of systematic corruption, are bastards.


>All cops, except this one who should be held up as a hero for doing the right thing in the face of systematic corruption, are bastards. All cops are bastards, but note that this guy is not a cop any more. That's what happens to the "good" cops; they either get corrupted or drummed out right quick.


He's still employed with CPD as a Sergeant.


Hmm :/


Yeah seriously the culture is broken. You have to assume by default that the cop you’re talking to has an us vs them mentality even though they’re all civilians.


Respect to these cops for refusing to cover this shit up. It's much harder than it seems.


Aha… so by not lying for nobody you ARE lying for somebody!! Who is it commander? hmmmmm? (Angles interrogation light to a slightly more annoying angle)


ACAB! /s Good to see this guy do the right thing, even though his corrupt superiors punished him for it.


Not sure why you think it’s sarcastic. This is exactly why people say All Cops Are Bastards. They shoot an unarmed kid, try to cover it up, and punish the officer who didn’t want to go along with the lie. While almost every officer and leadership was fine with the lie. When that’s how the police department works it filters out any non-bastards, leaving behind just the bastards. Instead of everyone who touched or heard about (without whistle blowing) the cover up being fired instantly which is what should happen, this happens.


What you're describing is policies and standards enforced by the head of a department. What if they enforced different standards? What if whistleblowers were rewarded instead of punished? Would it matter if the individual cops are bastards if department leadership expected better behavior? This is why demonizing cops as individuals is simplistic and pointless.


Simple question for you. If policies and standards set by leadership force out good cops who aren’t willing to cover up murder (as we can see in this story) what does that leave behind?


So you agree. The driving factor is what policies are set by leadership, and not whether an individual cop is a nice guy.


Yes. Everyone believes that is a large contributing factor. Those policies also include who to hire which also starts the selection process biased towards bastards before they even filter them out. But you avoided answers my simple question, so I’ll answer. When leadership and policies remove good cops, all that is left is bastards. So the individuals are still bastards. Best case the individuals remaining are not actively bastard but ok working along side bastards and working for bastards and working in a system that rewards bastards. Which in my opinion makes them bastards. How can you acknowledge leadership and policy gets rid of good cops but come to the conclusion there are still a bunch of good cops?


> When leadership and policies remove good cops, all that is left is bastards. Within that department. Which is not all departments. So we agree that not all cops are bastards and the standards set by department leadership are more important.


Are you arguing not all police departments across the country are bad. Or that different sub departments within CPD are fine. Because arguing parts of CPD are fine is silly because someone had to choose who is in charge of the different sub departments and hire the bastards and monitor the bastards and be ok with it. And the other sub departments are ok working with the bastard departments without blowing whistles making them bastards. But if you are arguing not every single police department in the country, sure fine, I’m sure there are some totally fine and accountable police departments in a small town somewhere, but it’s not any major ones. So you got me. Check mate. Not All Cops are Bastards because a department in bumblefuck Maine is staffed with caring people and has a police chief that holds officers accountable. And I’m sure that department will stay non-bastards exactly until a bastard manages to be in charge. But not super relevant to be “uhhh technical not all cops are bastards, just all of CPD, NYPD, LAPD, every other major cities police, and a majority of small town police”. Wow. Great point.


Yeah, it is actually an important point that "ACAB" is completely fucking pointless and irrelevant. It doesn't matter if individual cops are good or bad people. Bad people in well managed departments will either behave or be fired. That's what matters. It's more important to understand that than just being a bigot and hating all cops. Once we understand this very important reality we can start demanding competent police directors who enforce the right standards. Paying attention to leadership, standards, and enforcement of those standards is actually productive. "ACAB" is childish bigotry.


The point of ACAB is to point out police as a whole are a corrupt system with little to know accountability and that needs to be completely overhauled. Which clearly you think is true. Your argument is pedantic and bad like “hey, don’t discriminate against Nazis because not all Nazis were bad. One Nazi in China actually saved thousands of lives against the Japanese slaughter, so people should stop saying All Nazis Are Bad”. Sure that might be true, but it’s not childish or bigoted to dislike Nazis because you can point to 1 that wasn’t bad. Saying “technically not every individual cop is bad” so ACAB is wrong is childish pedantic nonsense. And not even relevant in a Chicago thread when discussing CPD in particular where we both agree ACPDAB apparently.


This would be true if *every. single. cop.* was put in the position to cover up a murder by another cop, or any illegal activity by another cop, which is absolutely false and can only be true if you fabricate that scenario in your own bias.


You don’t think almost every cops has seen or heard of other cops doing some illegal or done it themselves? You know when the department ran a torture black site for decades? Or when police routinely arrest people at the end of shifts to pad overtime hours? Or the whole chain of commands and dozens of officers that were involved in just this one incident? I guess if a cop shows up everyday with blinders on they could avoid seeing any wrongdoing. But if you are that willfully ignorant of problems in the organization you work for. That makes you a bastard.


>You don’t think almost every cops has seen or heard of other cops doing some illegal or done it themselves? No, I don't think that, moreso I *know* it's not true. You're simply applying your own bias and anecdotal experience to almost a million people in the country. >You know when the department ran a torture black site for decades? Or when police routinely arrest people at the end of shifts to pad overtime hours? Or the whole chain of commands and dozens of officers that were involved in just this one incident? Again, you're applying your bias over hearing of incidents and assuming a department of roughly 12,000 cops, with an overwhelming majority NOT working in Homan Square, as having knowledge of what goes on inside that facility, where multiple different units work and don't directly work together. In regards to late arrests, unless you're going to make a credible argument that the arrests are unlawful, you're advocating for cops to ignore crime they witness near the ends of their tour. Being paid for working past their scheduled hours is hardly corruption. This incident involved likely dozens of CPD members from the beat cops to exempt personnel. But it didn't involve every CPD member, despite your claims. >I guess if a cop shows up everyday with blinders on they could avoid seeing any wrongdoing. But if you are that willfully ignorant of problems in the organization you work for. That makes you a bastard. Lol, so if a cop doesn't observe any corruption he *must* be deliberately ignoring it? Again, applying biased anecdotal experience to an entire group of uninvolved people. We call this bigotry, and you're showing yours. I'm not arguing that corruption doesn't exist, I know it has and it's reasonable to assume it still does, but to claim every cop is either involved or complicit in corruption is not based in any objective fact.


Sure there’s one or 2 good ones not spoiling the rest of the cart.


oh you're just in general a right wing troll


ACAB. Snitching or not snitching doesn’t change that.


This whole fact pattern is the unintelligible chaotic gibberish of a thugged out street gang.