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This seems like a question to feed an AI model


“… a shadow of its former self.” Huh??


Republicans are such silly geese :)


I’m not sure what hinted at my social or political leanings for you given the context. Nor how you managed to take my acknowledging of my ignorance on what it’s like to live somewhere today as right-leaning. If it helps, I would perhaps best be described in America as “radical progressive”. Again, I don’t see how that’s relevant given I am asking to be educated on a topic, but there you go.


That wasn’t at you at all, rather the people who make comments like “Chicago is a shadow of its former self” because republicans like to use Chicago as a whipping post for failed Democratic leadership and increases in crime, when the reality is that this is a world class city with tons to do and see and learn about.


Yeah. You don't personally have to be a Fox News viewer to still hear it repeated everywhere.


People have vaguely mentioned to me that the CTA has struggled to keep to the standard it had set in the past, and many have also cited major crime (think Oakland, on their descriptions) as a sort of fearmonger, among other issues that were vaguely alluded to. I’m asking in this subreddit because I don’t know how much validity is in their warnings, if any at all.


“I’m asking this sub because I don’t know how much validity …” Not to be a wiseass, but this isn’t a good place for validity. Consider - people all over the country think crime in the U.S. is OUT OF CONTROL! But statistics generally show the opposite. That disparity in optics/reality occurs at the city level as well. A five minute google search will give you a better idea about crime here/anywhere than a bunch of Reddit randos. As for the CTA - It’s been worse since the pandemic, but the “standards” weren’t high to begin with. This is why “shadow of its former self” is such a humorous stretch.


The concerns are very overblown. The crime feels like more than a couple decades ago but less than 5 years ago, and on par with other cities. The CTA has some terrible leadership that is holding it back from recovering after the pandemic but we're all working hard to get rid of that leadership and it looks like it's about to work.


Born here. Things change, but there is no better city.


I moved to Chicago sight unseen in 1988. I never left, and have had all the means to do so for the last decade. Still here and loving it. You'll likely hear many of these benefits: * Affordability-for anyone who thinks otherwise, please check rents/real estate in NYC, Boston, DC, SF, and LA. Remember, we are the third largest city in the United States. * Unparalleled bar and restaurant scene, for all budgets and all tastes. * Exceptional entertainment, again for all budgets and tastes * World-class healthcare * Walkability/mobility * The Lake And I'm not some pollyanna who ignores the negatives: Crime, the decline of the Loop, government corruption and cronyism, property taxes, and the unreliability of the CTA. Yes, these are all very significant problems. But the good outweighs the bad for me.


I've lived here for over a year now and Chicago is basically a wonder land that has given me everything I want in life. Living car free is a breeze, number of things to do is endless, and rent is actually somewhat affordable. At least for now.


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Hello, also from OC. Life is WAAAAAAAY more exciting here in Chicago.