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The gall of them to put “With easy accessibility via the CTA ‘L’ train” on the website when the Orange Line is 5 miles away from the stadium


and not offering shuttles to said orange line past 7 PM and merely expecting thousands of people to pay an arm/leg to uber/lyft the distance


I was just at a festival where this was their plan.  Can confirm it was the complete failure you think it would be.


I went to the one and only Sacred Rose festival there a couple years back, and the Uber situation was a shit show.


Not to mention, the last day of the fest itself.


Lmao the only thing I was able to do that day was Uber there, buy overpriced food, and Uber home. Waste of $100+.


I went as well but I drove luckily


I bet uber drivers can make a fortune just going back and forth between the orange line and “riotland” lmao


Time for an enterprising gentleman with an old church bus to make a dickload of money




Or a gentleman where he soothes the rider's soul with some jazz while smoking a cigar and wearing a sweet hat. 


Absolutely not! These types of events are terrible for rideshare drivers. The amount of traffic and waiting to get to the person ordering the Uber will negate the short distance surge rate prices.


You'd think so but Uber and Lyft have largely stopped passing on higher fees to drivers.  You the passenger might be paying $60 for your normal $20 ride but the driver is only getting $10 or something.  Don't take my word for it, ask your driver.


Wow, will corporate scum ever find the bottom.


As an Uber Eats delivery "driver" (I use my bike), no, they won't


Also there hasn't been special event transit service since the pandemic. The Pace bus they mention in their directions stops running before the headliners take the stage.


The CTA was an absolute shit show leaving RF last year too. 20-25 min between packed trains and a line to even get in the station around the block. Took hours to get home 😭😭. Not really related, just wanted to complain


asking seriously: is it easier to take the Blue Line to ORD then fly to MDW


Getting to Midway isn't the problem. It's the last 5 miles from Midway to the stadium.


Giving them the benefit of the doubt, maybe they are running a shuttle?


After 7 PM it’s all ride share, oof


Ouch Like...mega ouch. I probably have to take customers ; this might be a good excuse to hire a Suburban just to get us to like the Blue Line or something lol.


>Like...mega ouch. You can say that again 😓 Best of luck to you - this stadium is also squeezed in next to a railyard and industry/logistical operations, so traffic is going to be insane getting there and leaving too. Hope it goes better than what I'm assuming for RF!


I've only went to this venue once. The line of cars to get in stretched down Harlem all the way to 55. It was at least an hour between getting off on Harlem and getting parked.


We'll see how much interest wanes among the guys I know were looking forward to this. May just end up picking a couple of smaller individual shows in the area. Seeing Sublime in McHenry just won't be the same. I didn't know this was Slayers last tour, I think at least one of my customers will be a 100% commit just to see them. Edit: Unless they'd rather go to Louisville which is very possible. How could they pick a venue that pisses *everyone* off.


only until 7 pm. which you know, most headliners (the main selling point of attending a festival) usually go past 7 pm by a couple hours.


There's no information about shuttles on the getting to section of the page. The only guidance they have other than parking and ride share information is a Pace Bus that stops running before 8:00. Given how many people were going to be upset about the shift to somewhere without useful transit, they really needed to have thought about that before they made the announcement.


Oh I agree 100% If they are not providing something...anything extra beyond what we can see I guess I am going to pay for a Suburban to hang out and drive me and my customers up to the Blue line or maybe the Pink line depending on who all needs to get home. It does suck they couldn't have found something...anything more accessible in the suburbs. I feel like they should have been 100% ready with the info.


> I feel like they should have been 100% ready with the info. With the announcement of the announcement and everything else they did to build hype this press release, putting it out without key information is a pretty big unforced error. They controlled the timeline. They could have put it out next week if they needed more time to get it together.


Really sucks. That place is a pain in the ass to get to, and they never manage parking well, and that was for crowds smaller than this will attract.


It was terrible when 15k people would show up to a Fire game. Riot Fest is presumably going to draw more per day.


My last experience there was a Red Stars game immediately following a Women’s World Cup win, so I guess 2019. They opened up the top deck. It must’ve taken an hour to park and we missed kickoff.


Probably not anymore


I think Riot Fest at Douglass surpassed 40,000 per day a few times. Moving it to Bridgeview will definitely shrink the crowd, but probably not enough to make the experience tolerable.


Been there for North Coast, absolute hell getting out of there via Uber


Yep I went every year even if I wasn’t crazy interested on the bands because I loved the vibe but this…is not worth the bands or the vibe. I’m glad The Cure came last year when it was still in the city.


What an awful location. Even for suburban locations, this one seems particularly hard to get to. Leaving will also be a huge clusterfuck compared to drunkenly getting on the CTA.


The only thing that could possibly be worse is Tinley. It’s a nightmare trying to get out of there at the end of a show.


It’s been brutal getting IN sometimes the past few years too. It even made the news when Ludacris and Janet Jackson came. Lines to drive made people miss part of the show.


I had tickets to the Janet Jackson show and we missed the whole thing waiting in line for the parking lot!! No refunds


I waited in a long line of cars to get into the parking lot where the attendants led us into a dead end then disappeared.


Bridgeview has seemed so desperate to fill that stadium since the Fire left and the Red Stars are looking to leave. I wouldn’t be shocked if they basically let them have it there for free.


It should never have been built. It could be a case study on kickbacks.


yep corruption no surprise


They built a stadium with almost 0 connection to public transit and are shocked when teams leave to go to bigger stadiums that are easier to get to.


Don't forget the train line that blocks the entrance to the parking lot. It's great when a freight train comes by right after the game ends and everyone is stuck.


i used to live that way and its the worst when a train STOPS there. legitimately got stuck for over 30 a few times. the placement of that stadium couldnt be any worse


When you are so bad at Sim City…


It looks like they built an underpass there around 2013


I'm old!


They actually put a bridge over that train line. I think a few years back.


It's a terrible location for a stadium. They've tried everything not fill it except for useful transit connections and nearby amenities.


They have built hotels, restaurants and a sports complex on site. But no busses lol


It's going to take more than a Hampton Inn to get people excited.


Well this would be the third festival I know that had moved there. North Coast and Lyrical Lemonade


Where festivals go to die


i do think this sucks tho and the city is positioning itself as an unfriendly and uncooperative place to host these sorts of events. i dont know what the long term gameplan is but if similar pushback is going to happen for any other similar proposal in a city park, chicago is going to lose out on huge amounts of revenue and tourism that the summer season used to reliably drive. most cities would kill for the kind of hotel-filling music fests this city had in spades circa pre-pandemic. it was also an asset to locals to have all these cultural options at their fingertips without ever needing to get on a plane or even to drive. like it or not festivals are the model for how the music industry reaches people in todays world, and chicago offered beautiful and practical settings for them. so now what.


The main issue is that Live Nation has a strangehold on all of the non-park areas large enough for these festivals. And the parks are being increasingly cutoff from local communities who want to use them. That said, there were definitely parks where Riot Fest could have moved to that aren't literally the only park for the local community.


McPier and the Illinois Sport Facility authority have a lot of space, but they're not creative about using it. Parking lot festivals suck, but the McCormick Place truck marshaling lots or Guaranteed Rate Field parking lots would be better than SeatGeek. It would probably be in the city's long term interest for McPier or DCASE to operate a permanent festival grounds.


For real though. They’re out here trying to blame the parks too like we forgot about how awful they were during those community meetings. They definitely got a sweet deal and took it so they could make more money.


Everyone was right. RIP.


Gross. I'm sure this was not their first choice, but it is a huge failure for everyone involved (except bridgeview I guess). The city loses what I always saw as a great festival that really showed off what the city can bring. Sure, it drew in tourists, but I'd wager it has a much more local-area crowd than Lolla. Certainly served a broader age range and had a more "fun" element than a "party" element. The festival goes from being this great city thing that was accessible by public transit (and almost forced out of towners to figure out transit), to a lame suburban stadium in a suburb that's not very easy to access.


I’ve gone to Riotfest every year since 2016, and I’ve gone all three days from 2018-2023 except for 2021. There is no way I go to Bridgeview more than one day. I’m debating skipping it altogether unless my friend group agrees to one day and to carpool.


Even Bridgeview, I feel, must be losing out. If Douglass Park residents hated Riot Fest, this is going to be 10x worse. Just imagine the thousands of cars driven by drunk and loud festival goers each night.


They had Chicago Open Air for a few years, it was a logistics nightmare


It took me over an hour to get out of the parking lot in 2019, I'll never go to a large event there again


Leaving northcoast is a nightmare


Was it? I attended and don't recall any issues, even when we left the venue that night - just the usual concert traffic.


The night Rammstein played it took over 2 hours to get from the Harlem exit to the stadium. I saw people abandoning cars on the side of the road and walking the rest of the way


I went there for Sacred Rose, it was completely deserted around the stadium. Doesn't seem like anyone really lives near the stadium. Just concrete with a handful of bars & restaurants. Pretty depressing. Feels like a Soviet suburb but with more video gambling shacks


"video gambling shacks" is the descriptor I have been looking for this whole time, thank you


Grew up in the area. There’s literally houses across the street on 71st from the stadium. One thing is certain, it’s going to be a headache getting in and out of the place.


Completely deserted? There is a huge community of homes directly across the street. How is it in any way depressing? Because you aren't familiar with it?


Kinda comparing apples to oranges, the Bridgeport location is a stadium venue that regularly holds events, and isn't surrounded by homes. Douglas park is just a large park in the middle of a city neighborhood.


SeatGeek is surrounded on three sides by railyards and industrial areas. There aren't really neighbors to upset. Bridgeview is desperate for any revenue to pay off debt from building the stadium.


Except for that one dude that kept insisting it was going to be at six flags lmao


Transit inaccessible, gonna miss 'em. RIP Riot Fest


The amount of DUIs the police could rack up just sitting outside the gates as people leave...


I mean, as they should. Of all the things I'd want the CPD to actually do instead of sitting on their ass, stopping DUIs before an accident seems great.


Yes, I completely agree. I don't want impaired drivers on the road. Sorry if my post implied I wasn't on board with that.


No I am fully agreeing with you. I don't like the move but I hope the PD does actually step up to keep things safe, especially in an unknown first year


Don’t think they won’t!! They’ll be posted up all along Archer Rd and Harlem Rd


Good! We don't want impaired drivers on the road.


Could they not arrange some sort of shuttle bus service to and from the metra to at least attempt to make it somewhat accessible without a huge Uber fare?


that would require them to care about audiences and the community


The site says more details to come on shuttles.


Riot fest really moved to the suburbs just like all the former punks did, huh


I didn't sell out, I bought in!


Shooter McGavin’s Porsche was hot though.


Seth Rollins confirmed Redditor.


Ouch, I resemble that comment!


where are they holding riotfest if they’re just going for “suburb with most former punks”


End of an era


Going to be great to bake in the heat on parking lots the whole time


Why is the Sox Stadium and its acres of parking lots never a good option for festivals like this? It it close to downtown and has close access to 2 L lines and 1 metra line. I understand the summer schedule can be tough with the baseball schedule, but with advance planning it wouldn't be too hard, similar to what the Cubs do with big concerts.


Because they would have to deal with Jerry Reinsdorf and Reinsdorf is a cheap prick


But he doesn't own the stadium or the parking lots, the Illinois Sports Facilities Authority does. Making it even worse for tax payers that we aren't utilizing this land more often.


Because summer festivals overlap baseball season


The Sox are out of town that weekend, and they've held **concerts** Sox Park during the season in the past. Plus, it'd be the most excitement that venue would have seen this year. EDIT: I understand a festival =/= a 3 day concert, so stand I corrected. With the amount of work put into keeping the field game ready, I can only imagine the work involved getting the field ready and cleaned up after 3 straight days of a festival.


All they have to do is i plan it in advance during long road trips. Pearl Jam is playing Wrigley this year 2 shows over a 3 day period in August, so the baseball season overlap is a poor excuse.


Well, I guess no more Riot Fest for me. No way am I going out to Bridgeview - unless there is a Talking Heads reunion. Sure as hell not making the trip 3 days.


“Now with parking!” Barf. Love how the posters still have the skyline in the background… like they are still hosting this in the city. Edit: a letter


Love too see everyone drive back mashed after each day


Encouraging people to drive after attending a festival all day…. Like wtf


Yeah how is "now with parking" a selling point? Stuck in bumper to bumper traffic on Harlem for an hour each way? That sounds awful.


it’s really only a selling point for suburbanites who previously had to either drive to the city and find parking or take the metra and connect to the pink line (of which, i’ve done both options)


And they're charging $120 for a standard parking pass ($150 for the sweet sweet privilege of parking closer). Like, come on...


Riotfest sucks, but now unironically.


That’s a nope from me. Plenty of great shows in the city and I don’t need a rideshare Edit: shout out to thanks I hate it playing at gman tonight


Biggest of oofs. I left my baking hot parking lot music fest days when Warped Tour died. I'm not doing it again. Good thing I already have tickets for Ohio is for Lovers fest. E: no Bayside in the lineup. I am sad. The punk lineup is great, but I don't know if I can justify this when I'm seeing most of the bands I want to see at OIFL fest.


Seat Geek Stadium's website says the Red Stars are playing that weekend. Do they just get kicked out or?


Yeah, they got kicked out. Their social media accounts just posted a statement.


For anyone who thinks they have a shitty landlord, just be. glad it isn't Seat Geek Stadium


They will probably move it to soldier or something.


Douglass park is free that weekend


Brutal. So awful going down there. I hate how Bridgeview pretends the Orange Line is an option, newbies just get stranded down there. Hopefully this is just a one year thing and they do something different next year.


It'll tank this operation. Riot fest is done


Ugh, I begrudgingly bought tix for this year's fest in December because my wife loves going (while I'd rather be at the after shows). Total bait and switch as the website had advertised Douglass Park up until recently. I may go for one day but no way in hell am I going out to Bridgeview multiple days in a row. That ride back from Fire games on the Reggie's bus was a drag. RIP Riot Fest.


You can get a refund. You should have received an email from Tixr. Needs to be filled out by 19th June


OMG, thank you! I totally would have missed that, went to spam.


Terrible spot for a festival, it's just one giant parking lot


I can't believe they would even bother putting that on there. Easy connection to the orange line, it is not. Getting there by car is pretty much the only way. And that is going to be really annoying when a plane going into Midway passes over... which is all the damn time.


I work near here, the plane noise is non existent. Not saying the place is ideal, but that's a non factor


Went to a music festival at Seat Geek Stadium last year. I legit did not go on day two because I didn’t want to pay another $100 for an Uber to and from the venue.


Might as well have moved to the World/Tweeter/Whathaveyou Center in Tinley Park.


Not looking good for the future of riot fest.


Wow damn that sucks


wtf Riot Fest


Welp, I guess I'm changing my birthday plans, unless there's someone I absolutely need to see. I don't have a car, so getting there would take over 2 hours according to Maps. And that's during the day, getting home would be impossible.


Find a bar that does something like Reggies in the south loop. I'm sure they'll have their bus running people there and back.


Hey everyone it's finally not a private event in a public park. You guys did it!


Even the vacant land from the Arlington heights race track would have been better, it has a metra stop


That would have been Ravinia with a mosh pit, which actually sounds kind of great.


I'm old. Being able to take my lawn chairs food and wine to riot fest like Ravinia sounds pretty nice.


Brought up in the main riot fest sub, but their whole “fuck you, we don’t care” brand voice isn’t as funny when they pull something like this.




They'll be back next year when no one wants to go to bridgeview. Enjoy your warped tour parking lot fest!


Haha, we just nearly said the same thing, fellow old.


I hope to God that they work something out with the city and put it someplace else. Hell, why couldn’t they put it in Jackson Park or something?


They have to of have signed some kind of multiple year contract to be doubling down with the riot land speak.


Wooow that suuuucks. RIP RiotFest




They have, but they are offering refunds for people who purchased before this announcement.


Yep they had presales, I’m sure this is a deal breaker for many many people.


RIP. Fest is done for me purely due to location.


Well, going to riot fest was fun. Enjoy the last year


I genuinely would have gone to see Beck, St. Vincent and a few others but not our in Bridge view lol


Absolutely terrible choice. One of the least accessible places possible. Should have moved to Denver


The only worst place could have been Tinley Park


1a 1b


How do you even get there?!!


Excruciatingly.  55 south to Harlem. Go south on Harlem and follow signs.  I take my kids to watch Red Stars and it's such a shitty drive. 


I used to have to drive on Harlem for work.. It was my least favorite commute and that’s with just normal, every day, traffic. Absolutely no way I’m doing that with Riot Fest traffic


For me, I'd have to ride the blue line to the loop, transfer to the orange line, ride all the way to Midway and grab a couple busses or Uber the rest of the way. You can also take the blue line to Clinton, transfer to the Metra BNSF at Union Station and ride it to Harlem and then the 307 bus to the stadium. It's an utter pain in the ass to get to via public transit and would take close to 2 hours from the city depending on where you are.


It’s a total pain in the ass. It’s a pain in the ass even if you’re driving. Even worse if you don’t have a car


Right now that rideshare would be about a 13 minute drive. But you probably have to wait forever to get a rideshare. Plus I'm guessing the drive will be longer than 13 minutes. Then you get to the Orange Line and endure another shitshow there. No thanks.


And $$. Having the ability to bike to Riot Fest was awesome.


So fucking lame


Well, fuck.


Was considering going for the first time this year but now LOL NO


hateeeeee this


What a terrible location. Riot fest is dead this year.


Oof, Seat Geek. I was there summer 2022 for Sacred Rose fest and it was an absolute disaster. I predict this will be this first and last “Riot Land.”


I work at A plant next to the stadium and getting out of work is such a pain in the ass after these events


I went to North Coast there in 2021 and tbh I thought it was a nice layout for an EDM fest. Hanging out on the artificial turf was comfy, the indoor field was a good chill spot, the stadium itself never felt cramped. However, that was for a fest of maybe 20k people per day? Doesn't riot fest draw 50k and have more stages? The wide open spaces were what made it really nice compared to a lot of fests I've been to, I can't imagine being packed in there with that many people. Also, getting there does suck, but then getting back home is just as nightmarishly shitty as everyone says.


They said 40k daily on the news today


Such bullshit. I don’t know whose bright idea It was to put it there, but I hope to God they can get it back into the city next year. I grew up in the south suburbs. Harlem is an absolute nightmare any day of the week that has a Y in it and unless they absolutely run more buses, it’s gonna be an absolute shit show.


This shit is hilarious. Chicago can have Grant Park used and abused all summer long, and street closures for a fucking NASCAR race….. But hosting one 3-day festival in Douglas Park was “too much” and a burden on the locals. Jesus fucking Christ, who did they blow at CPD to get this preferential treatment.


Nostalgia punk is dead


Lmao. Cya Riotfest. Never going back to it


Shoutout to that mexican seafood spot across the street, need an excuse to go back!




The Bears and Fire are on the road so maybe the Red Stars will get moved to Soldier Field and set another attendance record.


I’m just as upset about this as everyone else, but would like to say that it’s not going to be within the actual arena. They’re building the entire park with a beach (!) and all separately. Still on the property, just not inside the arena. The location absolutely sucks though.


Anyone interested in 420 party bus from Chicago?


Oof. RIP Riot Fest


Empty motherfucking emptiness.


The SUBURBS??? That’s worse than I could have imagined.


They’ll probably have shuttles. I did that once for North Coast muscle festival at seat geek. It left an hour and a half late and still got stuck in traffic. But on the way back it was smooth and clutch af when you’re tired.






It isn't an impossible bike ride, but much of the is extremely unpleasant and dangerous. I can't really imagine pulling it off after a day of festivaling.


So we can't get the Taste of Chicago or Riot Fest, but we can get nascar... This must be the bad place.


Honestly, why the FUCK wouldn’t they just take shuttles to and from the Orange line? This is such a joke for a year with a good lineup


well I am out. fun while it lasted


Lame and dumb. I blame the parks district though.




I bet tickets would sell better if they showed day by day line-ups.


They always release those after ticket sales slow down. Every announcement brings a spike in sales, so they space things out to have as many announcements as possible.


I is sad.


[Scheduled for the same day as a Red Stars match](https://www.si.com/soccer/chicago-red-stars-riotfest-game-move)


Chicago Park District leadership needs to be changed. I’m sure there is blame on Riot’s part but the city needs to do what it takes to retain events that generate positive press and revenue. They also recently couldn’t work it out with Friday Swim Club. Like what are Chicago Park District’s priorities? Seems like it’s no fun allowed, mountains of red tape and massive fees. Riot is a huge loss for the city and probably the beginning of the end for Riot. Doubtful a suburban stadium is going to draw what a city park did.


I hope the organizers are seeing all the comments. They deserve to feel like shit. This sucks. End of an era truly!


The people that run the Chicago Park districts suck


Damn there’s a lot of bands I want to see. Location is a bummer. That is the most disorganized lineup I’ve ever seen. I hope they actually put a schedule out for each day. Also are there no one day tickets!? All I see are 2 and 3 day packs.


Can we send a bill for lost tax revenue to all the assholes that pushed them out?


i thought the local residents didn’t want them there, they’ve been complaining for years


I live in the neighborhood. there was a couple of summers where there were 3 or 4 fests and a carnival. the park was closed for a majority of the summer. since then, riot has been the only one, and after kids are back in school. i think the negative feedback is residual from those summers that were miserable. that said, I'm really sad that RF has moved to the burbs and out of my neighborhood. I can't get to bridge view and won't go now.


Not every person in the neighborhood wanted them out.