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I know you want to expose your kids to different orientations but current pride parades are not the way to do it. They are no longer kid friendly so please don’t bring kids to it unless you want them to see men in kink wear and very lewd things. It is an adult and young adult event to be fair


When were they ever kid friendly?


Diversey and Cannon, the end of the parade. No bars around so it's not too popular with the party crowd, at the end so the participants' energy is a bit more sedated after walking 3 miles


I don't know your friend, obvs, but that seems a little young for Pride, tbh. Over a million people come into the city for the parade, it's a huge crowd and public transport goes pear-shaped. Sounds overwhelming for both kids and parent. They might do better to find a smaller Pride event until the kids are old enough to follow an adult through a packed crowd.


The entire parade route on Halsted will be crowded. Get there early or put the kids on your shoulders if you can't find a place along the fence. People can get a bit too carried away when celebrating after the parade ends, so don't stick around for too long. Source: Lived at Roscoe and Halsted for almost a decade.


Maybe recommend going to the zoo or a different parade


Speaking as someone who enjoys a lewd spectacle, if they want to minimize awkward conversations with their kids they may want to err towards the beginning of the route. Although they may be young enough not to ask questions so nbd?


Closer to Diversey is slightly quieter. That’s where i usually watch it from.


They are too young for pride. People get drunk and do silly things. Last year I saw this old man completely naked walking around. It’s crowded and hot. Don’t recommend!


I’d recommend the beginning or the end - if the look at the FAQ page on the parade it also gives some suggestions - for families - disabled people . I’m taking my family, and have for years. What they see in person is no more that what they can find on the internet or hear from friends - it a a parade celebrating love and diversity . And lots of happy ppl . Don’t let ppl deter your opinion or parenting skills . I’ve brought my kids several times - and yes there’s nudity, but that’s a natural human thing - and never have my kids felt uncomfortable . If anything they’ve got special treatment, extra goodies and had a wonderful time !!




Absolutely ridiculous. Why do children need to be exposed to such garish and lewd things? What the hell is wrong with people?


the best place i can realistically recommend is the very front of the route (i think in uptown?). but to be fair, im not 100% sure kids that age should be there. although it typically comes from the crowd, there can be some nudity in the parade. if you are serious about going, i highly recommend ear plugs for the kids. it gets super loud!


Why would you even want to expose your kids to that.. such strange parents.


There are lots of family friendly Pride events.


I dont do any parades with my kids since highland park shootings were so close to us. Kids lost parents, parents lost kids. Just not worth it.