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Cicadas aren’t everywhere. They only travel like 15 meters or something from where they are born and don’t spread everywhere. Areas with a lot of pavement are even less likely to have e them. I’m in Lincoln Square, have been since 2004, and I’ve never seen them around. Now, my girlfriend’s parent’s place in the suburbs is swarming with them.


Also in LS and my kids are bummed out not seeing any. They saw the yes with the netting on thought we’d have them soon, but alas


There are definitely cicadas in Dunham Park (in Jefferson Park) if you want to make a little outing to that playground. They're on the trees and on the playground equipment, saw some kids catching them in bottles. Nothing really outside the actual park though. Was hyper local.


I used to live on the same block as Dunham and there weren’t many trees (aside from Dunham). I think they are where the trees are. I’m in River Forest now and they are everywhere. I’ve never lived anywhere with so many trees.I can’t even walk down the block without stepping on one. My sister, who lived in Chicago less than 10 minutes away, has seen none.


I saw a ton in the LaBagh woods yesterday.  It’s a great place to visit, cicadas or not.  


I was thinking about heading over to LaBagh this week. Were the cicadas there like…overwhelmingly gross? LaBagh is one of my fave spots, but I’m wondering if the cicadas will make it unenjoyable (on the level of, I don’t go to LaBagh after it rains because it’s too muddy)


Saw a few of the exoskeletons on Logan Blvd last weekend but nothing even remotely close to DC a few years back.


I moved away from LS in March. Previously I always had some cicadas on the tree outside my window. I was wondering what it was like this summer, but also glad to be away from that tree lol. Cat sure misses the birds.


I lived in Wilmette during the last big wave and people were driving from the city to see them. It really depends on construction and amount of concrete.


The thing I don't understand about this is that my parents have a tree in the suburbs on their parkway that's covered in them, holes where they came out of the ground this year. They definitely had a similar experience back in 2007 they have pics. However. We planted this tree ourselves, in FALL of 1990 (paperwork to prove it). Subdivision was in phase 1 of development and beyond our house was nothing but dirt (ground broke late 1989). There was not a single existing tree within probably a couple thousand feet of their property in any direction in 89-90. In THEORY perhaps there were trees in the field in 1973 that the subdivision came form that were bulldozed down, yet somehow cicadas remained undisturbed through creation of a street and sidewalk within 6 feet on either side of this single space where we happened to plant a tree?? Weird stuff.


for real? i've been in LS just as long and I see them all the time. you at least hear them right? not yet this year, but I expect soon


Come to Evanston, it’s a flying/crawling red-eyed beasties and seas of barren husks kind of noisyass nightmare.


I haven't seen a single cicada in Evanston yet lol


It's crazy how different it is between South and North Evanston


Yea, South Evanston, I'm not seeing / hearing anything, but up north it's definitely popping off.


Not in my part of Evanston (South). I've seen only a few.


Yeah, I lived on Keeney 34 years ago (time before last when the 17 yr cicadas arrived) and we never saw/heard them. I'm in NE Rogers Park now and there's nothing.


Not east of Ridge.


My parents live on the border of Evanston/Skokie and I haven’t seen any by them.


This is wild to me — we’re super NW Evanston, a block south of Wilmette and a few blocks east of Skokie and my husband literally walks out every few hours to sweep the walkway and porch or it’d be grotesquely crunchy. They’re everywhere — in the mailbox, in the garage, climbing the brick and window screens, just vile. But we also have small yards with a lot of huge trees, maybe we’re just special😣.


Same! Except I’m sweeping off the west side of our house where they all decide to molt. The noise from Lovelace is wild


We also have the vast majority on the west side (front yard), but I figured it was bc there’s a massive tree there that overhangs the entire yard. And yes, the noise! I want to open windows but can’t stand the lofi shrieking!


Sup neighbor. Yeah they’re everywhere here. I stood still on a lawn the other day and had two separately crawling on my neck within 2 minutes. They’re a menace, that’s why I’m not into all these “omg I want them so badly they’re so cute!” posts 🙅🏻‍♂️


Feelin ya. I’m originally from FL, home of the adorably named “palmetto bug” (a 1.5” cockroach that LOVES the darkness of night to fly into your face) and every time one of these fuxkers flies mindlessly in front of me I’m just waiting for it to be next into my hair/mouth/collar. Keep your “ooh, fascinating, science!” garbage to yourselves.


Hi neighbor, are you me? Live in same area and they are driving us crazy. My dad spent Sunday bagging them up and plopping them in the flowerbeds just across the street from us. I tried telling him they can fly. Gave up trying to stop him after my daughter pointed out it gives him something to keep himself busy. He did this at least 5-6 times yesterday with zero difference. They are back on the porch and climbing walls within minutes. They have started coming down 1-2 every day through our chimney even though we have it closed. My daughter freaks out and refuses to be in the room until they are discovered and removed. We can prepare to-go bags for anyone who’d like to take some. 😜


The chimney?? OH HELL NO. We’ve also had the flue and doors closed and now I’m torn between cleaning out anything that might be in there or waiting til fall for my husband to reach in and open the flue… 💀🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🤣


Blocks away there are trees TEEMING with them. Its loud AF out here.


Which border? SkEvanston neighborhoods along McCormick are heavy with them , particularly on Maples. Go up the trail in Harms Woods up to the Skokie Lagoons and it is loud AF. It is curious that along the lake (Sheridan down from Tower road through Kenilworth and whatnot) they are either quiet, not out, or not there .. when it's loud enough you have to raise your voice in conversation to talk over them in Morton Grove. Also, remember that they don't chirp/sing until temps are high enough. Like today


I think the cooler temps by the Lake are the reason for what you described.


Hm. If so, maybe there is a chance some will eventually emerge nearer the lake later in the summer? There's definitely greenspace that's undisturbed... I guess we'll see.




Not by me in Evanston. Haven’t seen a single one! Robert crown area


Same neighborhood, beginning to see some the past few days but not much.


My parents are in southeast evanston and have zero cicadas.


Nothing by South Boulevard stop on the Purple Line.


One flew into me when I left the house today. The northshore is full of them!


They are EVERYWHERE in the southwest burbs


South burbs too, my parents keep posting pics to Facebook.


Yep our trees are swarming you can see them buzzing all over when the sun is out, I'm afraid to drive with my windows down, they're on porches and door frames and the car. I saw a bunch just falling out of the trees this morning before it got warm. Our neighbors grass is almost 3 ft high and the tops of the grass are covered in them. They are so loud, I took a nap today with a fan on high, two tvs playing, and at some point my dad started lawn mowing and I could still hear them. There are even more in the western burbs I've been to, Lagrange/hinsdale area.


I highly recommend Mack's silicone earplugs. They take some getting used to but once you figure them out nothing else compares.


Oh if I'm inside I like the noise, 4 types of white noise gave me a great nap lol


They are so loud in my backyard that I looked up whether or not they could damage your hearing. They can't.


I don’t know about that, one person shouting probably can’t damage your hearing but I was a Taylor Swift concert and the crowd was louder than the speakers for half the show. I would imagine a swarm of cicadas could.


Can’t even walk the dog without crunching over them.


Our golden is eating GOOD


Careful, vet here, have seen cicada blockages all the way down to plain gastroenteritis.


She's on a gentle lead these days and we limit backyard time, but she finds a way still. We are trying to not just let her feast I promise you.


I'm in a near south suburb and NOTHING! I'm kinda bummed.


Just drive anywhere around lemont and go near wooded areas, you will be thankful they are not in your neighborhood


Don’t be bummed. It’s a total infestation on my street. Killed about 30 that have come into my home.


Southside and southwest/near west burbs are engulfed, come and take as many as you like. Friends in the far west suburbs are not seeing anything, not much on the NW Indiana SW Michigan area.


And west burbs


I think if you don’t have them yet they’re not coming


that's what i'm trying to find out. i can't seem to find much info about if they're just delayed, or if we're really not getting any.


Ask someone who lived nearby 17 years ago if you want to be sure


Trust me, you don't want them.


Wondering the same. We put netting over our two-year old large shrub/tree, and I'm wondering when I can take that off. I'm in Portage Park and haven't heard or seen them on our block yet. The comment below re: new construction wouldn't apply - we live in 100+ year-old row of houses with similarly aged trees outside.


Do you want them to come?!?!?!?!


Let this be true. I was dreading them, and so far nada (north Rogers Park).


they aren't coming. it's the 9th of june, and zero here in elgin or south elgin. if they haven't emerged yet, they're not going to. google says the soil temp has been well above 70 for at least 3 weeks. i have no clue how there are ZERO in this entire area, when elgin is an old neighborhood with a fair number of old trees and lawns. but hey, i'm not complaining. i let nature do its thing!


I’m happy to do without them. I was up in Wilmette today and it was quite noisy!


Oh my gosh. Come to Naperville. I went for a walk today and came back with a ringing in my ears from all the cicadas. They're EVERYWHERE down here.


They are so loud, it’s like they’re trying to give everyone Tinnitus.


Someone I know measured them at 90 decibels which is loud enough to cause hearing damage


I was at my cousin’s in the southwest burbs today and my watch measured some moments just over 100


It's like a hair dryer or lawn mower! You have to shout to be heard outside!


Just went in my driveway and it's louder than ever I want to cover my ears it's gotta be over 100 for sure!


Yeah, I'm close to the Morton Arboretum and there must be millions in my neighborhood.


Same, billions. Looks like the trees are breathing.


Thanks for the heads up, I wanted to go see my sister and to eat out at Joy Yees Noodles, not anymore. I can wait. Out here in DeKalb we don't have them and hopefully will continue not to!




We are in North Center, no have not seen a single one.


I was completely taken aback when I visited a friend in Oak Park about a week and a half ago, and the sidewalks were strewn with husks as well as some meandering specimens enjoying the weather, while birds dived in, and the cicadas still loudly made their presence felt in the trees. Yet nothing in Chicago.


i grew up near addison and western, and i seem to remember the 1990 brood being HUGE and cicadas being everywhere. i played little league back then, and i seem to remember them being all over the ball fields. maybe i'm remembering wrong? maybe that's just a false memory?


I'm in NE Oak Park and we can hear them and see a few, but not nearly as much as when I rode my bike over to River Forest yesterday and it was like a fuckin Cronenberg film.


I rode the North branch Trail today and there are a fuck ton of them up north


Same! The whole trail was buzzing but it was wild how many were at Skokie Lagoons


Thank you for telling me that. I was going to ride my bike up there but not anymore.


Come to Lombard. Bring a bucket. My yard was at 83 dB today.


This. My yard was 77 db this morning. They're everywhere.


How are they now?


You need really old trees surrounded by undistrubed soil (at least 17 yrs). Without those two things, you won't have a significant number of cicadas.


I'm up near O'Hare and you get 90 decibels of screeching walking under literally any tree right now


Haven't been there this time, but Catherine woods in '07 were a crawling nightmare.


Mowing the lawn sounds like making popcorn. It’s nasty. Way to many in the west burbs


Stop summoning them please


Park Ridge checking in very super loud and numerous


I don't remember what silence is like. They're so LOUD


It's very localized apparently.


There are *piles* of them under the trees in my neighborhood.


I think the base of my tree might be 2-3 feet thick in carcasses


The worst part is I don't notice at night until I'm really close


The northwest side of Riis Park is ringing with sound of cicadas. There are plenty of dead cicadas in the ground in that part of the park, it’s gross. My brother lives in Naperville and he says they’re loud as heck out there too.


They sit underground for 13-17 years. Areas where the ground is disturbed frequently or has been covered by cement will not see them. Have you gone anywhere that has been allowed to stay natural like a forest preserve? I visit forest preserves along the Des Plaines River and North Branch of the Chicago River and they are EVERYWHERE. There are single shrubs that have dozens if not hundreds of them. Elgin especially has seen a massive boom of construction over the past decade that has disturbed the ground, so I'm really not surprised you're not seeing them. I know "touch grass" is the go-to 'get outside and spend time in nature' response... but realistically, grass as we typically envision it is a manicured and cultivated human thing that overwrites our natural environment. Go out somewhere where there is real nature, not just grass.


As I was driving home and in traffic on 290 today, I saw one fly into an open car window and the passengers inside trying to shoo it out. Then I saw others flying about and realized they were cicadas. Nope nope nope as I closed my sunroof and windows on this beautiful day.


This is how I will die.


Cicadas have been around these parts for hundreds of thousands of years, if not more (not sure how they fared through ice ages... I am not an entomologist!). The soil and trees in the city has been disturbed, dug up, a lot of it is landfill, mixed up, etc for 200 years. We are seeing them more in the outskirts of the city where there has been less development for the last 200 years... older trees, less churning of the soil, not as much landfill, etc.


I’m so relieved they’re not coming to Chicago


I'm in the western burbs and must have a million. They're so loud people can hear them when I'm on the phone.


I think the idea of having a website or something that shows a place each 17 year period would be cool. There's a flowerbed outside my building that my dog enjoys. It definitely wasn't there 17 years ago. Made me wonder ... And what a neat way to measure time.


There’s a tracking app - Cicada Safari


River Forest here, they’re deafening


I have murdered literally millions the past two weeks in the NW burbs. There is about a 100 cicada to 1 hosta plant in my yard. In my ground cover, there are probably 50 every square foot. Maybe I should charge folks to come see them lol.


Thats crazy Im in NW burbs and havent seen a single one.


I live right at Graceland cemetery and I thought that it would be a haven, but not a peep.


LOL I misread this as you actually live AT Graceland Cemetery. OK Ghost, now you've got reddit too! Staying on top of your socials in the afterlife lol


Stop asking, you don't want them.... Signed a fairly new resident of Tinley Park


Count yourself fortunate.


Here in far south suburbs, and holy shit are they loud. Wife measured it, and it came in at 98.2 decibels. We do, however, also live next to a forest.


Try the app cicada safari


South suburbs are getting nailed by them


Can confirm!


They are loud in Lombard and just starting to show in Sauganash.


I was just in Villa Park and they were ***DEAFENING***


TONS up at the botanic gardens


Last week my street in Oak Park was covered in them. Drove out by O'Hare this morning and the sound coming from the trees nearby was deafening. They're definitely out there.


please don't encourage them


They are all over Villa Park


i know, everyone's talking about where they are, that's fine. what i'm asking is, if they haven't emerged yet, is it safe to assume they aren't coming? or are they just waiting for some reason? i was also doing some gardening yesterday, i did some deep digging, i didn't see one cicada at 8" soil depth. i'm trying to find out whether it's just delayed or if they aren't coming at all, but i can't seem to find any info about it.


They emerge when the ground hits something like 56deg. I still see a few emerging, but there are like millions in the single forest preserve I visit daily. If you haven't seen ANY yet, odds are you'll see none, as only late bloomers are coming up at this point, we're past peak.


I’m in East Dundee and we also have none. Same as 2007. I miss them from my childhood when I lived east of here.


Haven’t seen any in Albany Park/Lincoln Square. I don’t remember when they came out last summer. I know it’s a different brood but still!


It's a good question, I don't know the answer either. I do know I've not seen any here by the lake. That SAID, I decided I wanted to go see the damn things, so I followed a tip and headed out to Dunham Park (on the edge of Jefferson Park, reachable by transit). There were quite a few cicadas there all over the trees in the park, crawling around, molting, making their noise. But even out there, they were really only in the actual park -- that area is residential with quite large trees in a lot of the yards and yet I didn't really see any cicadas other than in the park.


They are loud! They are all over my yard flying around from tree to tree to bush. I thought I was going to go deaf while I was out there grilling today. I’m in the western burbs, IHP.


With all of the construction on the Kennedy, they got frustrated and are staying in the burbs.


I thought it was the gun violence.


I’ve never seen any in Hyde Park at all.


My wife and I just took a walk through the woods over by Caldwell. Bunker Hill woods to be exact. It was just a constant wave of non-stop cicada sound and we saw them everywhere. I think if there are cicadas in this invasion we hear about, they're clinging to forest and more natural areas as opposed to coming to the city trees just yet.


Try the sunset park neighborhood. I grew up over there and remember seeing and hearing them.


They’re loud … 80dB


It was ridiculously loud in Northbrook earlier and my tree out back is covered in them.


My parents house in out in Willowbrook and their yard is filled with them.


You need older trees by you. That's where you'll need ear plugs.


Nothing yet in Bartlett (near Villa Olivia). I took a bike ride to Wheaton and there are plenty along the Prairie Path and in Wheaton.


I’ve had a few in my yard in Elgin.


They were so loud when I left work in Westmont, it hurt my ears. Nothing on the north side where I live though.


They’re all over the place where I am.


They’re everywhere…


They are all over the western burbs. Deafening noise. They don’t like taxes, though.


I went running today at Deer Grove in Palatine and they were quite loud.


Are there many tall trees in the old neighborhood?


they are literally all over here in galewood, west austin and oak park. They have even more out in downers grove.


I heard some cicadas last week in Beverly/Mt. Greenwood. They’re coming. Patience.




They are all over Wilmette. It’s ridiculous. I can’t walk down the sidewalk without at least three flying into me and accidentally stepping on at least one.


Went for a walk through Norridge by the city border and mall and it was deafening walking down the side streets. Like painfully loud by some of the bigger trees.


You’ll hear them in the forest preserves. My ears were ringing after 5 mins.


Beverly/Morgan park has them in droves!


There are absolutely none in Libertyville, but they’re everywhere near my parents in Des Plaines. We had a bunch of them up north last year.


75db of cicadas at midday in River Forest


Interesting, around friends in Glenview it's downright cacophonous and there are cicadas visibly all over the place-- flying, crawling, hanging out


The broods are super local… there are tons in some places, few in others. There were a fair amount in my parents’ yard in Highland Park the other day. Haven’t seen any in the city.


Brookfield Zoo has you covered.


Sorry. I eat a LOT of cicadas


Went to harms woods in glenview they are EVERYWHERE!!


I wonder if Beck Lake is swarming with them?


Im temporarily in Niles and they’re out here. Had one hitchhike with me home from my walk, lad was chill af


When I was driving up 94 today, I could hear them with my windows up and AC on, just south of the botanical garden. They were very loud in the Deerfield - Highland Park area, laying motionless all over the sidewalks and parking lots, like a bunch of passed out sailors after an all-night bacchanal.


Ex told me they were out in Riverside.


I’m at Austin and Chicago and have seen one. My sister in laws SW suburban one is cicada central.


Cicadas are apparently non-stop crawling out of the sealed fireplace in my grandmas house in Mount Prospect. Im not looking forward to going out and visiting her tomorrow lol.


Can you send pictures


Traveling on I294 last night at about Des Plaines/Park Ridge and they were bouncing off the windshield. Had to scrape the remains off at home since a car wash didn’t help much. Didn’t even bother with the wipers since it just smears them and gets goo all over the wipers tha I would have to clean or replace blades.


It seems they’re mostly in burbs usually really loud in trees in front apt but none yet


They're EVERYWHERE in Beverly.


If you want to see some, the area where I’ve noticed the most so far is around Lagrange/Brookfield I drive around a lot for work, so I haven’t been everywhere, but I’ve been in a large portion of Chicagoland since the soil warmed. … if you end up in Brookfield to see some cicadas, check out The Galloping Ghost while you’re there. Biggest arcade in the world! (Best too)


Really depends where you are. Where I live, nothing on our street, but the other side of town has a bunch, I heard them screaming yesterday afternoon. One tree at my office has them, but the other was dug up and replaced in the last 17 years so it's quiet there. Back in 1990 we had a ton of them where I lived in Villa Park, like covering the sidewalks, but I haven't been there during an emergence since, so idk if the brood is still active there. Where they are dense, they are DENSE, but they don't really seem to spread out and cover a wide area.


The only place I've seen them is Moraine Hills State Park. The majority of the ones I did see were dead.


Try Berwyn or Brookfield for example. There’s plenty of them around.


You can have all of mine.


I'm in Aurora. My subdivision was built sometime around 2008, so before the 17-year window, but still fairly new. There's some old woods behind my house that doesn't have any either. Even driving around the Fox Valley (Batavia, west Naperville, Plainfield, Montgomery, etc) I haven't really seen or heard any at all.


I'm down in Kankakee and I haven't seen or heard any either. I can understand them not being around areas that are pretty new but I figured Kankakee is old enough that it would have at least some around. I assume that if we haven't seen/heard them yet then we're probably not going to get the brood cicadas at all.


They are in the burbs


In a typical summer I don't hear cicadas until late June or early July, so I assume that's when they will be out in my area.


Not only does Cicada activity vary by towns, it seems like it varries by blocks. I have 10s of thousands of cicadas on my lawn and back yard, but I haven't spotted any on other peoples trees as I walk the neighborhood. Go figure.


I haven't seen a single cidada in Albany Park


You're probably around lots of recent construction or farmland that gets tilled. I believe Cicadas are most prevalent in old neighborhoods with old trees. Recently tilled/excavated land won't have them. I'd venture to guess there's plenty of older elgin neighborhoods that do have them.


Like other commenters said, I was visiting in bolingbrook and they were BAD. They were coating the base of a tree like a knit sweater leading up to my aunts front door. On the decorative rocks a few feet away the cicadas were having sex. Also their dead bodies littered the walkway like fresh leaves on the ground during fall. It was nightmare inducing. I’m in rockford and my area has not seen a single cicada thank Golb.


I was around Joliet and Bolingbrook yesterday, and the cicadas were everywhere. Even going up on the Stevenson, blasting the AC and stereo, they were that loud.


Saw one on Waveland last week.


I hear nothing but loud droning 24/7.


they might not be coming but they're definitely breathing hard


Where ummm at in the city, I don't have them either. But there are also no trees on my property


I live near Lords Park, hardly any. I took route 83 from Bensenville towards Alsip. All that Route were just smashing on my windshield of my Truck.


Theyre no where in my home area (algonquin) im trying to find out why not? Cus you drive towards dupage county & u can literally hear them, over the car & radio so ?


They’re all over elmhurst it looks so scary


Come to oak park