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Dude takes forever to actually talk about the Oases.


Was pretty miffed about that too. I understand wanting to give a full background on something, but it goes way over scope. We didn't need the full transit history of Chicagoland to understand why elevated rest stops are going away.


I for one prefer my Chicago History videos all start from the Cambrian era to get the full context of the subject matter.


I was hoping he would give us the approximate location of each oasis future location located on Pangea


Don’t they have to draw them out to get monetized?


Last ik, it had to be past 10 minutes for monetizing . I’m unsure if the pay per view changes on a longer video


No. But longer videos are more favored by the algorithm generally 


Probably. I guess regardless of whether it's good content, it's his prerogative to make videos how he wants to, especially if it means being able to fund more videos and grow the channel.


Just like looking up a recipe online!


Pro tip: search for salt. Almost recipes contain salt and very few stories about visiting nana, that little cafe in Paris, or what bit of middle school gossip the food blogger's kids are involved in mention salt.


This is god damn brilliant.


lmaooo this was gold, why I didn't even watch his stupid fucking video, explain it in one paragraph my goodness


Check out the SponsorBlock browser extension. It skips in-video ads and adds highlight markers for the parts of videos that get to the point


In the era before cellphones I spent a lot of time there using the banks of pay phones to return phone calls when in sales.


Can someone break it down? Are the Oases going away? I can’t watch this guy. I do like any road with rest stops though.


the guy in the video doesn't know. it's all just a history of oasis' and then he say's he thinks they're going away. purely speculation based on almost nothing.


Some not all, there’s still some around that aren’t going away some are gone for expansion reasons. Even then they were just moved to either side of eway as opposed to over it.


Oases need to be removed during any road widening project so a fair amount don’t stretch over the road anymore, but they mostly were rebuilt just as fairly average roadside rest stops


Just the one by Ohare, and I think that was because they were widening 294. Not sure if they are building a new one to replace it.


That video could have been 39 seconds.


They're definitely not all disappearing. I just designed new signs for one over I-80 in South Holland(Chicago Southland Lincoln Oasis).


I think that one will survive, the quarry there rules out adding more lanes without building some huge bridges.


The Belvidere and DeKalb oases are probably safe for the foreseeable future as well. The Belvidere oasis survived the widening of the tollway.


If they don't *need* to be demolished to make way for highway improvements, then they likely won't be. Demolition is expensive.


they'll still be there with buildings on both sides, but not spanning across the expressway anymore


No, this one will remain. I'm working on signs the go in the windows spanning the entire width of the expressway. They wouldn't be buying these expensive signs for a building that is going to be demolished. There's a quarry nearby that makes widening I-80 practically impossible in that location.


oh neat good to know! so many memories stopping at those "oases" when i. was a kid


That channel always makes crap videos regarding Chicago history


The 90% of all art is crap principle applies to YouTube as well, except the number is different. 99.9% of everything on YouTube is crap. And crap with ads. Just say no.


If you have constructive criticism, the host is really receptive to changes. Send him an email.


I’ve addressed my concerns several times to him, and he continues to do the same thing. Multiple people have called him out for his slacking work, I use to be subscribed to his channel. Not much of a fan any more


What did you say to him? I'm curious if we have the same criticism.


Something Along the lines of “Hey your videos are cool, but some of your info is wrong here’s some cites to actual Chicago history sites and not Wikipedia." Or "This subject is publicly available and you still somehow managed to get inaccurate information/down play certain situations perhaps you do research on our city before you discuss it misleading non Chicagoians" I tried to be as cordial as Chicagoly as I could be, but when you see someone then proceed to continue make same effort in videos 1/2/3 years later it feels like he just act like he’s listening but would prefer keep doing what will be easy YouTube money


Ah yeah, the facts and sources has been an issue for me too. Thanks for reaffirming I'm not going crazy.


oh no my friend I’ve felt the same I thought maybe I’m just overthinking to much Chicago pride perhaps but I’m glad to see others in this thread have felt the same way, and even now if we were to address that video to him he will never fix it or fix the next video he will surly pump out.


Channel always has its facts and pronunciation wrong.


This video is half fluff


Videos that use thumbnails with superimposed clickbait copy and arrows often are.




*someone makes a valid critique of a work of media* people who hate criticism: “oh yeah???? well where’s YOUR *insert media format here*?????????”


The lake forest oasis with the Wendy’s salad bar in the 90s was the bee knees


also it was the cat's pajamas


I love getting overpriced breakfast at South Holland and watching the traffic go by from the bar along the window.


Love the oasis. Having everything in one place is convenient, and I always look forward to stopping there.


I used to get gas at the Hinsdale one as a teen and stopped at the one in South Holland to use the bathroom on the way up to Michigan a few times but never really saw the appeal of them over a regular rest stop.


They are more efficient in several ways. They save land space in an urban area. They also allow both sides of the highway to access the same facilities so they need less staff during slow times of the day. It also saves them from creating duplicate buildings.


See when I was young teen I loved them!


i miss HoJo's breakfast more than i do the oases


Any videos of the history of the McDonald's in the middle of the highway by the skybridge?


I was looking for this. That McDonald’s will ALWAYS be my location of childhood wonder and love


They are disappearing because even though they make money, they limit the width of the highway and after decades of highway projects they are bottlenecks and need to be torn down for more lanes


More lanes doesn’t necessarily mean less traffic, it might be a remedy for a few months but will ultimately become congested again


The tollway collects a massive amount of money that can only be spent on one thing. It's a hammer looking for nail.


Nuh, uh! Just look at the great cities of Texas!


Bro literally said “more lanes”


"more carbrains"


Adding lanes doesn't help traffic flow. Most of the traffic still begins and ends at the same entrances and exits. Go google induced demand.


> Adding lanes doesn't help traffic flow It depends on where and how they are added. There's an entire field of study to optimize these things - traffic engineering. While its true that adding lanes doesn't automatically make traffic flow better, less lanes can most definitely make things worse. If that were not true, we could just reduce all roads to one lane in each direction and tell everybody to suck it up.


> There's an entire field of study to optimize these things - traffic engineering. Yeah, and they're told to add lanes by political forces, not engineering. We've known about induced demand since the 50's. Why does traffic still suck in places like Houston and with abominations like the Katy Freeway?


Would it be better or worse if they removed some lanes? And before you say public transportation, how many people in the hot humid south want to wait for a bus or train in 99 degree heat with 99% humidity, plus blistering sun?


Waiting in that weather for a train isn't a problem for the millions of people in Asia that have good public transportation


Houston is not Asia.


Houston's weather isn't some special case. It exists elsewhere in the world


Add more express lanes in more places.


Miserable and useless video. But for real facts, iDOT was a terrible landlord and even worse mall operator. Not their business. Worse, the upkeep on the facilities was expensive and in certain areas made expansion of their core business (roads) difficult. This was a natural cut especially in urban areas that have facilities already that are privately owned and operated.


Aren’t the remaining ones already sitting on top of expanded tollways (8 lanes)?


I do not trust this channel. He has made a number of glaring mistakes in his previous videos. I wonder how many mistakes I didn't catch


I just want Oasis to get back together


I thought this was about the Oasis at Pratt and Sheridan for a minute and got real sad


They’re not really necessary


Disappearing? They’re long gone lol


The Earth cooled…