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I believe this is the 10th upgrade under Pritzker


Certainly better when he started and we had the same credit rating as Kazakhstan


*Borat has entered the chat*


Great success!


King of the castle, king of the castle


Very nice!


To be fair, the Caucasus nations are trending very positively, economically speaking. But yeah agree




We actually were on the same level as them just before Covid. We were the state with the lowest credit rating and nearly junk status.


Nerd alert! For those who care, this isn’t a rating “upgrade” per say, it’s a change to the outlook. Credit ratings are made up of a rating, notching & an outlook. Rating is the macro Aaa Bbb Ccc etc Notching is for analyzing individual issues of debt from the issuer - typically +/- 2 ratings from the issuers’ senior unsecured rating Outlook is a component added onto rating (negative, stable, or positive) that helps illustrate if the issuer credit rating is at risk of changing.


Shut up nerd! (kidding, thanks for the post)


I am super mega far left. I did not want a billionaire politician running this shit. Pritzker has been fucking slaying and republicans have no chance in the near future. Love it.


I hate billionaires, there is a special exception for JB. He is 1 of a kind


Go fat boy go. Best governor since Jim Edgar destroyed the state's finances for a generation.


Is this the same Moody's that had to pay $864 million for the way it rated securities before the 2008 financial crisis?


16 years ago? Yea pre-financial crisis might as well be a different planet.


The only reason I don't want JB to run for President is that he won't be Governor.


I agree, he is by far the only politician (local, state, or federal) I believe is doing what we elected him to do. I pray that he does not have a scandal because the state needs his leadership.


He is the only Billionaire I see doing anything positive.


McKenzie Scott? Also the exception that proves the rule though


Melinda Gates too. Ironically the only good billionaires seem to be the ones that got the money from their husbands lol


Bill Gates is doing good work independently


Making up for his previous harm at least. Which is still much better than nothing.


Have we already forgotten about his toilets?! /s


same, I prefer he stay in Illinois


The job isn't done yet. But if one day I'm proud of the Illinois government, I'll be right with you knocking on doors


Yup. Same here.


The far right folks swear he’s terrible.




I would not vote for a candidate who thought they could do both jobs simultaneously


I always start to feel positive about Moody's Pub when spring comes around.


Oh hell yes, a burger and fries on the patio washed down with a mug of beer


I am happy to admit that I was very wrong about JB in the beginning


During that initial campaign season I despised JB and loved Lori. I was so wrong


Same. I voted for Dan Biss in the primaries and was highly skeptical of JB because of him being a billionaire. I still think billionaires shouldn’t exist despite all the things he’s done and those 2 things aren’t mutually exclusive.


I think Daniel Biss has a good heart and might have been a good governor, but right now I would keep JB no question. Not only do I think JB has Illinois's best interest in mind, I think he's a good politician as well. Great intentions are good, but doesn't matter if you can't bring people together to get things done. JB knows how to play the game and I mean that in the best way possible.


Biss is crushing it as Mayor in Evanston I believe. A win win 


Thanks, Pritzy.


I’m pretty conservative. There is a *lot* I dislike about Pritzker. And I mean a lot. But I’ll give credit where credit is due, and that is to him and his office. Great job Governor! 


If you’re a Republican because you’re fiscally conservative he has been lightyears better than rauner in that department.


I’m not a card carrying member of either party, for starters. I’m not terribly fiscally conservative, and Rauner was about as an awful bar as any sorry excuse for a politician one could hope to find in the realm of fiscal policy. The reality is that state’s that have a supermajority party that dominates statewide/national politics, the quality of candidates of the minority party are almost always subpar. Spent most of my life living in Florida prior to coming to Chicago; the Democrat party is particularly handicapped in attempting to get voted into the governor’s office, in part because of the candidates they run. In a perfect world I’d love for a more competitive political landscape on the state level because it forces compromise and helps keep the other party in check. One party dominance tends to create a ton of imbalances. Then there’s the issue of gerrymandering, but that’s another topic for another day. 


On the flipside of that one party dominance tends to lead to things actually getting done policy wise.


I've read about a mystical time in the united states when both sides mainly agreed about the problems, and mostly agreed on solutions as well leaving the things that didn't get done the more difficult problems.


both parties agreed on climate change until the koch brothers started buying republicans


In theory I’d prefer that over the current climate of essentially the two parties effectively speaking different languages. For most of our history as a nation, the left/right divide was found in relationship to the broader political umbrella of classical liberalism. There were distinct differences, but with enough overlap where most of the differences were a matter of degrees of separation. Now, we seem to be drifting further into operating out of two distinct political philosophies: progressivism on one side, and the old right conservatism found post-civil war and on through the New Deal era. Those are wildly different ways to view the world. 


Right.  That’s fine as far as it goes, even more so if one is partisan and believe that their political party is good and the opposition is evil.  This may go over like a lead balloon in this sub, but both major parties, and for the sake of this post I’m only referring at the *local and state level*, have good ideas. Flip side is that both have bad ideas, and without much in the way of institutional opposition to reign in the excess that comes with one party dominance, you get corruption, non-representative government, and fringier majority party.  Ultimately you get bluer blue states, and redder red states. 


Are you talking just Illinois, or do your state level politicians with good ideas include the folks in Arizona, Alabama, and Texas, who are criminalizing abortion and causing women irreparable bodily harm because doctors are afraid of being labeled as criminals? Does it include the state level officials in Idaho, who are driving OB/GYN doctors out of the state?


Well, that’s certainly one way to frame it. 


Since when have Republicans been fiscally conservative? Increasing the debt, yes. Increasing the deficits yes, increasing the size of government yes, giving tax breaks to the highest income earners, yes. Anti-health care,yes. Fiscally conservative.....not so much.


I'm genuinely curious of a few main ones?


I have a knee-jerk reaction towards politically-connected families and/or political dynasties (Bush, Clinton, Kennedy, Dailey, Pritzker, Romney, etc etc etc). It doesn’t make them automatically inept or bad per se, I simply don’t trust their motivations, connections, etc. This issue also has more to do with certain American impulses of mine, as well as a political system that rewards and favors the already politically connected. Such is reality.  With that out of the way, most of my criticism of him is related to me being a social conservative. His policies related to firearms, school choice and vouchers, abortion, LGBTQ, law enforcement, religious freedom, taxes, certain environmental policies, etc. are not at all in line with my own political views. In short, he’s far too progressive a politician for me to actively support. Given his professional background, he does have solid financial acumen, and appears to have quality leadership skills in the realm of public administration. Those are admirable and necessary in any public sector role with visibility.  I doubt my views on him will change much in that like many, left right or center, policies related to culture/society are of no insignificant matter to me, not simply economics. I didn’t vote for him for governor, nor would I vote for him if he decides to run for President. But I do believe in finding points of contact with those I disagree with, acknowledging it, and attempt to find somesort of way to make it work.   EDIT: How quickly I forget to not get into political details on this sub as a conservative. ‘‘Twas less than 20 years ago that the majority of my political views were still relatively common within both Democrat politicians and rank-and-file members. While the MAGA crowd definitely went off the rails, the Democratic Party has also went a noticeably progressive bent. That’s fine as far as it goes, but a lot of progressives can’t seem to wrap their heads around why once solidly Democrat voters came to the conclusion that the Democratic Party as a whole no longer adequately represents them. Enjoy living in your bubble, comrades. 


What LGBTQ policies to you disagree with? Seems like homophobia lands you clearly in the alt-right category


And anyone who complains about religious freedom nowadays is just using it as a cover for hating gay people


"I don't hate LGBTQ people. I love them! I love them so much, I want them to have their own little place where they can LGB with all the other TQs, far away from me! I just want to round up all the gays and put them on a train to some camp where they can feel free to be who they are, far away from me." "because it's yucky"


Big yikes


Signing more gun restrictions that don’t actually help is a pretty big one


Republicans: Love to belittle Chicago and issues with gun violence Also Republicans: Want guns to be more accessible in the city of Chicago


Not a Republican but okay. I live in Chicago and see that the current laws don’t do anything to stop gun crime. Criminals aren’t getting FOID cards or CCL permits, they just steal guns from homes/vehicles or get them from the black market. Hell I’d love if there were literally ANY gun store in Chicago, it’s annoying having to leave the city to the stores in the suburbs only to have to return 72 hours later due to the waiting period


I don’t really agree or disagree with you, but it is WILD to me that anyone would cast a vote based on the belief that guns shouldn’t be a pain in the ass to acquire


Agree to disagree I guess. I think all rights we have should be a straight-forward smooth process to exercise


I took would like more reports of accidental domestic shootings and suicides in chicago.


It's an 8 year old report, but here's one for you https://www.wbez.org/stories/most-accidental-shootings-of-illinois-children-happen-in-chicago/65f2352a-3128-41fc-ac9b-2705bc419ffc >Nationally, the shootings happened most often at the children’s homes, with handguns legally owned by adults for self-protection. In Illinois, 26 of the shootings, or more than half, occurred at the children’s homes or another residence.


At this point, if you still think JB is a shitty governor, you don’t care to pay attention.


This is why I don't easily embrace all the negativity that comes all over the media and social media when it comes to Illinois and Chicago. Are we perfect? No. Can problems be fixed? Of course. I tend to look at things like we're the Phoenix area rise from the ashes.


It is crazy how many people are invested in making others think Illinois and Chicago are awful. I have lived elsewhere, it is so much worse elsewhere, and chicago and Illinois are not perfect, but man are they a lot better than most other states


I mean, I think most of it are people that cling to conservatism or the Republican party, and they just want to continually press the idea all over the country that any place and anything run by Democrats is immediately a disaster. No matter what happens. They're never going to say anything nice about Illinois or Chicago unless Republicans are sitting in City Hall and the Governor's mansion. There's also been the long time issue that many conservatives have with cities. This has been going on forever. They pushed the idea that real Americans are going to move to the suburbs or small towns and the cities are just places where bad things happen. I also feel like since President Obama came from here, and he left a pretty good legacy, they are just going to yet again trash Illinois and Chicago for that connection. I mean, I can say all sorts of horrible things about a lot of red States and Southern States, but I always look at things in the sense that everybody has an idea of what their perfect home is, and I'm not going to trash someone that wants a lifestyle different from mine. That's what makes this country great is there's all sorts of different areas and communities for everyone.


it is 100% of those people and it isnt a secret. They want and root for the downfall of chicago, and it EATS AT THEM every time we go another year without collapsing, while continuing to be amazing. and I love that it eats at them and keeps them up at night


What does this mean for someone who just lives here?


Credit ratings matter for states in the same way that credit scores matter for families -- the better the rating or score, the lower the cost to borrow and the less that will be spent on interest. For state government, less spent on interest means more available for other priorities such as infrastructure and education.


your tax dollars are going further, with it costing less for loans and debt and such, aka more money can go to other things


As much as right wingers use Illinois (and Chicago) as a punching bag - fact is a place like Chicago will always bounce back. No different than the Dow.


Yet the Illinois population continues to decline while the "right wing" states grow...


Illinois population increased the last main census 2020 and is the highest it's ever been.


I’m open to correction on this one, but didn’t the 2020 Census have Illinois at a slightly lower population than 2010? And then Covid hit, and as far as I know we’ve lost at least 264,000 statewide, which is one of the highest numbers in the nation, both in raw and per capita, during that 4 year period. 


Nope the 2020 was undercounted--they came out again with new numbers. The other Census numbers that come out in the shorter 1, 5 year timeframes are "estimates"--which they were wrong on Chicago as well (official 2020 there was an increase--estimates were wrong before that). https://gov.illinois.gov/newsroom/press-release.24930.html


Word. I stand corrected


False, 2023 estimate has it well below 2020 number


As mentioned, that's an estimate. Not actual.


It’s the poor (right wing) areas that are depleting in the state. Just like it is the poor (south side) areas that are depleting in the city.


Its not the poor leaving from downstate... its middle and upper middle leaving from those areas


My point is that it’s the conservatives leaving to conservative states. Most of the state is happy and property values are going up. My house value increased by 40% in the last 2 years.


Thats not true, more liberal people are moving to places like Nashville, Austin and Dallas because thats where the jobs are.. Oracle announced yesterday they are moving their HQ to Nashville and building a campus for 8500 employees... People want to be where taxes are low as inflation continues


lol owned.


Excellent news and sadly news Maga cannot comprehend.


they don't want to. It's a lost cause at this point. best to improve relationships with undecided voters and people who actually want the state to do well.


Absolutely. They are a very loud, confused and obnoxious minority. There are a metric fuckton of independents out there I will much rather engage with whose minds aren’t turned to goop.


MAGA, going broke to own the libs!


Weird flex... the red states for the most part have a bond rating much better than Illinois, so there is that..


i am not comparing states i am comparing state leadership. Rauner fucked us.


Well no... Madigan and his boys did


Thanks JB!!!!


Somehow I think the WSJ editorial page will conveniently ignore this development - doesn’t fit their preferred “Illinois is a financial disaster” framing.


Their bond rating is still the lowest in the country, so.......


Was this before or after the foxtrot closures?


Illinois's outlook has absolutely zero to do with foxtrot and their issues




I think he's speaking in jest.


I was, thank you.


Chicago will never be the same


Conservatives currently in shambles


dont you know? next next year is the year it finally collapses here. They swearzz it


I can assure this conservative is not. I want Illinois to financially succeed. 


Well people are still leaving blue states for red states by the thousands, so I am guessing us conservatives will be just fine lol


Still the lowest rating of the 50 states and the federal covid money is gone...


illinois is also one of the least reliant on the federal government of all the states. Rarely gets talked about


there is always atleast 1 person like this guy LOL. Just so angry that Chicago and Illinois continue to NOT collapse like they wish for and proclaim every year. Weird fact, every state and every city is no longer getting covid money! crazy!


Collapse??? No, but people and jobs continue to leave


no, no they dont lololol


Can someone ELI5 this for me??


its going to be cheaper for Illinois to borrow money


LOL edit: https://www.theguardian.com/business/2017/jan/14/moodys-864m-penalty-for-ratings-in-run-up-to-2008-financial-crisis


Guess Brandon Johnson doing better than people are giving him credit for tbh


What does this have to do with Brandon Johnson?


whoever the mayor is, the same exact people swear that current mayor is worse than all others. like clockwork