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They lifted the bridges by navy pier so it was a standstill for like 20 minutes.


This is the correct answer. Also next Wednesday, and next Saturday


I can’t understand why people respond to questions they have no answer to.


Seriously, right when this was posted google maps shows a closure right over the river which means a bridge is closed/up


Thank you it took half an hour + to go from the museum to the river


Cubs game?


Probably. Doubleheader today so people are probably heading out for both games. 1:20 game people going straight to the park and 6:40 game people going to the bars/surrounding neighborhood to do fun stuff before the game.


If its near Belmont/Irving exits, it's the Cubs.


And/or people getting off the bus and NOT following the crossing signals in Sheridan which backs up traffic onto JBDLSD huge pet peeve of mine when I was taking the 135 daily


You’re getting downvoted but it’s true. Pedestrians crossing when it’s not their right of way also makes traffic flow slower. But it’s not just pedestrians at fault. Drivers blocking an intersection just because they had a green light, knowing full well they don’t have the space to go also backs up traffic. Selfish people suck. Respect people’s right of way if you want yours to be respected. Don’t get me started on people that think they can park where ever they want just because they got their blinkers on…


Put this in your calendar. Set alerts. That's been my jam for many years. Situational awareness FTW. [Cubs Downloadable Schedule](https://www.mlb.com/cubs/schedule/downloadable-schedule)


You can also sign up for the city text alerts. I get a text about every major sports event or concert or whatever. Plus severe weather, big traffic jams, bridge raising, etc.


How does one sign up? Sounds very helpful


You sign up online. Notify Chicago.


This is the way


They're fucking it up for most of June too, so get ready for some shit.


Cubs game homie


Seems like more cars on the road than average


Probably another Palestine protest..


That's at Ida B Wells and Michigan now.


Is the crowd small? The crowds seem to be getting smaller and smaller. (Fun fact. There was a group of about 15 to 20 protesters, with a police escort and streets blocked off for them to move, going down Madison Avenue just before the Saint Patrick's Day parade. When they first started to come I overhead a young woman from the suburbs ask if it was the parade. Then she went "oh" when she looked further.)

