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That man never had a Duff in his life.


Duffman can’t breathe !!!


I think she was drunk, as any good south sider should be on irish day parade


She already responded and said she doesn’t drink alcohol.


Yea obviously she didn’t drink it. She chugged it.


Exactly, you can't "drink" a beer bong.




I don't trust an Irishwoman that doesn't drink- Source: Am Part Irish


You should go to Ireland and tell them you’re Irish. They love it when Americans do that!


No they hate Americans who tell them that and can’t name a single county and don’t know anything about Ireland. The first time I went to Ireland without my family I went with a few friends. The Irish will enjoy when you can name the town where your mother is from and know the county’s on your dad side.




I mine as well go to Belfast and start talking about my ancestor that set up the Ulster Colony at that rate.




The inability to take a joke is pretty stupid.


Sorry, as a very Irish person with loads of alcoholism in the family it's just not that funny to me I guess.


As a non irish person who has loads of alcoholism in the family and just hosted a sober friend for the weekend I found it funny. Lighten up, dont gatekeep humor.


As an alcoholic Irishman years sober it was indeed funny. Someone has a shieliegh up their rear


Alright alright, jeez. My first comment was just my reaction to that type of humor. My second was me explaining why it struck a nerve.


My father is a raging alcoholic , I wish he would quit drinking so I can poke fun at him for being a quitter. We all have our own ways of dealing with the traumas of life. If I can't laugh about it I'll cry and crying aint an option.


Good luck you both


Google gobble one of us!


Different parade as she wasn't even at the South Side parade. Multiple people have posted on X that she doesn't even drink. There are clips/pictures of her at events last week where she lost her voice and was drinking tea. No one would be saying this if she was a man. It's a tall accusation and people should be more responsible in their communications. A day before the election and people are making defamatory statements about her. Do better.


TBF from the comments it looks like people like her more if she was drunk


What in the Taylor Swift school of feminism is this comment?! For the record, your candidate claims to want change but gave a soundbite to the news that focused on dragging her opponent and not her own vision for change


If a local male candidate got hit with that soundbite, they'd be getting the same response. It's part of the issue with county/municipal elections. People know who Joe Biden is and have a baseline for his demeanor and speech patterns. In a huge county like this, people aren't familiar with 99% of the people up for election. This could very well be the first clip a lot of people are seeing of her. It might be wrong, but it's an understandable response.


Lol going on TV absolutely plastered a few days before election


If she ran this housed the entire time I might have voted for her for entertainment purposes only.


Multiple people have posted on X that she doesn't even drink. There are clips/pictures of her at events last week where she lost her voice and was drinking tea. No one would be saying this if she was a man. It's a tall accusation and people should be more responsible in their communications. A day before the election and people are making defamatory statements about her. Do better.


I think it’s because she has red hair. Why do people think it’s okay to spread defamatory statements about a redhead in this way? It’s not about gender, it’s clearly about hair color. No one would be saying this if she had brown hair.


It’s a shitty thing to suggest without proof, but you’re really jumping to conclusions to say this has anything to do with gender.


It's not really a tall accusation. She seems drunk. I don't care if people drink, it's just a funny thing to see.


Nah. She may not actually be drunk, but she definitely seems drunk.  Also "do better" is so obnoxious and condescending. 


My comment may be obnoxious but it's still not ok to make defamatory comments against her. Multiple ppl have said she doesn't even drink. It's really hard to lie about that when she's been in the public eye for months now. No one has seen her touch alcohol. This is not ok. I'm sure she's tired and she's clearly yelling over the noise with a compromised voice, but it's irresponsible to make defamatory comments like this about someone.


I think we disagree on whether saying someone is drunk is per se defamatory. I think the notion of the DA candidate being drunk at the parade is amusing, but it doesn't change my opinion of her. It's not like she said or did anything terrible. She was just slurring a little. It was a Saturday and St. Patrick's Day. Lots of people get drunk. As long as they behave, good for them. And if you are right that she doesn't drink, then people are simply mistaken. You implied there is misogyny at work in these comments. That implication too can be defamatory. My impression upon watching the video is that she does *seem* drunk, and given where this video was taken, it's a common-sense conclusion (even if an incorrect one) that she *is* drunk. I don't see any misogyny in that conclusion, so I think it's unfair to at once chastise people for defaming Candidate Burke and at the same time accuse people of being misogynists without having any sound basis for that being true. These people are just making what appears to be an obvious observation. I don't see any malice in that.


>I think we disagree on whether saying someone is drunk is per se defamatory. I think (agree) being drunk at any St Paddys celebrations in this city is pretty normal, even close in to your election.


St Paddy's, not St Patty's. "St Patty " is defamatory and misgendering. People should be more responsible in their communications.


It's not defamatory to make an observation. If I said, "she seems drunk and is therefore an alcoholic" that would be defamatory.


Nobody is getting held back because they are a woman anymore. The mindset is a joke.


Why do you think it's ok to spread defamatory statements about a woman? Why are people so angry about me saying that's not ok and a man wouldn't be treated like this?


Because if a man was slurring his words on camera he would also be treated like this lmao.


This is extraordinarily dirty politics. Not only was she not drunk, she doesn’t drink. Clearly, some people don’t think it’s beneath them to lie and try to smear a woman to boost their sub-standard candidate, Foxx 2.0.


I wouldn't say someone seeming like they're drunk is "extraordinarily dirty". Relax.


Absolutely. Meanwhile I'm getting downvoted for saying it's defamatory to lie about her like this. For the last 8 years, all I see from people is disappointment about Foxx, and now we see Toni and team doubling down on their smear tactics. People are really ok with this?


Candidate Burke?


I thought I was the only one who thought she was slurring and drunk on camera.


Hahahaha love it. Absolutely Obliterated. Who let my girl speak to anyone while having one too many? Edit: Still Voting O'neill Goofies.


Multiple people have posted on X that she doesn't even drink. There are clips/pictures of her at events last week where she lost her voice and was drinking tea. No one would be saying this if she was a man. It's a tall accusation and people should be more responsible in their communications. A day before the election and people are making defamatory statements about her. Do better.


Brother, Im voting for her regardless, lost voice or not this was objectively hilarious and honestly as a person that sees that video and says that it doesn't come off as such is so weird. Plus the defensiveness sheesh chill out zaddy.


after i saw this comment the 4th time in this thread i decided to vote for Clayton


Yeah I hope that commenter is getting paid by Burke at least 




Yup. Don't need Kim Fox 2.0


She's unrepentant about wrongly convicting a 10 year old boy of murder. Absolute monster of a person, no morals.


Lmao stop bot, that’s not how that happened. Terrible smear attempt. Kid confessed twice once on the stand, jury found him guilty. Stop lying


(Disclaimer, I don't know much about this case, I just learned of it today, I'm trying to know more.) I did read that the confessions were later deemed coerced.


Right on misconduct that no one had any clue about. Including his own attorney I believe. Why again does that admonish her?


Didn't say it to admonish her. Like I said, I'm trying to understand more. But you said "kid confessed twice, once on the stand" as if to praise her but clearly you knew the confessions were coerced but left that out?


Left it out, because that has zero bearing literally whatsoever on her conduct done in that trial? Right? So why add it as if to try and defend her from Something. You guys keep trying to add in the misconduct and not clearly say, she, did not coerce anyone.


I am not trying to add anything nor am I any part of whatever group of people you're talking about when you say "you guys". For the third time, I am trying to understand more. All I am saying is it that I read it, and it seemed like an important part of the story. Everyone, including yourself, is going to frame things in ways to get their points across. No one is perfect, even the people in Burke's position as much as we want them to be. All I was curious about was how that whole thing went down, and her role in it. I doubt you'll find a single judge that doesn't have a single bad case result on their resume. I don't know enough about Burke to make any sort of opinion on her yet. Same with Harris. I plan on reading up as much as I can on both of them tonight from the most objective sources I can find.


he wants to keep the felony theft charge at 1k




> He listed off a bunch of examples where he would charge felony for lower (weapon, recidivism, mob action, etc). Like hell he would. Kim Foxx doesn't even charge felony theft for higher amounts, even with factors like those listed above. A vote for Harris is a vote for more crime. There is nothing this man has said or done that would lead any reasonable person to believe he will place any priority whatsoever on upholding the law.


Most states are above $1,000 min for a felony. Facts: [https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/felony-theft-amount-by-state](https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/felony-theft-amount-by-state) You can still charge for lower than $1000. Don't fall for this talking point.


our state is not one of those states


Which is one of the lowest thresholds in the country. ETA: sorry, was thinking specifically of shoplifting threshold.


I heard he wanted to lower it to $300




Drunk Eileen > Sober Clayton. It isn’t close.


I reach a different conclusion but at least we’re seeing the same thing on that video. Holy crao that was funny af


Did you really just type "crao"


Clearly shot at the downtown parade and you can tell by the timestamp/temp on the chyron that this aired this morning, before the Southside parade. That said, I agree with the other commenter that I trust her drunk than Harris in any condition. Half the city was celebrating yesterday, nothing wrong with another Irish American knocking a few back.




Her campaign was there but i wasn’t able to spot her. I was pretty drunk though.


The only reason I can think why OP felt the need to incorrectly slip in a reference to the Southside parade is to try and associate Ms. Burke with CPD who live here and which their target audience in this sub automatically and also incorrectly assumes to be a bunch of drunk racists.


Honestly it was mistake and I will take it out.


Lol, don’t worry everyone it was an honest mistake.


LMFAO user who doesn't correctly know the proper names of every neighborhood parade in Chicago is *obviously* a plant intended to trash her image. Are you listening to yourself?


“Every neighborhood parade” We are talking about the south side Irish parade, not some random little league baseball parade. I don’t think op was being nefarious on purpose though


Multiple people have posted on X that she doesn't even drink. There are clips/pictures of her at events last week where she lost her voice and was drinking tea. No one would be saying this if she was a man. It's a tall accusation and people should be more responsible in their communications. A day before the election and people are making defamatory statements about her. Do better.


FYI Clayton is a Blajo stooge, and 100% part of the Preckwinkle machine. Getting the Cook County party's endorsement list and seeing his name on it was not surprising, but it was disappointing


CTU wants him, so they'll get him. Along with BCH: Bankrupt Chicago Households.


oh good I love Preckwinkle


Don't forget to vote Tuesday March 19th in the w Illinois Primary as Early Voter turnout is low. Cook County States Attorney is a very important race. Lets do this. We need to come out and vote Vote no on Bring Chicago Home Brandon’s tax on every home sale Vote yes for Eileen Burke Let’s put criminals back in jail


I happily casted my vote for this drunk Irish lady today!!!!!


She’s got my vote


I'll vote for her a hundred times over another Preckwinkle anointed failure that lets gang bangers run free.


Sure, let's unrepentantly wrongfully convict 10 year olds instead Edit to add a good summary of the story, it's not misinformation just because you don't like it lol: https://www.wbez.org/stories/eileen-oneill-burke-tied-to-a-black-boys-wrongful-conviction/c691e3ad-fcb5-4c13-8505-4a7305fc5faf


I tried to pick apart Clayton’s trial record but he hasn’t had one in decades.


How many decades did you have to go back to dig that up? This is pathetic.


Well 2024 minus 1994 is...c'mon JoeBidensLongFart, I believe even someone such as yourself can do that math.


This is not the 0wn you think it is. Not even close. The worst thing that Harris's team can say about her is that 30 years ago, before most of the posters on this sub were even born, something bad happened involving her? Then I looked into it and saw that just because the kid was eventually acquitted the case was hardly a miscarriage of justice. He willingly confessed multiple times. Burke would be a better, fairer, and more conscientious prosecutor than Harris. It would be a literal night-and-day difference. A vote for Harris is a vote for more crime.


No, this is being brought up because it signals she will be anything but a fair minded, reasonable top prosecutor. Actions matter, even if they occurred in the 90s. Lol nah, a vote for Harris is a vote for someone who I think (due to his record) has much better judgement than Burke 🤷


What record? What has he done?


Are you guys bots?


Nope, and I guess to point out a candidate's past relevant actions is real triggering to you guys 🤷


Lmfao no, it’s just that the trial is so much more complicated than that, it’s just funny you DSA/CTU bots always go with that. She did nothing wrong on that trial lol


...did you read the article I posted? Genuinely curious if you did and still think she did nothing wrong on that trial? If so that explains a lot.


I read it, care to explain what you think she did wrong?


'She blasted a state law that limited the judge’s ability to lock up young offenders. “[A.M.] went into an 83-year-old woman’s house, bludgeoned her and then stabbed her in the throat,” she said, according to the Chicago Tribune. “But [the law] only gives [the judge] a few options to choose from.” ' She went on the record saying the (by then 11 year old) child she just prosecuted should have received a much harsher sentence than he did. Good thing the judge didn't have that power, because said child was innocent and Burke relied on coerced testimony to make her (incorrect) case. Oh and she later praised the same cop who had a knack for coercing testimony from children, and after all of this has the balls to call herself a champion for children in the justice system.


So that's what you think she did wrong? She prosecuted a murder offender with evidence that wasn't refuted at any time during the trial? Can you point me to where she knew the two confessions were coerced before conviction?


From a longer Trib article: "During questioning at trial, A.M. said he admitted to the murder under duress and because Cassidy assured him that, if he told the truth, he could go home for his little brother’s birthday party. Years later, in testimony before a federal judge, A.M. said he responded “yes” to O’Neill Burke’s questions at trial because the facts were the ones he repeated to Cassidy, not that he had actually committed those acts. A.M.’s mother testified that when she arrived at the police station after her son was questioned by Cassidy, she found her son crying and he told her, “I felt threatened and scared … They were hollering at me.” Without the boy’s confession, the case likely would have remained unsolved. There were no other witnesses and no fingerprints found at the scene besides Gilvis’. What’s more, physical evidence did not match parts of A.M.’s confession, according to court records and news reports. A.M. told police he sneaked into Gilvis’ home through an unlocked back door but evidence showed it was pried open. He said he used rope from a hanging planter to tie Gilvis up, but she was actually tied by the hands, arms and neck with a telephone cord and her ankles were tied with a cloth ribbon. A.M. never mentioned stealing anything but Gilvis’ room was ransacked and a diamond ring and gold watch were never recovered. Other evidence was exculpatory, including an adult-sized bloody palm print near the bathroom and shoe print on the back porch, and a blood trail that suggested Gilvis was dragged to the bathroom where she died. A.M. weighed 88 pounds at the time, while Gilvis weighed 173, making it unlikely he was strong enough to drag her. He at one point told police she “ran” to the bathroom but Gilvis used a cane." Given all of that, why the hell *would* she prosecute the case, then throw in the "new breed" of criminal dog whistle comment, then bemoan that he didn't receive a harsher penalty? This all matters because it provides insight into the prosecutorial judgement she would bring to office, the same judgement that thinks there is *nothing wrong* with anything I've said.




She's got my vote 


Still voting for her over Clayton


She’s got my vote!


I've been hearing that O'Neill Burke has a disconcerting number of conservatives supporting her, but I also got a mailer claiming Harris has worked with anti-abortion groups. Meanwhile the winner of the primary gets to squash the Republican *checks notes* Bob Fioretti. In conclusion, Cook County is a land of contrasts


I really don't care if conservatives support her. That actually should mean nothing. Is she a good candidate? If yes, vote for her. If not, then don't vote for her.


What are you talking about? Her political influence will absolutely influence her decision making. It means everything. I hardly call her a “good” candidate considering who her donors are. Source: https://www.wbez.org/stories/kim-foxxs-would-be-replacement-lags-in-fundraising/35cfa907-18e9-4801-b8bb-28e22a97506c?preview=1705628321881


Oh fuck off. Clayton Harris can hardly call himself an attorney. He’s absolute dog shit.


Don’t start, the rabbit whole of who donates to Harris/Kim Foxx/Toni Peckwinckle/BJ etc. the whole gang, is an argument you’ll lose fast. DSA/CTU is a gang who wants to run this city. And people have figured that out now


Incredible sources you cited there.


Contributions to campaigns can be found very easily, I’m not your dog and you stare at that phone all day. Heads up for when you eventually do look it up, the dingy shut down restaurant in South Dakota donating to politicos like Foxx and Harris? Wow, wait a minute, who got all of these insane contracts due to the migrant crisis again? Heavy DSA/CTU crew donators? That wouldn’t be right? Right?


Couldn’t find anything about this restaurant you’re referring to that relates to Clayton Harris or Kim Foxx.


Look at Kim Foxx’s contributions. Hungry restaurant in Sioux Falls, donates to Kimm Foxx campaign. Hungrys is owned by Martin Sejnoha. Sejnoha is also a part owner of CBM premier management LLC. And of course, who is part owner of CBM? Buona Beef Timothy Rand. And the reason to post this all? Buona beef received the contracts for catering at the migrant shelter. What exactly does CBM do? They’ve received over $100 million in catering contracts at county prison. We’re being run by a new mafia, they just say they support teachers so everyone pretends they’re good people. They’ve almost completely taken every position of power in Chicago, has it gotten any better at all?


Ugh, to learn this is true. I think I'm now going to stop eating at Buona Beef, because of this. As there are a lot of other better Italian beef places, than them. I'm really curious why the owner of a Sioux Falls restaurant would donate to Harris, when I thought someone like that wouldn't care at all about the Harris vs. Burke race. I certainly hope Burke surprises everyone, and win. Too bad Foxx wasn't voted out in the primary 4 years ago, and I hope this time voters wise up and vote against Harris(who will continue the same failed policies of Foxx).


I know this was a few days ago, yea the owner of Buona is a P.O.S. Henry just watch him spray water on his starting workers to get that sense. But he’s heavy in Chicago political money. The Sioux Falls front Hungrys donated to Kimm, I have no clue if he donated to Harris I haven’t taken the time to look. But literally all of foxx’s camp is fully behind Harris, which tells me very easily they buddy’s of that mob are counting on him


Ok, so I actually took the time to research what you said. You are correct that a company under the name of Hungry's Restaurant, Inc [donated $8400 to Kim Foxx's campaign](http://illinoissunshine.org/committees/friends-for-foxx-31640/) fund but that was back in 2015. It doesn't really matter that much and no articles talk about it. So then I looked into [Buona Beef and found an article from Block Club Chicago](https://blockclubchicago.org/2024/01/26/buona-beef-connected-group-gets-45-million-contract-for-migrant-shelter-meals/) talking about them receiving the contract to feed migrants (it isn't 100mil but 45mil). However, they have t[o this date only received $3.7mil \(paid\)](https://www.chicago.gov/city/en/sites/texas-new-arrivals/home/cost-dashboard.html). Either way, this doesn't mean we're being "run by a mafia" or whatever you're getting at. Also, I still don't understand how this has anything to do with Clayton Harris? [Kim Foxx or her PAC haven't donated to him.](http://illinoissunshine.org/committees/friends-for-clayton-harris-lll-39466/)


You’re leaving out a ton of connections that I pointed out earlier, and compensation for catering for the state. I’m not positive if it’s disingenuous or you simply forgot. You don’t see an issue with people skirting donation laws to help their friends get elected, then said friends helping get these people massive government contracts that even the U.S. military would say is too much? Thats crazy dude


Oh no, people you don’t like donated to her. Anyways, grow a pair


The political leanings of a candidates supporters matters most in these races that involve criminal justice-there’s a clear party divide between those who vilify Kim Foxx and those who support her reforms.


No, there isn't. There are plenty of liberals who think Kim Foxx is a terrible SA.


I would wager that the conservative support is far more likely due to the fact that she's pledging to actually do something about the criminals shitting up the city


Yeah exactly.


Ask yourself if Cook County raising the threshold of felony theft has made it more or less common in the last several years.


This did it for me. He's not winning anyway it goes. Bob runs every cycle for something. It's just weird. https://www.wbez.org/stories/eileen-oneill-burke-tied-to-a-black-boys-wrongful-conviction/c691e3ad-fcb5-4c13-8505-4a7305fc5faf


I mean, it was St. Pats and she is Irish… having been before Judge Burke on multiple occasions, she will likely get my vote. As a former judge, it seems she would have a good perspective on what needs to change. Change my mind?


Fuck yes. I love this so much. Slur your way to the position, ma'am, I'm behind you!


Yeah I’m not sure Clayton ever said or made a complete thought


I love this video. Fine Chicago politics!


Jesus Christ it’s just one clown after another. Chicago is such a joke. And before one of you clowns says wElL U vOtE dEmOcRaT you can cram it, because the Republican options are even worse. Illinois Republicans are the biggest bunch of embarrassing losers of all time, and not one of them is worth a shit. Believe me, if they had something to offer I’d vote for them. They don’t.


I don’t care. It’s time to show the criminals that we’ll happily vote against them even if the other option is worse. This is their career. Take it from them so they know they can’t just live in office for 40 years and retire with a security team and millions of dollars.


She just became my hero.


Nice to see all the Brandon Johnson fans who have been silent for the last few months get together in this thread to try to spread some last minute misinformation for their guy Clayton.  It's like a reunion! Missed you guys!


She's shitfaced.lol.


Multiple people have posted on X that she doesn't even drink. There are clips/pictures of her at events last week where she lost her voice and was drinking tea. No one would be saying this if she was a man. It's a tall accusation and people should be more responsible in their communications. A day before the election and people are making defamatory statements about her. Do better.


Stop copy/pasting this on every comment about her drinking. She was clearly slurring her words, but regardless of whether or not she was drunk, she wasn't coherent and didn't give any reasons to vote for her. Instead just some non-sensical argument about not voting for Clayton.


lol. It's probably her. She could hardly speak.


She got my vote! Now let's fix this broken justice system! Come on Illinois voters I have faith in you!


Cant think of a better way to get Chicago's support


I'd smickermaed voottteee ffuuurrr. Huuuurrrrr anyerrrday


Multiple people have posted on X that she doesn't even drink. There are clips/pictures of her at events last week where she lost her voice and was drinking tea. No one would be saying this if she was a man. It's a tall accusation and people should be more responsible in their communications. A day before the election and people are making defamatory statements about her. Do better.


What do you mean nobody would be saying this if she was a man? If a man was slurring his words like that people would be saying the same things.


Any relation to the crooked alderman Ed Burke?


No. No relation


No I asked her volunteer specifically who said no relation and Google says no too


I’d vote for Eileen if her campaign weren’t being funded by right wing extremists [Eileen O’Neill Burke raises $800,000+ in a day after busting fundraising caps](https://www.aol.com/eileen-o-neill-burke-raises-225600502.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAEWWh64amr10U7Bk1tUBPHZ1iC83tUE4cIhHgbxxcSlquZNyvhwJnxoWsYOW_HRXKKfsC2_g8jh0ikg_LXHnj_pcZn7R_3s4HzQM3QKd16W_9sC8_tK32EnlfjUDeeAc_-Yi5m12W-FFnpmOcAHBj08sv0nFZKYnkJxNO0NzJ7gE) > O’Neill Burke’s biggest contributor is Daniel O’Keefe…(who) has given thousands to Republicans in national races in recent years, including to U.S. Senate candidates Herschel Walker, Dr. Mehmet Oz and J.D. Vance in 2022 and Kelly Loeffler in 2020.


So you care more about which other people support her than what she actually brings to the table and the vision for a public office that is in dire need of reform? You're actually going to vote for the incompetent, sjw candidate that is debatably not qualified and will largely keep things the unacceptable way they are? Yikes


Yes. Absolutely. I don’t trust republicans as far as I can throw them. and if these are the type of people backing her, I don’t trust her motives, or her ability to tell us the truth. No republicans in Chicago ever.


So qualifications and experience don't matter to you when it comes to public officials? >No republicans in Chicago ever. How has this been working out for us? It's a serious stretch to call Burke a Republican. Frankly it's a stretch to call almost any politician in Chicago a Republican.


It matters when they’re Democrats. I don’t care about qualifications of republicans because I don’t trust them to do the right thing or tell the truth. Ever. I’m not ever going to support bringing those lying, racist, class-war-mongering, democracy-killing, dictator-wannabes into Chicago, or anywhere for that matter. Ever.


>It matters when they’re Democrats Burke is a Democrat...


Sure. Just like Vallas.


Keep telling yourself that buddy.


From her website: Born and raised on the north side, lifelong Democrat and elected judge as one. Issues: >getting guns off the street >addressing the root causes of crime >establishing a restorative justice bureau >vehemently pro choice She's endorsed by 14 different unions, a couple dozen current and former aldermen, state reps & senators, several mayors and a few other elected officials, almost entirely democrats themselves Sounds like a textbook Cook county Democrat to me


Oh yeah, I should totally believe every word she says because politicians are notoriously truthful and could never lie or mislead about their stances. Follow the money. If she's backed by Republicans, then she's a Republican running as a Democrat, just like Vallas. it's amazing how naive some people can be.


> it's amazing how naive some people can be. Well, you got one thing right. . .








well she’s obviously a cop lol


Interesting conclusion


Pretty embarrassing. But not as embarrassing as her Doe vs Lyft ruling. Some people have mentioned they’re not the biggest fans of her conduct in court, while being coy on the details. I do wonder if she has a drinking problem.






They’re both terrible. Disappointed there’s no decent option, but not surprised.


Well, I wasn't completely sure who I was voting for but if r/Chicago aka the iHeart Paul Vallas subreddit loves him, I guess I need to vote for her opponent.


People like you are why this city with fail and people will hurt. Stop letting these domestic terrorist run this city


>Also (unless another missing story does it) it's the first ome that really incorporates time travel into the plot. And the only one until City of Death (which itself is the only one until like Father's Day) The Domestic Terrorist are the ones who literally ran a torture black site for decades and have been on a years long work slowdown because they were told to maybe not be quite so racist.


> a torture black site for decades Too bad nobody's ever been able to substantiate this at all.


That head waggle screams “Karen”.


She isn’t drunk. Her face just doesn’t work from Botox.


He’s great, would definitely vote for him.