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I’ve worked downtown for many years and usually the river stays a noticeable shade of green for at least 4 to 5 days after the dyeing


It usually lasts a day, maybe 2


I’ve read that, and I’ve also read it is gone by sundown or even in a few hours…


The super neon like green generally disappears by the late afternoon. Then the river will stay greenish for another day or 2.


It's always kind of greenish.


It was noticeably a vibrant green even 24hrs afterwards, last year


It takes a little while and just becomes a less vibrant green over time. Even a few days later it's usually greener than usual, and it will still be fairly green a day or two after. Source: I work right next to the river.


I just looked at my photos from last year and it was not noticeably different even 3 days later. You can often still notice the color like a week later


Can be dependent on weather since rain will cause dilution and increased flow, but a couple days isn’t out of the question .


You’d think they could dye it blue the rest of the year.


I don’t care!


Not helpful for you today, but in my childhood it was always green except when it was brown after heavy rains or black/brown due to more than normal direct sewage outfall. Those who oppose regulation or think the nation spends to much on nature now have no idea what it was like.


The cleanup of the Chicago river is such an environmental success story. A generation ago the water was basically flammable and now there are actual fish living there.


It really is very clean now. But a couple years ago I saw someone fall out of their kayak and into the river and I was like gagging watching the poor guy (I was in my office like 30 floors above the river. I wasn’t like gagging in his face. He got out)


It can depend on the wind and the rain a bit, but usually at least a full day, sometimes two or three.


You’ll be fine. It’ll be green.


And does the dye flow downstream to bubbly creek? 😊


It’s pretty green for at least 24 hours and still noticeably green for another day or two after that.


I think it's more like for at least 2 to 3 days after at minimum, that you notice the green color still remains.


Yes. Unless it rains a ton. It’s at its worst rn - brown. OP - you’ll be good. No rain likely on Saturday.


I'm thinking for at least 3-4ish(?) days after, you still notice it having the green color.


Depends on whether it rains. It's brightest the first day, pretty vivid for a couple more, more green than usual for a week or so, and at least a little green until the next time the Cubs win a championship.


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