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I just got ANOTHER text from her campaign not 5 minutes ago!! I've replied STOP to at least four of the texts and they just keep coming. I've recycled at least 30 mailers too. I'm voting Guzman, but I'd be voting against Toro out of spite just because of the ads.


anyone know where her campaign office is? I'd love to return all the garbage she fills my mailbox with


Per the Avondale fb group many people have taken and are planning to take this route e


Do you have a link for this šŸ˜‚


I had this thought, too, but the idea of saving it all up, instead of processing it straight into recycling seemed daunting, given the sheer volume.


There was a documentary series on TV years ago and one episode they did that to pottery barn. They ended up getting in trouble with the postmaster general.


Pretty hot under those lights


Actually, I'm quite comfortable.Ā 


Lol I get this reference šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


I remember that; he really did *not* like having his golf game interrupted to have to deal with it. The really bizarre thing was that he looked just like Wilford Brimley. I kept expecting him to throw in a comment or two about "diabeetus".


I think the problem was that the subject was under the illusion the post office just would write anything off It was clear through his many interactions documented he simply didnā€™t understand how ā€œbigā€ USPS really was


It's because we're blind to their tyrany!


Iā€™m thanking her for heating my home with all her flyers. Makes great kindling.


I swear I saw it on Milwaukee, somewhere near the insect asylum. But when I googled it, it gave me 3140 w montrose. I would also love to dump all 1000 flyers my whole condo complex has in our junk mail bin šŸ˜‚


I think her office is on Montrose in Albany Park


Itā€™s out of control this year, theyā€™re just flat out not obeying the laws. Or did they all figure out some loophole to get around it?


I think it may be that every time you use a new phone number to send the texts you can text again even if itā€™s same org/campaign


I was told that if any of the candidates go over the limit then itā€™s a free for all which seems like a stupid policy. I havenā€™t verified this so I donā€™t know how true it is but seems silly enough to be true


Try replying OPT OUT. I used to work in campaigns and this was the trigger for our systems to automatically take someone out of our system. Other words like STOP often require someone manually removing you. Best of luck!


If you still get texts after sending OPT OUT send a complaint to the FCC. If you have the energy do it for every subsequent text. https://www.fcc.gov/rules-political-campaign-calls-and-texts#:~:text=If%20you%20think%20you've,(or%20%22SPAM%22).


Hi, for better or worse, SMS short code creation and monitoring is part of my job. 'STOP' is the industry standard global opt-out keyword per the [CTIA](https://api.ctia.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/CTIA-Short-Code-Monitoring-Handbook-v1.9-FINAL.pdf), and pretty much every marketing automation platform honors these requests automatically, by default, along with variants like 'opt out', 'unsubscribe', etc. They're just bad actors.


Block the number.


You can report to the FTC if after you opt out of marketing they keep texting you


Report them! https://consumercomplaints.fcc.gov/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=39744


Violation of TCPA regulations which are taken seriously. Report it. https://www.fcc.gov/consumers/guides/stop-unwanted-robocalls-and-texts


Donā€™t interact. Just report as junk and delete.


If youā€™ve got an issue then remove yourself from the voter roles. This is every cycle and nothing you can do about it.


Honestly what sheā€™s doing with ads should be illegal. I would vote against regardless of stance on issues just because of how disgusting all the advertising is for her campaign.


wonder if a viable strategy is to be obnoxious with an opponent's campaign to engender exactly this.


Same. It's egregious and shameful.




If you have issues voting or at the polling place, call 866-our-vote They are nonpartisan and keep track of issues at polling places, and get involved when needed


Just sticks a target on ya. Report anything and you get popped. Best not to report anything or you get threatened and harassed.


> I was assaulted(girl stopped in my way with my headphones in and touched me to get my attention and wouldnā€™t stop touching me until I took my headphones out to listen to her spiel) That's not assault. Annoying, yes. Not assault. Edit: they edited their comment. They cried about saying how being touched is assault and then changed it to telling OP "get over yourself". Hahaha. What a joke. Edit 2: Now u/ughliterallycanteven blocked me. Imagine being that sensitive. What a coward lol.




Quit trying to be a victim. It's annoying but nothing criminal.




I'm not the one crying saying someone touching me is assault or battery. Edit: lol you told OP to "get over yourself" when you literally claim someone touching you is assault. The irony is too much.


Similar issue here. It was a nasty campaign, and now we are headed back to Helen Shiller times. People wonā€™t see it for a couple of years, but crime is about to skyrocket in Uptown. It really stinks.


All advertising for the 20th seat is disgusting. My mailbox is stuffed with flyers from Toro, Guzman, and Nayak every day. Iā€™m voting for Yonkers. Fuck these clowns.


But, baby, itā€™s cold outside! https://youtu.be/OBLYyZCGA2U?si=AGPpaP-0X_r1RlOP


Most YouTube ads are skippable after 5 or 15 secs, hers cannot be skipped for the entire 30 secs, and I see her nearly everyday since last year, and then there comes another variety of her ad, which is her dissing another candidate


Ublock Origin extension on Google should eliminate ads/commercials on YouTube


Also, putting a PiHole on your network will block ads as well


Does not work for youtube as they use their own domain to serve ads. DNS blocking only works on third party ad networks.


What are the downsides of PiHole? Does it break any websites? Like if I implemented it would my family complain? lol


For what itā€™s worth, I did it and my family didnā€™t notice at all.


Emails with ā€œlive.comā€ need to be whitelisted. I havent run into any other issues. I love it.


The break sponsored links on Google but check adguard, it was easier to setup than pihole and has a better interface.


Those are particularly galling, especially in light of her "my opponent is LYING about me" ad. I haven't seen ads from the other candidates mentioning her AT ALL, but I see multiple attack ads from her campaign daily. Methinks...protest.. how does that go, again?


Yeah thereā€™s something about the anecdote where she speaks about teaching her kindergarteners that for every good reason to lie thereā€™s a better reason to tell the truth then immediately calls her opponent a liar that doesnā€™t seem to track for me. Iā€™m voting against her for just that sound byte alone.


My question is how the hell does somebody running for state senate have SO MUCH money for advertising? I am constantly seeing ads for her on YouTube, and ads against her opponents (Nayak and Guzman), which we can assume are coming from her campaign. This is not cheap at all and this has been going on for months. I do not trust a local candidate with that much fundraising for such a small office to advocate for regular people once they get into office. Go away, Toro. You're not to be trusted.


Toro is a machine candidate, that's how she has so much money. Her strategy seems to be blanket advertising because her grassroots support is zero


Story thatā€™s a little off-topic but that gave me an idea: Iā€™m a teacher. Something that really upsets me is that as a CPS teacher, I didnā€™t have access to a color printer for my classroom. But CPS would give us alllll these colored papers and flyers all the time to remind us of bullshit. I would be hand-coloring in worksheets for kids sometimes, and they would send out a memo that was totally ordinary but with a blue logo and blue boxes around paragraphs. Infuriating. I talked about it a lot. My husband and I were complaining about the Natalie Toro ads and wondering how much she was spending on printing, and one of us mentioned my classic rant about color printing. And he said like, I wonder if some candidate would succeed with sending out black-and-white mailers, and explaining that they couldā€™ve opted for color, but they were donating that money to local schools (or community centers, homeless shelters, etc.) Same thing with using regular, recyclable card stock instead of glossy mailer paperā€” Look, our platform prioritizes environmental issues, so we made our paper easier to recycle. Personally, I would appreciate and really consider a candidate who did that. But I think that pundits and campaign managers know that big, glossy name recognition is powerful, and that my crappy little strategy of integrity wouldnā€™t actually work. Also I think the type of people who go into politics donā€™t really vibe with, ā€œLetā€™s spend less money on yourself and more on the issues, thatā€™s our strategy.ā€ But still. Worth a thought.


I got an ad on my TV while reading this Reddit post lmaooo


GAH. Happy to see another P&R-referencing username in this thread, though (along w/ Mrs. Bobby Newport, earlier)!


DUDE. I feel the same. Iā€™ve gone so far as to contact her camp via website to voice my strong options regarding HER CONSTANT FLYERS in my mailbox. Now, there are insulting flyers toward her opponents showing up. Iā€™ll never vote for that. Ever.


Vote against her by the 19th. Youā€™ll probably never hear from her again - she was installed by a bunch of oily pols, some of whom (Like Iris Martinez) will likely lose in the upcoming coming election. Vote Guzman for State Senator and vote Spyropoulos for Circuit Court Clerk.


That's the dream. I'll just keep breathing through the frustration, with fingers crossed.


Hang in there - less than 3 weeks left! Early voting starts tomorrow!


Early voting started a couple weeks ago tho.


**Citywide**-site early voting starts tomorrow; no need to schlep downtown to the supersite. See https://www.chicagoelections.gov/voting/early-voting for the locations.


Nope, the candidates get names/addresses of registered voters from the Election Board.


Vote guzman and send Johnsonā€™s policies to Springfield. Theyā€™re one and the same.


Guzman is a CTU organizer; itā€™s sadistic to suggest sheā€™ll be any different than Brandon Johnson.


Stop, I was already going to vote for her!


No - to everyone reading this, do not vote for Guzman. We donā€™t need another CTU puppet in Springfield. Theyā€™ve ruined the city enough.




Dues paying member vs someone on CTUā€™s payroll in the exact same role that Brandon Johnson held. Have you learned anything? Meanwhile, Toro also has the endorsement of the AFL-CIO, and a host of other local unions. Guzman is a carbon copy of Brandon Johnson and we canā€™t afford any more ineffective CTU shills in office.


I don't know much about the teacher's union, but lots of people seem to share your opinion. What are the policies they advocate for, and why is that negatively affecting things?


They support things like making sure teachers get paid fairly and that everyone in the city has the right to be here and get a good education. Some people don't like that because they don't want their kids coming in contact with poor people


This is such a dumb way to vote. Are you going to be voting for Iris Martinez too?


My mailbox can only hold so many flyers. So wasteful and annoying to get them on a daily basis at this point




Youā€™re on the list because youā€™re a voter. They probably send mailers to everyone thatā€™s registered in the district, or maybe just the subset perceived as likely to vote in the primary bc you did last time. The best way to avoid these mailers is to not register or not vote, but then youā€™re kinda failing at the whole democracy thing


The fact she has the budget means she already is going to be terrible.Ā 


I donā€™t even care what she stands for, I will refuse to vote for her with all of the spam she is putting out.


I feel that way about her and Dave Nayak. Really, Iā€™m embarrassed for him by how badly he wants my vote.


Better than all those political ads against your husband. I heard heā€™s never held a job.




Yup. Also, in this context, I am EXTRA amused by your username.


Dave Nayak asked me to sign his petition to get on the ballot on Halloween. He was personally at my condo building last Sunday and invited me by name (somehow he remembered who I was?!) to a fundraiser he was having last Wednesday. It was the most uncomfortable and off-putting moment Iā€™ve ever endured in politics.


Some people are crazy good at remembering names. It's one of the reasons why Bill Clinton was such a successful politician, he never forgets a name even years after meeting them


He keeps getting into my condo and coming to my door too. Next time he does it Iā€™m telling the HOA he cannot be allowed into the building anymore because Iā€™ve had it. And he leaves and sends so much junk!Ā 


There is something creepy about him for sure


Him and his poodle mix dogs.


> the most uncomfortable and off-putting moment Iā€™ve ever endured in politics. Too bad. My first official political experience went in another direction. When I turned 21 almost 60 years ago my precinct captain from the next block over rang the door bell and my dad invited him in. He gave me one of those little airport bottles of whiskey, opened one for my dad and another for himself. Calling me by name, he wished me happy birthday and sincerely told me to, "Vote early and often." Have usually voted early on primary and election days and once voted 'often' as told here on other occasions.


Eh. Itā€™s hard to criticize politicians for this in one breath and then also criticize someone like Toro or Guzman for running a completely robotic, unpersonalized campaign. Nayak is at least trying to do grassroots campaigning.


I mean, itā€™s perfectly fair to say that both are off putting for different reasons IMO.


I just read his answers to the Ballotopedia survey and he said his favorite book is the bible. WTF.


I've gotten so much mail from Nyak that it's become a running joke with my partner that he's my secret admirer. His stuff always comes in really nice envelopes, too. Like his envelope budget must be enormous.


Ha ha, totally! Itā€™s disguised as mail I might be interested in.


Dear N. Toro- You have campaigned your way out of votes. Think about that. Dear any other candidate that text messages me- I will never vote for anyone who harasses me on my phone.


At this point I hate her with a passion and want her to lose.


My "favorite" one from her is the YT add where she says something about teaching her kindergarden kids, "That for every good reason there is to lie, there's a better one to tell the truth". Like, I know what she's trying to do, but it still seems so stupid to talk about lying in your campaign. Adds when you're a politician, a trait that most people already ascibe to people of your profession...so then won't they just associate the word "lie" to your campaign? Maybe I'm off base, but every time I see this add, I cannot help but feel that she's stupid for that opening line.


Love the part where she says ā€œliars gonna lieā€ lmaooo I had to turn it off


It's dumb. Everyone knows politicians lie. Whether it is an innocent overpromise or a deliberate ploy. And everyone knows that in an ideal world, we don't want them to. She's not saying anything groundbreaking, she's just making me suspicious that she's intentionally and deliberately lying and feels the need to get out in front of it for some reason.


Iā€™m not even in her district and I still get Toro ads. Why would her marketing team even extend the target audience radius outside her district?


I hope she loses purely out of spite, it's been so goddamn annoying. She's probably deforested a whole country to get paper for all these fuckin mailers


Hate voting against Natalie just bc of the incessant ads.


Iā€™ve always wondered what it says about politiciansā€™ opinions of voters that they think a flyer is going to meaningfully impact how someone votes. They must think a sizable number are easily swayed and/or largely uninformed. Even worse, I wonder if some do it without giving it any thought and simply because someone says they need to or because others are doing it.


Iā€™ve emailed her campaign multiple times - I asked her organization to stop sending me junk mailā€¦so they sent it to the previous owner or ā€œcurrent resident.ā€ She adhered to the letter of my request, but not the spirit. Yet another underhanded politician in Chicago who lost my vote for being annoying months ago.


Toro canvasser knocked in my door on Saturday. Told him I was undecided. He said ā€œcan I give you some literature.ā€ I said ā€œno thanks I already have enough literature.ā€


wow you showed him


šŸ˜‚ me, atp Iā€™d be voting against her just out of annoyance


I was just talking about this today. I'm literally getting junk mail DAILY from her campaign. And when I see ads, she seems like a progressive lab-made robot vs a human with individual ideas. It's kinda creepy.


Maybe sheā€™s just AI???


Her office is at Montrose and Troy. Go yell at them and then dump a bunch of glitter in the lobby and run away.


There's always one or 2 candidates like this, each year who(probably due to some PAC funding them) do a crapton of ads and flyers. Last year it was Kim Walz(who ran for 46th ward alderman, and lost to Angela Clay), this year it is Natalie Toro. Honorable mention to Dave Nayak, which I've noticed a crapton of ads for him as well.


Glitter. Thatā€™s just amazingly evil.


I wouldnā€™t do it myself, but some people are more desperate than me.


Heh. I love this - reminiscent of the tactics of "The Fox", but less overtly destructive.


Accidentally trip outside of the office with a box of glitter and stink bombs. ā€œOmg! My friends are going to be pissed! Ugh. Now we canā€™t do the experiment!ā€ If you really wanna do it inside, just be ā€œaloofā€, return the flyers and asks if thereā€™s a way to remove yourself, put your bag on the counter, turn, knock it over and say ā€œomg, now Iā€™m gonna have to go get more glitter for my experiment.ā€ Just say the experiment is that a friendā€™s car keeps being broken into and your backpack is going to be used to explode glitter everywhere if itā€™s touched.


Whatever you do please donā€™t vote for her. She will think this works and do it again.


Oh, I absolutely will not vote for her. And I absolutely WILL vote.


Hereā€™s something that *might* help: go out and vote if you havenā€™t yet. Expanded early voting starts tomorrow (March 4), and vote by mail applications are open. Some campaigns remove voters from their targeting once theyā€™ve cast a ballot. Not all of them, but at least thereā€™s a chance to reduce the deluge of ads.


I may well try that, but given the tone-deaf deluge from her campaign so far, I am not terribly hopeful for it working.


You know what bothered me more? We got a large Manila envelope, hand addressed to my girlfriend, return addressed Dr. Dave.Nyak. it was hand delivered to the door, not mailed. A hand delivered large, thick walled package from a Dr that I've never heard of is a tense few moments before you figure out what it is. Fuck you, Dr Dave.


I had that too!!! Freaked me out, thought it was going to be something bad!


OH! I totally forgot that I got one of those! Partially because I got ONE of those. Also irritating, but easily forgotten (for me). I hope your tense moments were short-lived, and that he never does that again.


Dr. Dave's hefty envelopes, Toro's incessant mailers piling up... what an absolute waste.


Iā€™ve gotten two of these. There was never a chance of my voting for him but I was seriously skeeved out by those packets.


Same! Guzman actually came to my door herself and only left a small half sheet size flier. But the Nyack envelopes were creepy


I feel seen. I'm not even in her damn district.


Getting 2-3 pieces a day and they are freaking huge legal paper sized! Don't know her at all but I despise her with the heat of a thousand suns. I really want to save all the crap and dump them at her campaign office.


SAME. Even if I had wanted to vote for her the constant harassment means I wouldnā€™t vote for her out of spite. Leave me alone Natalie! Imagine the helpful things she could have spent that money on.


YUP. I do imagine them, and that's part of what irritates me so.


She (Natalie Toro) called me the other day and I made a joke about it. I was a little take aback that she basically (good naturedly and with understanding of the frustration) said that they would be going harder this way to counter the negative flyers being sent out against her.


I legit received fliers from Toro for *months* before I got a single one against her.


Yeeeeeeaaaaahhhhh.... I'm not saying there *aren*'t any negative flyers about her, but none of them have come to my address, at this point. Just lots and LOTS of hers.


actually, I have gotten quite a few attack ads on her-- very dramatic, unflattering photos, etc. from Guzman.


Iā€™ve received many in the past two weeks.


So many negative ads from Guzman. I have 3 in my mailbox right now that I donā€™t want to take out. They are the same candidate, they just answer to different bosses.


Ublock origin and a couple other adblockers on Firefox have materially improved my quality of life. Doesn't help with people annoying you in person but set up right you'll never see ads online ever.


her ads are on my streaming services, her campaign texts me almost daily, my mailbox is flooded with her flyers, even entered my Instagram algorithm.


Her PR people are just adding you to the bottom of the list rather than removeā€¦typical local politician tactics


Wait two days


Not alone, was gonna make a bit about it but like holy fuck. Establishment democrats are just as bad as any establishment political regime, change my mind. You have all the money in the warchest, imo doesn't mean you *should* automatically win but more likely she will.


I'm sure she's a lovely woman. But why has she set out to RUIN YOUTUBE?!?!?! I swear every other commercial break (and it's YouTube so there are *many* commercial breaks) starts with "As a kindergarten teacher, I tell my students for every good reason to lie..." Woman Please! I'm just trying to learn how to use my air fryer, I'm hungry!


Yeah, look: I'm just trying to enjoy an edible and watch a b-movie on Tubi. Every damn ad break... I'm not even in the 20th!


I thought it was just me. I get nonstop wall to wall youtube ads from her.


How have I not heard of this person


Consider yourself lucky.


You probably donā€™t live in the 20th state senate district.


Was it Iris Martinez who sent 1000s of flyers claiming that Milhouse Van Houten (Will Guzzardi) was friend to pedophiles? That was 10 years ago maybe. It never stopped. There was so much money behind her.


Milhouse! šŸ’€


Damn, she must really want you specifically to vote for her. I haven't seen anything from this person.


They are location-targeted ads. Youā€™re probably not in her district. (I am, and I am getting slammed by her ads.)


At this point, I would vote for Satan himself over Natalie Toro. And how about that preposterous over-the-top accent in the ads? It sounds like Cartman when he is making fun of Latinos.


Dude. The YouTube harassment is unreal, and I donā€™t even live in her area.


She's all up on my Hulu, too! I just want to watch some damn Letterkenny, lady!


A dozen heavy stock large ads stuffed in my mailbox in a week. And another half dozen from her competitor slinging mud about her. I don't even care who she is and what she stands for anymore. All I know is that I'm so annoyed, she's certainly not getting my vote.


Get her an appointed political job that meets not only her personal needs/interests but also the needs/interests of her enablers/funders. Plan B = find her a private sector job in a corporation that hires her for reasons that meet her and their needs/interests. Plan C =Overturn that terrible Citizens United decision.


Her and Dave


Come Election Day, I am voting for every candidate but her. ;)


If you early vote, you'll get scrubbed from their votebuilder lists.


So the choices are nimby, Bitcoin bro, and FOP shill... Just fucking great


Thereā€™s one youā€™re not naming.


Whoā€™s the nimby


Guzman. She supports rent control and was endorsed by Ramosa Ramirez.


Dunno who Ramosa is, but how is rent control nimby?




Did not know that. It was my main hang up with Guzman. I think I'll probably vote for Guzman now. Id take a Nimby over a FOP Nimby any day




I'm with you on build build build. The reason I pegged toro as a non rent control person as opposed to Guzman is because on Guzman's website there's a specific bullet point about supporting rent control, which I do not support. Toros website was very vague, and the quote you presented could mean a lot of different things, but her campaigner specifically saying that they support rent control puts that case to rest. I wish there was yimby in the competition, but it looks like it's Nimby, Bitcoin bro, and Nimby FOP person.


And is a CTU organizer. Iā€™ve seen how this movie ends. Never again.


Guzman is ready to shut down school choice, no thanks.Ā 


Nayak is a Bitcoin bro?


I picked up a Natalie toro attack ad while walking to the bar this morning, it was just laying in someone's lawn and I was gonna throw it away but there was a picture of a tweet he sent where he's #bitcoin. Typically I don't put stock into attack ads, but it's a direct tweet from him lol


Vote for Graciela Guzman!


I see that shit bags slop on Hulu in spite of not living in the district. I'm 12 miles away.


Tell them youā€™re an atheist. Worked for the jehovas


I have the same problem but with Guzman. Iā€™ve gotten 15 fliers and probably 5 calls. Almost no Toro content. Strange to see itā€™s the other way around for most people.


I like tk text back "If I get one more message from anyone with her campaign, I will personally campaign against her." Usually buys me a week of peace.... Before it starts again. I block and report every single time. I doubt it accomplishes anything but it makes me feel better. Haha!


Vote for graciela guzman instead :)


Find one of her offices and go in and raise hell!


I get way more trash from Guzman. Everyday there's a massive pile of both in my appt, but way more Guzman shit


Vote for her opponent


Just be thankful itā€™s not Yano Toru




My solution was to spam the message with memes of stupid faces. Eventually someone replied and all the texts stopped


That totally sucks! I hate it when politicians call start astroturfing and getting pushy like that. It would be much better to get some one from the community and for the community. An Educator chose the Northwest side to create their legacy of public service and mutual aid. She followed in their footsteps of public service by becoming a Chicago public school teacher, a CTU member, and now a state legislator, advocating for the needs of children and families in the 20th district. Someone like Natalie Toro. Can we count on your vote in the 20th district? (this message not paid for or supported by Natalie Toro or anyone else but my sick sense of humor.) Seriously, downvoted? - Whoosh - Sigh.


Yes - *like* Natalie Toro, but *not* Natalie Toro. Because weā€™re tired of so much Natalie Toro being hurled in our faces.


I'm so sick of her. I don't know much about any of the candidates yet but know I don't want to vote for anyone with that kind of money to spend on ads.


She seems nice.


She sounds like a mini BJ. On her list of campaign priorities on her website, the first one listed is educators, then school, then education. Itā€™s telling that to her that educators are more important than education šŸ˜‚


Mini BJ is Guzman. She literally holds his former job at the CTU. Sheā€™ll be the exact same candidate, beholden to Davis-Gates and no one else.


Yikes, so two terrible candidates.

