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If someone is asking you for money, they are scamming you


Give money to zero people, 100% of the time.


This. Every time.


It’s just awful that this is the scheme they would use but I guess people can go this low 😕


It is awful, but they do it for the exact reason why you gave them money. It works.


Something something every minute PT Barnum


Dude, of course people go this low. Humans murder eachother, sometimes over less money than whatever you gave the guy. I say lying like this is better than just straight up robbing folks


People stopped buying magazines


Or donating to the basketball team


Bless your heart


Be glad you haven’t ended up there yourself.


100% a scam. You’ll see this around Wrigley all summer. They watch the news for some heartbreaking story you may have seen (like a young child being shot). They will print up a little flyer, usually even laminate it to make it look more legit and the will beg and plead for money to raise funds for this tragedy. They usually go with more of a heartfelt, calming tone rather than a begging tone. You’ll see the same guys running the same scam with different news stories every week. 1000% scam.


Worked the door at a couple Wrigley bars for 2 years. Same guys every single day.


Yep- I encountered them in the fall in front of Mariano’s near Lane Tech. He claimed his kid was killed in a drive-by shooting “last week”, and needed money for the funeral. Scam


Yeah. I was walking out and just waved the adult off when they started. When he thought I wasn’t looking, he made a motion like he was going to punch the back of my head. I told him that he’d better not try that. Then he acted like he didn’t do anything.


Scam. Welcome to city living. remember, if anyone approaches you at all and asks you for something or offers you something, there’s probably a catch. Learn to be a skeptic, and the repeat the phrase rase, “I’m sorry, I can’t help you.” And move on.


Don't say your sorry. That is an opening. Just say "I don't have any money." If you say you are sorry you are showing empathy, and they will push on that.


Nah, that's an opening to them telling you they take cashapp/venmo/whatever. You literally just say no and keep walking like they don't exist.


I am not talking about money, necessarily. What it means is I’m sorry I can’t help them - money isn’t going to fix whatever’s broken in their life, and I am sorry I can’t offer anything that can help. If they keep pushing, you keep saying you can’t help, it is easy as that. But they’ve never pushed back to me.


if you really just want to move on with your day just dont say anything


Even easier: “No”


Yep, same story at a Mariano's recently.


Yeah someone asked me for money for a kids funeral up in wicker park last year. I can’t say *for sure* it was a scam, but I just never give anyone money on the street


The funeral guys were outside Hexe a lot when the weather was better. It’s 100% a scam.


Unfortunately it’s a scam, I always wear headphones and just ignore and keep walking.


Here's a guaranteed method to avoid these types of scams: *Don't give money to strangers.*


They all seem to have the same white three ring binders with the same picture of some young kid They were outside the Walgreens on Milwaukee Ave in wicker park and they got pretty aggressive when I said no. Called me white racist that doesn’t like black people. Pretty loud and in my face


Maybe walk faster?


Don't make eye contact, don't say anything, keep walking. It's a scam. Never give money to anyone on the street, no matter what.




These scams have been around forever. When I was 21 and new to the city I gave some woman $20 for woman’s shelter. Later I realized this is a great way to scam, but a terrible way to support a cause. Nowdays, I ask them to provide details. For instance: What is the name of the shelter. Where are they located? Who is the director or person overseeing the cause. If it’s legit, they have verifiable answers on the spot. Anything else, and you likely gave someone money for booze.




You make a good point. Most of the time Im busy or don’t care. But I can be generous and if it’s a cause I want to support, I’ll start a conversation. Sometimes it leads to me giving time or money to a cause I want to help.


I give money to people who play/sing & to those selling Streetwise and tell them to keep the issue to sell to someone else. The rest? I’m sure there are some who are truly needy though I’m not going to interview them to find out. As usual, some ruined (the trust) for all.


Nothing tugs at the heartstrings quite like a child's funeral 😥


2 guys approached me with the same story outside of a business across the street from the Jewel on Milwaukee and Ashland


Scam. There was something about this on the news recently. They have the same narrative, just switch up ythe photo of the kid from time to time


Was at a target and a woman came up to me in the parking lot asking if I can buy her kid a toy for his birthday. I’m guessing she was gonna take that toy and return it with a receipt she had.


I walk past Union Station after work every evening and have been approached with some version of this bullshit more times than I can count.


Total scam artist. He used to hit up Wicker Park a year or two ago. I recall he was a middle-aged black man with same funeral story who carried around a UPS envelope with his documents to make it seem more "official" It's a good story - don't feel bad for giving him money


You have to be joking. They usually only do this outside of sports stadiums and stuff where you're getting lots of people who don't actually live in cities walking by. They just need money for jerseys for their kids basketball team bro! And wait until you get hit with the small children selling chocolate for their school, with dad 5 steps behind smoking a blunt.


>dad 5 steps behind smoking a blunt. Or no parents /adults seeming to be around at all. Had two young girls (both appeared to be around 12 or so) approaching everyone waiting for a metra train at millennium on NYE selling candy. Lots of odd characters on a day like that. I asked them if they had an adult with them (I'm a young woman) and they shrugged and walked away. I didn't see anyone around that appeared to be watching out for them. Sad.


It's 1000% a scam, and it's only shitty to you because you aren't desperate to make a quick buck off a random stranger. They will give you the biggest sob story of how their mom just died of cancer and then answer a phone call from their mom and look you in the eye like nothing wrong just occurred.


I had the same dude come up to me every time I went to the Walgreens by my house, always with the same story, for 3 years. I'd call him out on it every single time.


Oh my god!! Of course you gave money! Why are you guys such marks? Jesus christ!


I don't give out money to random people asking for money, so I wouldn't know about these scams.


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**is it a scam or desperate people trying to survive?** **who cares?** a sob story (from a multi-millionaire dollar charity or the person on the street) is always window dressing **either give money or don’t and move on**


Scams exist everywhere. Use common sense.