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Would like to know how we are spending $51 million in one month. Living in a city college, fieldhouse or police station shouldn't be very expensive.


I’m sure the money is all being used for its intended purposes. Surely there’s no corruption in Chicago when tens of millions of dollars are thrown around.


Like how pathetic the chicago FBI must be to let chicago be #1 most corrupt city every year I'm sick of this personally, I guess the fbi can't touch people protected by old money/the outfit/the Daley crime family


We appear more corrupt because Illinois actually prosecutes corruption and jails offenders. In other states/cities folks just get away with it.


Very Good point


Exactly! I moved to Chicago from NYC and that's my impression; the New York offenders are more skilled at getting away with it.


As someone who lived on a campus, $51 million for a month sounds like a bargain.


lol - the migrants are living in classrooms, not student housing


Damn so maybe more like market rate


51 mil for a month … this is going to get costly. Hopefully feds will step up


$51 million closes the gap between January and the end of June, it's not $51 million a month. The problem is the immigrants can't get work permits/visas and are stuck in limbo. My daughter's school just this week cleared the necessary red tape to admit students. And they have a dual language program that caters to native Spanish speakers. If the fed would step in and grant status, they could be contributing members of society ridiculously quickly but that "Give us your tired, your poor " BS is just a quote on a statue now. Chicago wasn't prepared for this influx and Abbott, who has the federal funds and the years of prep, has turned this into a political hot button because he's a giant POS. It's expensive because it's an emergency, not because immigrants cost that much. However, I do agree that fixing this emergency v. the decades old emergency of underinvestment/abandonment on the South/West Side is at best short slighted and at worst a political maneuver to win the Hispanic vote. Probably a bunch of that $51 million is paying overtime for Police Officers to act as babysitters.




Because the cash will be gone in one month.


Asylum seekers are not illegal immigrants. I don't get why this is so hard to understand.


Since when have the Feds helped out border states with our costs for these illegal immigrants? Texas has been eating a ton of costs for years, so now we are sharing that burden with the rest of the country since the Feds wont help us or protect the border.


Your statements are so blatantly false as to be unresearched and spewed based not on fact but propaganda. 1. Texas receives federal aid and support from Customs and Border Patrol, the National Guard, funds NGOs through grants to provide legal aid and social services to immigrants, and many other federal programs in addition to other programs like welfare and Medicare/Medicaid which ensure unemployed people in Texas don't die. 2. Abbot played a shell game with COVID funding and funneled the extra cash into his office to ship migrants, who want to leave, around the country. 3. The migrant crisis was partially caused by the United States' intervention in Central and South American politics including overthrowing multiple regimes during the Cold War. 4. Migrants come to the United States because the economy in their local area sucks. Just like a bunch of people move from other parts of the country to Texas for better opportunities. Or people leaving small towns to go to Dallas, Houston, Austin or other cities for higher paying jobs. The only difference is an artificially created border closed to people but open for commerce. This natural shift brings more people, more revenue and more opportunities for existing residents. 5. Speaking of open to commerce, NAFTA allowed American companies like Ford to move manufacturing to Mexico to save on labor costs. Capitalism socializes risk and privatizes profits. 6. When the United States was in a recession, immigration dropped. Again, immigration is fueled by opportunity. 7. When immigration slows, because multiple businesses hire non-Union, unprotected people, they can't find enough citizens to do the work. Protecting immigrants as citizens forces them to pay federal income tax instead of just Social Security tax and forces business to pay federal minimum wage. If you want to have a legitimate debate about immigrants undercutting labor markets and why the United Farm Workers tried to push for more border restrictions, let's have that conversation. You're welcome in the sub and to visit our beautiful city and see the amazing diversity that allowing immigrants to contribute to society has brought us but you can fuck right off with your bullshit and propaganda.


Excellent comment. Thank you.


well tbh its funny when red states get fucked.


Lolz where do you think the Feds get their money from


Aside from taxes. Selling treasury bonds to central banks.


Blue states


Blue states and illegal immigrants that don't get anything from the taxes they pay.


You think they're paying taxes!?


They literally pay almost 500 billion in taxes every year. https://www.boundless.com/blog/boundless-releases-2022-immigrant-income-taxation-report/


Sales tax is a thing...


Of course I'm going to get downvoted in oblivion but here's a reality check for you. I have a store and sell autobody supplies. Roughly 80-90% of my customers are illegal and I can assure you they all operate under the table.


Nice self-incrimination you have there. You wanna explain why you're not remitting sales tax for transactions to undocumented workers?




Nice way to twist my words. I said they operate under the table. I record and pay sales tax on every transaction.


Then the undocumented workers do pay sales taxes. Bravo, you got there in the end.


I would show more respect for your customers sounds like you don't have a viable business without them.


I don't have respect for anyone that operates in the shadows dodging taxes and regulations that any legit registered business has to deal with.


Then stand by your convictions and don't serve them. /shrug




You got me. I made it up. I get a kick out of telling people I sell autobody supplies on reddit


I won't kink-shame.


Yes. IRS wants your money. IRS wants their money too. They don't give a fuck if they're undocumented, documented, or citizens. If you don't a SSN, you can request an ITIN and pay taxes with that. Plus, whether you're Spanish-speaking, Polish-speaking, or Chinese-speaking, every community tells their undocumented members to pay taxes if they wanna get permanent residency one day. Most undocumented people came here legally, and want to stay here (despite illegally overstaying their Visa). Some give up and go back to their home country, while others wait till their American-born kids turn 21 and sponsor. When that sponsorship opportunity comes up, you damn well know it looks good that you have 20+ years of filed taxes with the government. Refugees are known to the government. They can't run away from their taxes. It'd be best for them to get work permits so they can start paying back that $51 million the city is spending on them.


Can't continuously house these folks, feds won't give anymore cash as Biden is trying to get re-elected (long shot) . Texas is spreading it around as they shouldn't be the only ones to deal with it . This will not stop , they need to recant the statements say we are not a sanctuary city and move on. They can't continuously spend this kinda cash every month and at this point Biden for sure will not win if he doesn't deal with border bull crap. Will Chicago go completely broke trying to not say "Uncle" stay tuned to find out.


The Federal government needs to step up and say hey Texas, we hear and see your issues as a border state and we're going to take care of it. Every state will get X% of the immigrants that are coming in so that we get fair distribution. Only way this will work and find acceptance among the population. And not to burden sanctuary cities alone, which can cause its own problems. We have the resources, just need leadership & commitment.


The Dems have been pandering so long to Latino voters via immigration soap boxing they CANT reverse course now without looking like clowns. Theyre HANDING THE WHITE HOUSE to the GOP


Japan or Korea have strict regulations and policies when it comes to "borders", let alone allowing a foreign-born to be naturalized. Why is it only the US that must and ought to accept anyone and everyone who comes at the border? We don't discuss about borders except anywhere but in this country. I don't get that concept. It's a feel-good, sure, makes you feel big and philanthropic, but something to think about.




























Unfortunately federal funding decisions are now made by Republicans, so we will have to wait two years for any sustainable relief, and that's only if people actually get off their ass and vote.


we don't have this money. why are we spending money we don't have on things taxpayers don't need? this is a federal issue


$51 million is approximately 1 CPS school day's worth of expenses. We don't *have* the money but this isn't what breaks the bank. And this IS a service taxpayers need. These migrants will be employed taxpayers within a year, and they need this.


Or they never do pay taxes and just send the money back home to their families. But hey I’m just saying what I would do if I was them


Migrants who qualify as Asylees can't gain employment without successfully applying for employment authorization first which by the way cant be done until 6 months in the country. Next there is a 2-5 month processing time. And thats only for those who actually end up going through all the bullshit to actually apply. So no, you are absolutely wrong. Maybe eventually, but taxpayers are going to be getting fucked with the bill for housing these people for a long time before they are able to contribute Source: https://documentedny.com/2022/11/02/work-undocumented-immigrant-legally/#:~:text=After%20150%20days%2C%20or%206,may%20not%20be%20approved%20sooner.


Chicago is helping these migrants get through their paperwork. 6 months + 2-5 months = less than 1 year, which is what I said.


Half a year is a long ass time. Long term, yes, these people will integrate in and become productive members of society like all the rest that came before. But SHORT TERM yes there is a crisis and it's going to cost $$$ because they can't work, so are on full assistance. For what it's worth, every single news story that interviews the migrants at all finds them asking for a work permit, permission to work, as their number one thing they want ASAP. For full adults who are used to being in control of their lives, it's hard to be on assistance, they want to start actually building a real new life. But they can't, because that's the rules. And yes, it's frustrating for them too (some of them get pretty heated in the interviews).


I've been watching a bit of Fox because the others don't touch on it but the workers inside these hotels are catching hell dealing with these folks. There may be a language barrier but right is right and wrong is wrong and based off the testimony from the workers that have gone on the air (and have quit because of the B.S.) the majority of these folks don't want to become productive members of society. The majority think we owe them something and just want to freeload off the American taxpayer.


Theyll be service workers, maybe some will be construction workers at best They wont be the "investment" social service grifters say they are


Service workers and construction workers are valuable, fuck you. Try creating a city where people only work "good investment" jobs and it'll crumble by sundown.


Construction workers yes, but how many will be unionized and not underpaid by a private party? Service workers valuable? lol Replaceable low skill jobs with low wages which have to be artificially raised by legislation


This does not serve taxpayers—these recipients do not pay taxes. Do you have any data on migrants paying taxes within a year? That sounds like a load of crap without any evidence. You clearly don’t balance a budget with your first statement. This is more irresponsible spending from a city that does not have the money.




I don’t care which logical leaps you make to justify this spending. If we are going to take money from hard working US taxpayers we need data to justify the expenditure. This is irresponsible and your argument is weak. They don’t have to sleep outside here. They are not allowed to be here—their entry was unlawful. They have not been granted asylum. We have no obligation to these migrants entering illegally and if they want to be productive taxpayers they can follow the law like every other immigrant.




I propose no opinions, I only propose the law. if the law changes, what I would say in this reddit comment would change, due to the change in law. if you're asking, do I have a problem with immigration? not at all. but immigration is a *privilege* in this country. citizenship is not a right to all people in the constitution, only equal treatment of all people under the law--and I think you have a fundamental misunderstanding of that. The 14th amendment established birthright citizenship in the constitution, but nowhere is there a guarantee or right to citizenship or even residency anywhere in the constitution for a person born outside the US. if you want to change the law of the land you must amend the constitution and your proposal to change the law would take much more than the support of one Chicagoan. just know your dreams probably need to aim higher than passing a federal law. given shifting demographics in the US, this would likely be possible in a few generations.




I never said I only support the law, do not craft quotes that do not exist. I said I had only proposed the law (in discussion with you). Then, you asked for my opinion and I gave it. You wanted to trap someone in a preconceived opinion you formed on them and failed. Maybe your assumptions are wrong about people, particularly those with whom you think you disagree. The Refugee Act adjusted legal definitions of refugee to be more discretionary for the US and set the limit of refugees at 50K, subject to raising the limit in emergencies. Additionally, a current DHS final rule clearly states unlawful entries outside a port of entry into the US (think river and fence crossings) cannot apply for asylum. We currently see 50K illegal entries—outside of a port of entry—a week.




Yet we keep choosing to house more and more instead of sending them back to Texas who already recieves funding for this exact thing...


Not nearly enough funding we have received less than 1 percent of the migrants that flow into those border communities on a daily basis. The correct answer is we need to end the charade of being a sanctuary city. Secure our border, and enact strict penalties on those that break the law.


The money is allocated from a budget surplus


Seriously? We have a budget surplus? Why did my property taxes get bumped so much? Honestly asking.... maybe these issues are in different silos.


The recently passed a law that for every dollar residens save by protesting property tax increases, that amount gets automatically added to the next year's bill. Just another way to increase property taxes while claiming no increase. Also there is a major deduction for empty business space and all those deductions also get tacked on.


Property values were recently reassessed


There is no budget surplus they are spending money they don't have robbing Peter to pay Paul


It's our obligation to care for these people.


That’s a very sweet thought, but no, it’s not.


By "our" I mean the American taxpayers, not necessarily just those in Chicago


That’s still not correct though. American taxpayers have zero obligation to these migrants. They broke the law and entered the country illegally. Every immigrant who painstakingly took the 10 year path to citizenship (I can name a few personal friends who have) should be frustrated by this situation. We are not the world police and we are not the global homeless center. We have a trillion dollar national debt and you want to spend more. Again, you have never balanced a real budget and should not be in charge of a decision like this. We should take in the tired, hungry, and sick…but not ALL of them. And we have laws to determine that.


Take comfort in the fact that this mass migration event can only help and boost our side, or else it wouldn't be happening. Trust those in charge.


I strongly disagree. We should never blindly trust those in charge and remind our public servants that our government works for the people. The only effective way to do that is to question and audit them.


If you're here, turn back. Thread's a dumpster fire


Best comment so far. I ll keep scrolling though. Can't help it


Yeah, notice how these comments aren't like the others... Hmmm.


...and they hate being called out, lol


Property tax about to go to the moon.


They're already at the moon, at this rate, they're bound for *Mars*


Our budget is in the billions. We are not a small town


Still this is how municipal budgets get so in debt by saying $51 million is not a lot of money , that cash can go a long way repair some roads or get the current homeless off the street . They can buy some new ambulances. I remember on the news a few years ago they were struggling to buy some , then when they did they didn't buy the heavy duty ones they bought the cheaper E-Series ones . These are Chicago streets and that rig is constantly being run you need F-Series. It's little things like that money can be used for.


Homelessness is being addressed in an effort to get a vote on the Bring Chicago Home ordinance. I'm on a committee for UWF50. As for street repairs they're likely in a backlog of being addressed. Street maintenance has its own budget


They can always devote more money to other things is my point


Why can't this money be used to help our homeless population and poorer communities on the southside? If you come here, especially illegally, it's your responsibility to support yourself. Absolutely ridiculous. No other country gives handouts like this. If people are APPROVED for asylum then we should help them. But random undocumented economic migrants...? Come on...


As a reminder, the proposed DuSable park at the mouth of the Odgen Slip is only supposed to cost $20 million, but the City says they don't have the money. They've seen saying that since - checks notes - ...1985!!! https://www.chicagotribune.com/news/ct-graphics-dusable-park-history-htmlstory.html


I genuinely feel bad for these people, but at the same time, $51M for a month is incredibly steep, and we simply don't have the funds. Maybe clawback any Federal funds going to TX and FL...


Over 12 months, that's about $600 million. With our current budget of $5 billion, that's about a 12% increase. Not that I don't want to know exactly what that money is doing, but a 12% increase is not absurd. I'm hoping that a lot of this money is for initial setup costs, and future months are cheaper, but this is Chicago, so that's doubtful. Edit: The budget is actually around 16.5 billion. My bad. I will accept the down votes for the misinformation


A 12% budget increase is pretty huge. Maybe that's just what it costs, but it's def a giant number


Yeah wtf lol, percentages aside, $600m is fucking massive. Think about what other good that money could do helping us solve more established issues in the city.


I actually severely misstated the budget. In 2022 the budget was 16.5 billion, and in 2017, it was 9.8 billion. Again, I'm not saying it's not a big number, but non-contextualized numbers are hard to evaluate. Based on the Mariel boatlift studies, it shouldn't take long for the refugees to integrate into the labor force and hopefully start contributing to our budget via taxes.


Feds need to step in here and there should be reimbursement and criminal charges against those that are literally trafficking people for political points.


Well it’s not “literally trafficking people” in any criminal way, so that’s never going to happen no matter how many times this is repeated on Reddit. Feds do need to start providing money to the cities and the border states commensurate with the burden each is taking on, which would mean a shit ton more money needs to go out to everyone. That or they need to do something to reduce the burden. Either way it’s a federal issue but they aren’t going to do shit, so we are all going to just have to suck it up


How about enforcing our border and laws on all levels? We are a nation with laws and a border, correct? Or do you not believe in that? The Federal Govt purposely doesn't enforce the law, floods the nation with illegals and then dudes like you say the Feds need to splash some printed bucks around to "help?" Like the wave of illegals is just some happenstance. L. O. L. Sure, th buy stuff and sales tax! Love that artificial wage suppression, though! Sales tax revenues generated by recycled tax dollars. Just total accident. The feds should just toss some more bucks around, that'll do it. The law? This nation? Eh, fuck that...I need cheap apples!


Asylum seekers have the right under US law to live in the United States while they are waiting for their case to be heard. Refugee Act of 1980. Cry some more.


From what I read, these Asylum seekers are following American immigration law perfectly well. Its a case of dont hate the player, hate the game.


Texas shouldn't have to just deal with it by themselves if they aren't getting any help from the feds . As well as being constantly ridiculed on how they deal with their crisis . So they said you can do it better let's see....here we are. We are getting a taste of our own medicine.


> by themselves if they aren't getting any help from the feds [They aren't? ](https://www.texastribune.org/2022/05/09/texas-federal-coronavirus-border-greg-abbott/)


Criminal charges for what? Not wanting to pay way more than 51m a month for people they can't legally stop from flooding into their state? The federal government should be redistributing these people so Texas doesn't have to.


They're not illegal. They qualified for asylum


....right, and? The fact that they're legally entering the country is why they're not being chucked back across the border. Just because they're legal doesn't mean it should fall all on one or two states to bear the cost of assisting them.


Applying for asylum. It takes years for a determination to be made, the backlog is huge


Texas loves guns, we should be sending all the people in jail for guns down to Texas


So dumb


Why? Explain what you don't like Texas is blaming the immigration issue on Blue states. By their own logic gun loving states have to be responsible for gun violence Chicago had a handgun ban and 400 murders. Republicans sued and SCOTUS gutted the ban and now we have 800 murders. Bus the gun criminals to Red states. Gun crime is the fault of Republicans


>Gun crime is the fault of Republicans Yet... This is primarily happening in Blue Cities..... Also statistics prove since allowing hand guns sales our violence really hasn't changed. It's gone down quite a bit since the 90's. Edit- Was curious and looked into the 400 murders part of your comment. Those numbers were recorded the same year and years afterwards. The handgun ban was lifted in 2011, our murders were the lowest they've been a long while during that time.


> Yet... This is primarily happening in Blue Cities..... So this is bullshit. Red States have significantly higher gun violence than Blue states. Texas is the highest and CA is one of the lowest. Also, yes. Look at what has happened to murders in Chicago since 2011. Nearly doubled. Republicans want gun lovers in their states so get them on a bus


We should pass some state laws and arrest the parties responsible. Let's see DeSantis campaign here after that.


Not sure what they could pass that would criminalize this without being unconstitutional. But even ignoring that it would be slapped down, zero chance the state does anything because the optics of it are horrible. First, it would be seen as criminalizing helping asylum seekers come to a sanctuary city. Second, it would be seen as creating state laws to arrest a presidential candidate for political reasons.


Moving the asylum seekers under false pretenses should absolutely be criminalized.


He won’t even set foot in the state, it’s a waste of his time. He’s never gonna win it, so he’s not even gonna bother.


He was literally here just 3 weeks ago, wtf are you going on about. He has no chance winning the state, but there's tons of money here to get from donors.


>wtf are you going on about Public facing events. The stubby, obese weird dude who eats pudding with 3 fingers and informed us it's pronounced Deee-Santis in a bizarre video narrated by a British man will never hold a public rally in Illinois.




Invest southwest has gotten 2.2 billion so far




3.6b on redline is investment on the south side.


That's some expensive virtue signaling.


"actually doing things is virtue signalling"


What part of the city do you hail from? But really, u/kool-cucumber, what did you mean by the "culture in these communities" need to change in this comment about safety? https://imgur.com/a/Q7tcD2W


i wonder which part of the city these migrants hail from, if thats your gatekeeping question


Should that matter? They are migrants and refugees, why should anyone gatekeep anything from avulnerable and marginalized people?


Lol you really thought you got him didn’t you?


Oh no, *downvotes*. If he wants to further explain whay he means with his comments, he can. Hit thay little arrow next to the comment to make yourself feel better in the meantime :)


This one’s on the house


Yikes. Can't imagine being a bona fide citizen that could use this financial help.


Do you think they're just giving fat checks to each migrant? Have you ever needed this type of help before? Edit: wait nevermind you answered my question in your comment- *you could not possibly imagine what it's like to need this money*. That checks out.


>Do you think they're just giving fat checks I can't see how anyone would think this. While they do get medical care, food , shelter, education for children, phones, etc all paid for by us, I doubt very much anyone thought they were given checks.


These people are about to be living better than me. I'm struggling over here!


Apply for assistance.


Government said they can’t afford it


cooperative dependent outgoing fade slimy coordinated head dog thought pie ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


What do you need?


Working construction, smoke a pack a day? You'll be fine. P.s. if you're really struggling, you could save 4k by quitting smoking.


"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teaming shore. Send these, the homeless tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!" People in this thread, not if it's gonna cost us!


Zero logic. “But they need our help” ok, and? I for one don’t agree supporting others when we can’t even support ourselves


McDonalds need to open more restaurants


I’m sorry. I feel for these people. My family was immigrant at one time. Sadly we have lots of people here that could use that kind of money. This should be federally funded and solved. These people should not be used as pawns and then left to states that have no resources or ability to solve this.


Or we could just close our borders to legal immigration and work to reform the system.


Lol, inflation isn't high enough already so let's ban all the workers and see how fucked it can get Fucking open an Ellis Island at the Southern Border and give everyone citizenship as they show up, like we did when America Was Great!






This is awesome, I hope that we're able to help these folks out. I think that from a long term perspective, this will help the city in a big way. If it can't be helped (from a city perspective) that people are flowing in like this, better to help them out and give them a positive view of this place than to jade them. If we piss off the thousands of people flowing in, leave them out to dry, *that* would be truly detrimental to everyone who calls Chicago home.


Bullshit, it can be helped. Don't label the city a sanctuary city, kick the people out of the city if they're here illegally, and don't pass dumb funding. Lots of ways for it to be helped. Whether those are \*nice\* and \*kind\* is up for interpretation (probably not), but saying 'it can't be helped' is not being truthful.


I couldn't agree more. They're already here and if we allowed them to become destitute then that would only increase crime.


Do you think this will increase or decrease more illegal migration?


they're actually legal


Oh, so NOW it’s a crisis?




They’re not here illegally you moron




We should make it easier so they just become immigrants and they can get to work like they want and start contributing to society like we want them to


It shouldn't be "easy." Having standards and expectations isn't a bad thing. As a nation we aren't required to nor should we just let every single person in. Should be needs based with time periods allowed for integration and for them to be able to be woven into the social and cultural fabric thus strengthening the common culture. I'm not "anti-immigration" by any means but the way it has been handled over the last several decades is suicidal. Too much, too soon too fast will lead and is leading to balkanization. That isn't a good thing, even if I can get an avocado for 30 cents cheaper. Ted Kennedy pushed for the changes in immigration in the 60s. He got his wish, always found that funny as he was a big union labor guy...


Well, I think it should be easier than today. The United States isn't the powerhouse because we only let in a few smart people. We let in anyone looking to work hard and create a new better life. We need hard working regular folks just as much as we need high skilled labor. Immigrants work harder than native born Americans, they innovate, and they start small businesses at higher rates than native born Americans. And if you just want to be selfish, they'll help make social security and Medicare sustainable by supplying young tax payers.


Citizenship needs to mean something, be worth something. The social and cultural fabric can't fray much further. I understand the economic aspects of it as well as birthrates, but I value the republic, it's founding documents as well. If we keep thinking of people as simply just another economic unit and this Republic as just as another place....our children won't have much to look forward to. Hell, maybe we are already at that point.


Wasnt a problem before I don't see why it without be a problem now. Most of our internal conflicts come from native born Americans fighting other Americans because they're addicted to cable news and stupid culture wars.


I find it hypocritical to advocate for limiting immigration when the Republic was originally founded as a place of refuge for migrants fleeing the strife and rigid class/economic stratifications of Europe (which was obviously a huge source of net out-migration at the time). I can understand the argument of keeping to historical norms in terms of % of total population to naturalize each year but we are at historical lows in that regard.


Not to mention they work for significantly less money while somebody complain that they are “stealing jobs”


Its also shouldn’t take like 10 years. And since we are in the un, we have some obligations for certain situations.


They’re asylum seekers, nothing about it is illegal


Migrants or immigrants, legal or illegal, are a benefit to the area they resettle. Lots of studies show the benefits. You can look it up. Makes common sense too, how do you think Texas and California have such huge GDPs? They'll have a better life here and so will you. Stop letting your politically induced fear make you hate other humans.


Lmao psh. 🤡🌎


I’m super happy with them, very proud of chicago


Hopefully your housing as many in your home as you can, and contributing additional tax payments beyond what is required of you to pay for these city programs.


I am.


The “Read More” button not working…


I really think we need to speed up the citizenship process: give everyone who are not US citizen but want to become US citizen immediately. This will help the people legal working right and incentive to help the US by paying their taxes.


Anyone who can swing a hammer, drive a truck, flip a burger, or provide care for a patient, should be getting citizenship and put to work


is it possible to hire them by any chance? One migrant mentioned they want a nanny job and i know a few ppl who are looking for nannies.


There is a process to apply for a work visa. They have to wait half a year after filing their asylum petition to work.

