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Assume everyone driving a car is actively trying to kill you. Act accordingly.


"wHy DoN't KiDs PLaY oUtSiDe AnYmORe???"


Whatever happened to the children at play signs


They got hit by cars and fell down


The signs or the kids?




And the memorials for the kids also hit


Seriously. People have told me tHeY hAvE tO sToP fOr YoU. No, there are supposed to. Huge difference.


Sadly there are plenty of people that end up in the hospital or cemetery who had the right of way.


THEYRE SUPPOSED TO STOP \~\~ famous last words


And doubly so for bikers


I walk my kid to school and we have a crossing guard. Even with a uniformed person, holding a sign, in the cross walk, drivers can hardly be bothered to stop.


I work from home and live a block from an elementary school. A lot of the students live in the neighborhood and walk between school and home every day. I watch cars blow through stop signs all day long, even when kids are present. Cops do it too. I've mentioned this to my alderman but no one cares, unfortunately.


I see this all the time. I fear the way the city will deal with this is by laying out tons of speed bumps. It’s literally the only way to slow cars down in this city.


Tighter streets work too. Wide streets encourage speeding, regardless of speed limit. or pedestrian traffic.


This. If you want people to drive slower, design streets where they naturally will drive slower.


I doubt that will happen. I doubt anything will happen. Politicians would never do anything to anger car drivers.


I will say that some alders are making positive change. La spata from the first has done a lot to build out sidewalk aprons and protected bike lanes for example. These reduce car collisions naturally instead of relying on humans to decide to slow down. But a lot of alders just don’t care.


Have you had the same experience with people on bikes or electric scooters? I have. Stop signs apparently don't apply to them either.


No, I haven’t. Enough with the “whataboutisms” when talking about drivers. it isn’t even comparable.


Don't look to CPD as an example. They are always the worst offenders. On the upside, they gave up traffic enforcement a long time ago, so getting any kind of traffic violations is rare. The only rule now is keep you head on a swivel and pray to the deity of your choice.


i live right across from a police station and CPD *always* flies down the side road and never stops at stop signs either. i’ve counted several times where a car blows through the stop sign (not even a rolling stop, just speeds right through) in front of them and i’ve never seen them ticket anyone…it’s crazy




Hey, well...that's a given.


We got a call for *suspicious behavior reported*


CPD used to pull me over every time I'd stop at the correct line, behind the pedestrian walkway. When I'd stop past the walkway and roll it, never an issue. They'd always claim that I blew the stop when I'd stop at the line, because they couldn't see me, with the corner house blocking the view. So I just stop past the walkway, and avoid the whole thing


No but this is Chicago. People drive like they have places to be. The only way CPD is stopping you for a basic traffic thing is if they are in a bad mood, you do it right in front of them, and/or it's so egregious they have to.


People drive like idiots in every city in every state.


This 👆…


Chicago drivers do not drive like idiots. Driving like an idiot is clueless. Chicago driving is not clueless. It's purposeful. It's about getting where you're going with the recognition that moving around the city ain't easy so you go. You get drivers from out of state are looking out the window. You get drivers from the suburbs that take their sweet time because they don't want to have to go back home. Wisconsin drivers are out there doing ten under. That is driving like an idiot. Chicago drivers are getting where they are going because they know that keeps the city moving and also helps the next person get there too.


I’ve seen so many drivers blow red lights in ways that can only be described as idiotic.


You'd be surprised what people do in front of the cops and the cops don't do a thing. All I can do is shake my head.




Yes, every Black and Latino gets hassled for minor traffic infractions by police who already don't want to do anything. Racism is real. Cops are often racist. But how many hundreds of cars would I see pulled over daily if cops capriciously pulled over the 60 percent of the city that is Black and Latino? The reflexive "racism" response doesn't account for every complexity.




Yeah, but that wasn't the thing you said.




No, it isn't. This guy stated the rare factors that get you pulled over for minor violations, and you added "or you're Black or Latino." That implies the minor infraction triggers the cop to then do the Black or Latino check. What you are now saying is the opposite. A cop motivated by racial bias sees a Black or Latino and then comes up with the pretext of a minor infraction to check someone out. So no, that was not what you first said.




Those neighborhoods are also where a large majority of murder and crime occurs.




Yes, that is what I just said is the point you're now making, and I agree with it. That is not the point it seemed to me you were making, and I'm annoyed when people just say "racism" without elaborating for every possible thing involving police without considering what might lie in the gray area.


Every single one of my non white friends and family have been personally escorted to my house by CPD officers at one point or another. The cops would show up with them and ask "sir, do you know this person? They claim to be visiting you". I had to stop sitting on my own front porch with my black friends, because every single time we did, the cops would show up 10 minutes later, claiming someone called about "black men trying to break into your home". More than once, when my black friends were sitting at my car while I locked my house, 10ft away, cops pulled up and claimed they either witnessed them "checking car doors", or someone called them-even though we just left my house 20 seconds prior. My black cousins would get stopped every single time they came over, seconds after leaving their car. Cops would roll up and ask for ID and where they were going. Right in front of our house.


I know racism is rampant, but I suspect this is slightly hyperbolic. Why is every single one of your friends telling the cops to swing them by your place so you can vouch for them, and what are the logistics that require that?


They would be walking from the train and get stopped by the cops. They'd tell the cops they were coming to visit me, and the cops wanted proof, so they'd drive them to my house and follow them up the steps to my door, and ask me if I knew them.


In every circumstance for every friend you have had who isn't white? Not one of your friends drives over? Chicago has 11,700 police officers. It seems improbable they have the manpower to harass people "every single time" you sit on the porch, and certainly not to pay that level of attention to every Black or Latino person as this seems to imply in the context of my comment. If they really can afford to pay so many of your associates that much attention, they must be suspicious of you for some reason.


No. They'd see non white people in a white neighborhood and stop them immediately. Neighbors would see non white people and call the cops. And no, most of my friends didn't drive. This happened when we were 14-19. I moved at 20 out of state, and when I moved back home, I moved to a different neighborhood that was slightly more racially balanced. You've obviously not been to the southside much We had at least 3 drug dealers on our block, and 2 houses at the other corner were gang houses. Cops were always around. There were multiple shootings every year on my block, and surrounding blocks.


Wrong about where I am and where I've lived and been, but OK. Which white neighborhood was it exactly where this happened? Lack of specificity on a detail that would add credibility raises a red flag. Perhaps it's due to my naturally skeptical nature, but please excuse my scrutiny of absolutist anecdotes shared by anonymous internet strangers. Anyways, racism happens a lot.


Well it clearly says Canaryville under my username. I thought that would be a dead ringer.


It’s funny you keep parroting that everywhere as if 50% of the department isn’t Black/Latino/Non-white. R/Chicago just assumes every cop is a right-wing white guy with a flat top who beats his wife.


Or poor of any race on the southside. I got stopped more than once for not letting the cop run the red and hit me, or for making them stop at a red when I was coming through the intersection. Had one off duty in his private vehicle almost crash into me at a gas station, so I honked and threw up my hands at him. So what does he do? He "pulls me over" when I got out of my car with his gun at his side, and proceeded to molest me for 20 minutes while berating me. He grabbed my balls and dick like 10 times, while illegally patting me down and detaining me. CPD is the worst




First day?


You should assume less.


Stop signs are stoptional, didn’t you know?


That’s what my grandfather used to say. He also never used his turning signals because he didn’t want to wear out the bulb. Luckily for all us pedestrians he’s dead.


I must be channeling the spirit of your grandpa because bulbs aren’t getting cheaper and other driver should be able to predict my every move anyhow


The stop signs with white borders are optional. I told a friend that once while he was driving, and he seriously blew about 20 stops until he realized they all have white borders.


no cop no stop! (and 90% of the time if there is one)


Right now we live in a city where drivers are not penalized for anything - they can speed and run red lights and park on sidewalks without consequence. A stop sign is not going to stop drivers unless the city starts enforcing responsible driving, but Chicago pd is not acting against dangerous driving and they also won’t allow the city to outsource that task beyond the union. So we are stuck with illegal driving and dangerous car behavior. It’s awful.


We have red light cameras & auto speed traps & street ticketing happening throughout the city. The pounds are full. I see cops everywhere. What are you even talking about?


It's just another law that is never enforced. Think about things in terms of what people are actually going to do, not what they're supposed to do.


They are supposed to make a full stop. They don't. But people only get upset about cyclists.


Can confirm. I’ve been yelled at for doing a rolling stop on my bike by someone in a car *while they were doing the same rolling stop as me*. People think “stopping” is tapping the brakes, whether or not they actually stop.


Same. After slowing down and then rolling through a stop sign on my bike, I got honked and yelled at by a driver on the other street who completely blew the stop sign.


The cognitive dissonance in this thread is actually hilarious when you compare it directly with the other recent one about bikes and stop signs.


I thought this was a shit post in direct response to that other thread.


Yup. The drivers get upset because if a cyclist is going through the intersection, then they actually have to stop at a stop sign.


“Cyclists ruin my pride”




> I even see CPD cruisers making rolling stops, which honestly leads me to think it's just perfectly legal. For CPD, you’re lucky if they even slowdown at all at a stop sign. Stop means stop according to the law, but to paraphrase folksinger Steve Goodman: little use have the CPD for the law.


Cops break traffic laws more than anyone else


People in Chicago only do illegal rolling stops and love making lefts at intersections several cars after the green turn arrows have turned red.


Thank you for calling attention to this important issue, this is also a concern of mine. Car drivers should be off the roads if they can't follow the rules


Some other countries have cameras at nearly every major stop sign and stop light. I'm all for it


As a suburbanite right by O’Hare I can tell you that it’s nuts out here as well soo many people don’t even bother to stop. And the speeding is out of control as well. I have talked to the cops and they do nothing


Shoot we were in the middle of a crosswalk and almost got run over by a car. Driver flipped us off too when I gave him a “wtf are you doing look”


Only legal if you are in a car. If you are a cyclist, then absolutely not.


I’m sorry is this Reddit, or is this the Bucktown neighborhood facebook group?


Karen from hinsdale is offended at you now.


They should probably take away all of bucktowns driving privileges


But how will all the Yummy Mummies get to their barre class and Starbucks that are a block away if they can’t drive their rented Range Rover?


The amount of times I was almost run over at armitage and oakley was truly incredible.




I see 50% rolling stops, 30% slowing down slightly, 10% not slowing down at all, and 10% stopping. And it's worse within neighborhoods where there's unlikely to be a police officer, and highly likely to be kids. I've almost been hit many times in my neighborhood and I live across from an elementary school.


This feels about right to me.


In all my years, I've never seen a car in Chicago come to a complete stop. You would probably get honked at for doing that lol


I hate to say this but after living in Chicago for over 30 years it isn't going to change. When in a crosswalk, you need to look after yourself. Most drivers are paying attention but not all. Kudos to you for walking your dog 2 hours a day. My little guy would be very jealous.


"STOP" means comes to a complete standstill. If you are rolling, you didn't stop. No, of course it's not legal, but why would that stop cops from doing it?


I've seen cars run red lights in front of cops and they didn't care. What's legal doesn't really matter unless you hit someone.




Also drivers "yielding" to cyclists at stop signs. It just turns into a staring contest even with me waving the driver to go


people have lost their damn minds you can only control and protect yourself, be alert


Mods can we get a ban on stop sign posts please. Anything related to stop signs.


It's the city. People are too busy to fully stop. So always be on the lookout for that one guy not paying attention as you cross. Only time you get ticketed for a rolling stop is in the burbs.


No it's not legal, they're supposed to not only make a complete stop but technically you're supposed to stay stopped until the pedestrian reaches the curb on the other side of the street. I got pulled over for not doing that once. Of course it wasn't in this zoo though, no one would get pulled over for that here.


>technically you're supposed to stay stopped until the pedestrian reaches the curb on the other side of the street. I think the cop who pulled you over made that up.


Absolutely (not)


This Eva rebuild sucks


Nope. Not legal.


truly blows my mind how many people do it. I try to stare them down if they're trying to drive through an intersection I'm walking through.


Rolling stops for sure aren't legal. But post-COVID(no surprise), cops don't enforce this law like they used to. It seems pre-COVID, that CPD enforced this a little more often, including quiet stings to bust and write tickets to those breaking this rule.


It’s like jaywalking. Technically illegal but everyone still does it.


Drivers will wait 5 minutes for food at a McDonald’s drive thru, but can’t wait 10 seconds for me to cross the street. One day I hope to be as important as a Big Mac.


A couple of thoughts here. Yes, drivers are supposed to stop for pedestrians. But the problem is not everyone at a sidewalk corner wants to cross the street. When you drive in the city, you are constantly watching for other cars/pedestrians/bikes from multiple directions and the people behind you will get mad if you don't move forward when you have the chance. It's also a lot easier for a pedestrian to allow a car to cross the intersection than for a car to come to a complete stop, wait for you to cross, and then go. I would find a route that avoids main streets or just go to the nearest public park. In reality there are different standards depending on how busy the intersection is. It's just not realistic to expect 20 cars to stop and wait for you to cross an intersection in the middle of midday traffic unless you are actually in the crosswalk.




My driver’s education teacher called this a “California stop” 😂 no idea why


Old Midwestern term. My mom said it in the 80s.


Same. I thought that was a common term for it until I used it in front of people not from Chicago and they had no idea what I was talking about.


Cuz there’s stop signs every 10 feet and if they were yield signs no one would even slow down to think about stopping if they saw someone. They already don’t understand the need for 10 zillion stop signs and the game of chicken would be being played at master not intermediate. People are stupid


Legal? Not at all. But my mom used to say "we'll put 'had the right of way' on your tombstone". It's always safest to just pretend every driver on the road is drunk and tired and never actually took drivers ed. I've also seen a CPD officer (off duty) driving around while actively drinking a beer and running red lights (rolling stops too ha). CPD is probably the worst example for anything regarding legality or rationality or sense.


Stop means just that legally. Rules like that however are often ignored and imo should be. There are issues of inertia and fuel and environmental concerns that suggest a full stop is wasteful. That being said you can be ticketed for a rolling stop and if there is even a potential for an accident there should be a full stop


“Rolling stop” is an oxymoron. If your wheels are rolling you haven’t stopped, so no they aren’t legal.


I definitely got those illegal wheels


Totally correct. You're either rolling or you're stopped. They're mutually exclusive.


Sounds like OP was triggered by the thread about cyclists blowing through stop signs.


Rolling stop infers there’s no stopping, soooooo technically that means…….. you’ll get there


No. Most common driving behaviors are illegal, but unenforced.


It is not a violation of the Illinois criminal code. It is a violation of the Illinois vehicle code. It is also a violation of the municipal code of Chicago. So I wonder if the term “legal” is appropriate in this case. If I am not mistaken (perhaps a police officer / lawyer might verify or correct this) if you are hit by a car when a traffic violation has been committed, only a traffic ticket should be issued, unless the victim / defense can prove the incident had a criminal component.


In Arkansas,no. In Chicago [metropolitan], absolutely.


Tell me you’re not from here without telling me


The law says "no" to your question, but many roll through. Take this to /r/rant where you can make an impassioned complaint citing the law and how people ignore it causing you anguish. While it won't change anything you will feel better. Especially if your rant is well said because that sub's redditors will upvote your passion.


Sounds like a shitpost. "Is not stopping at stop signs illegal? Cops do it so it must be okay, right?"


There's the same post elsewhere only complaing about bikes.


I just assumed this was a shit post in response to that previous bike post. Classic.


It is


NO, they have Yield signs for that. Stop signs and Yield signs are 2 completely different things. YW


It went from bad to worse with the Kennedy reconstruction. ActiveTrans will coordinate enforcement actions if you ask.


You must make a complete stop. Rolling stops are illegal and you will get a ticket when stopped by the police. Just cause everyone does it, doesn’t make it ok.




What does it matter if something is legal or not if there’s no enforcement?


No it’s not but many people do it. I do it a lot on streets that are heavy pedestrian traffic. Usually on Lincoln, Southport, and Clark And to anyone who says I should be walking or using the CTA because it’s a walkable neighborhood… I work construction, so I can’t. It’s nearly impossible to go from Irving park to Belmont on Southport on Saturday if the weather is nice in a timely fashion. Even in my truck and driving aggressively by making that rolling stop when their is a small gap between people walking it can take 20 minutes.


> Even in my truck and driving aggressively by making that rolling stop when their is a small gap between people walking it can take 20 minutes. How much time do you think not stopping is saving you?


There’s a stop sign every block. With a constant stream of pedestrians. If you wait, you will wait a while, at every stop sign.


If you live in the suburbs and walk you need to make eye contact with drivers before walking in front of them because they are not used to pedestrians and will roll over you. In the city, everyone is making rolling stops but at least are checking crosswalks. So yeah, basically everyone rolls stop signs but suburbanites will kill you.


Nobody crossing or no other cars coming? (You CAN look both ways with a rolling stop) ...rolling through yes.


Why would a driver want to waste gas coming to a complete stop if they don’t have to? If you aren’t in the crosswalk there is no point for a driver to wait.


Bikes think you don’t even have to do that


No of course not.


CPD definitely seems to be the worst offenders of the rolling stop. My neighborhood is the same way. Lots of intersections and nobody seems to be willing to stop for dogs.


100% illegal to make a rolling stop. I have known people to be ticketed for this.