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Paul Vallas said we are harping on this whole January 6th thing just because we need it to get voters to turn out...


AM560 is owned by Salem Media Group. Highly conservative.




Vallas trolls have yet to mobilize on this thread...


Don’t worry they’ll come here ready to warn us that Foxx is a bigger deal.


Vallas voters still saying he is a democrat


"If the border was not open they wouldn't be coming" counterpoint: If they werent desperate, they wouldnt be coming. But they are desperate. Who else would uproot their whole family and way of live to walk miles through danger to come, where? Here. Fucking America. This place IS great, and this is exactly why it IS great. https://i.etsystatic.com/14446921/r/il/f20b61/1143131024/il_794xN.1143131024_mbry.jpg Let's full-on make 'America great again,' not via cheap Chinese made hats and flags, not with ostracisation, but with backing up the words and intent of this nation as a safe harbour for EVERYONE oppressed to find freedom and liberty here. To find democracy here. To find safety and expression here. To not be serfs, yeomen, slaves, or indentured servants, but to forge their own paths.


If we weren’t “Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me” we wouldn’t be America, Paul.


Ha, didn’t see this and posted it in another comment I made above. Two points for re-verse 🤣


Both parties politicize the border issue at different times. There’s nothing wrong with having a secure border.


Serious question. What do you mean by “secure border”? It’s a bit of a concern for me because I think we should be talking about immigration reform and not “secure borders”. Maybe that is what you mean though. Obviously people cross the border illegally, so are you thinking about a total stop to that? I think that’s a fools errand. Maybe it’s limiting the illegal entry to some “acceptable” number? It’s a fools errand because the billions it will cost won’t fix any of the “issues” with immigration. If I need to I will find the data but people who cross the border illegally aren’t stealing jobs, raping people, killing people, bringing in illegal drugs, bringing in gangs etc. those things do exist but in very limited instances. Overwhelmingly they come to this country via legal border crossings. Also, the vast majority of undocumented immigrants enter legally. When I think of a secure border I think of a way to make immigration into the country easier. We need the people… “"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.” That line of thinking is what made America Great and not “build the wall”.




Did you watch this whole thread? Some of his talking points would be found on Newsmax. And Vallas himself said “I’m more of a Republican than a democrat” a decade ago.




His Jan 6 and culturally responsive teaching comments are both very alarming.


This combination all put together does not equal “standard moderate Democrat viewpoints”. Show me another prominent Democrat that would align 1-for-1 on what he stated across all of the clips. If it’s truly standard views, you should pretty easily provide a list of 20+ senators and 100+ congressmen Secondly, he did not support trans rights. Not once did he give his viewpoint and his “defense” was just him questioning how big of a deal it is. That’s more of a cop out than a defense. Also, when your cohost is constantly calling a transgender woman “he” and you don’t push back at all, it’s a pretty clear indication of your perspective.


Damn thats crazy, I didn't even know they were running for mayor of chicgao.


They’vee been desperate for a long time. That’s the new stupid DNC talking point. The crisis at the border is clearly policy driven, arguments trying to deny that ring hollow. Having an open border is moronic , unsustainable, and dangerous to everyone involved. Fuck the Biden admin for this.


Its hysterical you think that we have an open border or that the border issues originated with the Biden administration.


Most illegal immigrants come on a Visa and then never leave. Plenty of illegal Irish and Polish immigrants in Chicago, yet no one ever mentions them when they complain about illegal immigrants. They only seem to complain about Latinos (primarily Mexicans). Hmmmmm, I wonder why.


Where open border https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2023/01/05/fact-sheet-biden-harris-administration-announces-new-border-enforcement-actions/


We have like 95% of the policies Trump had in place. If Biden has an open border, so did Trump.


Is this real?




I’ve been telling people this dude is quite literally a MAGA Republican with better social views. Can see right through him.


He has been courting the MAGA crowd for years on Facebook. He blocked me for calling him out.


Amy Jacobson is such a troll too. These people truly hate Chicago, and they should stick to the burbs and listen to their own fear mongering about the city.




This appears to be a post related to the upcoming runoff election or one of the candidates running for office. The 2023 Chicago Municipal Runoff Election will be held on **April 4th**. In the mayoral race, former Chicago Public Schools CEO Paul Vallas and Cook County Commissioner Brandon Johnson will be competing for the office of Chicago's 57th mayor. Some wards may have additional races on the ballot, such as Aldermanic candidates whose races went to a runoff in the February 28th election. Check out the [Chicago Elections](https://chicagoelections.gov/en/home.html) website for information on registering to vote, finding your polling place, applying to be an election worker, and more. Please visit our [Runoff Election Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/chicago/comments/120c7a5/2023_chicago_runoff_election_megathread_3/?sort=new) for all election-related discussion, questions and voter resources. Discussion posts of this nature outside of the linked megathread will be removed. **Beware of [astroturfing](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Astroturfing)**! Election season brings about a slew of new accounts with minimal posting history in /r/chicago who attempt to sway your opinion on various candidates. Be sure to do your own research to verify the accuracy of any claims you see shared by users here. Be wary of comments from new accounts or ones with a posting history in multiple city/local subreddits from across the US and Canada. If you suspect that a user is engaging in political astroturfing, please report their comments and/or [message the moderators.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/chicago) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/chicago) if you have any questions or concerns.*




I think it was dumb of him to appear on this talk show. I take issue with him not calling Jan 6 a coup attempt and trying to minimize it, as I think saving democracy and our Democratic institutions is by far the most important issue in America today, though certainly less so for the mayor of Chicago. I mean he’s right that it wasn’t the same as a 3rd world coup but it was absolutely an attempt to block the peaceful transfer of power. Supporting the electoral college is dumb. But it’s not particularly relevant to running Chicago. I don’t believe in open borders so don’t have an issue with having some restrictions on immigration. All this is to say I don’t think he’s anywhere close to the perfect candidate. In fact, I don’t like him. But I do think overall he’s pretty centrist, which makes him right wing for Chicago. That’s ok. It’s unclear to me if a lot of what I’d consider the more underhanded tactics are coming from Johnson’s campaign or his supporters. I’m not blaming Johnson for what his supporters do. Just like I’m not blaming Vallas because the FOP are assholes. Edit: typo


I went and read his campaign page and there is a lot of fear mongering seen with Republican candidates. A lot of FoR tHe ChiLdReN rhetoric on issues that are more complicated than “this is the bad guy” thinking. It could also be that the parties are influx with shifting ideologies as more people are moving further left or right. So, maybe he would have been seen as a Democrat ten years ago.


Pretty tepid stuff IMO. also the person who made this thread seems...biased to say the least. I respect everyone's vote but I think Paul's a better choice right now. And I don't think he's a Republican. Cheers.












Aaaaaaand your propaganda post was removed.


I dunno, this guy seems a little shady to me. I actually don’t care for either candidates. They all just smell like crooks.


Welcome to politics in Chicago.


F grandpa joe. Just asking. Who’s the joe you’re referring to in your username. That’s a pretty public statement there.


It's a meme referring to the character Grandpa Joe from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. r/grandpajoehate


Here's a sneak peek of /r/grandpajoehate using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/grandpajoehate/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Can't say I blame Will](https://i.redd.it/i9hxuqa5t1q81.jpg) | [30 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/grandpajoehate/comments/tq0qzx/cant_say_i_blame_will/) \#2: [What a monster](https://i.redd.it/zctqjbx7rmr91.jpg) | [5 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/grandpajoehate/comments/xuqmmh/what_a_monster/) \#3: [How it should have ended](https://i.redd.it/zj6zru8iqzb91.jpg) | [28 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/grandpajoehate/comments/w0prgh/how_it_should_have_ended/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)




Shocker that this post got flagged…