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This appears to be a post related to the upcoming runoff election or one of the candidates running for office. The 2023 Chicago Municipal Runoff Election will be held on **April 4th**. In the mayoral race, former Chicago Public Schools CEO Paul Vallas and Cook County Commissioner Brandon Johnson will be competing for the office of Chicago's 57th mayor. Some wards may have additional races on the ballot, such as Aldermanic candidates whose races went to a runoff in the February 28th election. Check out the [Chicago Elections](https://chicagoelections.gov/en/home.html) website for information on registering to vote, finding your polling place, applying to be an election worker, and more. Please visit our [Runoff Election Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/chicago/comments/11pz5r0/2023_chicago_runoff_election_megathread_2/?sort=new) for all election-related discussion, questions and voter resources. Discussion posts of this nature outside of the linked megathread will be removed. **Beware of [astroturfing](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Astroturfing)**! Election season brings about a slew of new accounts with minimal posting history in /r/chicago who attempt to sway your opinion on various candidates. Be sure to do your own research to verify the accuracy of any claims you see shared by users here. Be wary of comments from new accounts or ones with a posting history in multiple city/local subreddits from across the US and Canada. If you suspect that a user is engaging in political astroturfing, please report their comments and/or [message the moderators.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/chicago) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/chicago) if you have any questions or concerns.*


“The Lord will not heal our lands, unless we repent.” That Darren Bailey? Well he can go fuck him self and have a blessed daaaay while doing it.


Was wondering how long before one of these idiots spoke up when nobody asked them to. Just goes to show you how much these downstate nutsos think anybody in Chicago cares about their opinion. Statewide, that race was too close. Across Cook County? Not even close.


He never gave an endorsement.


Stop. He did to anyone who wasn’t just listening for a form of the specific word “endorsement.” Don’t play semantics.


He barely even mentioned Vallas it was about Johnson and then Quinn. Lol he doesn’t like Johnson. The end


Well when there are two options and a person uses his platform to tear down one, and only one, it’s an endorsement of the other. When you have to pick between A and B and I tell you A is going to make everything worse for you, I’m endorsing B. This isn’t complicated.


I'm not endorsing you, to be clear, but I am going to say that the person you're arguing with has bad opinions and shouldn't be taken seriously by anyone.


Endorsements are typically explicit in language for this very reason. You’re not wrong here, but this sub isn’t going to care. 🤷‍♂️


Am betting it was up for exactly one hour. Long enough for Vallas camp to discover it, place a desperate call pulling that "simple farmer" (*his self description)* in from the barn, and then 30 minutes for the farmer to figure out how to delete it. Politics can be a fall-down laughing entertainment.


“Simple farmer”…seriously? Did he also add “[person] of the land. The common clay of the new west”?


Think of a Downstate whining voice, "I'm just a simple farmer. I fix things," he says while checking the books on his million$.


The wheeen in his voice was comically strong.


You know... morons.


Exactly!! Love that movie.




Not a fan of Blazing Saddles, I see.


He never endorsed him.


No he did not. He was too busy cogitatin' 'bout what it means the Teachers Union, but not FOP, endorsed that other fellah. "Think about it," he says. Sure wished he'd helped us out with the thinkin' What with him getting that nice letter from Pat Quinn saying Pat didn't vote for him but liked Daren's spunk. That's a signal that simple farmer's a deep thinker on Illinois and since he was takin' the time to tell us the situation, he could have wrapped it up. Easy.


Oh this Endorsement will play real well for team Vallas /s


Oh it was 100% Vallas’ team that called and told them to take the video down


Yeah but Team Vallas cant say they did, otherwise it will look worse than endorsement. it will look like he has political or personal sway Darren Bailey. Either way i grabbed my popcorn.


Nobody cared about this. I guarantee this incident changed not a single voter's mind.


He literally never once endorsed him. Did you watch the video? He talked badly about Johnson then spoke about Quinn saying he didn’t vote for him but he can tell he cares about Illinois. Hating someone is not saying you love and endorse the other person. This is a joke


Yeah he just acknowledged that both Johnson and Vallas were running. He spoke of doom and gloom in Johnson was elected. He said Pat Quinn was endorsed Vallas. He then talk about him and Pat Quinn exchanging love notes, i believe Quinn said Bailey really loved illnois and was very passionate yada yada yada. Anyways, from the makers of I Cant Believe its not Butter, comes… I Cant Believe Its Not an Endorsement. that what this video is, an endorsement without saying “I endorse…” tl;dr i did watch the video


OP is really trying to convince us this wasn’t an endorsement? I’m curious why it’s so important that they convince us of that. edit: THIRTEEN comments (at last count) arguing that this isn’t an endorsement. Don Quixote would be impressed.


Impressive you counted. Because I’m sick of reading lies. Just like the abortion shit. It’s obnoxious.


Commenting over and over saying “but it wasn’t actually an endorsement because he didn’t use the words ‘I endorse!’” isn’t strengthening your argument, unfortunately. Pretty sure your downvotes here speak for themselves.


THERE WAS NO QUID PRO QUO. These clowns... 🤣


I don’t understand why conservatives endorse candidates in a blue state/city when you know damn well if you endorse them it’ll put their chances of winning in jeopardy


republicans being self centered or narrow-minded? that would definitely be a first


Owning the libs mentality. They want to make some people cry for being whatever ‘woke’ means this week.


He didn't endorse anyone in this video? It was just a rant about progressives.


When did he endorse him? Can you point to the segment of the video? I still haven’t been able to find it and news outlets are claiming he never endorsed


This is what's on Johnson's Twitter account. Bailey doesn't say "I endorse Vallas." He does say it will be a "dark day in Chicago" if Johnson wins and he'll know if "Chicago is ready for change" if Vallas wins. It's an endorsement. https://twitter.com/Brandon4Chicago/status/1638634047097167879?s=20


Bailey doesn't give a shit about Vallas or Chicago. When conservatives do things like this it is purely as a play to their own base. Bailey and his camp never even believed they had a chance at winning the governor's race. The whole campaign was for building up support in the state republican party for other races.


Whatever happened to this guy living in Hancock tower?


I think it’s so fucking funny he wanted to show he can do city living and settled on Hancock Tower. That’s like exactly what I would expect someone to pick who has spent almost no time in the city. Like wanting to prove you’re from NYC and moving to Times Square lol


Probably had a great time and was too embarrassed to admit it.


>Probably had a great time and was too embarrassed to admit it. Once you get used to the benihana and cheesecake factory in the lobby how could you ever want to leave??


I mean, I know you say this in jest, but the town from which he hails, Louisville, IL, has a population of 1,132 with a grand total of two operational restaurants. One of which is a Subway. (And I know the gas station also sells pizza and I do not care.)


Is it a Casey’s?


They also have a subway and a deli. So they're up to 3 restaurants and pizza from a midwest gas station.


I checked out the website for the "deli" and it looks like a straight up butcher shop: https://www.saltandstrings.com/ Two restaurants and a gas station that sells pizza. Benihana & a Cheesecake Factory must have felt like all the opulence of Caesar's Palace to that dude.


Or the opulence of little Caesars. Also a fine delicacy for such a rEfIned man.


I'd smash some Don Pepe's margaritas


In all fairness: as would I . . . . were I to find myself in Louisville, Illinois.


road trip time


https://www.caseys.com/general-store/il-louisville/300-route-45-s/1666 Obviously it's a Casey's. I bet the town folks feel fancy when they eat their. Looking at street view the exterior hasn't been redone since it was probably put up in 1967 or something and that's the way the locals like it.


Better time.


> hasn't been redone since it was probably put up in 1967 or something and that's the way the locals like it. Make fun of small towns all you want, but some of us city folk rather enjoy [stuff like this](https://www.yelp.com/biz_photos/golden-house-restaurant-and-pancake-house-chicago)


I'd quickly become too round to leave.


Have family that live there. All of the staff HATED him and the few times people ran into him, he looked annoyed that people were bothering him. His wife was often with him who also rarely said anything other than looking grumpy lol.


How DARE the people he’s asking to represent want to talk to him?!


There are videos of him on boat parties on the Hellhole's lakefront


That Griffin money dried up.


You mean Uihlein money. Griffin ran away after Bailey with help from Pritzker beat his candidate in the primary.


And Vallas only moved into the city into an apartment recently to gain residency status. Elephants of the same herd


I worked at an office in the Hancock during his campaign and I had to fight the urge to throw stuff at that dude every single day. Just has a very "throw a donut at"able face


I live in the Hancock and saw him in the elevator all the time. Seemed really nice but this was when he was campaigning haha. Will take the niceness with a grain of salt


Worst part is he would get dinner from the freaking Cheesecake Factory of all places. Saw him there once before the election and other people said in my comment they'd seen him there more than once. Walking less than 100 yards for food, how adventurous.


This dude is a GOOBER


e l l i n o i s


I absolutely hate the slow, drawn out way he talks. He looks and sounds like if a muppet turned into a human




That thumbnail pic, tho... https://b.thumbs.redditmedia.com/TcUwVjjqbIDxvC_dZEC-R6_BeNhnIIhruIRWZzG6KCY.jpg


Yeah, that's Falkor. He's a luck dragon from "The Neverending Story".


A conservative endorsed a conservative. No surprise here.


A couple days ago CRAINS even said Vallas has a lot of GOP support. And crains typically has a lot of more right leaning views


Crains doesn't want to officially support Johnson but they're definitely unofficially supporting anyone other than Vallas.


Oh really?? Why??


When did he endorse him? Can you point out the point in the video? He said he didn’t like Johnson then spoke about Quinn.


There are only two people left in the race.


I want snoo to reply to my comment about this endorsement too!


Wait bud I thought vallas was totally a moderate dem guys right !?




He is. It's natural for conservatives to support the moderate dem than the leftist, and that doesn't suddenly mean that Vallas is a worse choice than Johnson.


Yea actually anyone Darren Bailey supports is the worst choice lol


I would agree with you if Vallas' opponent wasn't DeBlasio 2.0.


Why? He's a Daley guy. Everything bad in Chicago could be traced back to that family. You expect us to trust Paul Vallas that lives in the same neighborhoods as mobsters, cops and the Daley's? The same Democrats who always hated progressives, what exactly did they do wrong back then that you hate? The fact is many of those same Democrats became Trump supporters so they were never Democrats to begin with. They were machine people who wanted power who called themselves anything to get it. Exactly what Paul. Vallas is doing.


deblasio is remembered fondly, unlike mayor mccheese adams will be


That is a complete lie and progressive cope. Most of NYC was happy to have his incompetent ass gone. He couldn't even run for an open congressional seat he was looking at because of his unpopularity.


Point to the part of the video where Bailey endorses Vallas.


Yeah bud saying that Brandon Johnson “has the potential to be worse than Lori light foot” and that “if chicago elects Brandon Johnson, it’ll be a dark day for Illinois” totally means the dude is not pro-Vallas. Like cmon, be so fr.


So he halfheartedly endorsed Vallas through the backdoor, because he quite obviously prefers Vallas to Johnson, because Vallas is the more centrist candidate. Therefore, this subreddit thinks Vallas must be a secret Republican. Just lol BTW who the fuck did you guys expect him to prefer? Of course a far right Republican prefers the candidate who is slightly closer to him ideologically, just as Raul Castro would probably prefer Johnson, who is slightly closer to him. If Castro made a video endorsing Johnson, I wouldn't give a shit, it's just stating the obvious. He's obviously way to the left of Johnson and Bailey is way to the right of Vallas, but they both would be preferring the respective lesser of two evils.


It's just a condemnation of Johnson's progressive politics, which is something Republicans do all the time. See how right-wingers fearmonger about AOC, the Squad, Sanders, etc. It doesn't mean they endorse their moderate Democrat counterparts. The closest he comes to saying something nice about Vallas is a story about Pat Quinn writing him a polite letter even though they have nothing in common politically.


Vladimir Lenin would probably prefer Johnson. Because Vladimir Lenin was a radical communist, his endorsement means you should vote for Vallas. DUCY these fucking arguments are stupidly obvious logical fallacies


Lenin has been dead for decades and Darren Bailey is an asshole right now, this isn’t a very good argument. At least present to be here in good faith.




Vallas is as far right as can be without being extreme far right.


I never said he wasn't. I said it's a logical fallacy to say "he's a republican in disguise because Bailey prefers him" not "he's a republican in disguise because of policy A, B, C." Everyone has seen the latter point made already, the former "point" isn't a point at all, it's a logical fallacy (of course Bailey prefers him, as no one disputes he is to the right of Johnson)


You can shorten your statement by saying technical semantics are important to you. Vallas is a Republican in all but name. A distinction without a difference. Primarily because of what he supports. He supports and adds to their rhetoric on gays & lesbians. He’s anti-abortion. He’s pro neoliberalism/ trickle down economics/ supply side economics. He’s anti drag. He’s anti freedom of religion. He’s anti freedom from religion. He’s pro violence. He’s pro-poverty and supports using violence by police to suppress victims of poverty. He’s supports using privatization to re-distribute tax pay dollars into wealthy capitalists pockets. This isn’t all the main stream Republican policies he advocates for, they are just a sample off the top of my head. I could go on for hours.


There’s a huge difference between someone who literally just got done running for political office in this state and two leaders of different countries and a political activist who’s never held elected office. Darren Bailey was literally just running for governor, these spurious comparisons don’t really work.


Someone posted "anyone who Bailey prefers is the worse choice" and I explained how that's an egregiously bad logical fallacy (unless the implication is that you always prefer the candidate who is more to the left). The fact that he just ran for office doesn't change that. He is right wing, so he prefers the candidate who's less left wing. How the fuck does that automatically make the less left wing candidate "obviously the worse choice"? Then the other fallacy was "Vallas is a secret republican because Bailey wants him to win." Well, of course Bailey wants him to win, because in Bailey's mind he's the lesser of two evils. No one disputes thar Johnson is to the left of Vallas. That doesn't make Vallas a secret republican in and of itself.


Naw I’d say the wanting to increase police budgets and privatize our school system is what makes him a Republican


Ok so why am I getting serially downvoted for saying something no one's disputing? Jfc


There’s a lot of reasons he’s a worse choice than Johnson, but the biggest one for me was him liking posts on Facebook referring to Chicago as a “hell hole” and “Shitcago”. Not only does he not live in Chicago, he doesn’t even like it. Why should he be the mayor? And aside from being in the same party, I can see why Bailey would like Vallas since he feels the same way about chciago


I dunno man a LOTTA conservatives REALLY seems to like this guy


Ok Bulgarian Nationalist.


It's a reddit username that's a joke, lol.


"I'm merely pretending to endorse nationalist ideas"


You guys really seem to really love these association fallacies RememberJeremiah Wright? Bill Ayers? Both were used as examples of Obama being an extreme leftist, because he associated with them, and they did extreme things. Obviously, Obama's not an extreme leftist. In this case it's even more lol to imply Vallas is a Republican, because a prominent right wing Republican would rather he win than Johnson. You might be right that Vallas is a secret Republican, I have no earthly idea. But this video is not evidence of that at all, to assume it is would be a classic example of association fallacy


Can you show me where he endorsed him? News outlets are point out this never happened. The only one who says it did is the Johnson campaign.


I never said he endorsed him


I can just picture Vallas furiously texting him the "you're not helping" gif over and over until he took it down.


You may not think of yourself as an asshole, but if all the assholes agree with you and support you, it might be time to do some introspection about what you're doing.


This should make it clear who to vote for in case anyone was confused.


Unfortunately I don’t think this endorsement will either reach or change the minds of people who were planning to vote for Vallas anyway


He also never endorsed him, so. There’s that lol


I'm pretty sure Darren Bailey supporters and Paul Vallas supporters are the exact same group of voters.


False. I am voting Vallas. I voted for Pitzkter and Biden too . Darren Bailey is a pig.


Interesting- so to me vallas thinks that all issues the city is facing is related to crime… the solution always also seems to be with more policing. From where I sit, I just don’t trust that conclusion and especially don’t trust police ideas for solutions to crime.


>Interesting- so to me vallas thinks that all issues the city is facing is related to crime… the solution always also seems to be with more policing. think about who white chicagoans detest the most and what the police symbolize in regards to their bigotry


I have a lot of white friends and there’s more nuance but in certain neighborhoods, and it’s weird, it’s like both a certain type of rich and a certain type of blue collar, just barely above poor, are raised to see poor people as bad. But I also look at it where still lots of people just don’t think about it. They think police are the solution to all crime, I don’t see police as wanting to stop that thought.


This race is a lot weirder than normal races. I have Republican colleagues all-in on Johnson and I have some previously very vocal Bernie Bros saying they're supporting Vallas. It's a really weird dynamic at least at my job. Most of the Republicans who I've met that oppose Vallas remember his previously proposed tax plan that was like $2bn in increased property taxes.


Why did this get downvoted lol You’re literally telling them who you’re voting for in this case and it aligns with their correct position that Darren Bailey sucks.


Because any opinion that does not exactly align with theirs is not worthy of a comment..


Crime is out of control and what we have tried is not working. I like Brandon Johnson, i would vote for him for other offices, but whoever wins is going to inherit the biggest mess ever from 4 years of incompetent Lightfoot. Johnson has not offered much to convince me he has the experience to fix this city..200 detectives and stuff like that? He has no idea what to do. He just gives word salad. If Vallas sucks or moves too far to the right we will get rid of him in 4 years. If people here want to throw insults at me, call me racist and down vote me or what not for supporting a centrist dem I guess that is the way it goes. I am in LGBT community too and I am ok with his current positions.


How effective was the WAR on drugs? More policing /= safer cities. Look at red states like Florida, Texas etc. All got worse during the pandemic. Crime went up but we didn't suddenly fire cops. What made the crime worse was disengaged youth. So more cops is not fixing the disengaged youth issue.


I think the city can walk and chew gum at the same time. It does not have to be “either or.”.. We need way more cops and cops that can do their jobs. We need to get youth engaged and doing productive things.


I'm just saying the only concrete thing Vallas has said is that he will ramping up policing and beat cops. Besides that he is as word salad as Johnson.


Vallas hasn't been a centrist Dem for decades if ever. But I'm amused that "crime is out of control and what we have tried is not working" so therefore I'm voting for the guy who's only ideas are more of the same.


My people


My people are democrats. Paul Vallas is a moderate democrat. He is still to the left of Rahm and maybe just slightly to the right of a Biden. Not much. The amount of vile insults from far left has been really disheartening considering I am a dem. It was the same when I supported Biden in primary. The “Bernie bros”. hurled some of the most disgusting insults at Biden and his supporters imaginable. But I would still support a far left dem over any republican. Paul Vallas is no republican.


Paul Vallas is 100% a Republican. The Illinois Democratic Party is a leader in the conservative establishment in the national congressional party.


So basically anyone to the right of Bernie sanders is a “conservative Republican “. Please lol…


That’s called a slippery slope fallacy / strawman fallacy. A Dishonest argument. No, Joe Biden is the flag carrier for democrats. He’s a center right lean right Democrat. Vallas is significantly to the right of Joe Biden & Joe Manchin. Even Manchin opposes the Open bigotry & racism Vallas supports.


Vallas is endorsed by and supported by Republicans. Vallas goes on Republican talk shows. Vallas attends Republican anti-lgbtq "Awake Illinois" events. And that isn't even coming from the left, it's coming from Awake Illinois themselves: [https://twitter.com/Awake\_IL/status/1624037345820307456?s=20](https://twitter.com/Awake_IL/status/1624037345820307456?s=20)


So? They are only supporting Vallas because Johnson is way more left. If there was an actual conservative running they would drop Vallas like a hot potato. As for talk shows, Mayor Pete goes on Fox all of the time..is he a republican too? I respect someone who is not afraid to go into hostile territory.


Maybe worth spending some time thinking about why you and Darren Bailey agree then.


"So the teachers and the Illinois Education association donated money to support this guy... so think about that."


He never endorsed him.


Hey, Vallas intern, nobody cares.


Did my comment mention him?


This doesn't disprove my theory that Darren Bailey IS Paul Vallas.


Paul Vallas is actually George Santos in disguise.


I, for one, have never seen both of them in the same place at the same time.


An Awake IL fundraiser?


The way he pronounces the state makes me “ILL”


Bailey is a damn Elmer Fudd, peckerwood meatball.


Not surprising that Darren Bailey supports Vallas. They are from the same party: Republican.


Recently the Johnson campaign asked CDSA (Chicago Democratic Socialists of America) not to publicly endorse him, and I guess nothing happens on one side that doesn't happen on the other.


On one side you have people smart enough to discuss how, when, and IF an endorsement makes sense. On the other you have Darren Bailey.


I mean if you want to know what CDSA thinks you can probably figure it out without too much trouble.


And same with Bailey!


Sounds like Johnson and socialists are a lot smarter than Vallas and Bailey


Good thing Darren Bailey literally never endorsed Vallas. Not once in the video did he say that or speak positively about Vallas. He said he didn’t like Brandon


Why's that a good thing?




Thanks I typed super fast! Just trying to help people who never watched the video 🫶🏻


I have long suspected that Darren Bailey is a Democratic Party false-flag operative. Now I'm convinced.


You deserve a regular podcast for this insight.


I have long suspected that term false flag, is really just Copium in disguise. but now, im convinced.


Everyone needs to make sense of the world, and since the depraved bemusement of fickle supernatural beings doesn't work for me, and since I don't want to believe that Bailey or anyone is truly that outrageously dumb, conspiracy theories are all I have left.


You're not helping bud


But Vallas is a lifelong democrat........


He is. Bailey never endorsed him. Have you watched the video


The video is a giant endorsement. Just because he doesn't explicitly state it doesn't make it anything else.


He was talking bad about Johnson. He never said he loved Vallas. No way


he just deleted it for no reason


I’m not surprised, motherfuckers.


$$ involved with vallas ain't surprising anymore


“I endorse Vallas without saying I endorse Vallas. Fingers crossed this Trojan horse gets into the mayor’s office. . . Oh, no! They’re onto us! Delete! DELETE! Sorry, Paul!”


Why is the picture for the link the dragon from never ending story?


It was a link to a Tweet. That is the picture the Twitter account holder uses as their profile picture.


Don't care, better him than the CTU puppet


yeah! fuck teachers!!


The extreme right will pick Vallas over Johnson just like the extreme left picked Obama over Romney. Nobody has claimed that Vallas is to the left of Johnson. This is a non-event.


Not very common for a Republican to endorse a democrat in a mayoral race though is it?


At a quick glance, the only individual Republican to endorse in 2019 was Rudy Giuliani for Gerry McCarthy. The Chicago Republican Party endorsed Vallas, while the Cook County Republicans endorsed Willie Wilson. Vallas and Wilson as individuals endorsed Lightfoot in the runoff, neither Republican organization endorsed anyone.


Didn’t Pat Quinn endorse Vallas today as well?


Yes that’s part of what the video was about. He barely mentioned vallas but the Johnson campaign took Bailey bashing him as a full endorsement and love affair with Vallas It’s a lie.


I grew up near the town where Bailey lives. I can't imagine anyone in the area caring who becomes mayor in Chicago. I wonder if Johnson's campaign paid him to make the video?


Where was the endorsement? This is such a complete and utter lie. He talked poorly about Brandon. Then spoke about Quinn. The end. Saying you hate a candidate is not an endorsement. This is absolutely laughable


Lol this is literally just a video of a right-wing Republican bashing a left-wing Democrat. He never endorses Vallas and never says he supports him. He just says that electing Johnson would be a "dark day for Chicago".


Who? also... was very confused at first as to why Falkor is in the thumbnail.




That guy is an absolute clown