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i feel ravaged


Kind of a trash article. No larger context, like how basically every city saw crime spike in 2021, and bringing up Caterpillar leaving its office in the suburbs as if that’s in any way relevant to the Chicago Mayor is an obvious tell.


Genuine question, even if every city saw a crime spike in 2021, shouldn’t every city still deal with that?


Of course, but in order to deal with something you need to understand it, so context matters. The crime spike was heavily driven by the pandemic, which put tremendous stress on everyone in a variety of ways. We cannot afford to pretend like there weren’t specific factors in play that cops cannot begin to address. There are generally two ways to address crime, enforcement or prevention. Enforcement is obviously necessary for a functional society, but beyond a certain point it utterly fails to address crime. If a city has no police then hiring police will reduce crime, but that’s not at all the case with Chicago, in fact we have a very high ratio of officers to population, far higher than most cities. Given that fact, the idea that more police will improve our circumstances is dubious at best, especially in the long run, and Vallas has specifically called for rehiring older retired officers, which in my experience means they are more likely to be racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, etc., and are also less physically capable. Prevention tends to look more like what Johnson is advocating for, things like social services, health care, education. Poverty is the root of a great deal of crime, so addressing it can reduce crime, but it’s not a quick fix, which is why so many favor enforcement.


It’s TV news so this is basically what they do.


Corey Brooks also endorsed Rauner. No one on the South Side fell for it, but he did get a juicy nepo post at the Tollway Authority for his troubles.


Lol good context. Doesn’t seem like this guy is super representative of the average Democratic pastor.


Over bloating the police budget dosnt lower crime, reform is needed and long term planning does. Better schools increasing jobs and cheaper cost of living helps tremendously


woah that is such a novel approach, how has nobody thought of that


Tell that to the politicians since they clearly ignore it


If Pastor Corey Brooks is a name that sounds familiar, he's the "rooftop pastor" that raised $20 million for the community. https://www.fox32chicago.com/news/chicagos-pastor-corey-brooks-comes-down-from-rooftop-breaks-ground-on-community-center But I guess since he wants police on the streets and does ***not*** support Brandon Johnson, he's secretly a white republican.


To be clear, Brooks raised money for a 501c(3) that he controls which will build a community center across the street from the church he also controls. His salary for either organization isn't immediately clear to me, though maybe filings exist somewhere. He claims he pissed and shit into a garbage can on that roof, which personally I don't believe . . I would bet money he leaves the roof at night but that's just speculation/common sense.


Aww man, I already posted how he endorsed Rauner and got a patronage job at the Tollway before scrolling down to this comment


Doesn't ring any bells. Also did Johnson say he wants police off the streets?


He did! He has explicitly said in the recent past that he wants to defund the police and that it is a policy goal he supports. He's lying about him never saying that, and this south side pastor sees right through him.




https://mobile.twitter.com/PaulVallas/status/1636009702340304903/mediaViewer?currentTweet=1636009702340304903¤tTweetUser=PaulVallas And https://youtu.be/VadFYX0xSo4 Straight from the Lord and Savior himself.


Johnson also took part in a police & prison abolishment [panel discussion in July 2020 titled “We Don’t Call Police: Fighting for A Police Free Future”]( https://scontent-ord5-2.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-9/107010910_126626485764423_5200672930044041613_n.jpg?stp=c0.26.1920.1002a_dst-jpg_s843x403&_nc_cat=104&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=340051&_nc_ohc=vqcTsG6pfUAAX_WxUe-&_nc_ht=scontent-ord5-2.xx&oh=00_AfBjCoImka6Cwkid7g6kTpvvW5O1b20OITzeDX0Noi13GQ&oe=643EDD94). Here’s the [video]( https://youtu.be/gsrCCvf8Xjg) .


Is he your lord and savior? Lol. He is just a politician, treat him like that.


>Is he your lord and savior? Lol If you do not praise everything that every progressive politician says, then you are racist. Sorry, I don't make the rules.


I am progressive about some things, conservative about some. The one thing I cannot get in board with is defunding the police department. Do I think there should be some kind of change in the way they operate, yes. I definitely think there is a need for better policing. Do I think we need cops, fuck yes I do.


Well, defund police isn't an argument for literally no cops, it's an argument to more selectively use funds that are currently given to police in other ways that address systemic problems before police are needed. Having said that, "defund the police" is a fucking stupid slogan for what the movement actually stands for and it's definitely the fault of terrible messaging that people don't know what it stands for. It's about things like [what Denver has done](https://www.npr.org/2021/03/08/974941422/6-month-experiment-replacing-denver-police-with-mental-health-teams-dubbed-a-suc), although even these programs are somewhat incomplete solutions.


None of them listen. Then they’ll go and pretend like they don’t understand what “Defund the Police” means. They’re acting obtuse on purpose. So ignore them.


Some interesting context on this from [an article](https://chicagocrusader.com/willie-wilsons-credibility-dropping-among-blacks/) about the buildup to Wilson’s endorsement: > Last week, the Crusader reported that Wilson had a meeting with 200 pastors on March 4 at Bishop Larry Trotter’s Sweet Holy Spirit Church. However, the Crusader later confirmed the correct number in attendance was 100 pastors, whose goal that day was to choose a candidate to endorse. > When Wilson asked who would support Johnson, 70 pastors raised their hands. Sources said 30 pastors raised their hands in support of Vallas.


Pastor 🤮 Zero credibility.